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2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content


2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

O2 em H2-Segurana do Processo
O2 em Cl2-Qualidade do Produto
Analisador a laser
Resposta Rapida- <2 Segundos
Estvel- Calibrao Anual
Resistente- Sem contato com
2900 amostra
In Situ - Sem contato com amostra
Pouca manuteno
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

H2 em Cl2-Qualidade do Produto

H2 +Cl2 = 2HCl, 2HCl/2 = H2

Estvel- interferenia cruzada =0
Resistente- contato com amostra-
celula de Hastelloy
2500 HCl + Conversor Resposta Rapida-Melhor do que com
TC (termocondutividade)
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

H2 em Cl2-Qualidade do Produto
Diagrama de Fluxo da

Ponto de Amostragem
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

H20 em Cl2-Qualidade do Produto

Resposta Rapida-<2 Segundos

Estvel-Calibrao Anual
Resistente- Sem contato com
Sistema no extrativo-IN SITU
Baixo limite de deteo-0.03ppm
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

H2O em Cl2-Qualidade do Produto
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

HCl- Emissoes no Incinerador

Resposta Rapida-<2 Segundos

Estvel-Calibrao Anual
In-Situ-Sem Sistema de Amostragem
Baixa Limite de Deteo-0.05ppm
Relatorio em Base Seca (CONAMA)-
Medio Opcional H2O
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

HCl- Emissoes no Incinerador
Transmissor DN 50 Flanges Receptor
Alinhamento Entrada
Diodo a e Purga de purga Entrada de Detector
gas de

Janela Saida de
gas de calibracao

Gas do
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

LINHA APPLITEK- analisadores diversos de gases e liquidos

Analisadores de Oxigenio

Analisadores de diversos gases em Processo e CEMS

Analisadores de umidade (dew point)

Analisadores de Combusto

Detectores fixos e portateis de cloro para proteo da rea

2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

TONI special (Total Ammonia)

Medio on-line de Total Amonia[amonia (NH3)+monocloramina
(NH2Cl) + dicloramina (NHCl2)] em Ultra-Purified brine
Early Warning
Evita formao de nitrogen trichloride (NCl3)
Evita Exploso do nitrogen trichloride (NCl3)

Medio on-line FAST do hidrogenio (H2) em cloro MIDO (Cl2)

using Multi Wavelength InfraRed ( IR ) Technology
Early Warning
Avoid hydrogen (H2) explosion

by: Chris Du Bois

Safety is not Expensive

It is Priceless !
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,


Gas Chromatography
on-line Analyzer Workshop:
Systems Process
for Safety and Safety
ControlManagement (PSM)
of Chlorine Production Plants
EZ-Brinesulfate EZ-Brinesulfite www.applitek.com
12 17 18
CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. may
range: Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, thatWHY result from implementing
range: PROTECT against Explosion PROTECT Plant against hydrogen Explosion
1.000 mg/l range: 10 / 20 / 200 ppm (H2O)
range: 0 1%vol H2 | 0 5%vol 0.5 20 g/kg meta bisulfite oxygen (O2) in range: 10 / 100 / 1,000 / 5,000 < 30 seconds
O2 | 0 2%vol CO2 | 0 2%vol Na2SO4 (Na2S2O5) DRY Chlorine (Cl2) ppm (NCl3) 10 range: 0 5%vol H2 response time
N2 | 90 2%vol Cl2 (by
by Paramagnetic analyzer
calculation sum all components 11
subtracts from 100 for % Cl2). range: 0 5 %vol
10 10 12

13 14 13
WHY WHY FAST hydrogen (H2) in DRY chlorine (Cl2) moisture (H2O) in DRY chlorine (Cl2)
PROCESS CONTROL SAFETY by multi wavelength INFRARED by Amperometric (P2O5) cell
chlorine (Cl2) in EZ-NCl3
15 13 DRY Chlorine (Cl2) nitrogen trichloride (NCl3)
by multi wavelength UV in DRY chlorine (Cl2)
PROTECT against hydrogen Explosion
EZ-Bleach range: 0 200 ppm vol (H2)
sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) 14
sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) 12
sodium hydroxide (NaOH) 11 10 9
sodium chloride (NaCl)
in sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl)
oxygen (O2) in hydrogen (H2)
by Electrochemical cell
WHY brine QUALITY 18
Up-stream Control Brine Purification
LIMIT dosage of 17 9
hydroxides (NaOH) & carbonates (Na2CO3) 2
1 range: 10 100 ppm (Cl-)

1 8
UPA titrimetric 7
2 points acid / base pH titration
range: 1 g/l NaOH | 1.5 g/l Na2CO3 4 5

