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thank you great spirit

for this blessed day

thank you for this gift of life

allowing me to pray

thank you for the obstacles

placed upon my path

thank you for the catalyst

your humor makes me laugh

thank you great spirit

for sunshine and rain

thank you for all teachers

even sorrow and pain

thank you for this beating heart

paired with a thinking brain

thank you for the nudges

when i would rather refrain

it always comes back

to the question of "who?"

whoever consciousness is
all of us are that being too

intricately connected
by the strongest of glue

an ocean of infinite potential

from which wave patterns grew

all waves eventually drown

cheer up...theres no need to frown

a return to the infinite ocean

is a return to the cosmic clown

fractals forever in a laughter loop

we are in this together...one symbiotic group

we are the ocean...we are the waves

all that is emanates from our heart caves


love is the energy

of your attention

so do pay it well
and watch love swell

before you know it

your heart will encompass
the universe humongous

wholeness restored
nothing ignored
no duality...no sword
blessings all about
no reason to pout
just breathe: in...out

between the silence

and the noise
unlimited joys

if you hear
what i am saying

many players
one self playing


hey brothers...hey sisters

now what do you say?

follow your heart

for it knows the way

come sing...come dance...come play

come have a wonderful...glorious day

hey sunshine...hey blue sky

thank you for the sight

beauty revealed
by your pure light

how do you shine so bright?

the moon reflects you even at night

i love you...i love all

so lets have a ball

when you hear a whisper

take heed to the call
the rest...the rise...the fall
before you were walking...you did a crawl

hey christs...hey buddhas

archangels above

teachers of wisdom
turn the cheek...dont shove

at peace just like a dove

all of life is a story of love


from this day forward

i will only move toward
the truth...the love...the light

a life of gaiety
aware all is deity
lucid...happy...and free

never again
will i forsake my will

never again
will i choose a cheap thrill

from this moment forth

i have reset my course
to follow...my heart...all ways

no need to give in
to the rest of my kin
i am that...i am... will do

never again
will i drop down so low

never again
will i go against what i know

what is love?
but a ceaseless flow

what is love?
but the desire to grow

what is love?
but a feeling so deep

what is love?
but the tears you weep

what is love?
but a timeless mirror

what is love?
but the answer to fear

what is love?
but a humbling bow

what is love?
but the here and now

what is love?
but a warming heart

what is love?
but the end and start

what is love?
but a freedom of will

what is love?
but the silent and still

what is love?
but a thought so vast
what is love?
but the joy you cast

what is love?
but an aware soul

what is love?
but the cosmos whole

what is love?
but a shining star

what is love?
but who you really are


there is so much potential for good in a collective humanity

a shift from competition to cooperation would heal our insanity

if we all just worked towards a single goal

a planet full of stewards that all feel whole

what is it we desire as a unified earth?

what shall we manifest? what could we birth?

every creature is created equal...we have no dominion

the sun shines on us all with no judgment nor opinion

what is it going to take to bring us all together?

more quakes...more hurricanes...more severe weather

every shake and every tremor is a message from gaia

either learn to live as one people or sianara...good-bya

i know this may sound harsh but thats the way of the sword
the truth of love rests in giving...not in how much we can hoard

give to one...give to all...lets start a tsunami of global caring

it would be a much brighter planet if more time was spent sharing

there is only ever the step you are now taking

there is only ever the choice you are now making

it matters not what has happened before

now is your eternal shot for love to restore

love is what it has always been about

for love is the flame that never goes out

love is the infinite Creator of our free will

love is the utterly passive...the silent...the still

love is the main ingredient of every choice

love is the reason you exist and for that rejoice

you are indeed one with a most passionate love

the spark in your heart which carries you above

any obstacle...any problem...any experience at all

love is on your side...love is at your beck and call

this should deeply thrill you to be aware that you are

united with every plant...every animal...and every star

for the love that birthed you

birthed every other being too

yes...we all have love in common

and it is to love we all say "amen"


dont be a hater
be a co-Creator

lead by example
give freely a sample
of the inner light
the soul shining bright

never be in fear
stay present...stay here

for love does endure

of this i am quite sure

all of life perdures

birth and death only stirs

the energy known as bliss

if in doubt...consider this

silence is the unitive force

quiet mind...seek the source


life is a story that never stops from being told

the passing on of wisdom to the young from the old

for knowledge you see is what life is all about

know thyself as that which has no within nor without

beneath all the stories lies an awareness so blank

a fullness of self with no reason to curse nor thank

deeper than these characters we are now playing

consciousness listens to every word we are saying

we are all story tellers each adding our own chapter

some stories are full of yelling and others full of laughter

what kind of story are you writing with each choice?

do you realize the power of the words that you voice?

sit around the warm fire and tell your own vision
imagine the butterfly effect of your every decision
each moment you are asked to take the low or high road
will you choose to slay the dragon or will you kiss the toad?


i am a puppet
music is my master

whatever is...love it
no matter the disaster

who is pulling the strings?

the truth...i am forever after

whatever the future brings

i know to meet it with laughter

for last night i found my grave

a memory that i sure plan to save

deja vu... ive been here before

deep rhythms send me to the floor

imprinted perfectly into the earth

like a butterfly going through re-birth

i could have left but i chose to stay

with one purpose: to dance and sway

reminders from home...a blinking star

love and light can heal the deepest scar

"look at me dance" ego proudly does boast

no attention to the grass upon which i coast

little did i know that each blade is dancing too

it is a symbiotic effort where we work like glue

ley lines i follow as i let my pendulum arms guide

bouncing off the crowds aura like a tilt-a-whirl ride
a hanged man surrendered to the point of power
so many blessings does each moment now shower


we are the infinite reaction to the first cause

now let that sink in as you reflect and pause

what proof is there of this primary act?

why would anyone feel that this is a fact?

well just look at the freedom that we all possess

the opportunity is always open to choose no or yes

free to judge...free to ignore...free to bless

free to rise up on faith or sink down on stress

the moment is forever ripe with boundless possibility

the source of creation is a constant flow of generosity

the eternal explorer fueled by a passionate curiosity

with love for all that exists...not a drop of animosity

the central sun...the birth place of all light

the mysterious one...never quite in sight

does a Creator react or does a Creator create?

do you make your own destiny or wait for your fate?


everything you do
do from the heart

all will be well

each moment a re-start

everyones forgiven
within the innocence of now

heart full of compassion

loving both sides of the tao

dipping below the surface

questions begin to bubble

sailing with the wind

no thoughts in mind to trouble

silence always answers

as a perfect echo

take a new point of view

look around like a gecko


you exist as eternal light

give thanks and rejoice

your connected to every sight

give thanks and rejoice

you have the freedom to think

give thanks and rejoice

you have eyes that can wink

give thanks and rejoice

you have a roof over your head

give thanks and rejoice

you have a pillow and comfortable bed

give thanks and rejoice

you have friends and family that care

give thanks and rejoice

you can take a breath of fresh air

give thanks and rejoice

you have electricity to power

give thanks and rejoice

you can take a hot shower

give thanks and rejoice

you have no worries about your next meal

give thanks and rejoice

you have a heart with emotions to feel

give thanks and rejoice

you have reasons to give thanks and rejoice

give thanks and rejoice


one can be a drain

or one can be a fountain

one can bring others down in pain

or one can turn cheeks up like a mountain

one can live a life without any moral behavior

one can bypass the heart without a single care

or one can follow christ...forgiveness the savior

where one bleeds compassion with a gentle stare

one can keep on using and abusing

one can lie...one can steal...one can hate

or one can unite and start fusing

one can cry...one can heal...one can wait

one can be impatient...one can put up a fuss

or one can be calm...never a worry nor a rush

beyond all of this there is a peace so still

when one is responsible with every act of will

step away from the crowd
so predictable and loud

take off the ego mask

in the light of truth...bask

how long can you be alone?

as you welcome the unknown

let the iceberg of self melt

until silence is fully felt

there is no other way

in the moment...stay

simply be available to now

tap into the existential wow

when all desires cease

what is left is called peace

an inner freedom so vast

the mind with no overcast


heres a technique to keep your center

only do what you enjoy and joy will enter

this may sound silly yet i implore you to try

for one full day act only to make your soul fly

i repeat...only do that which you really love to do

dont try to please others...be authentic and true

if you dont like doing something then simply stop it

you have every right to just lay it aside and drop it

nothing is more important than following your bliss

what brings you delightful feelings like a first kiss?
be like the birds that continue to chirp all day long
turn deep within until you can hear your heart song

knowing yourself means to know what you like

and dont be afraid to tell another to take a hike

the heart chakra must be kept open if joy is what you seek
you will know when you have found it when your eyes begin to leak


which world do you choose to dwell?

a dream of heaven or a dream of hell?

what is the message that you radiate out?

is it a message of hope or a message of doubt?

