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Nature Fit-Course Outline

Week 1-Miscellanous
o M: Syllabus
o T: Pre-fitness Walk Test
o W: Daily Dozen, Stretches, Bootcamp or Hike
o Th: Parcourse groups
Groups of 4 need to go around campus and
create their own parcourse (Part of
participation grade)
Explain what parcourse is (introduction to
Week 2)
o Discussion for the week importance of
exercising outside
Week 2-Paracourse Week
o Discussion
Different ways you can exercise outside of
the gym
Using what is given to you outside
o Activity: group each day takes us on their
parcourse trail
Week 3-Structured Sports
o Discussion
What is sport specialization
Staying active when older
Importance of playing with others (working
with others in everyday life)
o Activity: Different sports each day: football,
basketball, soccer, volleyball, etc.
Week 4- Biking and Hiking
o Discussion:
Getting in touch with nature
Carbon footprint
o Activity: Mix it up so we are not biking 4 days a
week and instead 2 and 2. If allowed?
Week 5-Play
o Discussion
Importance of play
Teach how to have fun while working out
(working out should be enjoyable)
o Activity: fun games like kickball, capture the flag,
Ultimate Frisbee, relay races, Zumba etc.
Week 6-Relaxation
o Discussion
Effects of stress and sleep (Use ASCM book)
o Activities: Yoga, Tai Chi, Self Defense hikes, etc.
o Also this week: Post fitness-walk test

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