Chlorides (Cl-) in causitc soda (NaOH)

Control Brine Filter Cleaning Flush-back Up-stream Control AVOID membrane damage AVOID formation of EARLY WARNING hydrogen detection
nitrogen trichloride (NCl3) PROTECT your Chlorine Plant against hydrogen Explosion
range: 0 50 FTU / NTU range: 20 ppm Ca2+ & Mg2+ range: 0 50 100 ppb
range: 0 10 ppm FAST hydrogen (H2) in WET chlorine (Cl2)
range: 10 ppm Ca2+
Mg2+ by calculation by multi wavelength INFRARED
range: 1000 g/l
6 < 30 seconds
2 2 3 5 8 response time

EZ-Brinehigh EZ-Brine TONI special (Total Ammonia)

EZ-Brine Total Ammonia
calcium (Ca2+) calcium (Ca2+) &
calcium (Ca2+) [ ammonia (NH3) +
ULTRASONIC & magnesium (Mg2+) magnesium (Mg2+) FAST oxygen (O2) in WET chlorine (Cl2)
& magnesium (Mg2+) monochloramine (NH2Cl) +
TURBIDITY in Pre-purified Brine in Pre-Purified Brine in HCl (36%) dichloramine (NHCl2)] by Alternating Pressure Paramagnetic analyzer
in Ultra-Purified Brine
2013 AppliTek NV / SA
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

Leading supplier of on-line brine analyzer systems

Associated Member Technical Correspondent

Works good, Looks Good

2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

Leading supplier of Safety Critical (Life Saving)

on-line hydrogen analyzer systems

Associated Member Technical Correspondent

Works good, Looks Good

2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

TONI special (Total Ammonia)

on-line Total Ammonia [ ammonia (NH3) + monochloramine (NH2Cl) +
dichloramine (NHCl2)] in Ultra-Purified brine
Early Warning
Prevent formation of nitrogen trichloride (NCl3)
Avoid nitrogen trichloride (NCl3) explosion
AVOID formation of nitrogen trichloride NCl3)

range: 0 10 ppm

TONI special (Total Ammonia)

Total Ammonia [ ammonia (NH3) +
monochloramine (NH2Cl) +
dichloramine (NHCl2)]
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

TONI special (Total Ammonia)

on-line Total Amonia [ amonia (NH3) +

monocloramina (NH2Cl) + dicloramina (NHCl2)] in Ultra-Purified brine

caustic soda Further Chlorine
(NaOH) Processing

Return Brine or Depleted Brine DEPLETED HYDROGEN

Water sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) Filtration Aid
hydroxides (NaOH)

WET chlorine hydrogen

Chemicals (Cl2) (H2)



Salt Raw Saturated Brine Pre-Purified Brine FILTRATION

Cl2 H2
Precipitated Depleted
AVOID formation of nitrogen CaCO3 () Brine _
trichloride (NCl3) Mg(OH)2 ()
range: 0 10 ppm 33%

320 g/l NaCl caustic
Water soda

hydrogen 30%
Saturate NaOH
chloride ACIDIFICATION Ultra-Purified Brine
d Brine
TONI special (Total Ammonia)
Total Ammonia [ ammonia (NH3)

+ monochloramine (NH2Cl)
+ dichloramine (NHCl2)]
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

TONI special (Total Ammonia) on-line Total Ammonia [ ammonia (NH3) + monochloramine
(NH2Cl) + dichloramine (NHCl2)] in Ultra-Purified brine


Prevent formation of Nitrogen trichloride (NCl3) | avoid explosion
Most Chlorine (Cl2) is produced by electrolysis of brine generated by dissolving Sodium
Chloride (NaCl) or Potassium Chloride (KCl) in water (H2O). Side reactions with the Nitrogen
impurities in the salt can lead to the formation of Nitrogen trichloride (NCl3) during the
Chlorine process.

Nitrogen compounds present in the BRINE are the main source for the formation of
Nitrogen trichloride (NCl3).
In certain parts of the Chlorine production, the Chlorine is either liquefied or evaporated.
Due to its lower volatility, the NCl3 accumulates in liquid Chlorine.

Traces of Ammonia (NH3) and other Nitrogen compounds in BRINE can produce NCl3 in
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

TONI special (Total Ammonia) on-line Total Ammonia [ ammonia (NH3) + monochloramine
(NH2Cl) + dichloramine (NHCl2)] in Ultra-Purified brine


Prevent formation of Nitrogen trichloride (NCl3) | avoid explosion
Prevention of Nitrogen trichloride (NCl3) formation:
Approximately 25% of Nitrogen trichloride (NCl3) formed in cells enters the chlorine process (1)
Ammonia in cell feed brine is the major source (1)

Learning from incidents:

Nitrogen trichlorinde incident @ Orica, Yarraville 30 July 1998 (1)
One of the conclusions after investigation was: Inaccurate method and inadequate frequency of analysis
for ammonia in brine

(1)ManagingRisks Nitrogen Trichloride by Shane Fast - Vice President The Chlorine

Institute @ the WORLD chlorine council meeting.

