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Most of the algorithms stated in the literature are not very much practical for real world
scenarios in modern homes. The main reason for that is the usage of developed electronic
circuits in most of the appliances. Also the NILM device has to be trained a lot in-order to get
satisfactory results. Offline training will give faster responses than online training.
When considering about the algorithms present, most of them are designed to dissagregate
loads offline. There are few good algorithms for real time load identification, but they are
unable to identify all kinds of appliances. Due to this reason we have designed our system to
differentiate loads into several classes.
However, it seems that NILM would not be practical in large scale industries. But still further
research should be carried out to develop better algorithms to identify and dissagregate loads.
Then this technology can be combined with the smart grid concept and the demand response
management concepts.
NILM would be a better application for house-holds, but the cost of a NILM system with a
good accuracy of predicting load and dissagregating loads will still be at a higher level due to
the need of a higher processing speed for real time operation. If we forget the need of
detecting load in real time, then it would be much cost effective.
Our intention in this project was to create a low cost, real time, Arduino based NILM system.
Though our system is not perfect it gave us a considerable exposure to the available NILM
concepts. Therefore, with respect to our study we can say that it is quite capable to create a
low cost NILM system based on Arduino if we do the dissagregation offline.

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