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K Setty Umapathy
Graduate School of Library and
Information Ser v ic e s
U'n i.ver s it y of Pittsburgh, U.S. A.

Considers the scope and content of International and disciplines at the university level have taken
Comparative studies in librarianship and gives 2 note of these developments and have added an
brief account of the emergence of Comparative Lib- international dimension to their content,
rarianship as a component of Library Science in 'its
structure and methodology.
own right. Introduces the comparative method as
part of.. research methodology avaUable to library
researchers, emphasises the need for institutin~ L ibrar Ians have often vis ited other count-
formal courses in this area and proposes a tentative ries, have observed libraries and have con-
syllabus for a paper at Master' e degree level. fered with professional peers in an atte~pt to
exchange views. Librarians such as S. R.
An interest or even mere curiosity in Ra nga natha n, Louis Shores, Melvi.l Dewey,
other countries, other people and their affairs Harold Lancour and others have always engaged
has been a basic characteristic of man since in international and comparative librarianship.
the very beginning of history. People have Many Indian librarians have visited several
ventured to leave their homeland in pursuit of a countries of the world. Some are educated
new home, knowledge, riches, on pilgrimage, abroad and some are working in other countries
military adventure, trade or to satisfy mere and in international organizations. Some have
curiosity. Many instances of people coming to shared their experiences with librarians in
India or Indians visiting other countries abound India on a formal and informal. basis. Some
in Indian history and are too numerous to have written about them in professional journals
mention. However, this limited activity has and occasionally have s har ed their experiences
grown in size and scope along with the march of with readers in the f or m of a book [1,2]. A
man and today is on its way to becoming almost number of foreign librarians, library consul-
universal. Technological, industrial and tants and library educators. rnoa tlv American
communications advances have destroyed the and British have come to India in recent years
traditional barriers of space and time and have under various schemes and have attempted to
brought the nations. of the world much nearer. share their knowledge with their peers in India.
The concept of 'Global Village' is widely UNESCO is active in the library field all over
accepted today. No country is free from the world and has done some significant
foreign influences. No one is an 'island to things in India including the well known pilot
himself' anymore. Developing an 'inter- project of Delhi Public Library. The knowledge
national outlook' and thinking 'comparatively' it gains through its operations is available to
have become needs of our times. This is all countries. Such things have their place and
reflected in various activities of governments have enriched librarians hip.
and people in every nation, totalitarian, de-
mocratic or whatever. International travel has However, Comparative Librarianship, as
r ea c hed it. new milestone. Internationalism has it is emerging today goes far beyond this. It
pervaded educational institutions all over the takes us a st ep further from the idea of
world, in some countries more pronounced than 'library talk shop' and provides a s c i ent Ifi.c
in others. Second World War and the activities method to study comparative library phenome-
of the United Nations have played a very signi- non. Library Science, being a new science
ficant role in precipitating this situation. Our has heavily drawn upon the research methods
children are beginning to be more aware of used by social scientists for library research.
internationalism than ourselves. This trend The m et hodol og i e s developed and used by social
is reflected in courses; syllabi and texts of scientists in Education, Economics, Political
educational institutions every where. Academic Science, Sociology and History are more and

Vol 20 No 1-4 Ma.rvDe c 1973 75


more utilized by researchers in Library methods mentioned above and juxtaposed for
Science. So far, librarians have at their dis- the purpose of formulating a logical hypothesis
posal six research methods: (J) historical and working towards conclusion.
method, (2) survey method, (3) case method,
(4) statistical method, (5) experimental method The four steps of comparative methodolo-
and (6) composite method which is a combi- gy are: (1) Description, (2) Interpretation,
nation of any or all of the five methods. Com- (3) Juxtaposition and [4) Simultaneous (;'om-
parative method the seventh and the newest re- parison. Description presents a systematic
search method is the product of Comparative statement of information concerning library
Education and owes its origin to the pioneering phenomena in two or more geographical areas.
work of Marc-Antoine Jullien de Paris (1817), Interpretation involves the analysis of collected
George Z. F. Bereday and others of recent data in terms of Social Sciences such as
date. Libraries, being so similar to edu- History, Econom ic s , Soc iology and Political
cational institutions in purposes, policies and Science. In Juxtaposition, comparable data is
procedures, it is natural that library research- placed side by side for the purpose of formu-
ers have seized the comparative method and lation of one or more hypothesis. Simul-
have begun applying it to l ibz a r ia n ah i p, It is taneous comparison takes the form of an
a' procedure which facilitates the study of data integrated report and includes conclus ions.
concerning two or more comparable library These steps of comparative methodology. are
phenomena, collected thr-ough any of the graphically represented as follows: [3]


