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Editors Corner

Problems of antihypertensive management: diabetes

mellitus, ethnic differences, organ damage and
resistance to treatment
Alberto Zanchetti

everal problematic aspects of hypertension manage- approaches: the authors report that the benefits of both
ment have been investigated in studies published in types of treatment on all-cause and cardiovascular mortality
the current issue of the Journal of Hypertension. were persistent, but attenuated after discontinuation of
A group of four studies focus on cardiovascular aspects randomized treatment, indicating the importance of
of diabetes and their therapeutic management. In indivi- continuing therapy.
duals from the Maastricht Study, Veugen et al. (pp. 1052 Three studies are focused on ethnic aspects of hyperten-
1060) find that the systolicdiastolic difference in carotid sion. Mokwatsi et al. (pp. 960967) find that already at age
stiffness is increased in type 2 diabetes, probably a result 68 years black boys in South Africa, as compared with
from accelerated arterial wall matrix remodeling, but this white boys from similar schools, have increased arterial
increase is not observed in prediabetes. Dasgupta et al. stiffness in all sections of the arterial tree, along with higher
(pp. 10611069) have studied carotidfemoral pulse wave DBP, carotid intimamedia thickness and advanced glyca-
velocity, as risk indicator, in a cohort of patients with type 2 tion end products. Chiang et al. (pp. 968974) have inves-
diabetes and hypertension and report that physical activity, tigated the association of 25-hydroxyvitamin D and BP in
quantitatively measured by an accelerometer, has an added young adults with African ancestry in the United States,
beneficial value on top of good risk control by cardio- South Africa, Ghana, Jamaica, and Seychelles, reporting
protective medications. Thomopoulos et al. (pp. 922944) that the association is strongest when the vitamin D levels
publish the results of a set of comprehensive meta-analyses are lower than 20 ng/ml. Sherwood et al. (pp. 975981)
comparing the effects of blood pressure (BP)-lowering have tested responsiveness of b-adrenergic and a-adrener-
treatment in hypertensive patients with and without gic receptors in the early stages of hypertension, and
diabetes. Contrary to past recommendations, in diabetes shown that a blunted b-adrenergic responsiveness and
there is little or no further benefit in lowering SBP below an enhanced a-adrenergic responsiveness are especially
130 mmHg, whereas continuing benefit is seen in the evident in African Americans.
absence of diabetes also at SBP below 130 mmHg. Hypertension-associated organ damage is the focus of
Thomopoulos et al. also find that, although all BP-lowering another group of studies. Van Mil et al. (pp. 10261034)
drugs can beneficially be prescribed in hypertensive have studied carotid artery reactivity to a cold pressor test
patients with diabetes, there are some additional cardio- and reported that lower carotid reactivity is associated with
vascular and renal benefits by including a reninangioten- older age and number of cardiovascular risk factors. As
sin system blocker in the treatment program. Kumarathurai carotid reactivity is correlated with coronary artery
et al. (pp. 10701078) have investigated whether the responses to the cold pressor test, the authors suggest
BP-lowering effect of the GLP-1 receptor agonist liraglutide, carotid reactivity may represent a valuable technique to
as previously shown in clinical trials using office BP assess cardiovascular risk. Agabiti Rosei and Rizzoni
measurements, is also supported by ambulatory BP (pp. 914921) review the considerable evidence accumu-
measurements, and report no BP-lowering effect of liraglu- lated in recent years, also through their personal work, that
tide could be demonstrated in a small placebo-controlled changes in microvascular structure (mostly subcutaneous
trial using 24-h ambulatory BP monitoring. In an editorial, small resistance arteries) may have a significant prognostic
Nilsson (pp. 953954) comments that the cardiovascular relevance, and remark that new techniques for the
benefits so far demonstrated by liraglutide and other
GPL-receptor agonists remain enigmatic, and suggests
Journal of Hypertension 2017, 35:903904
the effects of these compounds on central hemodynamics
Centro Interuniversitario Fisiologia Clinica e Ipertensione, Universita` degli Studi di
and aortic stiffness should be investigated. Randomized Milano, and Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Milan, Italy
controlled trials of BP and lipid lowering are also the Correspondence to Professor Alberto Zanchetti, Istituto Auxologico Italiano IRCCS
objective of a meta-analysis of Hirakawa et al. (pp. 905 and Centro Interuniversitario di Fisiologia Clinica e Ipertensione, Universita` degli
Studi di Milano, Via F. Sforza, 35, 20122 Milano, Italy. Tel: +39 02 50320484;
913), who have identified 13 BP-lowering and 10 lipid- e-mail: alberto.zanchetti@unimi.it; alberto.zanchetti@auxologico.it
lowering trials with a prolonged follow-up after the J Hypertens 35:903904 Copyright 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights
termination of the randomized treatment, thus allowing reserved.
the evaluation of the long-term effects of these therapeutic DOI:10.1097/HJH.0000000000001334