every second of every single day

we are each a message on display

aware of my power...perfection is what i see

discarding all of the lies ive found the real me

no victim...no judge...only inner peace remains

all of life embraced both the joys and the pains

full of respect and responsibility

i trust in the universe and eternity

a message of love from a messenger of light

from the truth of "i am" my heart takes flight

i am an earth angel and words are my wings

when i open up my mouth harmony sings


brothers and sisters of sorrow

lets create a brighter tomorrow
with faith and a strong will power
lets cleanse like a heavenly shower

with our intents and with our deeds

keep on planting those heartfelt seeds

the garden of earth is ready to bloom

be a source of light in the midst of gloom

easing the suffering and easing the pain

expressing love is what keeps us sane

far far from home did we all wander

the reason why is something to ponder

for we are all here by choice no doubt

the cry from gaia that made us all pout

and so we came full of passion and care

knowing deep down we had love to share


live the life you love

always seeking to rise above

the never-ending climb of light

towards greater feelings of delight

the pull to evolve...the push to become

the mystery of existence we cannot plumb

so little we know...so much to understand

ungraspable like a hand trying to hold sand

and so we surrender to the unknown

where the seed of faith and hope is grown

watered by every question we ask

in the soil of grace we forever bask
as we follow our bliss our dreams flower
the here is herer and the now is nower

as we shift from intellect to intuition

our hearts desire comes to fruition


let everybody free

let them be
let them be

free of any judgment

free of any thought
free of any opinion at all

drop from your head

feel instead
feel instead

use your heart

use your gut
use your empathy

connect and be whole

connect at the soul
connect at the soul

know the infinite self

hear the eternal silence
see the crown of golden light


as soft as i am strong
as right as i am wrong
love sings its eternal song

as dark as i am light
as black as i am white
love embraces day and night
as old as i am new
as false as i am true
love flows right on through

as sad as i am glee
as trapped as i am free
love is an endless mystery

as lost as i am found
as quiet as i am sound
love goes round and round

as still as i am flow
as fast as i am slow
love is all there is to know


potential beings of limitless light

a mixture of gold and a most magnificent white

the source of love flows freely to us all

with unbound compassion awaiting a call

when you sincerely ask for help to guide

the whole cosmos answers and is on your side

for the infinite wants you to blossom and grow

that you are eternal...the universe wants you to know

synchronicities occur to keep one on track

whatever you desire love has got your back

gifted with a freedom that you cannot lose

forever and ever you have the potential to choose

our experience is how the Creator does learn

gaining valuable wisdom with the ability to discern
as we surrender our mind to our humble heart
the blessing that is now is always a fresh start


to give without expectation of return

to live each moment ready to learn

to clear the way to innocence

to hear the silent essence

be unconditional
allow the christ within to shine

be non-judgmental
open the heart to the divine

to die on each exhale

to be reborn every blink

to bless on each inhale

to feel love instead of think

be all-pervading
dont leave anything out

be all-inclusive
leave no room for doubt

to soar like an eagle

one must spread ones wings

to roar like a lion

the truth inside first rings

to seek service where one can assist

to be the change...to persevere...to persist

be humble
dont try to rise above
be patient
every being is worthy of love


to serve is what i intend

to help any broken heart mend

to reflect a smile upon a frown

to pick up one who is down

to hear when another speaks

to guide a friend that seeks

to see the beauty of each frame

to know we are all the same

to breathe every breath in praise

to shine forth the inner rays

to sing with the birds at dawn

to respect both queen and pawn

to greet the self in all with love

to imitate the heavens above

to choose each thought with care

and most of all...to share


as i close my eyes
i await the surprise

as i sever all ties

my waking self dies

the earth dream clears

a mirror world appears

made of my hopes and fears

an environment of my tears

hearing light and seeing sound

everything is flipped upside down

i start to spin around and around

i begin to dig and a treasure is found

another layer...one more level deep

all i want is peace...all i want is sleep

yet there is no rest within a dream

just colors dancing from ocean to stream


the infinite silence

holds all the guidance
one would ever need

your only task

is simply to ask
each question forms a seed

the eternal presence

of your innocent essence
loves you no matter what

so wake up each day

and remember to play
dont let your heart ever shut

if something gets you down

and your moping around
look in the mirror and see

that you are still here

through sorrow and fear
the truth sets one free

who you are doesnt change

circumstances rearrange
yet light remains at the core

your job is to shine

perceiving all as divine
from the mountains to the shore


do you remember the sound of the breeze?

the way the leaves rustle upon the trees

do you remember the sound of the birds?

they have been chirping long before words

do you remember the feel of the dew?

no shoes blocking what nature has grew

do you remember the feel of the fire?

rise with the sun and as it sets...retire

do you remember the smell of the flowers?

how about the scent of the air when it showers?

do you remember the smell of the soil?

when your hands got dirty in a gardens toil

do you remember the sight of the milky way?

as you jumped star to star in infinite play

do you remember the sight of the ocean?

its vastness working just like a love potion


run run waterfall...waterfall peaks

when your heart is touched then your eye leaks

down down down they fall...gently down your cheeks

tears are the silent way the source within speaks
shine shine inner light...inner light spread
that is your only task until your dead

fill fill fill your heart...empty out your head

radiate and share the truth...let it all be said

laugh laugh joyful bard...joyful bard sing

like the russian pine...let your soul ring

out out out it soars...on an eagles wing

love is really all you ever have to bring

center center now...one deep inside

be humble and let go of all your pride

faith faith faiths enough...take it all in stride

welcome to the dreamtime...spend more of it outside


write down the first thought that comes to your mind

whether it is judgmental or whether it is kind

it doesnt matter...for as you seek below you find

that beneath every single word sweet silence does bind

pretend for a moment that this is all a dream

you just became lucid...now what do you deem?

you have the power to create...a limitless stream

focus your attention into an intentional beam

no longer a gap between desire and its manifestation

creating what you want is as effortless as respiration

with this awakening arises a feeling of utmost elation

there is only make believe...one infinite imagination

so what do you feel within? is this really possible?

are you ready for this power?...to be truly responsible
from nothing to something...thoughts seem impossible
thinking is magnetic magic...i repeat...be responsible


all that you seek...all that you crave

so much time you would save
if first you looked inside

peace...love...happiness...and health
these are your true infinite wealth
that can only be found within

look no further than your heart

that is the place to start
surrender and just be

where your thoughts become still

the very center of your will
open...relax...and breathe

can you feel the source?

the all pervading force
flowing eternally

there is a connection to us all

with no separating wall
only love is here

fear is nothing but a lie

when you resist or deny
the truth of unity

do you see what i mean?

now is fresh and clean
awaiting your next choice

know deeply what you desire

that will spark the fire
keeping you forever warm

you can sit back and wait

or you can step up to the plate

do you believe in fate?

or are you here to create?

a future of your own making

it is yours for the taking

be real...no more faking

think upon love when waking

spread that feeling all around

make all your speech a happy sound

give the peace that you have found

as you listen to your heart pound

with each beat the truth grows

dont look past your own nose

just breathe the wind that blows

as you watch how all life flows


you think...you thought...you heard

word after word after word

you seek...you sought...you found

the silent essence of sound

you feel...you felt...you know

the smile from an inner glow

you live...you love...you learn

only the heart can discern

you choose...you chose...you will

thrill upon thrill upon thrill

you give...you gave...you got

each moments another shot

you wish...you hope...you pray

harmony leads the way

you breathe...you bow...you are

connected to every star


spring has sprung

i feel so young

from winters womb

i blossom and bloom

to warm with my gaze

just like the suns rays

nature bursts into song

for mud my feet do long


to find the seeker one must implode

into unity...into silence...into god mode

here it is revealed...here the veil does lift

all is known as self...there is no more rift

the illusion of other is finally seen through

the truth becomes clear...all of life is you

there never was anything else...just an ego dream

the bubble on the surface pops as you re-enter the stream

im sick of fences...im tired of walls
i need open spaces where beauty enthralls

im sick of driving...im tired of gas

i just want to spin on the comfy green grass

im sick of thinking...im tired of words

if only i could soar with the chirping birds

im sick of working...im tired of money

i wish for a living like a bee makes honey


seven generations down the line

if we lived this way we would be doing fine

but we chose a different path indeed

one filled with ego...pride...and greed

all signs from nature read dead end"

will we heed the message? will we mend?

out of balance...time runs short

the ship is sinking...abort...abort


my heart is wide open

my mouth is shut tight

the world casts its lures

but i will not bite

i am here for one purpose

to uphold the light

no battle with darkness

i choose to shine bright

laughing and playing

i live in delight

no worrying about people

nothing wrong to right

in this love bubble

my souls free for flight

spiraling upwards
closer to pure white


now is an open invitation

to experience relaxation

without anticipation
just a simple meditation

on the miracle of now

dont you wonder how?

a thought comes to be
is it all fantasy?

can truth be found in words?

is it in the songs of birds?

are owls truly wise?

