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Kelompok 3

Umi Kalsum


Kelas : 4 KB

Dosen Pengajar :
Ir. Erlinawati,M.T


I.1 Pendahuluan

Isopropanol atau singkatan IPA adalah senyawa kimia yang mudah terbakar dengan bau
yang kuat. Nama lain dari isopropanol adalah isopropyl alkohol. Isopropanol memiliki rumus
molekul C3H8O. Isopropanol atau isopropyl alkohol adalah contoh sederhana dari alkohol
sekunder, di mana alkohol karbon melekat pada dua karbon lain kadang-kadang ditunjukkan
sebagai (CH3)2CHOH dan juga merupakan isomer dari propanol.

Isopropyl alkohol diproduksi dengan menggabungkan air dan propena. Ada dua proses
untuk mencapai hal ini: hidrasi tidak langsung melalui proses asam sulfat dan hidrasi langsung.
Tidak seperti etanol atau metanol, isopropil alkohol atau isopropanol dapat dipisahkan dari larutan
dengan menambahkan garam seperti natrium klorida, natrium sulfat, atau salah satu dari beberapa
garam anorganik lain, karena alkohol lebih kurang larut dalam larutan garam-garam dari air
bebas. Proses ini disebut penggaraman bahasa sehari-hari, dan menyebabkan terkonsentrasi
isopropil alkohol untuk memisahkan menjadi lapisan yang berbeda.

I.2 Klasifikasi Proses

Hidrasi katalis langsung dari propilen
Hidrasi tak langsung dari propilen dengan menggunakan sulfasi dan hidrolisis
Pada makalah ini, yang akan dibahas adalah proses hidrasi tak langsung dari

propilen dengan menggunakan sulfasi dan hidrolisis.

1.3 Data Kuantitatif

Basis : 1 ton dari isopropanol (88% kemurnian, 95% yield)

Bahan baku :

Propilen : 0,680 ton

H2SO4 (75%) : 11 kg

NaOH : 18 kg

Produk : isopropyl eter, polimer

Kapasitas industry : 50 200 ton/ hari

1.4 Sifat Fisik dan Kimia Bahan Baku dan Produk

1.4.1 Sifat fisik dan kimia bahan baku
a. Propylene (C3H6)

Berat molekul : 42,08 gr/mol

Densitas : 1.81 kg/m3, gas (1.013 bar, 15C)

613.9 kg/m3, liquid

Titik leleh : 185.2 C (88.0 K)

Titik Nyala : -108 0C

Titik didih : 47.6 C (225.5 K)

Kelarutan dalam air : 0.61 g/m3

Viskositas : 8.34 Pas pada 16.7 C

b. Asam Sulfat (H2SO4)

Berat molekul : 98,08 gr/mol

Densitas : 1,84 gr/cm3 cair

Titik leleh : 10 C, 283 K, 50 F

Titik didih : 337 C, 610 K, 639 F

Kelarutan dalam air : tercampur penuh

Keasaman (pKa) : -3

c. Air (H2O)

Berat Molekul : 18.02 gr/mol

Densitas : 1000 kgm3 (cair pada 4 C)
917 kgm3 (padatan), 0.998 gr/cm3 (cair pada 20 0C 1 atm),
0.917 gr/cm3 (cair pada 0 0C 1 atm)
Titik Beku : 0 0C
Titik Didih : 100 0C
Warna : Tidak Berwarna / transparan
Bau : Tidak berbau

1.4.2 Sifat fisik dan kimia produk

Isopropyl Alkohol (C3H7OH)

Susunan Molekul

Nama Lain : 2-propanol, isopropanol

Berat Molekul : 60.10 gr/mol
Kelarutan : larut dalam air
Titik nyala : 12 oC
Titik Leleh : -89 C, 184 K, -128 F
Titik Didih : 82,3 C, 355 K, 180 F
Kepadatan : (at 20 oC) 0,786 g / cm , cair
Kelekatan : 2,86 cP di 15 C
1,96 cP di 25 C
1,77 cP di 30 C