N-compounds + Cl2 NCl3

2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

TONI special (Total Ammonia) on-line Total Ammonia [ ammonia (NH3) + monochloramine
(NH2Cl) + dichloramine (NHCl2)] in Ultra-Purified brine

Measuring Principle TONI special (Total Ammonia)
by Colorimetric analysis (Adapted Berthelot
method conform ASTM 4500-NH3 F)
To determine the total amount of NH3, NH2Cl and
NHCl2, NH2Cl and NHCl2
they have to be converted to NH3. This is done by
adding thiosulphate.

4 NH2Cl + Na2S2O3 + 5 H2O 2 NaHSO4 + 4 NH3 + 4 HCl
2 NHCl2 + Na2S2O3 + 5 H2O 2 NaHSO4 + 2 NH3 + 4 HCl
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

TONI special (Total Ammonia) on-line Total Ammonia [ ammonia (NH3) + monochloramine
(NH2Cl) + dichloramine (NHCl2)] in Ultra-Purified brine

Measuring Principle TONI special (Total Ammonia)

injection of BRINE sample in analyzer

addition of buffer Alkaline
Initial absorbance value is measured at () 630 nm (ABS 1)
addition of color solution
Final Absorbance value is measured at () 630 nm (ABS 2)
calculation of result: Lambert Beers Law ABS = . b. C
= molar absorptivity (l . cm-1. mol-1)
b = path length (cm)
C = concentration (mol/liter)
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

TONI special (Total Ammonia) on-line Total Ammonia [ ammonia (NH3) + monochloramine
(NH2Cl) + dichloramine (NHCl2)] in Ultra-Purified brine


methodology: colorimetric measurement using

adapted Berthelot method
conforms to: ASTM 4500-NH3 F
LED: 630 nm
range: 0 - 2 mg/l NH3
(0 - 10 mg/l NH3 by Sample dilution) ~ 0 50 mg/l N-NH3
higher range by Sample dilution*
detection limit: 100 g/l (for 0-1 mg/l NH3)
precision: < 2% full scale range for standard test solutions
cycle time: 1 cycle/25 minutes
stream selection: 1 stream (up to 3 streams optional)
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

TONI special (Total Ammonia) on-line Total Ammonia [ ammonia (NH3) + monochloramine
(NH2Cl) + dichloramine (NHCl2)] in Ultra-Purified brine Field Example
AnaShell protective shelter
Including single stream
TONI Special (Total Ammonia)
in Ultra-purified brine
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

TONI special (Total Ammonia) on-line Total Ammonia [ ammonia (NH3) + monochloramine
(NH2Cl) + dichloramine (NHCl2)] in Ultra-Purified brine Field Example
AnaShell protective shelter
Including single stream
TONI Special (Total Ammonia)
in Ultra-purified brine
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

Early Warning !

Critical Equipment

Eliminating the risk of hydrogen explosions in chlor-alkali plants

on-line FAST determination of hydrogen (H2) in WET chlorine (Cl2) by Multi-Wavelength INFRARED
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

on-line FAST determination of hydrogen (H2) in WET chlorine (Cl2) by

Multi-Wavelength InfraRed

caustic soda Further Chlorine
(NaOH) Processing

Return Brine or Depleted Brine DEPLETED HYDROGEN

Water sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) Filtration Aid
hydroxides (NaOH)

WET chlorine hydrogen

Chemicals (Cl2) (H2)



Salt Raw Saturated Brine Pre-Purified Brine FILTRATION


Cl2 H2
Sludge Solids
Precipitated Depleted
CaCO3 () Brine + _
Mg(OH)2 ()


EARLY WARNING hydrogen detection BRINE
PROTECT your Chlorine Plant against hydrogen STORAGE
320 g/l NaCl caustic

Explosion Water soda

FAST hydrogen (H2) in WET chlorine (Cl2)

by multi wavelength INFRARED hydrogen 30%
Saturated NaOH
< 30 seconds chloride ACIDIFICATION Ultra-Purified Brine
response time Brine

FAST oxygen (O2) in WET chlorine (Cl2)

by Alternating Pressure Paramagnetic analyzer
Safety is not Expensive
It is Priceless !
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

High H2 present High Energy present

Defined as: General Purpose Zone (NON explosion Proof)

Low voltage High Current = High Energy
High Electrical Current NO electrical Ex Proof Technology possible
Chlorine Electrolysis Process
FAST on-line analysis of Hydrogen (H2) on-line Hydrogen Analyzer system
in WET Chlorine gas to keep the gas
matrix within the flammability limits.