"huing" with their replies

the dolphins appear to know

playing in the depths below

will you join them in the here?

where confusion becomes clear

yes...everyones invited
to get really excited

about the endless opportunity

of infinite possibility

about breathing in fresh air

and having love to share

about hearing water flow

and watching flowers grow

towards the light we all seek

the heroes journey to the peak

when we get there what do we find?

the glaring truth makes us blind

so we are left with faith alone

as we leap into the unknown

the staff of will at your side

in the mystery you can confide


where the stream meets the lake

when the dreamer becomes awake

what the journey is all about

why on the top of a mountain you shout

each question leads back to "who?"

to an identity that feels most true

where my boundary dissolves into you

when the universe gives me a clue

what the mystics have preached so long

why a poet channels words into song

because a heart so full must share

like a cloud dropping rain into the air

soak me up now" says the rain
i will help wash away all your pain

release all your worries and release your fears

pretend every rain drop is one of your tears

hop into a puddle with bare feet

feel where the water and your skin does meet

listen to the stream as it rushes past

my body will die but the water will last

"sway with me now" says the air

i will help manifest your every prayer

so be careful with the words you speak

you are responsible for what leaves your cheek

my role is merely to connect all things

learn to bend with what the moment brings

if you breathe deeply you will find

there is a treasure which can forever be mined

"shine and be seen now" says the fire

i will help to spark your creative desire

do what you love and your warmth will spread

to live without passion is like being dead

just give without expecting in return

from this practice i promise you will learn

how expansive it is to be a simple flame

we are all different colors but as light we are the same

"be still and grow now" says the earth

i will help you heal and deal with rebirth
like a caterpillar morphs into a butterfly
so can a human advance into the sky

to get your wings your vibration must rise

that may involve dissolving some ties

for the familiar must go if you wish to stay fresh

the eternal soul entwined with innocent flesh


holding each others hands

in a life with no demands

for we are just tiny strands

in a web that is so grand

if we lived closer to the earth

where each member knew their worth

we would help midwife the planets birth

into a realm rooted by love and mirth

our technology is just a phase

where we have forgotten natures ways

all thats needed is thanks and praise

as we warm the creation with our rays

for our hearts contain the key

to what it means to be happy

love is the force that sets one free

as the gateway is opened to infinity


not north...not south...not east...nor west

im honoring the direction towards inward rest

walking a labyrinth of which our soul is the center

be sure to have a question before you do enter

for this is sacred ground on which you tread

the lifelong pilgrimage to the heart from the head

keep this place clean for it is a space of healing

is has many many layers so keep on peeling

all of our feelings arise from this one source

give them all respect...give them due coarse

nothings to be overcome...whats not needed falls away

in the holy of holies...love and light hold sway

this unity is what we are made of...this unity is who we are

if you are looking for the truth you dont have to look far

for reality is much nearer than one would presume

inwards is the direction from which all creation does bloom


you know that feeling when all desires cease

when the mind stops reeling and you experience peace

striving is no more and all problems disappear

as the inner sun radiates through a mind that is clear

you realize who you are and who you have always been
and then suddenly it strikes you...you are all women and men

a warmth pervades your being and you cant help but grin
as you come to understand all you ever sought was within


my heart feels like the setting sun

ive shared my light and now the day is done

time for the moon to fulfill her task

in the darkness you can remove your mask
as the colors fade and the flowers close
the fire crackles as the djembe echoes

across the water of a very still pond

in the blanket of night i feel an ancient bond

a curious star shoots across the sky

reminds me of the times that ive wondered why

the bats are feeding from branch to branch

there is no way that this is all by chance

the milky way galaxy of which we are a part

our purpose is simply to live with an open heart

the orchestra of crickets always stay in tune

this song is for you...the goddess of the moon


leave the familiar behind

no fast forward...no rewind

without memory...what is mind?

if nothings lost then theres nothing to find

what one thinks seeds a cause

awefully happy with awesome flaws

awareness creates...the creation awes

a moment to explore the eternal pause

nothing is more grounding

than to hear your heart pounding

when you engage with each surrounding

all that you experience becomes astounding

with a rhythmic ripple of yes

a message vibrates from my chest
trough upon trough...crest upon crest
a harmonic nest where the searcher can rest


dwell on what you love

not on what you hate

if you want to rise above

learn to appreciate

practice being grateful

notice how it feels

give away a plateful

expansive energy heals

like the sun opens flowers

intend to do the same

a sharing heart empowers

play the blessing game

remember to say "thanks"

to mother earth and father sky

we all share equal ranks

from the galaxy to the fly


when one is judged...all is judged

when one is blessed...all is blessed

judging is choosing to experience separation

blessing is choosing to experience unification

it is upon this axis that our reality revolves

projecting attaches while forgiving dissolves
judgment restricts loves flow and creates hell
blessing extends loves flow and creates heaven

each and every encounter offers this choice

we can bless silently or bless with our voice

any time you judge the heart does close

wouldnt you rather unfold like a rose?

a path of darkness or a path of light

where both paths meet is a great insight

mind is dualistic and heart is simplistic

no one knows the truth...lets be realistic


i wake up in the morning

stretch my fingers and toes

i wake up in the morning

and get into child pose

i wake up in the morning

write down all my dreams

i wake up in the morning

to catch the suns first beams

i wake up in the morning

all ready for the day

i wake up in the morning

who else wants to play?

i wake up in the morning

spin spring water to energize
i wake up in the morning
loves shining through my eyes

i spend all day in nature

leave behind my shoes

i spend all day in nature

a sure cure for the blues

i spend all day in nature

walking in the woods

i spend all day in nature

forgetting about shoulds

i spend all day in nature

watching the colors turn

i spend all day in nature

theres so much to learn

i spend all day in nature

catching leaves that twirl

i spend all day in nature

with my friend the squirrel

i lay down in the evening

take off most my clothes

i lay down in the evening

my weary eyes then close

i lay down in the evening

repeat a mantra in my head

i lay down in the evening

oh how i love a comfy bed

i lay down in the evening

my practice of being still
i lay down in the evening
recalling how i used my will

i lay down in the evening

turn off all the lights

i lay down in the evening

and to all i say "good night"


the governments not going to solve our problems

we are the only ones who can handle this

living from our heart...sharing our bliss

when we work together we cannot miss

we are the majority...we are the 99 percent

occupy the heart full-time...dont just rent

what we receive in life comes from what is sent

there are no mistakes for which you must repent

we have to stay strong...we must be courageous

the 6th sense of humor heals cause laughter is contagious

its outrageous there are people in the world that are starving
just look at all the pumpkins wasted just for carving

it doesnt have to be like this...we can live without money

we each must find our passion like the bees make honey

humanitys role is to be the caretaker of the earth

who have you helped today? let this measure your worth

we know why we are here...its to help with mothers birth

one simple way to assist is with the energy of mirth

we are not a deadly virus nor are we some cancer

we are just really confused about what is the answer
our sentience is a gift...in fact its the highest honor
but we dont have dominion over an ant or an otter

take a few minutes now and really start to ponder

the reason for why an evolved soul would wander


dear listener
i hope you choose

to shine instead of cower

dont hide away your power

dear listener
i hope you know

we are living in the final hour

its time for you to flower

dear listener
i hope your dreams

all come to fruition

just follow your intuition

dear listener
i hope your days

are full of hugs and laughter

love we are here to master

dear listener
i hope you find

that which you are seeking

thats not fair you are peeking

dear listener
i hope you give
without any expectation
share your heart without hesitation

dear listener
i hope you take

timeout just for breathing

the airs so full its seething

dear listener
i hope you grow

into your highest potential

for that love of self is essential


to live suggests that one dies and this is not the case
for we are eternal beings that cannot be erased

so many people go through life and never look within

the endless search outside for peace wears the soul thin

if only they took the time to seek the source of thought

the truth would reveal itself and no longer be sought

for silence is the holy grail..it is the long lost treasure

once you find this golden light you cant help but feel pleasure

all the forms of life which seem so different and unique

theyre all made of consciousness whose playing hide and seek

now this may be hard to grasp and even harder to accept

but there is a deep part of you that has never ever slept

it witnesses your dreams and each experience while awake

consciousness doesnt need to sleep or even take a break

our soul is so creative that it boggles the monkey mind

the sun indeed is glaring but it doesnt make you blind

all the world needs is love

nothing needs to come to a push or shove

all the world needs is light

oh people of earth lets make things right

forget communism...forget democracy

all forms of government are full of hypocrisy

all the world needs is to reclaim our sovereignty

thats the only way that we will ever be free

this isnt fluffy wishful thinking

this isnt hocus pocus
all the world needs is to find a healing focus

we dont need to know their secrets

we dont need their gasoline
all the world needs is energy thats clean

all the world needs is peace

all the silly corporate wars must cease

all the world needs is laughter

a broader point of view will avoid disaster

remember meditation...remember to give thanks

we can barter all our goods
we dont need central banks

all the world needs is proactive individuals

united is the only way to become indivisible

these are words of power

this song comes from my heart
can you feel the revolution thats about to start

the changes wont be televised

for its all growing from grass roots
all the world needs are people that give a lot of hoots


all self-knowledge
is contained

within the
voice of silence

and seek the truth

which bubbles up
as guidance


make me an empty vessel for your healing light

may the spectrum of color return to brilliant white

may love flow freely through my hands

without expectations and no demands

for im just an instrument of your love

seeking to shine like the stars above

may this reiki energy be used to heal

as the heavens reveal the 7th seal


how much change are you willing to make?

what if you lived like your life was at stake?

sing prayers...chant tones

move in layers...dance your bones

connect eyes...say "good morning"

bless gray skies...higher self adorning
the commonality of being is what we all share
magical existence...snowflakes twirling in the air

do you have the courage to make your dreams come true?

the seed of love needs nurturing in order to burst through

sanctify your actions...form a ritual

give thanks for each breath until its habitual

finger paint...create healing space

smile at strangers...learn to embrace

dont be nervous for people are just people

lets combine our gifts into an ascending steeple


feel sister water in motion

we are waves in the ocean

feel the spaciousness of brother air

we all have freedom with gifts to share

feel the support from mother earth

we have been cared for since our birth

feel the fire from father sun

as beings of light we are all one


truth lies deeper than words will ever go

that is my experience and that is what i know

there is a wave of love that one can learn to ride

when you greet each moment with a heart thats open wide

feelings are like underground rivers of the soul

where they meet the body...mind...and spirit become whole
each emotion is a facet of the jewel we are
we each contain the potential to shine just like a star


all that matters are the choices we make

each ones important...not one a mistake

life is a path of our own choosing

test not contest...no winning nor losing

the past has receded...the future will unfold

earths a living canvas...what will we mold?

