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The Hermit You withdrew from the outer world for the purpose of

activating your unconscious mind and awakening your "inner" Self. Ask and
it will be given seek and you will find knock at the door and it will be
opened to you. Guidance and help are always available. A teacher, a
therapist, your own dreams or a spiritual guide evoked from within yourself
will show you how to begin the process and help you find your way. The
ultimate responsibility is yours seek "inner" counsel about the future. Seek
answers to your questions. You can solve the situation by experimenting
just take it easy and use discretion until you are completely sure.

The hermit may withdraw from society to shut out distractions in order to complete spiritual and
temporal work but, he never withdraws from humanity. He continues to give shelter and
blessings to travellers, he gives wisdom to the knight on his spiritual quest and he is an example
the guide, always assisting others in transforming their lives. He is someone you trust without
reserve, someone you love without limit he reduces the energy around himself to silence,
understanding the higher sphere of spiritual harmony choosing to create light, silence and
certainty. Belief is a feeling of certainty. Confidence is the absence of "doubt". Hope is
optimism. Combined they represent the union of thinking, feeling and desire with God
miracles are the fruit of this union.

It is essential to your selfsufficiency to perceive where you are in life and to make critical life
direction decisions by yourself. You have made the climb, made your way from opinion to
opinion, from belief to belief, from experience to experience and you travel the balanced road of
peace. You have come to know the "feeling for truth" and in your heart action and
contemplation are united. Knowledge has become will and will has become knowledge. Use
your work as a spiritual path to achieve your higher destiny. Share your wisdom with those who
follow teach them to discard the useless, unnecessary elements on their path, so that they will
achieve mastery of "Self", representing completion and clarity.

To be yourself derives from choice examining all thought and feeling, then using the light of
your conscious mind and the power of your emotions to concentrate your focus on the results
you want. You use your active imagination to move concepts in and out of your mind and
project the images in the direction you desire. Your imagination bridges the gaps. Instinctive
knowledge and self-realization come from riding your emotions, which lead you to further
creative psychological activity. You learn who you are through your creations. If you wish to
move forward arrange your life in a way that will allow you to approach any study in a special
way, for only then will you experience ecstasy. Take your time and do your work right with
correct planning, properly sowing, constant nurturing and timely harvesting.

Confront and pass through the darkness and mystery that is being presented and enter into the
light. A guide will appear at the start of your journey, after you have found the strength to begin.
Your mind is rich with symbols, with joy, with the light and love of the spirit. Before you can
comprehend these things you must first experience "silence". Seek out the spirit guide who will
teach you to heal and help you in your selfdiscoveries. Look carefully at the people around you
and through your techniques of meditation, psychic discipline and analysis the hidden parts of
the psyche will be allowed to speak to you as you open yourself to your "inner" awareness
transferring your thoughts and attention from "getting and spending" to your "inner" needs. To
achieve this requires emotional withdrawal from the people and "activities" which you consider
"all important". When you are involved in helping others find understanding focus your
thoughts on your role as a guide and teacher.

Withdrawal in order to get a wider and more objective perspective. The mind's ability to create
duality and acceptance of the responsibility to resolve it. An "eye" for an "I," the ability of self
to see self, which is impossible without the background of other. Proper memories of the Past
balanced with proper projections for the Future. The ability to see inward as well as outward and
in equal portions. Formulation of personal philosophy and goals. An important mental pause, a
plateau after a significant period of development (assimilating others' views), before going on.
Wisdom gained through solitude and silence; the sage in mental seclusion. The gifts of patience
and prudence. The impact of instincts on mental processes abates and the impact of intuition
increases. Where you have leaned heavily on the situations surrounding your birth package and
the conditions of your environment you now take charge and consciously begin to affect and
effect your own future. Your sense of time and purpose is strong as you seek to know and
implement the purpose of this incarnation. You begin to realize the contents of your Karmic
Contract and to plan and act accordingly. Foundation of the healthy Ego. Autonomy.
Formulation of beliefs.

Questions to Answer: What are you doing with the time you have to yourself? What are you
looking for or what do you need to know? Who can help you find out? What concerns about
time do you have? What do you need to keep silent about? What would be the prudent thing to
do? What do you need to complete?

Special Messages based on Card Position:

In the first position Here is the philosophical detective. Chronus, Father Time himself, with
his hour glass to check on the rhythm of things. You may well be an ascetic, if such is the
severity of your search for the truth. You may also be in the mainstream, as a principled teacher
or objective researcher.

In the second position Your material environment has been personalized to a tee and fits you
like a glove. When you shift, so does your entire environment, so natural an extension of you is
it. This also means that you are lean and mean, having nothing that you do not require to support
your beliefs. Thus, in a very pragmatic sense, efficiency is your great resource and the physical
foundation on which you build.

In the third position The arrival of a guide or teacher. Be prepared to meet yourself for this
can be one of your past lives. In effect, you coming to guide yourself with this matter at hand.
Whatever the personification of the source of this message, this brings you closer to the belief
system that is specifically correct to carry you forward on your path. This is the dialect of the
philosophical language of truth which will best suit you.

In the fourth position Here was born a love of knowledge and an appetite for the search. The
dominate passion is intellectual, fostering a love of books, computers and the like.
In the fifth position You have come to the realization of your position, of what you have to
teach. You accept that you are in the vanguard of the school of thought to which you subscribe.
You are mentally in business for yourself, actively pursuing your own course. A declaration of
independence. You may think of yourself as a scribe.

In the sixth position The heart agrees with mind and you see the effect on relationships, on
sex, on your creative projects. The heart may even be putting pressure on the Emotional Plane
and its contents to conform to beliefs.

In the seventh position Your belief system comes together in a stronger way than ever before.
Now you can draw up your master plan in ink. If they have solidified before now, here are the
trials of sustaining, amplifying, expounding your theories and seeing if they stand the test of time
and life.

In the eighth position Your ideology is changing your life fundamentally as it comes to the
forefront. You may or may not be seeking actual isolation but you are going through changes
in things like diet, exercise, routine and clothes. In short, much of your taste is being
transformed by your beliefs. You are beginning to walk your talk becoming a living witness to
your truth. You may even begin to make your living directly from your beliefs.

In the ninth position Your heart is surrendering to the assigned task, the responsibility that
has come with the knowledge. You have been efficient learning your lessons and now as a
reward, you have an expanded role. This corresponds to the sense of a walkin with whom we
share/trade tasks as with members of our group, in some cases devoting ourselves to self purpose
from past lives. The heart here is dedicating itself to helping fulfill the beliefs.

In the tenth position Getting The Hermit at the spiritual level is suitably paradoxical, for it
means that no seclusion of any kind is needed no physical dropping out and wandering naked
in the wilderness like the Hindu avadhutas in India, no emotional hiding from loved ones by
changing our names and moving to Alaska and no retreat into a mental fog impenetrable even at
a busy faculty tea. Why? Because all of the lessons that are learned by such physical, emotional
and mental seclusion are being handed to you by grace.

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