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The results of this study answered many questions about the topic and the research

conducted however it raised new questions as well. The results shown above are very mixed,

however overall it was surprising to see the amount of participants who exhibited higher self

esteem levels and were either not aware of or not concerned with the lack of accurate African

American character depictions. While I predicted that the majority of participants would exhibit

a lower self esteem level, the results show that the majority of students hold themselves to a

higher regard and have a stronger sense of self worth based on their answers. These results show

that the majority of participants had a more positive attitude towards themselves as well as

towards their peers. Results were also very divided among some of the questions. Some results

shown above depict evenly divided answers. While some students seem to be fully aware of how

Eurocentric images and ideals have impacted them, others seem to either not notice these

disparities or are simply not bothered by them. In regards to previous literature, the results of this

study coincide best with Sekayis study on how Eurocentric beauty standards impact collegiate

Black women. The findings are consistent with Sekyais discoveries that while the majority of

participants claimed they were aware of the unrealistic standards that have taught to them

through the media, they maintained higher levels of self esteem and had a stronger sense of self

worth (Sekayi, 2003). There are of course limitations to the study to consider when going over

the results. The results may have been somewhat comprised by the setting that the survey was

conducted in. Since the participants were all students of Howard University (a historically black

college/university) there may be some differences in confidence and sense awareness compared

to students from other universities. As a Howard student, I feel as though a large part of my
education has helped me learn more about the negative and unrealistic standards that have been

placed on me since birth (and primarily transmitted through the media). For me and many other

of my other peers/fellow students attending a historically Black school, this is part of the reason

we chose to attend such an institution. The sense of self and Black identity in these students may

be higher than African Americans that attend predominately White institutions. One must also

take into consideration how honest participant may or may not be while filling out the survey.

For future references, it would be more ideal to send similar surveys to various types of

institutions (predominately White and Black). Also, future research should survey and conduct

data on socioeconomic status and how it can be a determining factor in the self esteem and self

awareness of African American youths. Future research should also discuss the significance that

these images in the media have on White youth and how it shapes their opinions and attitudes

towards their Black counterparts.

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