Field Proven Technology

FAST Response (T90 = 15 seconds)
GOOD results during start-up CELL ROOM
HAZOP approved
Safety is not Expensive
It is Priceless !
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

Misconceptions ! Plant SAFETY

Critical Equipment

Hindenburg disaster

hydrogen is a light gas NO RISK

hydrogen is not an hydrocarbon NO RISK
one of your ONLY protections is to have an

May 6, 1937 Lakehurst, New Jersey

Safety is not Expensive on-line hydrogen (H2) in WET chlorine (Cl2) by Multi-Wavelength InfraRed 8
It is Priceless !
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

on-line analyzer system for the FAST determination of hydrogen (H2) in WET chlorine (Cl2)

hydrogen is not waiting to ignite until you

are ready with analysis !!!
Every second counts !!!
Response time of < 35 seconds T90
Do not install an analyzer systems that needs minutes to show results
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

presented by Jean-Pol Debelle (Technical Director Eurochlor)

@ WCC Global Safety Team meeting in Dubai, UAE
October 24th 2013

Safety is not Expensive

It is Priceless !
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

presented by Jean-Pol Debelle (Technical Director Eurochlor)

@ WCC Global Safety Team meeting in Dubai, UAE
October 24th 2013

Safety is not Expensive

It is Priceless !
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

Membrane type Chlorine Production Critical Equipment

on-line H2 in WET Cl2


Safety is not Expensive Courtesy of the Euro Chlor federation, www.eurochlor.org "
It is Priceless !
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

Protect Your plant against HYDROGEN Explosions

Hydrogen Chlorine mixture can be flammable if Hydrogen > 4% (v/v)

WHY ? temperature: 110C / 230F
Gas Chlorine by volume
initial pressure: 1 bar / 15psi
Cell gas
Chlorine 31%vol
Hydrogen 0.2%vol
Water vapor 68.2%vol
Inerts 0.6%vol

typical gas - matrix @ wet chlorine header electrolysis cells: Hydrogen Chlorine
mixture can be
flammable if

> 3 - 4%vol

Safety is not Expensive

It is Priceless !
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

Protect Your plant against HYDROGEN Explosions

Hydrogen Chlorine mixture can be flammable if Hydrogen > 4% (v/v)
typical chlorine gas travel time = 2,5min.

WHY ? Gas chlorine cell gas outlet compressor 50% liquefaction 90% liquefaction
Chlorine 31%vol 97,5%vol 48.7%vol 9.7%vol
Hydrogen 0.2%vol 0.6%vol 1.2%vol 5%vol
water vapor 68.2%vol - - -
Inerts 0.6%vol 1.9%vol 50.1%vol 85.3%vol
REMARK: Liquefaction is a Dynamic
T90 = 15s

T90 = 15s

T90 = 15s

T90 = 15s
process. Dry Air, Nitrogen or even in
some cases CO2 are injected to keep the DRYER 1st LIQUEFACTION 2nd LIQUEFACTION
mixture H2 Cl2 outside the flammable removal of water vapor Cl2 gas condensed Cl2 gas condensed
limits to Liquid Chlorine to Liquid Chlorine
Double system for Safety Double system for Safety

on-line H2 in WET Cl2 on-line H2 in DRY Cl2 on-line H2 in DRY Cl2

Safety is not Expensive
It is Priceless !
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

on-line analyzer system for the FAST determination of hydrogen (H2) in WET chlorine (Cl2)
by Gas-Chromatograph by by
(GC) 1 Thermal Conductivity (TC) 2 Multi-Wavelength INFRARED (MW-IR) 3

Thermal Conductivity Multi-Wavelength INFRARED

+ +
UV light UV light

H2 + Cl2 2 HCl H2 + Cl2 2 HCl

differential measurement H2 and Cl2 is oxidized by UV to HCl
Delta TC before - and after HCl is measured by MW-IR
Discontinuous measurement oxidation by UV UV reactor % HCl stoechiometrically equal to H2 UV reactor

Long analysis time (several min.!)