now is when we start...here is where we dream

the void becomes full like silence to a scream


i am not an image...i am not a thought

identify with silence or in the web of maya you will be caught

i am emptiness...i am pure space

if you dont want to suffer then release attachment to your face

i am not in control...freedom reigns supreme

the sun will rise and set no matter what i deem

i am awareness...i am this moment now

instead of arguing with what is...take a simple bow

its easier to expand than it is to contract

it takes effort for the ego to falsify a fact

why perpetuate a struggle? why resist the flow?

everything is well when you relax into "i dont know"

tension is created when you push your mind away

all conflict disappears when you learn to say "okay"
the hole is dug deeper the harder you try to get out
unlearning is what awakening is actually about


pregnant with limitless possibility

each moment is a slice of eternity

step towards your goals but never run away

take time out each day for creative play

stretch your body and breathe really slow

go for a walk as you wonder how things grow

sing in the shower and give thanks for each meal

smile at your pain by remembering whats real

to feelings pay attention for they will help guide

we all feel lost sometimes...take it all in stride

laughter can heal and a hug is full of power

anyones day is brightened when receiving a flower

its the little things that matter like opening a door

meet people beyond appearance...meet them at the core

be the becoming...theres always more that can be done

stay in beginners mind and please have some fun


what have you done today

that you have not done before?

if your lifes in a rut then maybe

its time to venture and explore

theres an unfamiliar world

out there waiting just for you

stop going around in circles

and try something new


i dance like a fool

for the feeling of renewal

my heart beats fast...my blood does surge

releasing toxins in a sweaty purge

the music moves me to the floor

i spin around and then i spin some more

i listen with my heart as i close my eyes

the language of dance tells no lies

waves of sound ripple through my being

how is it that movement can be so freeing?

my body follows wherever my hands guide

the bass builds up and im called to slide

and slide i do synchronized with the beat

flowing from side to side on the sides of my feet

the life force of water is my energizing fuel

i am being danced...no battling...no duel


deep inside the chambers of the sanctum of my heart

there i hear a whisper asking me not to depart

home is now...its not outside you...its as near as here

when you feel your essence shining far away goes fear


how do i reclaim that refreshing sense of awe?

instead of seeing words when i was young i really saw
a bird was not a bird...it was a living mystery
i wish i could restore my mind back to its infancy


we are living on a spherical miracle

this realm of material fused with the spiritual

the body isnt lower than the mind nor the spirit
death is an expansion so you best not fear it

all we have been given is a blessing from above

sent here to explore this creation made of love

the senses are so vivid...it all seems so real

if we are really eternal then what is there to heal?


the perpetual percussion of the all-pervading heart

surrounded by perfection...all i perceive is art

purge what can be purged until the permanent is found

awareness will perdure as silence swallows sound


a bow welcomes the now like showers welcome flowers

not just a sign of respect a bow also empowers

when you choose to see the self within all other beings
a feeling will arise that doesnt get any more freeing

as palms press together into a prayerful pose

the head shifts to the heart as my eyelids close

loves presence lingers like the fragrance of a rose

i can feel my soul smiling right up through my toes

you are you in a very unique way
so is he and so is she and so are they

only you will make the choices you make

if love is not followed ones heart will ache

never duplicated...each life is a gift

we can create sorrow or we can uplift

the question of desire is what now forever asks

can you do with love the most mundane of tasks?


i am here to set your heart ablaze

to guide you out of societys maze

i am here to bring you back to center

welcome to now...please do enter

i am here to shine and dance with glee

to show what it looks like to be free

i am here to bless and serve the light

to be a fire in the darkest of night


my eyes seek for nothing but contact

my nose wishes to live inside of a rose

my ears amplify the eternal buzz of being

my mouth prays for harmonious resonance

my gut feels the promptings of my soul

my heart beats to synchronize with yours

my hairs reach as the edge of the universe

my mind surfs on ascending waves of silence

my toes know mother earth better than "i"

my ankles love to spin in spontaneous circles

my knees are forever bent...ready to lift you up

my hands applaud for the opportunity to serve


we are the self that never ends

yes we go on and on my friends

we created all of this to explore manyness

and we will continue exploring forever just because...


when we are doing what we came to do

when the sun is shining and the sky is blue

when everyones sharing their hearts so true

love is answering the question "who?"

cause love is who we are

thats all we need to know

when we are living from the heart

compassion is bound to grow

when we are being what we came to be

when the moon is glowing and the skys starry

when everyones happy and feeling free

welcome home rainbow family

cause love is who we are

thats all we need to know

when we are living from the heart

compassion is bound to grow

let the mystery take a hold of you
become deep awake as you wonder what is true

the answer to the question is to be and not to be

both a separate individual and the source of unity


from baby steps to challenging climbs

this is the year for bridging paradigms

shifting from banks to a cashless society

where money no longer creates anxiety

lawns become gardens...an abundance of food

music circles on each corner to elevate the mood

angel walks form to remind us earth is heaven

lovin you goddess sisters and galactic brethren


seemingly empty but actually full

silence is enough...division makes it dull

reborn in this moment...again and again

if not now...then when i ask when?"

i feel right at home...plunging deep below

the circus surface tires me...from the roots i grow

invigorating joy of play...the child comes alive

dancing symbiotically...i welcome the dive

into the great mystery...my hearts allowed to feel

creating vibes of gratitude...holding space to heal

give me all your misery...transform it to perfume

i only want to love you...i wish to see you bloom

if theres nothing but beauty...why do i compare?

every time i judge...instead of mend i tear

the connection to my higher self...i hope i can repair

still learning to say no...to substances others share


i believe in you...i believe you can do

i believe you can learn something new

i believe you can get from here to there

i believe you can get anywhere

i believe you can pass any test

i believe you can beat your best

i believe you can shine as the sun

i believe you and me are one

i believe you can find all you seek

i believe you can fast for a week

i believe you can quit any addiction

i believe in you with conviction

i believe you can finish the race

i believe you can love every face

i believe you can make dreams come true

i believe you can do...i believe in you


i am life
i am all the joys and all the sorrows

i am life
i am all the past and all tomorrows

i am life
i am all the thoughts and all the feelings
i am life
i am all the hurts and all the healings

i am life
i am all the trees and all the flowers

i am life
i am all the sweets and all the sours

i am life
i am all the hugs and all the violence

i am life
i am all the music and the silence


when you take a leap into mid-air

and you find out that angels are everywhere

supporting...comforting...and blanketing your fall

your guidance is at your beck and call

all you have to do is ask for help

you can do it with a whisper...you can do it with a yelp

but when you do be ready for an answer

it may come through a stranger or a song or a dancer

the universe plays in mysterious ways

the reply may be immediate or take a couple days

so be aware...pay attention...keep an eye out for clues

the response may even come when watching the news

i know you may be frightened but i urge you to jump

i promise you are protected...you wont even get a bump

spread your arms and believe that you can fly

the worst thing that can happen is that you never try

no longer the leaf...but part of the tree

no longer the bubble...but part of the sea

no longer the snowflake...but part of the snow

no longer the self with desire to know

i rest in the timeless...i rest without form

i rest in the stillness before the next storm

i rest in the heart of the infinite one

i rest in the light of the great central sun


we are all together

in this moment of forever

neither time nor space can sever

our connection to forever

forever free to make a choice

forever free to use our voice

forever free to refine our desire

forever means we never expire


you dont need to hurry

if you know that all is one my friend

no...you dont need to hurry

if you know that all is one

you can take your time

you can spin around...its fine my friend
no...you dont need to hurry
if you know that all is one

you dont need to worry

if you know that all is well my friend

no...you dont need to worry

if you know that all is well

you can love your self

you can climb up in a tree my friend

no...you dont need to worry

if you know that all is well


come off your mountain sage

enter onto the playful stage

the world needs participation

not buddhas in renunciation

there is no exclusion to what is divine

the shadow must be faced in order to shine

the fountain of loving light in constant flow

trusting you will be guided wherever to go

a shaman doesnt think...a shaman knows

giving attention is how everything grows

the power one wields when they choose to bless

can you remember a time now didnt say "yes"?

to judge is to believe that your being isnt free

what do you really want for all of humanity?

can you fully embody the truth that you seek?

