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Folklore and Superstition:

A cat crossing your path means bad luck in business.

Salt accidentally spilled means you are about to quarrel. Sprinkle sugar on the
salt to counter this.
Leaving scissors with opened blades brings misfortune and even death.
If you meet a person with empty buckets, you are bound for misfortune.
If you meet a person with bread and full bags, you will have good luck.
Never hurry to a funeral ceremony.
Do not cross the way the funeral train goes.
If the first person you meet on your way to work is male, you will have good luc
Do not lend money or bread at night.
Throwing a bowl of water in the wake of a person who sets off for a business tri
p or long journey brings
the person luck and helps them to return home safe and sound.

1- How are hands or utensils are used when eating?


2- How stable is the political situation?

A- Due to all the turmoil the country is still recovering from and experiencing
in certain areas,
the human rights situation in Azerbaijan is not the best. Freedom of politics an
d religion, and
sometimes freedom of speech, can still be squashed, with results including the a
rrest or detention of
outspoken people.
People who participate in "unregistered" religious practices may also be apprehe
Widespread corruption exists, and journalists, demonstrators and individuals det
ained for whatever reason
may be subjected to violence without question.

5- Which places, objects, actions and events are sacred?

A- According to the statistics, about 96 percent of the population of Azerbaijan
are Muslims, 4% - Christians,
Jews, bahaists, Krishnaites and representatives of other religions.more than 2 t
housand mosques, 13 churches,
7 synagogues operate in Azerbaijan.
Representatives of various religious faiths always showed solidarity with the Az
erbaijani people,
fought for freedom and welfare of our common Motherland.
who belong to various religious faith and who fought and fell for the freedom an
d territorial integrity of Azerbaijan,
today has become not only the place of oath, but also the symbol of our brotherh
ood and tolerance.
Today in Azerbaijan, freely, without any obstacles are functioning not only chur
ches and synagogues,
but also numerous Christian and Jewish religious educational institutions, the A
zerbaijani state renders them,
within the law, any necessary support.

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