Peooqoqicol Dote E",~!uolicn cf

Only P,dogo1icol Oofo


r ,
Cc .
nfry Pc1iticol
A Fccncrnic


____ F:co".o:nic

Establ;shing Similarities Simuncneous
and Differences Corr.por.son

Crileria Clf H)"C'l:)!hesis


Hypottocsis for I
comparotive oO(,)jl!.iS . J

(Substitute 'library data' for 'padagogical data' ]

The principle of 'comparison' always one country with another, present with the past
operates in whatever we do or think on a East with West, black with white and so on. In
conscious or un consc i ous plane. It is not so doing we not only learn about the things
possible to understand, many things in proper compared but also begin to know ourselves
perspective unless we look at them compara- better. As pr ofe s s ional s , librarians need to
tively. We compare one object with another, know what is happening in different types of

76 Ann Lib Sci Doc


libraries around the world, why they are as Establishing a Library' (1600-1653) definitely
they are; why they are doing what they are shows a comparative attitude. Edward Ed-
doing, and how they are going about achieving wards' Free Town L ibrar ieB' (1869) includes
their objectives. This adds to our knowledge, materials from France, Germany and America
broadens our outlook and lowers barriers of in support of his plea for public libraries
ethnocentrism. Often, it could result in in United Kingdom. Wilhelm Munthe's
practical, immediate benefits by way of 'American Librarianship from an European
improvements in o'ur own operations and may Angl e' - an attem pt at at: eva luation of
lead to new lines of thinking. In the words of pol ic Ies and acti vities of librar ies of the USA
Foskett 'Communications between nations is published in 1939 marks a significant stage
vital and librarians stand at key positions in in the development of International Compara-
the communication network. If we increase our tive Librarianship. Munthe was the first to
knowledge of the work of our professional use the term 'Comparative Library Science' in
colleagues abroad, if we help them to solve print. Publications in this area have greatly
their problems and call on them to help us solv- increased during the last ten years. The
ing our own, we do more than merely improve appearance of 'A Handbook of Comparative
our professional skills; we make a genuine Librarianship' in 1970 by S. Simsova and
contribution to the achievement of peace and M. Mac ke e marks the publication of a manual
happiness for all men across the world. [4]. outlining the research methodology of the
Comparative studies in Librarianship with its field along with a brief scope note of the sub-
approaches and methodology promises to ject and bibliographies about many countries of
enrich the corpus of knowledge in Library the world.
During the years 1956-1960 there was
Comparative librarianship is not synony- only one entry under the subject heading 'Lib-
mous with International L i br a r ians hip although r a r ia ns hip , comparative' in Library Sc i enc e
it includes it. Comparative Librarianship Abstracts, while Library and Information
includes comparative studies on an international Sc Le nc e Abstracts during the year 1971 had for-
scale as w ell as studies on an intra-national ty eight entrie s under the same heading.
scale. A study of public library legislation of Library Literature which listed entries under
Karnataka and Andhr a or a study of acquisition 'Librarianship, International Aspects' since
procedures of the Public Library in Bangalore 1958 has begun listing entries under 'Librarian-
and the Public Library in Mysore cities or a ship, comparative' since 1970. This shows a
study of education for librarianship in West. steady growth of the area and its increasing
Bengal and Rajasthan are all examples of intra- acceptance by the profession. However,
national comparative studies in Librarianship Comparative Librarianship is yet to enter any
While a study of the objectives of Indian National of the Encyclopedias though some of them
Library with those of National Diet Library, i nc lud e as many as ten different subjects under
Japan or the British Museum in United King- comparative sciences. It is interestingto note
dom and a study of Book Selection Policies of that Comparative Education with a history of a
the Library of Congress in the USA with century and a half is included only in Chamber's
those of Lenin State Library in the USSR are Encyclopedia and does not appear in Oxford
examples of comparative studies on an inter- English Dictionary which lists Comparative
national scale. Anatomy and assignes 1765 as the date of its
Com parati ve Librar ianship a s a distinct
activity and a component of Library Science as
an academic discipline is of recent origin; COMPARATIVE LIBRARIANSHIP - Definitions
although the application of comparative
principle to librarianship was inherent in the Several people have attempted to define Com-
activities of scholar librarians in Ash ur banpa l+s parative Librarianship. A look at some will
library (668-681 B. C. ) or in Alexandrian aid us in understanding the subject better.
Library (Third century B.C.) or at 'Dharma Louis Shores defines Comparative Librarian-
Ganja" (Seventh c entur y A. D. ) the library of ship as the 'study and comparison of library
Nala nda University, whenever two or more theory and practice in all of the different
versions of a text were compared to determine countries of the world for the purpose of
authenticity. Gabriel Naude's 'Advice on broadening and deepening our understanding of