Selective measurement for H2
Can only be used for Quality Control Not Selective measurement for H2 Calibration Matrix - independable
Cannot be used for Process Control Calibration Matrix - dependable Fast Response (T90 < 20 seconds)
Cannot be used for SAFETY Does not react first 6 12 min. after Shows Good results @ Plant
Complex Technology Plant Start-up
High Maintenance Cannot be used for SAFETY during Best Available Technology
Low Up-time Plant Start-up
Field Proven High Up-time
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

on-line FAST determination of hydrogen (H2) in DRY chlorine (Cl2) by Multi-Wavelength InfraRed
caustic soda
PROTECT Plant against hydrogen Explosion
(NaOH) 20%

< 30 seconds response time

10 range: 0 5%vol H2


sodium 12
(NaOCl) Tail Gas 13
FAST hydrogen (H2) in DRY chlorine (Cl2)
by multi wavelength InfraRed

LIQUID CHLORINE CHLORINE Dilution sulfuric acid


Cooling High chlorine Low chlorine Chilled
Water CW Pressure Pressure Cooling






Water CW

WET chlorine
chlorine travel time = 5 to 6 minutes
hydrogen chlorine mixture can be flammable if Hydrogen > 4% (v/v)
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
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8 on-line analyzer system for the FAST determination of hydrogen (H2) in WET chlorine (Cl2)
by Multi-Wavelength
Best Available Technology
Multi-Wavelength INFRARED measurements eliminates the
influence of the environment and distinguish between H2O
Multi-Wavelength INFRARED
and HCl. This allows measurement of HCl in WET chlorine.
UV light

H2 + Cl2 2 HCl
H2 and Cl2 is oxidized by UV to HCl
HCl is measured by MW-IR
% HCl stoechiometrically equal to H2 UV reactor
INFRARED absorption
Selective measurement for H2 IR spectra 100% Hydrogen Chloride
Calibration Matrix - independable
Fast Response (T90 < 20 seconds)
Shows Good results @ Plant
Best Available Technology
Field Proven High Up-time Hydrogen Chloride (HCl) Water (H2O)
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

single stream on-line FAST determination of hydrogen (H2) in WET chlorine (Cl2) by Multi-Wavelength InfraRed

typical 10 m (32 ft)

Thermostatically controlled electrically traced thick wall PFA insulated sample bundle

Cooler Multi-wavelength InfraRed analyzer

Process Valve
Heat Shrink Sample Bundle Entry by Customer DIP-tube
Salt Washing Header
Water Removal
Salt Filtration
UV reaction (H2 + Cl2 2HCl)
Height = 2 m (6 ft 56)

Pressure Control
double compartment Flow Control
corrosion resistant Sample Aspiration
insulated protected Flame Arrestor Protection
IP56 / NEMA 4X

Logic Control
Electrical Compartment 1 Analytical Compartment 2
height = 2 m (6 ft 56) height = 2 m (6 ft 56)
Width = 1 m (3 ft 28) Width = 2 m (6 ft 56)
Depth = 0 m 5 (1 ft 64) Depth = 0 m 5 (1 ft 64)

Selective measurement for H2

Calibration Matrix - independable
Fast Response (T90 < 30 seconds)
Shows Good results @ Plant Start-up
Width = 3 m (9 ft 84) Best Available Technology
Field Proven High Up-time

UV - Reactor
H2 + Cl2 2HCl Water
Lifting / Mounting Condensate Drain Condensation
Support Pump
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
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8 on-line analyzer system for the FAST determination of hydrogen (H2) in WET chlorine (Cl2)
by Multi-Wavelength
Best Available Technology
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)
Critical Equipment
CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
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8 on-line analyzer system for the FAST determination of hydrogen (H2) in WET chlorine (Cl2)
by Multi-Wavelength
Pyro Electric Lithium Tantalite
solid-state INFRARED Detector
(FET transistor) with Medium Broadband (Pt)

Sensitivity but High stability. INFRARED source

N2 purged Sapphire N2 purged

NO damage by Cl2 possible Windows NO damage by Cl2 possible

Detector Source
Enclosure Enclosure

Best Available Heated Hastelloy-C Sample Cell Rotating Optical

Technology up to 34 bar (510psi) Filter
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
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8 on-line analyzer system for the FAST determination of hydrogen (H2) in WET chlorine (Cl2)
Start-up Membrane type Chlorine Plant by Gas-Chromatograph (GC)

0.4% H2 in Cl2
5 min. 30 s 1

Multi-Wavelength INFRARED (MW-IR) Air Dilution

6 min. Load (kA)
Multi-Wavelength INFRARED (MW-IR)
Start-up Start-up
Hydrogen HydrogenPeak

0 % H2 in Cl2

by Thermal Conductivity (TC)

2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

8 on-line analyzer system for the FAST determination of hydrogen (H2) in WET chlorine (Cl2)
Start-up Membrane type Chlorine Plant by Gas-Chromatograph (GC)