a heart that is strong and a mind that is meek

you were not abandoned for you chose to explore

and you are welcome to return through your hearts open door

if you wonder why you are here just look for a theme
for the patterns that repeat are your lessons to redeem

loves the only challenge...there is no other test

and if you feel you cant handle it then take time out to rest

dont feel pressured and worry not for you cant fail
heres some hopeful wind to put back in your sail


the faithful ones a fool

who lives the golden rule

to move on from this school

just live the golden rule

2000 years have passed

yet the message is the same

love your neighbor as yourself

forgive instead of blame

do unto others as you want them to do to you

dont make it complicated...to your guiding heart stay true

what you seek you will find

knock and the door will open

ask and you will receive

choose and you will be chosen

if you want to help the masses

it is you that must first change
starting from your perception
the universe will rearrange

do unto others as you want them to do to you

dont make it complicated...to your guiding heart stay true


the light will soon intensify

whatever is in your core

the shadow is going to magnify

whenever you are feeling poor

each thought is being amplified

as the wave reaches the shore

the time is now to rectify

anything that you abhor


we are all related

in love we are saturated

nothing is separated
both Creator and created

schools almost complete

our star friends we will soon meet

it will be way beyond just neat

when we greet the galactic fleet

we are citizens of eternity...the infinite is our home

exploring the whole universe...as wanderers we roam

until we feel a call

from a planet thats in pain
it is our honor to answer
our hearts cannot refrain

and so we reincarnate
into another earth

hoping to be of service
by spreading love and mirth

we are citizens of eternity...the infinite is our home

exploring the whole universe...as wanderers we roam


you are loveable beyond measure

in the eyes of god you are a precious treasure

and theres nothing you can do to take that away

you are cherished for everything you think...feel...and say

you can live in remorse but you cant go astray

for the source is within you all night and day

it doesnt matter if you serve in a small or great way

you are held dearly like the sun holds each ray


tune yourself to love

each moment rise above

keep tuning all day long

by singing your heart song

or whatever makes you rise

and look out with new eyes

meditation is an art
its all about a fresh restart

dont latch on to what just happened before
you must remain empty if you really want to soar

the past will not help you with whats occurring now
you must remain open to the presence of wow

nothing can be known...one can only respond

as the heart expands in the attempt to make a bond

that is the secret to becoming medicine

releasing what arises as soon as it comes in

what is asked of this moment is a timeless mystery

theres always a view larger than the view that we see

the truth cant be revealed by one piece of the puzzle

quiet your mind and let surrender be your muzzle

each thought that one thinks has tremendous power

when we all sing together love begins to flower

harmonic healing sounds can build up into light

honoring our power by reclaiming our might


a leaf puts forth no effort

when dropping from a tree

the letting go just happens

oh so naturally

the rain puts forth no effort

when dropping through the sky

the letting go just happens

without the question "why?"

can you be like a leaf?

can you be like the rain?
can you live without effort?
can you live without strain?

can you be so relaxed

that you exit your brain?

just a gigantic opening

like a funneling drain


there is truly nothing to fear

your life is yours to steer

all you need is already here

stay focused on what is near

nearer than this breath

nearer than your skin

nearer than these thoughts

the ultimate within


spread that light...grow them wings

focus on essence...not on things

bless each sight...strum them strings

a loving presence...loves all things

i dont mean romance although i like to cuddle

this love i speak of is meant to befuddle

the logical brain becomes a servant to the heart

you can only have one master...disciplines an art

authenticity is the only way to be
spontaneously i keep choosing to be free

no more barriers do i have in my way

i just carry love around and let my child play

i dont care what you think cause i know each thought is mine
i have faith all is well even if things dont look so fine

crafting poignant poetry is how i spend my time

the music keeps on coming and these words just seek to rhyme


i renew myself through dance

i retune myself through song

i remember that im love

i have been all along


its not love if its not dependable

for love is always present...love is always full

its beautiful...its bountiful...its musical...its wonderful

its magical...its shareable...sometimes its hysterical

you can depend on the rivers to flow

you can depend on the cooling breeze to blow

you can depend on the flowers to grow

you can depend on a snail to move slow

you can depend on the earth and the sky

you can depend on a desert being dry

you can depend on a child asking "why?"

you can depend on what is born to one day die

life is love eternal...birth and death are just transitions

when we leave this body behind...we merely change positions

instead of moving around in space...we move around in time

there is no end to our evolution...towards delight we forever climb

its not light if its not dependable

light is always present...light is always full

its colorful...its causable...its natural...its possible

its mystical...its palpable...sometimes its just fanciful

you can depend on the birds and the bees

you can depend on the fruit bearing trees

you can depend on a lock to have keys

you can depend on a mouse to eat cheese

you can depend on the full moon to wane

you can depend on the clouds bringing rain

you can depend on the spaghetti to stain

you can depend on depends and a cane


sometimes love
flows on through
without any resistance

in those times
i become
a vessel of assistance

this smile is a beacon of light

so bright for the world to see

this hug is a blanket oh so tight

it might make you feel free

this will is the power to create

not fate but what i desire
this heart is a beating of warmth
not a toy to play with but fire


each day offers grist for the mill

ones power resides in ones will

tap into this source by becoming still

the creative force answers as we chill

the way we respond...the tones of our voice

everything matters even the tiniest of choice

the vibe that we put out boomerangs back

renewing intentions helps keep us on track

spirit is in the seemingly dull and mundane

cant you hear the angels singing the refrain?

a chorus of thankfulness...an orchestra of praise

if one seeks to be wealthy it is gratitude that pays

the heart marks the spot of the true treasure

the jewels one finds there are beyond measure

but beware for lions patiently guard the gate

before one enters it is wise to first contemplate


listen to that heart inside pounding

the pulse of life...isnt it astounding?

connecting with the earth is so grounding

when all of her beauty is surrounding

we must make some space
in order for grace
to enter into our lives

expanding our boundaries

eroding our walls
we must learn to surrender like the water falls

the flood gates will open

when we put in the token
of love...light...and unity

the connections they deepen

the more often we are leaping
into the alluring unknown


theres nothing more beautiful than a heart overflowing

for no other reason than the joy to keep growing

imagine how the sun feels to be such an outpouring

be that light to each other and i promise you will be soaring

for when you uplift another you cant help but also rise
love isnt a rehearsal...love greets each moment with surprise

the creation is forever asking us to surrender and let go

to drop our masks of personality and to allow our essence to show


to love is to accept all things exactly as they are

inclusiveness...forgiveness...respectfulness...love is this

love is that yearning to give a helping hand

love is that burning desire to truly understand

love is the root from which each moment transpires

love is the reason i write in the hope that it inspires
love is an openness...a willingness...a vulnerability
in its purest state love is the essence of creativity


if your intention is pure

the outcome will surely
be a manifestation of love

for when you invoke light

and start shining bright
you attract forces above

dont shrink down in fear

when challenged my dear
keeping centered is the test

stay out of your own way

and listen when i say
"you can only do your best"


we can all radiate in every direction

its all about intention...intention gives direction

if you intend to be a sun shining light on everyone

meet the moment with joy...be an extension of fun

extend through song...extend through dance

extend through play...extend through romance

stretch those limbs towards the distant sky

reaching up high...forever reaching high


seek not
and be found
by the ground
of all being

beneath all the layers

beyond the naysayers

the truth awaits

its glorious discovery

a single identity so sure of it self

that worlds of forgetfulness are designed

just so consciousness
can rambunctiously play

there is a purity
undergirding creation

of which no illusion of matter

will ever touch


let go of all your history

step into the mystery

where you and i cease to be

all thats left is unity

releasing all resistance

how can i be of assistance?

one view point for existence

all i know is persistence

yet for what do i endure?

of this im not so sure

just this longing to share love

the source we are emanations of
this center from which i feel
it is here that seems so real

i dont know what else to peel

how does a spoke become the wheel?


when your in your element...whatever that may be

singing...dancing...painting...or whatever sets you free

when your in your element...past and future disappear

theres only the moment...that much becomes clear

when your in your element and living out your dreams

passion mixed with desire...from your heart love beams

when your in your element...nothing can bring you down

all creation creates with you as synchronicities abound


this journey through moments is all preparation

for what? you ask...for transcending separation

all these cells we call selves alive for collaboration

our mysterious existence pleads for celebration

hearts bleeding upon the wheel of reincarnation

souls feeding on the love that sourced creation

time fleets forward towards eternitys elation

space meets itself in the still point of relation


silence is what keeps...all duality in balance

if you feel off center...to the source re-enter

there you will be refreshed...reborn through remembrance

to the golden rays of silence...i bow down in reverence
silence is beyond all forms and beyond all names
the quiet witness to life...the one playing all the games

silence is the still point...silence is the fulcrum

silence is so wholesome...silence is true freedom


invoke your heart before you speak

seek and you might find

that all of humankind

is inextricably intertwined

like cobwebs lined with dew

so easily we forget whats true

too much focus on what we do

while our beingness is forever new

yes...linear life makes us blind

opinions confine our minds

the truth needs to be refined

to silence we must resign

make sacred space to unbind

take time to relax and unwind

and when you feel so inclined

ask yourself "who designed?"