1.4 Reaksi Kimia yang Terjadi

a. Sulfasi
CH3CH = CH2 + H2SO4 (CH3)2CH(OSO3H)
Asam sulfat isopropyl

b. Hidrolisis CH3



c. Formasi eter - reaksi samping

(CH3)2CH O (CH3)2CH

S OH + H2O O + H2SO4

(CH3)2CH O (CH3)2CH

diisopropil sulfate diisopropil ether

d. Netralisasi pada caustic wash

H2SO4 + 2NaOH Na2SO4 + 2H2O

1.5 Uraian proses

Propilen yang merupakan bahan baku dari pembuatan isopropanol dicampur dengan
Hydrokarbon seperti C2 C3, dimasukkan sebagai umpan ke dalam menara absorbsi. Di dalam
menara absorbsi terjadi penyerapan dengan bahan penyerapnya adalah H 2SO4 70-75% yang
beroperasi pada tekanan 20-25 atm. Pada menara absorbsi ini akan terjadi reaksi sulfasi secara
eksotermal yang tinggi yang suhunya dijaga pada 20-30 oC dengan sirkulasi dari refrigerator
brine sehingga dihasilkan asam sulfat isopropyl. Kemudian asam sulfat isopropyl akan masuk
ke hydrolizer stripper. Di dalam hydrolizer stripper terjadi dua reaksi yaitu reaksi hidrolisis
antara asam sulfat isopropyl dengan air dan reaksi formasi ether sebagai reaksi sampingnya
antara diisopropyl sulfate dengan air dan menghasilkan diisopropil ether. Asam sulfat
isopropyl dihidrolisis dengan air dengan bantuan steam sehingga menghasilkan isopropanol
dan H2SO4. H2SO4 yang konsentrasinya rendah akan dikeluarkan pada bagian bawah
hydrolizer stripper. Sedangkan isoproponol dan H 2SO4 yang konsentrasinya tinggi dinetralkan
pada caustic wash dan disimpan di caustic storage. Pada caustic storage ini ditambahkan
NaOH yang merupakan larutan causticnya sehingga terjadi reaksi penetralan antara H 2SO4 dan
NaOH yang menghasilkan garam Na2SO4, kemudian Na2SO4 dikeluarkan pada bagian
samping. Kemudian, dilakukan fraksinasi secara kondensasi, zat-zat yang terkondensasi hanya
sebagian. Zat-zat yang tidak terkondensasi seperti H2SO4 dan propilen akan dicuci pada water
wash. H2SO4 yang telah dicuci dibuang pada bagian bawah, sedangkan propilen yang tidak
terkondensasi akan dikembalikan atau direcycle kembali ke tahap sulfasi sebagai umpan.
Sedangkan zat yang terkondensasi yaitu alcohol dan ether.
Selanjutnya, alcohol dan ether masuk ke kolom ether untuk dilakukan pemurnian
dengan cara didistilasi. Isopropanol mentah didistalasi untuk mengubah isopropyl eter agar
menguap lebih banyak. Isopropyl ether yang menguap akan dikirim ke dekanter dimana fraksi
yang mengandung lebih banyak eter berada di lapisan atas dan dipompakan kembali ke tahap
sulfasi. Sedangkan lapisan bawah mengandung air alkohol akan dipompakan ke kolom
isopropanol untuk dimurnikan kembali. Pada kolom ini dilakukan pemurnian dengan cara
destilasi dan dihasilakn isopropanol dengan konsentrasi 87% yang dikeluarkan pada bagian
atas dan heavy ends nya yang berupa air dikeluarkan pada bagian bawah. Sisa dari
isopropanol masuk ke kolom distilasi azeotrop, Produk yang masih mengandung isopropyl
alcohol dikirim ke separator untuk dipisahkan dan direcycle kembali ke kolom azeotrop,
sedangkan isopropanol murni dikeluarkan pada bagian bawah dengan konsentrasi 99%.

1.6 Flowsheet

1.7 Kegunaan produk

Kegunaan dari produk isopropanol atau isopropyl alcohol antara lain adalah:
- Sebagai pelarut dan sebagai cairan pembersih, terutama untuk melarutkan kontaminan
lipofilik seperti minyak. Contohnya termasuk membersihkan perangkat elektronik seperti
pin kontak (seperti pada kartrid ROM), pita magnetik dan kepala disk (seperti yang di
audio dan video tape recorder dan floppy disk drive), lensa laser pada disk drive optik
(misalnya CD, DVD) dan menghapus sisipkan termal dari paket IC (seperti CPU.)
- Sebagai pengawet spesimen biologi, isopropyl alkohol memberikan biaya-efektif
(dibandingkan dengan etanol) dan relatif tidak beracun alternatif untuk formalin dan
pengawet sintetis lainnya.
- Isopropil alkohol digunakan sebagai alat bantu pengeringan air untuk pencegahan otitis
eksterna, yang lebih dikenal sebagai telinga perenang.
- Isopropyl alkohol nitrat digunakan dalam keyboard, LCD dan lap top pembersih sebagai
alternatif kuat tetapi lebih aman untuk produk pembersih rumah tangga biasa.