5 min. 30 s 1
0.4% H2 in Cl2

Multi-Wavelength INFRARED (MW-IR)
Air Dilution

5 min.
Multi-Wavelength INFRARED (MW-IR)
Hydrogen Start-up Peak

Load (kA)

by Thermal Conductivity (TC)

0% H2 in Cl2
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
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8 on-line analyzer system for the FAST determination of hydrogen (H2) in WET chlorine (Cl2)

Hydrogen (H2) peak during Start-up Membrane type Chlorine Plant

Migration of hydrogen from the cathode compartment to the anode compartment is caused by
small holes in the membrane. This hydrogen flow is mainly depending on the pressure difference
of the two compartments, the pressure in the cathode compartment is higher than in the anode
compartment. This pressure difference is kept constant. Consequently, the flow of hydrogen to the
anode compartment is more or less independent of the cell load.

During start up of the cell, there is hardly any chlorine flow, and consequently, you achieve a
rather high hydrogen concentration. With increasing chlorine production, this hydrogen is diluted,
and the hydrogen concentration decreases.
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
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8 on-line analyzer system for the FAST determination of hydrogen (H2) in WET chlorine (Cl2)

Hydrogen (H2) peak during Start-up Membrane type Chlorine Plant

Hydrogen in Wet Chlorine

The issue of excessive hydrogen concentrations on the
chlorine side of a membrane cell during start-up has been
raised. The peak concentrations can be dangerously high
depending on the speed at which the facility goes trough the
start up procedure. The Issue team discussed the issue and
agreed that the phenomenon was generally understood by
all producers
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
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Start-up Membrane type Chlorine Plant

20 min.
P H2 / Cl2 (mbar)
2%vol H2 in Cl2

Multi-Wavelength INFRARED (MW-IR)

0,85%vol H2 in Cl2 Load (kA)
2%vol H in Cl
2 2 (MW-IR)
Multi-Wavelength INFRARED

Hydrogen Start-up Peak

0%vol H2 in Cl2
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
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on-line hydrogen (H2) in WET chlorine (Cl2) PRECONDITIONING

FIELD proven preconditioning @ Sample Take Off Point (STOP)

Sample Probe with DIP-tube
Sample Cooler / Coalescer
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
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on-line hydrogen (H2) in WET chlorine (Cl2) PRECONDITIONING

measures the sample after oxidation

(H2 + Cl2 2HCl)
H2 and Cl2 is Oxidized by UV to HCl and is
measured by the INFRARED analyzer
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
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on-line hydrogen (H2) in WET chlorine (Cl2) PRECONDITIONING

FIELD proven preconditioning

Salt Filtration
Water removal
UV reactor (H2 + Cl2 2HCl)
Flow & Pressure Control
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
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Protect Your plant against HYDROGEN Explosions

Due to high electrical currents a Chlorine Production Plant is defined
as General Purpose zone Need for Flame Arrestors

resistant Flame



resistant Flame

Your Analyzer system can be a source of explosion for your plant !

2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
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on-line FAST determination of hydrogen (H2) in WET chlorine (Cl2) by Multi-Wavelength INFRARED
FIELD Example

example AnaShell multi-compartment protective cabinet

Plant SAFETY 1 x on-line Analyzer system for Hydrogen in WET Chlorine
Critical Equipment (Multi Wavelength INFRARED)
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

on-line FAST determination of hydrogen (H2) in WET chlorine (Cl2) by Multi-Wavelength InfraRed
Field Example

Joutseno Finland
example AnaShell multi-compartment protective cabinet
1 x on-line Analyzer system for hydrogen in WET chlorine

Critical Equipment
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

on-line FAST determination of hydrogen (H2) in WET chlorine (Cl2) by Multi-Wavelength InfraRed
Field Example

Critical Equipment

Joutseno Finland
example AnaShell multi-compartment protective cabinet
1 x on-line Analyzer system for Hydrogen in WET Chlorine
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

on-line FAST determination of hydrogen (H2) in WET chlorine (Cl2) by Multi-Wavelength InfraRed
Field Example

Critical Equipment

Joutseno Finland
example AnaShell multi-compartment protective cabinet
1 x on-line Analyzer system for Hydrogen in WET Chlorine
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

on-line FAST determination of Hydrogen (H2) in WET Chlorine (Cl2) by Multi-Wavelength INFRARED

The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low
price is forgotten, especially for life saving, safety critical equipment

You can only apply Best Available Technology

Safety is not expensive, it is priceless

Critical Equipment
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

on-line FAST determination of hydrogen (H2) in WET chlorine (Cl2) by Multi-Wavelength InfraRed
Field Example