all of this


a paradigm of unity is gently emerging

timelines are conveniently converging

our collective shadow we keep purging

as the love in our hearts goes on urging

clear away...make room for lights upsurging

into our passions we are now immerging

from the path of separation we are diverging

we are not here to stand out but for merging

into a society full of holistic variety

gods and goddesses and gaiety

our essential nature is pure deity

we are evolving swiftly yet quietly

full of faiths fuel and empty of anxiety

the power of our will we know is mighty

we will not abuse this strength even slightly

we are creating a world where bliss is in nimiety


you were called to this planet

crying out in sorrow

you wanted to create

a better tomorrow

thats why you took birth

to help heal the earth

you thought that just maybe

you could add some mirth

by dancing in circles
we laugh out in joy

celebrating life
is the tool we employ

reflecting each other

soul sister...soul brother

we have but one goal

to help serve our mother


my heart weeps a river of tears

for that is how the outdated clears

as love replaces released fears

all for the upcoming golden years

as we find our clans and join our tribes

a cheerful community whos light we imbibe

blessing each other with comforting vibes

our sharing is a medicine quite hard to describe


this may be a hard pill to swallow

but there are only two paths to follow

the path of manipulation and separation

or the path of compassion and unification

you can either relapse into forgetfulness

or you can spiral upwards into remembrance

the gap between self and seemingly other is a trap

in every interaction you either widen or close the gap

appreciation is a map that guides one out of the maze

be truly grateful and you will feel your heart become ablaze

when you can see god winking in everyones eyes

then you have become adept at dispelling the lies

for wherever you look it is always god looking back

if you wish to ascend valuing all lifes the fast track
it is our mutual presence that we all have to share
the unchanging truth breathes each breath as a prayer


if you seek to close the gap

all you need do is but smile

walk around the world

as if joy is in style

if you seek to close the gap

then get people singing

music has the power

to get hearts a ringing

if you seek to close the gap

practice perceiving presence

not behavior nor appearance

connect deeper to the essence

if you seek to close the gap

then lay words to the side

enter into the silence

where viewpoints become wide


ahhh...the much anticipated

dawning of the 6th sun

where we will no longer just believe

but truly live the law of one

where harmony will be upheld

foremost in all of our relations
where mother earth is tenderly loved
in ceremony and celebrations

where we work with the elementals

and call on the four directions for showers

where divine balance is kept

as the masculine and feminine combine their powers

where we all become as children

playing with the faeries and plant spirit divas

where we know divine spirit as our presence

not some being that could leave us


the essence of the moment is forgiveness

forever we are given this freshness

purer than the whitest snowflake

now knows nothing but rebirth

pregnant with poignant possibility

it is all but a matter of choice

the burden of responsibility

or is that a blessing?


i got nothing left to do

in this world but smile

to reconcile duality
sure does take awhile

but now ive got this time

freeing up my mind

if your eyes do not see beauty

you might as well be blind

for everythings the same

when you step outside the game

neither running from the night

nor blinking at the light

that which you are looking for

is what your looking with

whats echoed back to you my friend

is determined by what you give

if you want to see the promised land

then lend a helping hand

dig down to your roots

to where there is no shifting sand

for everythings the same

when you step outside the game

neither running from the night

nor blinking at the light


i dont want to live inside my head no more

i just want to leap into the sky and soar

i dont want to live inside my head no more

i just want to dive into my hearts central core

and there i wish to stay so dont bother knocking

the essence of pure being is where ill be docking

thoughts cannot arise if they have nowhere to root

from the souls perspective this whole lifes an offshoot

remember that silence comes first
out of which thoughts then burst

discover for what you do thirst

in love one is always immersed

enlighten yourself from the past

dont focus on what does not last

illuminate all thats been cast

in oneness there is no contrast


may all that is empty be filled

may all that is seeking be stilled

come to rest as this moment now

truly be at home and experience the wow

drop all the labels and see the wonder as a child

does the ocean control the waves or let them be wild?

the ocean is not threatened no matter how strong the wave

nothing outside can give you the cosmic security you crave


a thought can be nice

and a thought can be mean

but underneath them both

the screen remains pristine

a feeling can give joy

and a feeling can give grief

but containing them both

the silence gives relief
opposites always arise together
"i" creates "you"..."you" creates "i"

if you dont want to suffer

embrace both and dont deny

i am as negative as i am positive
the ying in me completes the yang

to be whole includes the entire gamut

destructive black hole...creative big bang


i am what i speak
not what i have spoken
deepest resta munay ayni

i am what i choose
not what i have chosen
deepest resta munay ayni

there is nothing missing

i am already whole
deepest resta munay ayni

from this completeness

i share my soul
deepest resta munay ayni


open space to open space

the only place
we can ever meet

face to face
our roles erased
only illusion was lost

in that intimate gap

the mystery was tapped
boundless love set free

dropping the seeking obsession

no one can be a possession
can you ever really know me?


the stillness loves all motion

like the ocean loves each wave

to be deeply accepted
is the feeling we all crave

when life gives you commotion

retreat to your heart cave

remember where your power lies

you are not a helpless slave


when life gets you down

your face is in a frown

stand on your head

and turn it all around

keep your heart open

keep on feeling

no matter the cards

that life keeps dealing

the deepest sorrow

the most intense longing

on the horizon
a new world in dawning
so dont you despair
for nothing is unbearable

love is but a wave

thats found a way to be shareable


the feelings we feel can be our medicine

the thoughts we think can be our medicine

the words we speak can be our medicine

the songs we sing can be our medicine

love and light is our medicine

all thats done from heart is medicine

when we breathe we are breathing medicine

when we drink we are drinking medicine

when we praise we praise the medicine

when we pray we pray for medicine

hugging and laughing is our medicine

all thats done from play is medicine


hey grandmother moon

wont you...give me a soothing tune

hey grandfather sky

wont you...sing me a lullaby

hey mother earth

wont you...help me with rebirth

hey father sun

wont you...show how we are all one

come with me
to the mystery
way down below

come with me
deep underground
beneath the blanket of snow

come with me
to a place
where many choose not to go

come with me
to earths core
a seed of love we will sow

come with me
attune to gaia
time passing so slow

come with me
follow the roots
what do you really know?

come with me
feel loves heart
from which all life does grow

come with me
trust in grace
no resistance to the flow


awaken to being
or sleep an endless sleep

ones essence is freeing

empty of secrets to keep
who in fact is this me?
a question that runs quite deep

when living from honesty

the truth begins to seep


we are gonna pray all day

we are gonna laugh and play

we are gonna call in love

and in our hearts we will stay

we are gonna dance all day

we are gonna twirl and sway

we are gonna share the light

by getting out of our way

we are gonna bless all day

we are gonna color the gray

we are gonna listen for spirit

and what it has to say

we are gonna sing all day

we are gonna hip hip hooray

we are gonna greet each soul

with a namaste


creation happens now

it never happens later

we are learning how

to become the Creator

rods as our faith

staffs as our will

mastering surrender
is the greatest skill

gods and goddesses

earths school is training

the time left to choose

is certainly waning

include or exclude?
radiate or hide?

containing light and dark

yet here to pick a side


occupied by amazement and wonder

these words i babble and blunder

for the truth i cannot speak

listen instead to a creek

or hear what is here

the nearest of the near

fully release until you feel clear

this creates a lovely atmosphere


drenched in a unity so profound

nothing but light does abound

round and around the creation goes

while in the center the Creator knows

like a heart beating is how it all flows

each time around knowledge of self grows
appreciate the uniqueness of who you are
deep inside all of us shines a loving star

it may have got hidden over

it may not shine that bright

but i guarantee in all of us

there is this thing called light

this light can catch and spread

it can heal and raise the dead

this precious precious journey

into our heart...out of our head


spring is in the air

i can feel it everywhere

warmth...love...light...and care
i can feel it everywhere

the snow is ready to go

the sap is starting to flow

the mud is softening beneath my feet

soon theyll be bare and our soles will meet

spring is in the air

i can feel it everywhere

warmth...love...light...and care
i can feel it everywhere

the birds are singing their praise

the sun is sharing its rays

the seeds of winter...seek to be planted

make a wish and it will be granted

ive lost all connection

to the surface of things

way down in the roots

i find my heart still sings

i can hear your essence

deeper than these eyes can see

in silent communion
i find our common ancestry

ive lost all attraction

to the surface of things

way up in the clouds

i find my heart grow wings

i can feel your longing

to reach into the vast sky

cycling around in circles

seasons change but never die


im just here to love you

from the fullness of my heart

when i choose to live this way

my life becomes an art

its not about the things i do

but the love with which their done

my essence is my service
cause in essence we are one

we are all
children of the sun

that is where
we were seeded from

sent as rays of light

to play upon the waters

to one day return home

as prodigal sons and daughters


fear is of the future

guilt is of the past

love is of the moment

the one thing that does last

time is a creation
of our thinking mind

in between each thought

the timeless you will find

bring hope to the future

forgive past mistakes

to enter this pure moment

stop and use your breaks

here is where it happens

this is the point of power

now is the fertile ground

from which all seeds do flower

i am a catalyst
to reveal that all is one

i am a catalyst
what is false ill burn undone

i am a catalyst
turning base metals into gold

i am a catalyst
whose touch warms up the cold

i am a catalyst
breaking down old beliefs

i am a catalyst
here to inspire and bring relief

i am a catalyst
on the dance floor i spin

i am a catalyst
when i shine others grin

i am not a catalyst
im what always stays the same

i am not a catalyst
project elsewhere if you feel blame

i am not a catalyst
i have no power to call my own

i am not a catalyst
only this heart have i grown

i am not a catalyst
my perspective is all i shift

i am not a catalyst
dont depend on me to uplift

i am not a catalyst
but i am a bridge that cares

i am not a catalyst
it is the grace of love that shares


im bathing in the after glow

love is all i care to know

heart chakra open like never before

nothing left to do but smile and soar

i feel so thankful
i truly feel blessed

the search is over

my spirit is at rest

seeking with the mini-mind

is just like being blind

only from the heart

will one be able to find

ones safety does not lie

in holding on but letting go

it is in deep surrender
that one makes space to grow


it doesnt matter what you do

as long as its done from the heart

not knowing what comes next in life

my friend is the best part
its all about the mystery
whats life without surprise?

