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Alisha Hoover

Mrs. Watkins

Comp 2 TR 3:30

March 9, 2017

Sustainable Farming to Feed the World

Some people believe that organic and natural ways of farming wont be able to feed our

world with the prediction of 2 billion more people on earth by year 2050, but I disagree. People

dont believe this to be true because they believe that the many conventional farms in use will be

the answer to feed the world instead of sustainable farming. Sustainable farming is the

production of food and other plant or animal products using organic farming practices that

protects human health, the environment, and more (Sustainable Agriculture - The Basics).

Unlike sustainable farming, conventional farmers use many chemicals while growing their crops

and they also genetically modify their crops. Sustainable farming should be the only choice of

farming techniques for farmers because it has been proven possible to feed the world with 2

billion more people by year 2050, its safer for our environment, and it is much better for human


Feeding the world with sustainable farming by year 2050 is a huge possibility and has

been proven with many facts and by studies. It is said that if farmers use their best management

practices then sustainable farming can be able to feed the world (Biello). By following all

organic rules of farming and management of sustainable farms, then sustainable farming can be a

definite possibility. There are many conventional farms that do not follow any these guidelines.

If conventional farms convert to organic farming it would be a huge step to making sustainable
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farming to feed the world an even bigger possibility (Reganold). To make this possible, the

word needs to be spread around the world that conventional farming is killing its consumers. The

sooner the conventional farmers realize this, the better off our world will be. By cutting out

conventional farming from our world, all around healthiness will become a fact. If organic

farms can takeover, we will be able to feed the world with 2 billion more people on it

(Reganold). With sustainable farming being a huge feasibility if these practices are followed, we

can know that that our world can be fed by sustainable farming with the prediction of this

massive population growth.

With sustainable farming, we can achieve a safer and healthier environment. The

chemicals conventional farms use, like pesticides, have a huge negative impact on our

environment. In the article, A Meta-Analysis of the Impacts of Genetically Modified Crops, the

author suggests that the chemicals used in GM crops are one of the main factors as to why

conventional farming is unsafe for our environment (Klumper). With organic farming, the

farmers dont use pesticides that poison our environment like conventional farmers do which

makes it much safer. A bonus to sustainable farming is the fact that less water is used when

growing their crops. The chemicals used in conventional farming dry up the soil much quicker,

which requires more water usage (Klumper). With sustainable farming, less water usage is a

proven factor so this helps our environment by saving water. Also, sustainable farming requires

less energy to provide what the crops need (Tuomisto). With less energy usage, we can help

preserve our environment even more. While having a healthier environment from sustainable

agriculture, we also gain an overall human consumption healthiness.

Sustainable farming is all organic growing which means we consume all organic foods.

With organic consumption, people will become healthier because there will be nothing added to
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the growth of the crops and foods that they are consuming. Conventional farming packs their

crops with harmful chemicals which has a negative impact on our overall health (Klumper).

Harmful chemicals, like pesticides, are slowly killing many of its consumers. Sustainable

farming does not use these many harmful chemicals and that makes this type of farming all

around better for consumption. While consuming sustainable farming products, humans dont

have to worry about what they are consuming. From sustainable farming, people will know that

they are consuming real and safe foods products which provide a better state of body and mind

for all. Sustainable farming provides crops that are all nutritious for consumers and provides a

better overall healthiness (Klumper). This nutritious consumption will not only make people

become healthier, but they will be happier as well.

As we know the population is predicted to double by year 2050, but with sustainable

farming we can feed 2 billion more people. If the positive information about sustainable farming

is spread throughout the world, we can achieve worldwide sustainable farmers and their

sustainable practices will become the main option to feed the growing world population.

Sustainable farming will help protect our environment while also making human consumption

healthier. We can prove that by year 2050 we can feed the world, save our environment and make

people healthier by all organic farming. With this information farmers, who havent already,

should convert to organic farming to be able to feed our world by year 2050, save our

environment, and make healthier eating for our world possible.

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Works Cited:

Biello, David. Will Organic Food Fail to Feed the World. Scientific American, 25 Apr. 2012,



Klumper, Wilhelm, and Matin Qaim. A Meta-Analysis of the Impacts of Genetically Modified

Crops. PLOS ONE, 3 Nov. 2014, journals.plos.org/plosone/article?


Reganold, John. Can We Feed 10 Billion People on Organic Farming Alone? Theguardian, 14

Aug. 2016, www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/2016/aug/14/organic-farming-


Sustainable Agriculture - The Basics. Grace Communications Foundation,


Tuomisto, H.M., et al. Does Organic Farming Reduce Environmental Impacts. ScienceDirect,

1 Sept. 2012, www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301479712004264.

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