Critical Equipment
example AnaShell multi-compartment protective cabinet
1 x on-line Analyzer system for Hydrogen in WET Chlorine
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

on-line FAST determination of hydrogen (H2) in WET chlorine (Cl2) by Multi-Wavelength InfraRed
Field Example Repeat Order

Plant SAFETY example AnaShell multi-compartment protective cabinet
Critical Equipment 1 x on-line Analyzer system for Hydrogen in WET Chlorine
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

on-line FAST determination of hydrogen (H2) in WET chlorine (Cl2) by Multi-Wavelength InfraRed
Field Example Repeat Order

Plant SAFETY example AnaShell multi-compartment protective cabinet
Critical Equipment 1 x on-line Analyzer system for Hydrogen in WET Chlorine
(Multi Wavelength INFRARED)
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

on-line FAST determination of hydrogen (H2) in WET chlorine (Cl2) by Multi-Wavelength InfraRed
Field Example

Banten, Indonesia Plant SAFETY

ASC PHASE V Expansion Project Critical Equipment
AnaShell multi compartment protective cabinet
1 x on-line Analyzer system for Hydrogen in WET Chlorine
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

on-line FAST determination of hydrogen (H2) in WET chlorine (Cl2) by Multi-Wavelength InfraRed
Field Example

Russian Federation
Plant SAFETY IKRA Project
AnaShell multi compartment protective cabinet
Critical Equipment 2 x on-line Analyzer system for Hydrogen in WET Chlorine
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

on-line FAST determination of hydrogen (H2) in WET chlorine (Cl2) by Multi-Wavelength InfraRed
Field Example Repeat Order

Critical Equipment

Geismar, LA, USA

AnaShell multi compartment protective cabinet
3 x on-line Analyzer system for Hydrogen in WET Chlorine
(Multi Wavelength INFRARED)
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

on-line FAST determination of hydrogen (H2) in WET chlorine (Cl2) by Multi-Wavelength InfraRed
Field Example Repeat Order

Critical Equipment

Geismar, LA, USA

AnaShell multi compartment protective cabinet
3 x on-line Analyzer system for Hydrogen in WET Chlorine
(Multi Wavelength INFRARED)
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

on-line FAST determination of hydrogen (H2) in WET chlorine (Cl2) by Multi-Wavelength InfraRed
Field Example Repeat Order
Critical Equipment

Geismar, LA, USA

AnaShell multi compartment protective cabinet
3 x on-line Analyzer system for Hydrogen in WET Chlorine
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

on-line FAST determination of hydrogen (H2) in WET chlorine (Cl2) by Multi-Wavelength InfraRed
Manual Stream Selection
typical 10 m (32 ft)

Thermostatically controlled electrically traced thick wall PFA insulated sample bundle

Multi-wavelength InfraRed analyzer

Process Valve
Heat Shrink Sample Bundle Entry by Customer DIP-tube
DIP-tube Main
Salt Washing DIP-tube
Water Removal
Salt Filtration DIP-tube
UV reaction (H2 + Cl2 2HCl) DIP-tube
Height = 2 m (6 ft 56)

Pressure Control
double compartment Flow Control DIP-tube
corrosion resistant Sample Aspiration
insulated protected Flame Arrestor Protection
IP56 / NEMA 4X

Logic Control
Electrical Compartment 1 Analytical Compartment 2
height = 2 m (6 ft 56) height = 2 m (6 ft 56)
Width = 1 m (3 ft 28) Width = 2 m (6 ft 56)
Depth = 0 m 5 (1 ft 64) Depth = 0 m 5 (1 ft 64)

Selective measurement for H2

Calibration Matrix - independable
Fast Response (T90 < 30 seconds)
Shows Good results @ Plant Start-up
Width = 3 m (9 ft 84) Best Available Technology
Field Proven High Up-time

UV - Reactor
H2 + Cl2 2HCl Water
Lifting / Mounting Condensate Drain Condensation
Support Pump
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

on-line FAST determination of hydrogen (H2) in WET chlorine (Cl2) by Multi-Wavelength InfraRed
Dual stage
Crystal Flow & Pressure Oxidation
t Cl2 + H2 = 2HCl
Gas Cooler Filter Control




STOP 1 STOP 2 STOP 3 STOP X Multi-Wavelength

Sample Take Off Probes with dip-tube

4 20mA
% HCl

ModuPlex MANUAL Multiple Stream Control

equal to H2
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

on-line FAST determination of hydrogen (H2) in WET chlorine (Cl2) by Multi-Wavelength InfraRed
Field Example