1.8 Fungsi alat

Menara absorbsi : tempat terjadinya penyerapan propilen dan gas
hydrocarbon C2 C3 dengan bahan penyerapnya
adalah H2SO4.
Hydrolizer stripper : tempat terjadinya reaksi hidrolisis antara asam sulfat
isopropyl dan air sehingga menghasilkan isopropanol
dan H2SO4 serta reaksi formasi eter antara diisopropil
sulfat dan H2O untuk menghasilkan diidopropil ether
dan H2SO4.
Caustic wash : tempat penetralan H2SO4 dengan cara pencucian
dengan larutan caustic berupa NaOH.
Caustic storage : sebagai tempat penyimpanan produk H2SO4 yang telah
dinetralkan dan tempat penambahan NaOH sehingga
terjadi reaksi netralisasi antara H2SO4 dengan NaOH
dan menghasilkan garam Na2SO4.
Water wash : tempat pencucian zat-zat yang tidak terkondensasi
(propilen dan H2SO4) dengan air.
Kolom eter : kolom yang berfungsi untuk mendistilasi zat-zat yang
terkondensasi (alcohol dan air) untuk mengubahnya
menjadi isopropyl eter agar menguap lebih banyak.
Kolom Isopropanol (IPA) : kolom yang berfungsi untuk memurnikan produk dari
kolom eter (air dan alcohol) secara distilasi.
Kolom Azeotrop : kolom yang berfungsi untuk pemurnian dengan cara
distilasi memisahkan produk yang masih mengandung
isopropyl eter dan dari isopropanol murni dengan
konsentrasi 99%.
1.9 Kesimpulan

Isopropanol atau singkatan IPA adalah senyawa kimia yang mudah terbakar dengan bau
yang kuat. Nama lain dari isopropanol adalah isopropyl alkohol. Isopropanol memiliki rumus
molekul C3H8O.

Pembuatan isopropanol dapat dilakukan dengan beberapa metode, yaitu:

1. Hidrasi katalis langsung dari propilen

2. Hidrasi tak langsung dari propilen dengan menggunakan sulfasi dan hidrolisis

Adapun reaksi yang terjadi pada pembuatan isopropanol itu sendiri adalah:
CH3CH = CH2 + H2SO4 (CH3)2CH(OSO3H)
Asam sulfat isopropyl
b. Hidrolisis CH3


c.Formasi eter - reaksi samping

(CH3)2CH O (CH3)2CH

S OH + H2O O + H2SO4

(CH3)2CH O (CH3)2CH

diisopropil sulfate diisopropil ether

1.10 Daftar pustaka



1. Anindia Wibowo
Pada flowsheet, apa fungsi penambahan H2O pada hydrolizer stripper dan reaksi apa yang
terjadi ?
Reaksi yang terjadi pada hydrolizer stripper adalah reaksi hidrolisis, yaitu


Asam sulfat isopropil Isopropanol

Fungsi penambahan H2O adalah untuk mereasikan antara asam sulfat isopropyl dengan
H2O agar dihasilakan isopropanol dan H2SO4.

2. Mario prayoga
Pada proses kondensasi masuk ke water wash, apakah pada water wash terjadi reaksi dan
hasilnya direcycle kembali ?
Pada water wash tidak terjadi terjadi reaksi hanya dilakukan pencucian zatzat yang tidak
terkondensasi (propilen dan H2SO4) dengan air untuk memisahkan propilen dan H2SO4.
H2SO4 yang telah dicuci dan terpisah dari propilen akan dibuang pada bagian bawah
water wash. Sedangkan propilen dikembalikan atau direcycle kembali sebagai bahan
baku ke tahap sulfasi.


