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Natasha Wilson

April 22, 2017


Big Topic Writing Assignment 4 - Global Problems, Local Solutions

We live in a world where nearly all global problems are being caused by the same

source, humans. One issue we have all heard loud and clear over the past several years

is global climate change. Global climate change is the rise in average surface

temperatures on earth(Climate Change.. n.d.). The shifting weather patterns are rising

sea levels (increasing risk of catastrophic flooding), threatens food production, melting

ice worldwide, and impacting many different species globally(Climate Change.. n.d.).

Another issue our society faces is habitat destruction. Many plants and animals are

loosing their homes due to deforestation(Impact of habitat loss on species.. n.d.).

Habitat loss may be the biggest threat to the many different types of life on this planet to

this day(Impact of habitat loss on species.. n.d.). Degradation is mainly caused by

agricultural land expansion, timber harvesting, fuel purposes and other forest products

(Habitat Loss.. n.d.). Urbanization, population growth tourism, and industrialization

are all also factors of deforestation (Habitat Loss.. n.d.). Many species are loosing their

homes because of the expansion of human needs- although soon there will be no where

else to expand (Habitat Loss.. n.d.). Loss of habitat is the biggest threat our closest

living relatives face(Impact of habitat loss on species.. n.d.)

. Many primates are going extinct because their ecosystems are being effected; whether

it is loss of habitat of loss of biodiversity(Impact of habitat loss on species.. n.d.). Loss

of biodiversity is another dilemma we face on our earth(Causes of the loss of

biodiversity.. n.d.). Biodiversity is the numerous varieties of life in our world or in a

specific ecosystem/habitat. Biodiversity is the foundation of an ecosystem, it is every

little species that is a part of it (Causes of the loss of biodiversity.. n.d.). The main

reason for loss of biodiversity can be traced to the influence us human beings have on

the worlds ecosystem (Causes of the loss of biodiversity.. n.d.). Alteration and loss of

habitats can cause loss of biodiversity because not only is there a loss of vegetable and

plant species, but there is also a decrease in the animal species that are associated to that

habitat, thus decreasing a biodiversity (Causes of the loss of biodiversity.. n.d.).

Pollution is also a factor that plays a role in biodiversity loss (Causes of the loss of

biodiversity.. n.d.). Human activities influence the natural environment by producing

effects that alter the flow of energy, changing the chemical and physical structure of the

environment (Causes of the loss of biodiversity.. n.d.). Biodiversity is extremely

important because all species are linked someway or another with each other in an

ecosystem (Causes of the loss of biodiversity.. n.d.). Disrupting biodiversity even in

the smallest forms can effect hundreds of different living and non living species that

share the same habitat, and even some that dont (Causes of the loss of biodiversity..

n.d.). With all these threats to our neighbors on this earth we urgently need
conservation, sustainability and environmentally responsible behaviors. Conservation is

is the protection of the natural environment, ecosystems, vegetation and wildlife

(Nature News. n.d.). Conservations main goal is to preserve and protect those factors

from being disturbed or even defunct. Sustainability is the practice of keeping the

ecology balanced(What is sustainability?. n.d.). Examples of sustainability are almost

anything that helps protect our environment such as: recycling, reducing water, and

reducing power consumption ("What Is Sustainability and Why Is It Important?. n.d.).

Environmentally responsible behaviors is exactly what it sounds like; the method of

knowing the consequences of your actions, thus maybe influencing a behavior that is

environmentally acceptable (Kaplan. 2000). These behaviors are basically just acting

sustainable and being aware and cautious of your actions for they may be damaging to

our environment (Kaplan. 2000). Conservation, sustainability, and environmentally

responsible behaviors (ERB) may be the only hope for solving our global problems, that

being said, they must be encouraged before it is too late.

With these problems becoming more and more of an issue its important to note

that you can make a difference, even if it is just in your community. Salt Lake

Community college offers a hand full of environmental science classes that can help you

get a better understanding the importance of sustainability and conservation and also

how to practice them("SLCC Catalog.. n.d.). Salt Lake Community College is practicing

sustainability by utilizing all LED lamps and luminaries, and upgrading ESCOs at every
campus (Facilities Services.. n.d.). They also have a variety of trash/recycle bins set up

making it easier for students and teachers to separate their waste easier. The city of Sale

Lake also offers many opportunities to help conserve our environment. There are many

volunteer opportunities in helping keeping our community clean, and also ecofriendly.

A few years ago every household was given a recycling trash bin, influencing the

importance of practicing sustainability. The state of Utah also has many different

opportunities for people to practice conservation and sustainability because of our vast

diversion of land we have(Volunteer in Utah|The Nature Conservancy.. n.d.).

It is never to late to recognize and take action on helping conserve our planet.

Conservation, sustainability, and environmentally responsible behaviors (ERB) are all

great examples of how to keep peace and harmony on our ecosystem here on earth.

These examples are extremely important to primatologist because they may be the only

answer in keeping our closest living relatives alive. Our global issues are just getting

worse, so now is the time to take action and help end our human made problems. The

general public needs to be more aware of these issues because although, it may not be

affecting us directly now, it will eventually if we do not take action. I always knew we

had some urgent global problems, but now that I have a better understanding of them I

feel like I can take action more effectively. One important action Im going to urge

myself to take is sharing the information Ive learned. More people need to be informed

of the changes going on in our world, that way they too can be influenced to make a
difference. Another plan I have is to practice more eco-friendly traditions. I hope to ride

my bike more often, take shorter showers, use less electricity, and recycle more. I know

my actions alone wont end our global problems, but they can influence others around

me and as a group we can make a difference.

Works Cited
"Causes of the loss of biodiversity." Eniscuola. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2017. <http://


biodiversity/causes- of-the-loss-of-biodiversity/>.

"Climate Change." United Nations. United Nations, n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2017. <http://


"Facilities Services." Sustainability | SLCC. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2017. <https://


"Habitat Loss." National Wildlife Federation. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2017. <https://


"Impact of habitat loss on species." WWF. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2017. <http://



Kaplan, Stephen. "Human Nature and Environmentally Responsible Behavior." Journal

of Social Issues 56 (2000): 491-508. Web. 23 Apr. 2017. http://



Nature News. Nature Publishing Group, n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2017. <https://


"SLCC Catalog." Program of Study: Environmental Science and Sustainability: CP (CTE)

- Salt Lake Community College - Acalog ACMS. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2017.


"Volunteer in Utah | The Nature Conservancy." In Utah | The Nature Conservancy.

N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2017.



"What is sustainability?" Global Foot Prints. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2017. <http://


"What Is Sustainability and Why Is It Important?" EnvironmentalScience.org. N.p., n.d.

Web. 23 Apr. 2017.


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