imagine if each morning

was the same exact sunrise

beautiful is variety
its the hallmark of creation

from the womb of infinity

arises all manifestation

your uniqueness is your gift

share your quirks and feel bliss

between inti and pachamama

human beings are the kiss


bless this day hey hey hey hey

as you bow down and pray

bless this day hey hey hey hey

as you jump around and play

bless this day hey hey hey hey

as you walk upon the earth

bless this day hey hey hey hey

experience re-birth

theres way to many blessings

to begin to even name

who has time for shame or blame

the whole self-pity game

im just here to bless you

to give you thanks and praise
my heart is what i offer
as i live the beauty ways


love and light is all you ever need

to ask for more than that is to be in a place of greed

share your gifts abundantly like nature fruits from seed

each time that you give thanks is like pulling up a weed

tend to your garden...water it with peace

count your blessings daily and the blessings will increase

the kingdom of heaven isnt in the future but inside

the chambers of your heart is where the Creator does abide


when you stay in the heart space

you stay in the grace

the role of awareness

is simply to embrace

whatever comes up...dont hold on

it is merely a fleeting wave

be the pure witness

and much trouble you will save


there is a more loving you

that wants to shine through
but first you must shed your skin

this is the year of the snake

pierce through the veil of the fake
authenticitys the only way
there is nowhere else to hide
the light has humbled all the pride
whats left is a clear conscience

have mercy on your darker side

open your heart extra wide
so that even fear feels at home


i want to see you in your radiance and health

to have a golden heart gives you a different kind of wealth

one thats not dependent on the influence of money

true joy shares its fragrance like the sun spreads its sunny

dont expect it to return the way it was sent out

release control of the outcome...thats not what loves about

relationships of reverence rise from reciprocity

a sign that you are on the path we call synchronicity


be humble and the rest will follow

like a bamboo become hollow

bless each bite of food that you swallow

may your thoughts today create a better tomorrow

be loving and use your will power

germinate the seed into a flower

dont turn away when things go sour

may you find the light within the darkest hour


inwards and upwards

the spiritual journey has no end
theres always more to explore
around the next bend

keep your curiosity

a sense of adventure is key

we are all Creators

in union with infinity

the truth is quite simple

love created all of this

at the deepest level

there is nothing but pure bliss

when all the masks are dropped

the one self is what remains

awareness is always innocent

there are no permanent stains


love is the drone

upon which the creation sings

deeper than bone

like the theory of the strings

everything is dancing
because of loves vibration

there are no inanimate objects

only spheres of musical manifestation

tune into your heart

we are all capable of playing pure tones

listen to the joyful flowers

can you hear the whispering stones?
join the chorus of angels
add to the harmony of sounds

take time out in nature

where the drone of love abounds


masters of the straightened spine

i bow to you upward reaching pine

how could one better express the divine?

your nectar of pollen in humbleness i dine

if only all of nature were treated as a shrine

maybe we would all be a little more kind

when each human says not my will but thine

then and only then will this planet truly shine


look at all these colors

you dont need no covers

you can share your vibrancy

without any shame

no ones here to judge you

and if they do its untrue

for who you really are

is beyond guilt or blame


may your footsteps lead you where no path has been

may you stay in the present...not tomorrow nor then

for now is the gift...the ever unfolding treasure

know your bond with the infinite and you will know infinite pleasure

feeling orgasmic is the steady state of the Creator

the source is all about freedom...its the great emancipator

so use your free will to experience all you desire

when all wants have been fulfilled to the one we retire


the Creators thirst for knowledge

is the reason we all came to be

from a plenum of pure potential

arose all this multiplicity

the more view points the better

thought intelligent infinity

self learning is enhanced

by the vast variety

before any beginning

before the notion of time or space

there was just the onlyness

resting in a state of grace

and then somehow it happened

a flash of divine thought

the primal distortion

where the seeker seeked the sought

and so we now continue

chasing our own tails

the eternal circle of being

evolving through trials and errors

in the end all is forgiven

all of duality is reconciled

before going back to sleep

the Creator knowingly smiled


when your sitting oh so quietly

breathing gently through your nose

feeling the cosmic energy

rise up from your toes

a deep calmness pervades

the peace a mountain knows

the stillness rediscovered

embracing both highs and lows


on what are you focusing my friend?

anything but now is a dead end

where you put your attention

is the future you attract

your choices are like magnets

to be a little more exact

to fear is to push away

to love is to pull close

the subtle realms of thought

have much influence on the gross

feelings they run deeper still

tones of energy in motion

the greatest gift a wave can give

is to submerge into the ocean
the brief span of time
which we call our lives

when earth reclaims our body

how much of you survives?


how can we be anything

but in a constant state of awe?

in matters of free will

non-infringement is the law

remember that you are the fulcrum

upon which the polarities see-saw

all creations created perfectly

there is not a single flaw

show your deep reverence

treat all you meet with respect

if love was the first cause

then shouldnt love also be the effect

if you wonder what your purpose is

may i suggest its simply to reflect

the Creator forever surrounds you

take a knee and genuflect


pointing out the paradoxes

upon the pilgrims path

there is no god of judgment

nor is there a goddess seeking wrath
all that is is a safe container

like being held in a mothers womb

for any possibility there is room

so brush aside all that dogma

you can clean up your own karma

from what do you need a savior?

forgive yourself of any behavior

cant you see that now sparkles anew?

only in the moment can you find what is true

the only way home is within

so fill your heart up with love and not sin


from the lows of loneliness

to the highs of jubilation

we are both receivers

and transmitters of vibration

to be an open channel
with the least bit of distortion

the creation is holographic

the whole is in each portion

capable all of us are

to make our dreams come true

doubt in your own power

is all thats stopping you

what you can do in fancy

you can do in reality
spirit has no limits
your exploration is free


sink into the silence

submerge yourself below

journey where the timid

dare not to go

leave the tip of the iceberg

plunge into the deep abyss

when the shell of ego cracks

it opens the floodgates of bliss

and as that inner joy pervades

you will never be the same

knowing your cheerful center

life will become a game

you can count on being challenged

tricked and allured by temptation

it is all a test of mindfulness

can you keep your concentration?


what you are seeking for

is what you are seeking with

if you want to know what love feels like

then give my friend give

share your heart openly

like the birds sing at dawn

when we each choose to live this way

we will see a world that gets along

bless your brothers and sisters

there is no one but family here

we all came from the central sun

that much should be clear

look past these earthly bodies

meet others at their essence

what we know as self-awareness

is an all-pervading presence


content as a mighty oak

joyous as a bumbling bee

the frogs are singing as they croak

and theyll continue for eternity

all of life emanates from a pool of peace

pay attention when you have no desire

an empty self where wants have ceased

makes space for grace to inspire


soaking up the splendor

of a still and silent sea

pop the bubble of ego

drop any idea of me

for when there is no "i"

then there is no mine

all thats left

is the divine
you are not this body
nor this personality

you are a citizen

of eternity

when you coalesce

into the quiet

you will find a calm

that withstands any riot


this life here on earth

has a purpose and design

you were birthed to make a choice

and from that axis you refine

like a rough-hewn sculpture

we are thrown into gaias fire

the intensity of catalyst

makes you seek your hearts desire

its a game of polarization

serving yourself or serving others

do you see people as commodities

or as your sisters and brothers?

if the latter is true than you are on your way

to worlds more full of light

until finally your rainbow soul

melts into the all encompassing white

lets move a step back
and get a broader view

the level of the body

gives but a glimmer of what is true

for flesh and bones a creature

controlled by feeling and thought

watch out for the webs of maya

there are many in which to get caught


ponder the paradox

plumb the perplexity

ask for assistance

marvel at the mystery

wonder about who you are

of how it is you came to be

surrender to the source

journey inwards joyfully

check every crack and corner

leave no stone unturned

investigate infinity
unlearn what you have learned

explore with excitement

laugh with light and love

strive toward super-consciousness

where awareness rises above

why make a bother?
when no effort is needed

do the dandelions worry

about how theyll be seeded?

relying upon the wind

to fulfill their destiny

attuned to natures timing

they have no reason to hurry

faith is like a muscle

with practice one builds strength

keep your meditations simple

focus on depth...not on length

enlightenment is of the moment

to another it cant be taught

ask who is meditating?

who listens to thought?


the gifts ive been given

at the altar i share

to all sentient beings

i offer this prayer

from the depths of my heart

i solemnly swear

to honor the elements

earth...fire...water...and air

may all beings find their passions

and really come alive
may abundance free us all
so the planet can thrive

may we learn to work with nature

instead of imposing our will

may gardens solve our problems

every one of us can help till

may a symbiotic relationship

form with gaias sustaining soil

may dirty hands and sweaty brows

return us to a simple life of toil

may we form a permaculture

in harmony with the land

may we use our friend gravity

to grow food forests out of sand


the whispering winds bring a message of wholeness

while the waving ocean crashes down in boldness

the rivers meander like slithering snakes

the moon tucks us in...the sunshine it wakes

the forest is always stretching towards the sky

the eagles are soaring in circles up high

the boulders are patient...they never ask why

the lizards keep shedding old skin thats turned dry

the ants stay so busy marching from their holes

the fire gives warmth from its embers and coals

the heavy clouds come to wash away the pain

the freshness we smell after a cleansing rain
butterflies surrender to the slightest breeze
the radiant flowers bow down to the bees

the birds keep the melody of gaias heart song

while the crickets take over until the next dawn


the mind is full of traps

one must venture into the gaps

in between each treacherous thought

is where you will not be caught

no need to recall and nothing to resist

have no expectations...you simply exist

anchor yourself firmly to now

live in the exuberant wow

drop the baggage of the past

the feeling of freedom becomes vast

rekindle the spirit of imagination

take a leap without trepidation

the plant devas burst forth with gaiety

from the inner child comes spontaneity

playing with a plethora of possibility

devoted to pachamama in humility


the path of illumination

that is my only fixation

my focus for lifes duration

is simply self-exploration

if i start to feel stagnation

its a sign for deep meditation

watching the lungs respiration

awed by the entire creation

sami fills each inhalation

hucha leaves each exhalation

a disciple of divination
wounds open for transmutation

some times require concentration

others are best used for relaxation

to be a master of manifestation
one must relinquish all separation


life is not as complicated

as its made out to be

all problems are fabricated

lifes simple in reality

its only when one veers away

from the timeless truth of now

all confusion dissipates

as you focus between the brow

forget about the journey you have trekked

forget about the final destination

there is only this step

forget about past grievances

forget about making amends
there is only this moment

forget about your weight and age

forget about the bodies looming death

there is only this breath

forget about the mistakes you have made

forget about reaching enlightenment

there is only this choice

do you see how simple life can be?

