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Emma Stowe

5th Hour
Blink Chapter 1 Seminar

1. In the novel Blink, Gladwell mentions, If we couldnt thin-slice - if you

really had to know someone for months and months to get at their true selves -
then Apollo 13 would be robbed of its drama and Splash would not be funny
(Gladwell 46). Is there anyone who you look up to, who if you got to know them
you might not have the same impression of them? Who is it and why do you look
up to them?
Being an artist, I look up to a lot of musicians for what they write and how they come
across to the public. I look up to Amy Winehouse even though she was never a good
role model for me as a person. I looked up to what her lyrics read, what she stood for
and how passionate she was about what she sang. She put true feeling behind her
work which is what any good artist should do. If I were able to meet her, she probably
wouldnt come across the way I imagine her to be. Its the idea of thin slicing that makes
a person almost look better than they really are. The article states, youve only seen him
in the movies, playing a wide range of different characters (Gladwell 46). When we see
someone in their element doing what they love its a lot easier to look up to someone
and admire them that way. We see less of who they really are and more of the person
we want them to be. This could be a negative thing in many ways but also a positive
thing because we can look past what the people closest to them really see.

2. Do you think Gottmans theory on marriage is accurate? Do you think the

types of people involved in the relationship (such as persistent or forgiving
people) skew his results?
Based on the information given about Gottmans theory I believe it to be quite
accurate. It makes sense that even little things like defensiveness, whining, and
stonewalling could lead to problems later in the relationship. Sure these problems might
start off small, for example the argument about the dog. But, eventually these symptoms
will start occurring more frequently which will lead to a failing relationship. However, I do
think some people can have a large factor on how they want their relationship to be.
Some people are very forgiving, loyal, or even very passionate. If its hard for someone
to move on, couples may just continue to fight but the marriage might not end. But on
the other hand, the fact that the marriage is unhealthy can be declared by Gottmans
theory in my eyes. I think Gottman could predict this because he is not making snap
judgements. While some snap judgements can be accurate Gottman is collecting a lot of
data and evidence. Hes sitting down with his computer and painstakingly analyzing
videotapes second by second. His work is a classic example of conscious and deliberate
thinking (Gladwell 23).
3. The novel mentions that a study was done to determine whether a doctor
had been sued or had not been. It came down to those who sounded more
dominant were predicted to have been sued and those who had a more concerned
voice had not been sued. Do you think this theory applies to other professions. If
so, what careers?
Personally I think any career where you are one on one with somebody its much
easier to develop personal feelings about that person before you really know them.
Sure its not always the best thing to make assumptions, but often are assumptions
arent too far off. Other professions where this same aspect might come into play are
therapists, psychologists, real estate agents, and nurses as well in relation to the
medical field. All of these areas often have to be one on one with their customer or
patient. Often if the person working is just acting like you are in a line of others waiting
on a never ending assembly line and are doing it just to get it done or for the money I
dont think anyone would have positive instincts about these people. Its important to be
kind hearted and try to connect with those who you dont even know and may not ever
see again. People want a connection, they want to feel special. The article states, But in
the end it comes down to a matter of respect, and the simplest way that respect is
communicated is through tone of voice (Gladwell 43).

4. When Gladwell talks about Gottmans experiment, he goes on talking about

how contempt can be a single factor in determine whether a relationship will last.
Do you think there are other factors that can do the same thing? Explain.
I think most of the factors relating to a failing marriage to come down to ideas similar to
contempt. I think the only other factors really that can predict a marriage like that is
major issues. I think single handedly if you act superior to your partner that is a huge
issue. But, if you start to develop problems relating to children, money, or work this
could also be the end of the road in your relationship. Marriages are buffeted by more
important things, like money and sex and children and jobs and in laws, in constantly
changing combinations (Gladwell 20). While all of these major issues may cause a
marriage to burn to the ground, I think a lot of these problems can truly become
problems because of contempt itself.

5. Of the five characteristics on the big five personality test which do you
think is easiest to thin slice a person based on their room? Extraversion,
agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, or openness to new
Personally I think that conscientiousness is easiest to see based on a persons room.
You can see how organized they are and if they have things set a particular way. They
were more accurate at measuring conscientiousness, and they were much more
accurate at predicting both the students emotional stability and their openness to new
experiences (Gladwell 36). I think if we were to look at a different scenario, a different
characteristic might be easier to measure. For example if we talked to someone for
one minute we might be best a measuring extraversion. Each scenario we test may
come back with slightly different results but overall I think we can thin slice pretty well
based off our prior experience with hundreds of different people.

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