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How ef fective

is the

QUESTION 2: combination of
your main
products and
ancillar y texts?

We have been able to create three separate products that work

ef fectively as a marketing package, containing similar aspects
whilst also having an individual style to enable the distinction
between the trailer, poster and magazine cover advertising our film
The Eye of the Bully.

Within our narrative we aimed to present dif ferent side of our main
character Riley -Mae, in order to challenge the common perceptions
our audience may make at the beginning; we have carried this
through our production package by creating dif ferent images of
Riley -Mae, from the attractive model of Ariana Van Biljon, within in
our magazine cover showing the bully aspect within the narrative
to the isolation of Riley -Mae as she sits on a log in a park
showing the vulnerability of the character within the narrative. By
including these characteristics within our marketing package, we
have hopefully been able to suggest the dif ferent sides we aim to
portray within our film. This ultimately breaks the convention of
having the stereotypical bully character as a vulnerable character
constructing a unique narrative for our film.
Trailer ad Film Poster

In the narratives of the trailer and poster we worked with the unifying
rural colours (shown below) from local locations to present an
atmosphere that is sombre and mundane to suggest the vulnerability
of our main character. To conform to typical ideas in the teen drama
genre we used conventional settings, whilst reducing the saturation
and using blue tones to also align with conventions of the social
realism genre.
By doing so across all mediums, we were able to create a unified
marketing image this allowed us to implement mediums which
could ef fectively complement each other through similar tones used.

(Poster) (Trailer)
Magazine Cover

Initially by choosing Filmmaker to replicate our magazine cover, meaning

that we would focus on the actress (Ariana) rather than her character, we
were able to maintain a mean girl aspect, that we carried from the
beginning of the trailer. This is depicted through her serious expression as we
have decided to place her facing the camera lens. Additionally, it is through
her raised head that gives of f a sense of dominant control adhering to the
mean girl per sona that is reminiscent of the character of Regina George from
the teen drama film Mean Girls. Although by doing so we were able to
emphasis the bully character, we created from the trailer, shown through
the close-up low angles of Riley -Mae, it can also be seen that through this we
have created a dif ferentiation from our other products in which we have
created a meek looking character.

(Yellow jumper) (Limited eye makeup with glimmering eye

We used a plain back ground, reducing the saturation to allow Arianas
jumper to stand out in a vibrant fashion. This allowed us to also draw
attention to her limited makeup exposing her as an attractive actress. This
allowed us to maintain a mean girl look for Ariana creating a unified
marketing image of the school bully.
We used bold fonts, retrieved from dafonts.com which allowed
us to create a modern impact, common with teen dramas. The
minimalist design with tracking was easy to replicate
throughout the different products enabling our audience to
visually recognise our products creating an identity.

(The Perks of Being a Wall>lower Title on Film Poster) (This is England Tile on Film Poster)

It can be seen that this sense of identity is common within both

genres (social realism and teen drama) such as This is England
and The Perks of Being a Wallflower (examples above), and
therefore by using the same fonts across all products we are
replicating this technique.

We have clearly linked the three products by using the either of

our two main fonts Kenyan Coffee and Tall Dark and
Handsome. Additionally, bold colours black and white have
been used throughout each product to enforce repetition
through visible recognition.
The modern font Kenyan Coffee was used in all three products
for titles, (title of the name of our product [shown left] and for
the magazine cover, the headline)

(Trailer) (Poster) (Magazine Cover)


A m ain marketing image was also used to combine our products into a unifying
fi l m p ac kag e to p ro m ote T h e E ye o f t h e B u l l y . B y p re s e nt i ng t h e m ai n c h arac te r
we we re able to ex pose to the audie nce who the narrative will follow. We
pre s e nte d bot h a v ulne rable and confide nt c haracte r wit hin all t hre e product s .

(Emma Watson The Perks of

(Emma Watson Glamour (Hailee Stein>led The Edge of (Hailee Steinfeld Harper by
Being a Wall>lower Film
Magazine 2012) Seventeen 2016) Harper Bazar Magazine 2016)
Poster 2012)

For bot h t he magaz ine cove r and t he film poste r, t he image focuse s on t he main
c haracte r/act re ss; and whilst t he t raile r pre se nt s addit ional c haracte r, it cont ains
a cons is te ncy of focus on t h e c h aracte r of Riley -Mae . T h e focus on t h e m ain
c haracte r is promine nt wit hin many te e n drama films. For example , by using a
H o lly wo o d s t ar s uc h as H aile e Ste infe ld or Emma Watson, adver tising pac kages
are s e e n to h ave a focus on t h e s e act re s s e s ( s h own be low) t h e re fore it can be
s e e n t h at we h ave re fle c te d o ur pac kag e s in a s im ilar way.

(Ariana Van Biljon in >ilm poster) (Ariana Van Biljon in magazine


By focusing on the character of Riley -Mae we have been able to

show her vulnerability by exposing her life and reasons behind her
actions. This has been presented in the film poster by using a full-
length shot; Arianas small frame allows her to be viewed as
inferior which is then augmented through her facial expression
presenting her to be uncomfortable and ner vous. This contrasts to
the close up we have used for the magazine cover, Arianas frame
taking up the whole shot. This contrastingly presents her to be
dominant and confident.

Although it can be argued that the contrasting presentation of Ariana

does not allow continuity between all three products within the package,
this is common within the teen drama genre, as the magazine cover of ten
presents the actress rather than the vulnerable, socially awkward
character (as shown above). For instance, Emma Watsons cover in
Glamour Magazine uses dark and bold eyeliner and contouring makeup
Sam does not wear. Additionally, Hailee Steinfeld again has dark eyeliner
and prominent blusher when featuring on Harpers Bazar Magazine cover,
whilst her character of Nadine uses limited makeup, allowing the
confident looking actress to contrast to the ner vous and insecure
character she por trays. We have replicated this presentation to align with
marketing packages within the teen drama genre.

(Emma Watson Glamour (Hailee Steinfeld Harper by

Magazine 2012) Harper Bazar Magazine 2016)
(Ariana Van Biljon in
magazine cover)

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