From Wikipedia, the free

Isopropyl alcohol encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation, search Refractive
index (nD)
isopropyl alcohol
2.86 cP at 15 C
1.96 cP at 25 C[1]
1.77 cP at 30 C
Viscosity For 187K-500K, viscosity (cP)
06*(T^2))) (Temp in K)[1]

IUPAC name[hide][hide] 1.66 D (gas)
propan-2-ol Hazards
other names[hide][hide] MSDS External MSDS
2-propanol, isopropanol, isopropyl alcohol
R-phrases R11 R36 R67
S-phrases S7 S16 S24 S25 S26
CAS number 67-63-0

PubChem 3776

ChemSpider 3644
NFPA 704
SMILES [show][show]
11.7 C (open cup)
Flash point
Molecular 13 C (closed cup)
399 C
Molar mass 60.1 g mol1 temperature

Appearance Colorless liquid LD50 5005 mg/kg (rat, oral)

Density 0.786 g/cm (20 C) Related compounds

Melting point Related

1-Propanol, Ethanol, 2-Butanol
89 C, 184 K, -128 F alcohols
Boiling point
Supplementary data page
82.4 C, 356 K, 180 F
Solubility in Structure and
miscible n, r, etc.
water properties
miscible in benzene, chloroform Thermodynam
ethanol, ether, glycerin Phase behaviour
Solubility ic
soluble in acetone Solid, liquid, gas
insoluble in salt solutions
Spectral data UV, IR, NMR, MS
Acidity (pKa) 16.5
(what is than 1-propanol because the addition of
this?) (verify)
Except where noted otherwise, data are givenwater
for or sulfuric acid to propene follows
materials in their standard state (at 25 Markovnikov's rule.
100 kPa)