Vol 20 No 1-4 Mar-Dec 1973 77


professional problems and solutions [s]. Fall 1972) and a commitment to international
According to Dorothy G. Collings it is 'the comparative librarians hip offer more than one
systematic analysis of library development, cour se in this ar ea and provide an opportunity
practices or problems as th~y occur under to do doctoral research. Pittsburgh is also
different circumstances (most usually in unique in maintaining an International Library
different countries): considered in the context lnformatio"n Center which provides primary
of the relevant historical, geographic, politi- sources from many countries of the world
cal, economic, social, cultural and other dealing with several aspects of librarians hip.
determinant background factors found in the Increasing interest in this area is further
situations under study [6]. Comparative evidenced in the membership of over 5,00
Library Science, according to Richard Krazys persons in the International and Comparative
is Ithat field which analyzes Libz-a r y phenomena Library group of the British Library Associa-
through comparative methodology for the tion. International Relations Office of the
proximate purpose of understanding their American Library Association is active in the
origin, development, and e s s enc e , and for ulti- field since a considerable time and publishes
mate purpose of deepening the t heor y of library a news letter 'Libraries in International
science and improving the practice of Librarian Development.' The publication of UNESCO
ship [7]. Comparative librarians hip is useful Bulletin for Libraries in 1947 did much to
as a tool for cultural borrowing. It can pro- the growth of International outlook in: Libra-
mote international understanding. It can bring rianship everywhere. Many journals in
order into our thinking. These aspects are the field in India as well as abroad have
stressed in the definitions with varying degrees always publ i s hed material in these areas. The
of emph~sis. A comparative study may deal appearance of International Library Review in
with the whole field of librarianship in given 1969 has created another significant forum for
countries becoming a 'total comparison' or thi s field.
may deal with an aspect of librarians hip in
two or more countr ies or rna y cover a COMPARATIVE AND INTERNATIONAL LIB-
geographic or cross-cultural area and become RARIANSHIP IN INDIAN SCHOOLS
an larea study'. It is basically interdiscipli-
nary in nature and the services of social Library Sc ieric e is relatively new to enter
scientists will strengthen an investigation. the community of academic disciplines in
institutions of hi goer education. The fir st
COMPARATIVE &, INTERNATIONAL formal school of Library Science in the United
LIBRARIANSHIP IN LlBRAR Y SCHOOLS States was established by Melvil Dewey in
1887 and is still not a century old. Madras
Library Schools in the United States of University in India began offering formal
America a nd else where are quick in r ea l i sj ng education for librarianship at graduate level in
the importance of International and Compara- 1937. 1 we consider this as the Significant
tive librarianship and have instituted courses beginning of library education in India it is
of formal study in the field. Journal of barely half a century old. Infact, as an acade-
Education for Ll br a r ia ns hi p in Fall 1962 listed mic discipline it is just beginning to be
only two instructors in the area of Comparative accepted, is gaining ground on the academic
Librarianship, while the Special edition 1972 soil and has a long way to go. Li.b r a r ia n sh ip in
of the same journal lists 104 instructors in India today is on a firmer ground and is fast
this area. From two s c hool s in 1962, the USA growing. India occupies an important place
has come a long way and in 1972 more than among the developing nations of the world. It
fifty Library Schools in the USA and six Schools is actiy:ely cooperating with several countries in
in Canada are offering courses in International developmental efforts and is providing teChnical
Comparative Librarianship [8]. North Western know how and personnel. Several of our
Polytechnic and University College, London in librarians may follow the example of S. R.
U. K. are now offering instruction in this area. Ra nga na tha n, B. S. Kesavan, P, N. Kaula and
Advanced Institutes of Librarianship in others in actively working on an international
Moscow, Kharkov and Vilnius in the USSR are plane. Our young librarians will look beyond
providing instruc'tion in international and the national boundaries for Challenging work
comparative librarians hip. Some Schools like experiences. We need to be aware of the
the University of Pittsburgh with a large newer developments in l ib r a r ia ns hip on a
enrollment of international students (51 during global basis to gain its many benefits. In re-