Rayong, Thailand
AnaShell multi-compartment protective cabinet
1 x on-line Analyzer system for H2 in WET Chlorine
Plant SAFETY (Multi Wavelength INFRARED)
Critical Equipment
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

on-line FAST determination of hydrogen (H2) in WET chlorine (Cl2) by Multi-Wavelength InfraRed
Field Example

Critical Equipment

Rayong, Thailand
AnaShell multi-compartment protective cabinet
1 x on-line Analyzer system for H2 in WET Chlorine
(Multi Wavelength INFRARED)
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

on-line FAST determination of hydrogen (H2) in WET chlorine (Cl2) by Multi-Wavelength InfraRed
typical 10 m (32 ft)
ModuPlex Automatic Stream Selection Thermostatically controlled electrically traced thick wall PFA insulated sample bundle


Multi-wavelength InfraRed analyzer

Process Valve
Heat Shrink Sample Bundle Entry by Customer
DIP-tube Main
Salt Washing DIP-tube
Water Removal
Salt Filtration DIP-tube
Height = 2 m (6 ft 56)

Logic Control double compartment UV reaction (H2 + Cl2 2HCl)

corrosion resistant Pressure Control
insulated protected Flow Control
cabinet Sample Aspiration
IP56 / NEMA 4X Flame Arrestor Protection

Electrical Compartment 1 Analytical Compartment 2

height = 2 m (6 ft 56) height = 2 m (6 ft 56)
Width = 1 m (3 ft 28) Width = 3 m (9 ft 84)
Depth = 0 m 5 (1 ft 64) Depth = 0 m 5 (1 ft 64)

Selective measurement for H2

Calibration Matrix - independable
Fast Response (T90 < 30 seconds)
Shows Good results @ Plant Start-up
Width = 4 m (13 ft 12) Best Available Technology
Lifting / Mounting
Field Proven High Up-time
Support ModuPlex
Automatic Stream Selector
UV - Reactor
H2 + Cl2 2HCl Water
Condensate Drain
Pump Condensation
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

on-line FAST determination of hydrogen (H2) in WET chlorine (Cl2) by Multi-Wavelength INFRARED
Dual stage
ModuPLEX Salt Crystal Flow & Pressure Oxidation
Stream t Cl2 + H2 = 2HCl
Gas Cooler Filter Control


Coalescer Coolers

Sample take-off PROBEs with DIP-Tubes Flame

WET Chlorine Headers

ModuPlex AUTOMATIC Multiple Stream Control

4 20mA
% HCl
equal to H2
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

on-line FAST determination of hydrogen (H2) in WET chlorine (Cl2) by Multi-Wavelength InfraRed
Field Example

example AnaShell multi-compartment protective cabinet

4 x on-line Analyzer system for Hydrogen in WET Chlorine Plant SAFETY
(multiple Wavelength INFRARED) Critical Equipment
Including NEW ModuPLEX Multiple Stream Control
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

on-line FAST determination of hydrogen (H2) in WET chlorine (Cl2) by Multi-Wavelength InfraRed
Field Example
Critical Equipment

2 pc AnaShell multi-compartment protective cabinets

1 x on-line Analyzer system for Hydrogen in WET Chlorine
by multi-Wavelength INFRARED)
1 x on-line Analyzer system for Oxygen in WET Chlorine
(alternating pressure PARAMAGNETIC analyzer)
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

on-line FAST determination of hydrogen (H2) in WET chlorine (Cl2) by Multi-Wavelength InfraRed
Field Example

Critical Equipment

Jubail, Saudi Arabia

AnaShell multi-compartment protective cabinet
1 x on-line Analyzer system for H2 in WET Chlorine using NEW ModuPlex stream selector
(multiple (19) streams !)
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

on-line FAST determination of hydrogen (H2) in WET chlorine (Cl2) by Multi-Wavelength InfraRed
Field Example

Critical Equipment

Jubail, Saudi Arabia

AnaShell multi-compartment protective cabinet
1 x on-line Analyzer system for H2 in WET Chlorine using NEW ModuPlex stream selector
(multiple (19) streams !)
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content

on-line FAST determination of hydrogen (H2) in WET chlorine (Cl2) by Multi-Wavelength InfraRed
Field Example
Critical Equipment

AnaShell multi-compartment protective cabinet
1 x on-line Analyzer system for H2 in WET Chlorine
(Multi Wavelength INFRARED)
2008 AppliTek NV/SA,

Safety Workshop: Process Safety Management (PSM)

CDB 2014 AppliTek Nov. 14th 2014 Hilton So Paulo Brazil www.applitek.com
The content of this page/document is entirely a non-binding external opinion. Neither AppliTek NV nor any of its employees can be held liable for damages to people, third parties, goods and assets, that may result from implementing the content


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