Infobox references The indirect process reacts propene with

sulfuric acid to form a mixture of sulfate
esters. Subsequent hydrolysis of these
Isopropyl alcohol (also propan-2-ol, 2- esters produces isopropyl alcohol. Direct
propanol, iso, isopro, isoprop, rubbing hydration reacts propene and water, either
alcohol, isopropanol, or the abbreviation in gas or liquid phases, at high pressures in
IPA) is a common name for a colorless, the presence of solid or supported acidic
flammable chemical compound with a catalysts. Both processes require that the
strong odor. It has the molecular formula isopropyl alcohol be separated from water
C3H8O. It is the simplest example of a and other by-products by distillation.
secondary alcohol, where the alcohol Isopropyl alcohol and water form an
carbon is attached to two other carbons azeotrope and simple distillation gives a
sometimes shown as (CH3)2CHOH. It is an material which is 87.9% by weight
isomer of propanol. isopropyl alcohol and 12.1% by weight
water.[3] Pure (anhydrous) isopropyl
alcohol is made by azeotropic distillation
Contents of the "wet" isopropyl alcohol using either
diisopropyl ether or cyclohexane as
[hide] azeotroping agents.
1 Production
2 Uses [edit] Uses
3 Chemistry
Isopropyl alcohol is readily available. Like
4 Safety acetone, it dissolves a wide range of
nonpolar compounds. It is also relatively
5 Toxicology non-toxic and evaporates quickly. Thus it
is used widely as a solvent and as a
6 See also
cleaning fluid, especially for dissolving
7 References lipophilic contaminants such as oil.
Examples include cleaning electronic
8 External links devices such as contact pins (like those on
ROM cartridges), magnetic tape and disk
heads (such as those in audio and video
[edit] Production tape recorders and floppy disk drives), the
lenses of lasers in optical disc drives (e.g.
Isopropyl alcohol is produced by CD, DVD) and removing thermal paste
combining water and propene.[2] There are from IC packages (such as CPUs.) It is
two processes for achieving this: indirect used to clean LCD and glass computer
hydration via the sulfuric acid process and monitor screens (at some risk to the anti-
direct hydration. The former process, reflection coating on some screens), and
which can use low-quality propene, used to give second-hand or worn records
predominates in the USA while the latter newer-looking sheens. Isopropyl alcohol
process, which requires high-purity should not be used to clean vinyl records
propene, is more commonly used in as it may leach plasticizer from the vinyl
Europe. These processes give making it more rigid. Isopropyl alcohol
predominantly isopropyl alcohol rather removes smudges, dirt, and fingerprints
from cell phones and PDAs. It is effective Isopropyl alcohol nitrate is used in
at removing residual glue from some keyboard, LCD and lap top cleaning as a
sticky labels although some other strong but safer alternative to common
adhesives used on tapes and paper labels household cleaning products.
are resistant to it. It can also be used to
remove stains from most fabrics, wood, [edit] Chemistry
cotton, etc. Isopropyl alcohol is also used
to remove brake fluid traces from
Unlike ethanol or methanol, isopropyl
hydraulic disk brake systems, so that the
alcohol can be separated from aqueous
brake fluid (usually DOT 3, DOT 4 or
solutions by adding a salt such as sodium
mineral oil) does not contaminate the
chloride, sodium sulfate, or any of several
brake pads, which would result in poor
other inorganic salts, since the alcohol is
braking. In addition it can also be used to
much less soluble in saline solutions than
clean paintballs or other oil based products
in salt-free water [5] The process is
so that they may be reused, commonly
colloquially called salting out, and causes
known as "repainting".
concentrated isopropyl alcohol to separate
into a distinct layer.
As a biological specimen preservative,
isopropyl alcohol provides a cost-effective
Being a secondary alcohol, isopropyl
(compared to ethanol) and comparatively
alcohol can be oxidized to acetone, which
non-toxic alternative to formaldehyde and
is the corresponding ketone. This can be
other synthetic preservatives. Isopropyl
achieved using oxidizing agents such as
alcohol solutions of 90-99% are optimal
chromic acid, or by dehydrogenation of
for preserving specimens, although
isopropyl alcohol over a heated copper
concentrations as low as 70% can be used
in emergencies.
(CH3)2CH-OH (CH3)2CO + H2
Sterilizing pads typically contain a 60
70% solution of isopropyl alcohol in
Isopropyl alcohol may be converted to 2-
water. Isopropyl alcohol is also commonly
Bromopropane using phosphorus
used as a cleaner and solvent in industry.
tribromide, or dehydrated to propene by
heating with sulfuric acid.
Isopropyl alcohol is a major ingredient in
"gas dryer" fuel additives. In significant
Isopropyl alcohol is often used as a
quantities, water is a problem in fuel tanks,
hydride source in the Meerwein-Ponndorf-
as it separates from the gasoline, and can
Verley reduction.
freeze in the supply lines at cold
temperatures. It does not remove water
Like most alcohols, isopropyl alcohol
from gasoline; rather, the alcohol
reacts with active metals such as
solubilizes water in gasoline. Once
potassium to form alkoxides which can be
soluble, water does not pose the same risk
called isopropoxides. The reaction with
as insoluble water as it will no longer
aluminium (initiated by a trace of
accumulate in the supply lines and freeze.
mercury) is used to prepare the catalyst
Isopropyl alcohol is often sold in aerosol
aluminium isopropoxide.
cans as a windscreen de-icer.
Isopropyl alcohol has a maximum
Isopropyl alcohol is used as a water-drying
absorbance at 204 nm in an ultraviolet-
aid for the prevention of otitis externa,
visible spectrum.
better known as swimmer's ear.[4]
[edit] Safety From Wikipedia, the free
Isopropyl alcohol vapor is more dense than
air and is highly flammable with a very Jump to: navigation, search
wide combustible range. It should be kept "Propylene" redirects here. For the
away from heat and open flame. When unrelated compound referred to as
mixed with air or other oxidizers it can "propolene", see glucomannan.
explode through deflagration.[6] Isopropyl
alcohol has also been reported to form Propene
explosive peroxides.[6][7]

Like many organic solvents, long term

application to the skin can cause
defatting[citation needed].

[edit] Toxicology
Isopropyl alcohol is oxidized by the liver
into acetone by alcohol dehydrogenase.
Symptoms of isopropyl alcohol poisoning
include flushing, headache, dizziness, CNS
depression, nausea, vomiting, anesthesia,
IUPAC name[hide][hide]
and coma. Use in well-ventilated areas and
use protective gloves while using. Propene
Poisoning can occur from ingestion,
inhalation, or absorption. Identifiers