78 Ann Lib Sci Doc


cognition of these needs and in response to the 2. Historical, Social, Political, Economic
recent developments in the f i el dj l lbr a r y edu- and Cultural factors relevant to
cators in India should consider instituting librarianship within a country - Ana-
courses in International and Com par a t ive lysis of librarianship within a country
Librarianship in our formal programs at of the students choice with the approval
least in one or two places in India. of the instructor in the light of these
Library Science programs at Bachelor's 3. Methodology of comparative studies in
degree level in India do reflect the spirit of librar ia ns hip
internationalism to some extent. Syllabi in 4. A study of library history, professional
most of the Universities at this level provides associations, education for librarian-
for a brief constderation of library movement ship, library literature, financial
in U. K. and the USA. They al so include the support for libraries, library legisla-
activities of international organizations such as tion, types of librar ies, kind s of
UNESCO, FID and IFLA. This is indeed s er-vi ces , status of librarians in re-
commendable. However, we should not stop at lation to selected countries.
this potne, There is room for sys.tematic
improvement at this level. Further, definite Teaching methods:
attempts to build on this foundation at the
Master's level should be made. At the present Lectures, discussion, case study,' films,
time no organized attempt to cover this area lectures by visiting librarians and
at the Master's level is visible either in the (Team teaching recommended if a
syllabi followed by the universities or in the school feels ready for such an approa-
syllabus recommended by the U. G. C. Re- ch) Students to write a term paper and
view Committee [9]. Arief course outline in give a report about librarians hip in a
the area is suggested for consideration by selected country.
library educators and others.
The course should be subjected to eva Iuat ion by
the students each time it is taught. It should be
Paper Title: bternational and Compara- offered at the Master's level on an optional
tive Librarianship basis.

Objectives The selection of countr Ies for study and for

comparison naturally should take into
To study and analyze librarians hip in consideration availability of resources,
differ ent regions of the world library and otherwise as well as the interest of
To promote international outlook individual students. Any school that desires to
To promote professional self awareness, offer such a course should augment its library
To introduce comparative method and to resources cover ing the international aspects
provide an opportunity to wr ite a paper of l ibr a r ia n ship and should have some plan of
using the method acquiring primary sources around the wortd
on a continuous basis. Bibliographies for the
Outline: A use of students in the course should be prepared
by instructors from time to time taking into
1. Activities of international organizations consideration the areas they intend to include
such as FID, IFLA and UNESCO or exclude or emphasize.
2. International activities of ALA, LA, ILA,
Ministry of Education of GOI and such
other bodies Ref.erences
3. Aspects of International co-operation
related to l ibr a r ia ns hi p (Includes an Garde, P K:' The United Nations family
overview only) of libraries. Bombay, Asia Publishing
House, 1970.
(2] Sah a, J: Special libraries and informa-
1. Comparative Li br-ar ia n s h ip: develop- tion services in India and in the USA.
ment, definition, purpose Metuchen, N. J., Scarecrow, 1969.

Vol 20 No 1-4 Mar-Dec 1973 79


[3] Bereday, George G F: Comparative [7J Krzys, Richard: Syllabus for the Semi-
method in education. New York, Holt, nar in Comparative Librarianship.
Rinehart Ie Winston, 1944. p.28. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh,
School of Library & Information
[4] Foskett, D J: Comparative librarianship. Sciences, 1971, p.4
.!2,.,Progreu in Library Science, 1965.
144-45. [8] Journal of Education for Librarianship,
Special edn 1972, p. 105.
[5] Shores, LouiB: Why comparative libra-
rian.hip? WUson Lib Bull 1966, 44,204. [9] University Grants Commission (India),
Review Committee. Library Scienee in
(6) Callings, Dorothy G: Comparative us- Indian Universities. New Del h], U. G. C. ,
rarianship. Eneyclopaedia of Library 1965, p. 20 -2 1.
and lDformatioo Scienee. New York,
Marcel Dekker, 1971, vol 5, p.492.

Ann Lib Sci Doc

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