Journal of Hypertension www.jhypertension.com 903

Copyright 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

evaluation of microvascular morphology in the retina may the management of resistant hypertension. In another study
represent a noninvasive technique allowing a more exten- on renal denervation, Tsioufis et al. (pp. 11001108) report
sive predictive use of microvascular changes. In an accom- that in a group of hypertensive patients with the metabolic
panying editorial, Heagerty (pp. 945946) suggests that syndrome, this procedure does not only reduce elevated
also confocal microscopy of the nail fold vasculature muscle sympathetic activity at rest, but also restores its
may be an alternative noninvasive approach. The cardio- responsiveness to a standard glucose tolerance test, without
vascular predictive role of renal microvascular dysfunction significantly changing, however, the HOMA-IR response.
has been investigated by Nemcsik et al. (pp. 11091118) in There are other interesting studies in the current issue of
patients with nondialyzed chronic kidney disease. They the Journal, touching other aspects of hypertension
report that postocclusive reactive hyperemia assessed by research. Scheepers et al. (pp. 982993) have done
laser Doppler flowmetry has a predictive role, but the cross-sectional analyses in school-age children from the
robustness of traditional risk factors outweighs the predic- Dutch KOALA Birth Cohort Study, and found that uric acid
tive role of microvascular biomarkers. In commenting these and the ratios of uric acid/xanthine and xanthine/
data, Bruneau (pp. 958959) remarks that, nonetheless, hypoxanthine were significantly associated with DBP,
Nemcsik et al.s findings offer promise for the potential use suggesting that both uric acid concentration and increased
of laser Doppler flowmetry as an early assessment tool to xanthine oxidase activity are associated with BP. The cur-
detect subclinical microvascular dysfunction in the kidney. rent interest in the relationships between uric acid and BP is
Alterations in fibrin clot properties are described in hyper- also witnessed by another study on this topic: Saladini et al.
tensive patients with, but not without, obstructive sleep (pp. 9941001), in a cohort of young to middle-aged study
apnea by Jozwik-Plebanek et al. (pp. 10351043): the participants prospectively followed up for about 11 years,
relationship of these clot alterations with sleep apnea are report that serum uric acid was a predictor of hypertension,
supported by their improvement after 3 months with con- and suggest that exercise may counteract the mechanisms
tinuous positive airway pressure treatment. In an accom- involved in the association between hyperuricemia and
panying editorial, Doumas et al. (pp. 950952) comment future hypertension.
that it would be really important and clinically meaningful Three studies focus on problems of BP measurement.
to assess the link of fibrin clot properties with severity of Benmira et al. (pp. 10021010), considering that the widely
obstructive sleep apnea. Cognitive decline is another of the used oscillometric methods only measure mean BP and
possible complications of hypertension in the elderly, and estimate SBP and DBP using various undisclosed algo-
Li et al., (pp. 10441051) have explored executive and rithms, present a new technique measuring the time interval
memory abilities in a group of elderly hypertensive patients from the foot to the apex of the SBP peak of the oscillo-
(and controls) in the context of a functional magnetic metric signal, which in their study yielded excellent corre-
resonance study, finding a relationship between worsening lations with SBP values determined by the auscultatory
of cognitive function and altered patterns of activation of method. Vinyoles et al. (pp. 10111018), analyzing data
fronto-parietal cortex. from the large Spanish Ambulatory BP Monitoring Registry,
The problem of resistance to treatment is dealt with in report that a 24-h ambulatory pulse pressure of 50 mmHg
three studies in the current issue. Schneider et al. is the value that best corresponds to an office pulse pressure
(pp. 10861092) have conducted a randomized double- 60 mmHg. Shaw et al. (pp. 10191025) have tested the
blind trial in 51 patients with treatment-resistant hyperten- reliability of a sit-to-stand manoeuvre to diagnose ortho-
sion, comparing a similar BP reduction produced either by static hypotension in cases where a supine-to-standing
adding the mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist eplere- manoeuvre cannot be performed, and suggest that a SBP
none or other antihypertensive agents. After a 6-month drop at least 15 mmHg or a DBP drop at least 7 mmHg are
follow-up only patients allocated to eplerenone had a useful criteria. These results are discussed in an accompa-
significant reduction of left ventricular mass (precisely nying commentary by Casiglia and Jordan (pp. 947949),
measured by magnetic resonance imaging). These interest- who remark that the lower BP threshold for diagnosis
ing data suggest the mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists mandates particularly careful BP measurements, and
should be used preferentially to achieve an effective suggest that, whenever possible, the usual supine-to-
reduction of left ventricular hypertrophy in difficult to treat upright test should be applied.
hypertensive patients. Rosa et al. (pp. 10931099) publish Finally, Murata et al. (pp. 10791085) review a large
the 24-month results of a randomized trial in true resistant number of consecutive cases of primary aldosteronism and
hypertension (elevated BP confirmed by ambulatory conclude that cases with plasma aldosterone within the
monitoring, treatment with more than five drugs, adher- normal range are associated with a lower cardio and
ence to treatment verified at baseline), showing that renal cerebrovascular risk than cases with high plasma aldoster-
denervation was well tolerated and without any serious one concentrations.
adverse effects, but its BP-lowering effect was not superior
to that of intensified medical treatment including spirono- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
lactone. In an accompanying editorial, Hamdidouche and
Boutouyrie (pp. 955957) discuss whether renal denerva- Conflicts of interest
tion can be considered as an alternative or a complement in There are no conflicts of interest.

904 www.jhypertension.com Volume 35  Number 5  May 2017

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