CAS number 115-07-1

Isopropyl alcohol acts as a central nervous
system (CNS) depressant. Its metabolite, 1077
acetone, is a CNS depressant in its own UN number In Liquefied petroleum
right. Around 15 g of isopropyl alcohol gas: 1075
can have a toxic effect on a 70 kg human if
left untreated.[8] However, it is not nearly RTECS number UC6740000
as toxic as methanol or ethylene glycol.
SMILES [show][show]
Isopropyl alcohol does not cause an anion
gap acidosis (in which as lowered blood Properties
serum pH causes depletion of bicarbonate
anion) as do ethanol and methanol. Molecular formula C3H6
Isopropyl alcohol does, however, produce
an osmolal gap between the calculated and Molar mass 42.08 g/mol
measured osmolalities of serum, as do the Appearance colorless gas
other alcohols. Overdoses may cause a
fruity odor on the breath as a result of its 1.81 kg/m3, gas (1.013 bar,
metabolism to acetone, which is not Density 15C)
further metabolized.[9] 613.9 kg/m3, liquid

Melting point
Propene 185.2 C (88.0 K)
Boiling point
47.6 C (225.5 K)
Solubility in water 0.61 g/m3 (? C)
Viscosity 8.34 Pas at 16.7 C
1 Properties
Structure 2 Synthesis

Dipole moment 0.366 D (gas) 3 Production and

4 Reactions
MSDS External MSDS
5 References
R-phrases 12

S-phrases 9-16-33 [edit] Properties

At room temperature, propene is a gas, and
as with many other alkenes, it is also
colourless with a weak but unpleasant
NFPA 704
Propene has a higher density and boiling
1 point than ethylene due to its greater size.
It has a slightly lower boiling point than
1 propane and is thus more volatile. It lacks
strongly polar bonds, yet the molecule has
Flash point 108 C
a small dipole moment due to its reduced
Related compounds symmetry (its point group is Cs).

Related groups Allyl, Propenyl Propene has the same empirical formula as
cyclopropane but their atoms are
Propane, Propyne
connected in different ways, making these
Related compounds Allene, 1-Propanol
molecules structural isomers.

(what is this?) (verify) [edit] Synthesis

Except where noted otherwise, data are given for
materials in their standard state (at 25
Propene is produced from non-renewable
100 kPa)
fossil fuels - petroleum, natural gas and to
Infobox references a much lesser extent coal. Propene is a
byproduct of oil refining and natural gas
processing. Ethylene, propene, and other
Propene, also known as propylene, is an compounds are produced by cracking
unsaturated organic compound having the larger hydrocarbon molecules. Propene is
chemical formula C3H6. It has one double separated by fractional distillation from
bond, and is the second simplest member hydrocarbon mixtures obtained from
of the alkene class of hydrocarbons, and it cracking and other refining processes.
is also second in natural abundance.
[edit] Production and Uses
Propene is the raw material for a wide
variety of products including
polypropylene, a versatile polymer used in
packaging and other applications. It is the
second highest volume petrochemical
feedstock after ethylene.[citation needed] Propene
and benzene are converted to acetone and
phenol via the cumene process. Propene is
also used to produce isopropanol (propan-
2-ol), acrylonitrile, propylene oxide
(epoxypropane) and epichlorohydrin.[2]

Propene production has remained static at

around 35 million tonnes (Europe and
North America only) from 20002008 but
has been increasing in East Asia, most
notably Singapore and China.[3][4] Total
world production of propene is currently
about half that of ethylene.
Asam sulfat
[edit] Reactions
Nama lain Minyak vitriol
Propene resembles other alkenes in that it
undergoes addition reactions relatively Identifikasi
easily at room temperature. The relative
weakness of its double bond (which is less Nomor CAS [7664-93-9]
strong than two single bonds) explains its
tendency to react with substances that can Nomor
achieve this transformation. Alkene
reactions include: 1) polymerization, 2)
oxidation, 3) halogenation and WS5600000
hydrohalogenation, 4) alkylation, 5)
hydration, 6) oligomerization, and 7) Sifat
Asam sulfat
98,08 g/mol
Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia,
ensiklopedia bebas cairan bening, tak
berwarna, tak berbau
Langsung ke: navigasi, cari
Densitas 1,84 g/cm3, cair
Asam sulfat

Titik leleh
10 C, 283 K, 50 F
Titik didih
337 C, 610 K, 639 F
tercampur penuh
dalam air


Viskositas 26,7 cP (20 C)


Korosif (C)

Indeks EU 016-020-00-8

NFPA 704

Frasa-R Templat:R35

Frasa-S (S1/2), S26, S30, S45

Titik nyala tak ternyalakan

Senyawa terkait
Asam selenat
Asam kuat
Asam klorida
Asam nitrat

Asam sulfit
Sulfur trioksida

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