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Beyond Space

Close your eyes and open your mind

Whats New and Deeply Significant about Space?

By Khari Banks


I decided to write this article on space because it intrigued me to a great experience. I feel as
though writing this article would give everyone a piece of my mind and how I feel about space
with the cool discoveries throughout space.

Student Interviews:
I interviewed multiple people such as Khristopher Booker, Mahki Preston, and Alex
Hinds about their knowledge and feelings about space. These interviews occurred in order to
identify other peoples knowledge on space and whether they knew about any new discoveries
that happened this year. The first interview that I conducted was with junior Khristopher
Booker, He felt as though space has a lot more to offer than what we expect. He says that
space is amazing and that he would love to travel there one day. He also says that when he
thinks of space, the Jetsons and how they get to travel planet to planet in such a ease and that
humans should all travel to space one day
The next person I interviewed was junior Alex Hinds. I asked him how did he feels
about space and what are some things he knew about space. He mentioned that he already
knew about the solar system and the planets alignment, but was curious if there is any life in
space. He says space exploration would be useful for the human race because it'll expand our
knowledge about our surroundings. It doesn't hurt to know what is around you.
Lastly , I interviewed junior Mahki Preston. Mahki doesn't know much about space but
has some experience from middle school. He explained the planet alignments and gave a
theory that space is too big not to have life out there somewhere. He told me about a certain
article that explained how Mars contains water and how he believes that it once had life. The
theory he is following is wherever theres life, there's water and this is accurate for certain

1st New
Discovery This
This year in space it
was another solar system
discovered called the Trappist. It
contains same amount of
planets as Earth solar system.
This intrigued me because
there is probably another life
form upon these planets. The
planets are named after letters
in a row. For example There
Trappist 1b , Trappist 1c , etc. The naming process starts from B to H. From planet earth the
Trappist solar system is about 39 light years away. Light years is equivalent to distance rather
than time , so from Earth the Trappist solar system is about hundreds of millions miles away.
Lately scientist have been uncovering certain planets features especially Trappist 1E. The
previous discovery about Trappist 1E. Previously scientist discovered that Trappist 1E holds
water with a capable temperature that can hold life.
The technology that helped discover the Trappist doesn't have enough power to find out
if it contains life. But certain features like temperature and detection of water helped identify
Another thing that intrigued me about this discovery was that the planets in the new solar
system has a one day a year around or 12 days in a year.
The second new
discovery this year
The second discovery I found
intriguing was the polar caps
discovered on Mars. Mars has been
searched for many life sources and
tools in order to supply humans for their
trip to mars by 2030. But so far scientist
discovered ice caps the size of lake
superior surrounding mars features.
This can lead to specific theories that
there was once life on mars, like
wherever there's life, there's water.
The main question that I have about
about mars is the planet's water
radioactive and can it be consumed by

In today's society, we have
developed new works of technology that
advances us to go further as man, even in
space. Astronomers are finding the works to
develop all sorts of technology in order to
find new capabilities that space holds.
Whether there are new worlds out there and
also the discovery of new life forms. This
article is interesting because it challenges
the thought. It helps Mankind explore the
limits of space and challenges the theory
about life beyond space.

Space is made up of Stars , Solar systems , black holes, galaxies , and lots more to be
discovered. Outer space contains a low density of particles, primarily hydrogen gas,
along with electromagnetic radiation. Many people, however, mistakenly believe outer
space is a complete vacuum. The term "outer space" is used mainly to distinguish the
space between planets from the planets and their airspace.
Dangers of Space
Space disturbs the immune system. Production of both antibodies and white blood
cells is reduced in microgravity. Space is rough on skin, causing rashes and abrasions
that serve as entry sites for infection.

Our solar system is unique in its own way. Certain areas about it help us know more
about us and our surroundings. Like the discovery of water on certain planets help us spread
our knowledge about our solar system . Certain planets we didnt do research on still have many
discoveries yet to be known. Out of Saturn , Jupiter , and Mercury , these planets in the solar
system have yet to be researched with the possibilities it holds.

In conclusion, space is the most interesting thing that humanity has ever come across in
my opinion, from the sun to other solar systems and to black holes. The research of space can
help mankind in the future rather than hold us back.

Source 1
Source 2
Source 3

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