when you strip away the falsity

consciousness undergirds all creation

like a hologram we are all in relation

when one part changes...the whole changes too

holding it all together...love bonds like glue

know who you are...that which is not fleeting

if you need a reminder...your heart inside is beating


you are the question

and you are the answer

you are the music

and you are the dancer

you are the dreamer

of multi-faceted dreams

this outer world of maya

is more fluid than it seems
your soul has journeyed far
you are many layers deep

hence all the confusion

the truth can barely seep

this illusion is quite thick

the logos has done well

with faith choices are made

to break free from the spell

and once you pierce the veil

there is no going back

awakened from your slumber

responsibility replaces slack

your life becomes one of virtue

full of intention and a moral code

an awareness of what is immediate

helps to lighten the daily load

no longer do you worry

no obstacle makes you fret

in the here and now you remain

you dont look back in regret

there is a freshness in your eyes

others feel safe in your presence

all the gifts you came to share

flow effortlessly from your essence


not a morsel of misery gets rejected

a mirror doesnt pick and choose whats reflected
in the heart of great spirit all is accepted
each of us is loved...cherished...and respected

for our explorations through time and space

what is invisible we have given a face

from cold dark nights we have learned to embrace

always on the search for that warmth of grace


the rings of being widen unto forever

the infinite Creator is so very clever

such glorious patterns...such intelligent designs

plotting the points of symmetry and connecting the lines

geometry is sacred...a language far deeper than words

nests built in circles...no doubt its known by the birds

the flowers are pure expressions...on display when its sunny

lets not forget the bees with their hexagonal combs of honey

drops of water freeze into intricate flakes of snow

to the fibonacci sequence all of nature does grow

the golden angle divides the spacing of the leaves

man is made of this proportion no matter what he believes

pinecones spiral forth as do the shells of the sea

mimicing biology is the next step for humanity

the structure of sound through cymatics revealed

implosion is how the one truth stays concealed


dive head first

dont just dip your feet

the truth for which you thirst

in the depths you finally meet

the surface creates much froth

which is quite enjoyable for awhile

but to transform a caterpillar into a moth

one must go below like a crocodile

to silence the ego succumbs

to a will that is much greater

relax those opposable thumbs

there will be time for doing later

now you refuel with lifes invigoration

enter the portal to the treasure inside

nature invokes the use of imagination

remember where you always reside


these rhymes that get written

are really seeds

feel free to plant them

nourish them into deeds

i hope they take root

i hope to see them bloom

the motive is to elevate

the help rise above all gloom

i want you to feel empowered

to be showered in loves glory

i want you to dream big

to script and act out a magical story

i want you to take the heros journey

to be at peace when it gets rough

i want you to live in your element

to know yourself as whole and enough


every situation is an invitation

to open up wider your heart

increasing the love that you feel

that my friend is lifes best part

will you rise to the occasion?

empathy growing towards each other

can you see opposites as complements?

can you embrace fully but not smother


thoughts are universal

not individually rooted

from silence they all come

into silence they get transmuted

the quiescent source we share

it is the link that forms the chain

the connection of the heart

is much stronger than the brain

always begin and always end

in the mystery of what creates

technique and service is helpful

but devotion opens the gates

love...light...unity...and joy
the over-arching lessons for all realms
the reason for materialization
is to release and heal all qualms


to be one is to be all
and with that great knowledge
come greater responsibility

everyone then becomes your child

each so worthy to receive affection
every choice has repercussions

building upon itself

just like harmonic waves
love multiplies exponentially

magicians molding reality

pure perception is the golden key
the seductively solid sense of touch


heavenly father
divine mother

help us to see all

as a sister or brother

friend...beloved god
saints and sages

masters and messiahs

of all the ages

we bow down to you

in humbleness and respect

the love you have lived

we hope in our lives to reflect
be with us today
upwards our thoughts please guide

may we stay in our hearts

where the Creator does abide


meditation is not something one does

just like a bee doesnt try to cause a buzz

meditation is the natural state of being

when the mind is blank and there is pure seeing

without labels to judge and to compare

when nothing is held there is nothing to snare

be careful what you set into motion

every choice is a magical potion

be deliberate about the thoughts you think

all of creation awaits on the brink

the spiritual path is always under construction

the future moves closer by your instruction

no saint ever said "it wasnt worth it"

plunging into the shadows...falling into a pit

indulge fully...battle with or rise above

always seek purer ways you can love


subtract what can be subtracted

awareness is what will be remaining

inseparable from this moment i am

always full with no waxing nor waning
there is an ever new freshness to life
that is what keeps it so exciting

eternally fascinated by what will come next

just like these words i am now writing

i have no idea where this poem is headed

it is steered by the whims of wonder

towards now is the general direction

beneath the naming i want to pull you under

presence is a constant that never falls away

our true identities are identical

every thought one has is an afterthought

can you see how your life is theatrical?


healing is built into everything

we are trying to escape

stop hiding...no more running away

open the window...all curtains undrape

people will always confront you

with your own rejected waves

freedom comes with acceptance

where denial only enslaves

be on the lookout for your shadow

through projection its most easily seen

the process of daily forgiveness

keeps the underlying screen clean

nobody can live up to an image

keep your expectations at bay
when temptations comes to greet you
bless and wish them well on their way


who you are cannot be practiced

its more automatic than this breath

what has no beginning can have no end

transcending the cycles of birth and death

consciousness is the ultimate mystery

who can fathom how it all came to be?

all we ever know is this precious presence

the clear light of now is forever free


whatever life delivers

its already been allowed in

there is a deeper acceptance

that gives one a permanent grin

when you know your very essence

you know you cant be touched or harmed

from this sure feeling of safety

you realize there is nothing to be alarmed

and so you relax into the flow

every knot becomes untied

rarely getting knocked off balance

when in the center you reside

as if there were an easy button

you have found the path to lasting joy
the only change was an undoing
the minds need to accept was a ploy


who we really are

is an opening that welcomes all

nothing is excluded from this invitation

its okay to even miss the call

where you put your identification

determines what it is you will perceive

if you believe that you are this body

there will be much sorrow for you to grieve

if you believe you are this mind

then from the core of creativity conceive

if you believe you are this spirit

then keep giving as you receive

here...time and space have no influence

it is the ever-elusive encompassing ocean

when all has been said and done

the stillness loves dearly the play of motion


thinking is actually guessing

when one thinks one does not know

share the subtle vibes of blessing

the secret language of silence will show

the sacredness of life in plain sight

and all you had to do was stop
acknowledging the source of all light
from the head to the heart now drop


every moment a spell is cast

by the blinding light of the sun

quit chewing over the past

spit it all out and be done

let go of the baggage you carry

it is only weighing you down

ask for help from the realm of the fairy

theyll give you shivers from toe to crown

call in your helpers and guides

theyre waiting to pick up the phone

when you are seeking to make great strides

you dont have to do it alone

yes...ring up your allies and friends

turn each day into a celebration

and just before the party ends

express your thanks with joy and elation


when you look at the sun

you are looking at a mirror

it is showing you a reflection

that is perfectly clear

dont shy away

you are that grand
and this planet called earth
is the promised land


remember when you were a flower?

your petals unfolded like dreams

remember how you felt in the morning?

as you welcomed the suns first beams

remember how slowly you opened?

taking in more and more light

remember how many beings you touched?

just through your fragrance and sight

remember the intimate connection?

you had with the buzzing bees

remember the joyful music?

dancing to the birds melodies

remember the day you were picked?

as a gift for an unsuspecting girl

remember how dearly she loved you?

placing you between her ear and a curl


peace is like a weightless waterfall

washing away each pebble of concern

it is flowing...always in the background

from the crashing waves one must discern

what is permanent...what doesnt come and go

that is where calmness is to be found

its not a secret...its not even hidden

just listen for the soundless sound

below the stream of thoughts

deeper than the hearts steady pulse

beyond all depth and yet so near

who distinguishes whats true and false?

resonance is relative to each individual

just like no two snowflakes are the same

the absolute burns away the personal

like a moth that flies into a flame


learning to surf the rising and falling

we are here to cultivate our souls calling

to be a leader requires power and strength

we must be willing to go to any length

with the supreme virtues our characters get built

like a grandmother who stitches a warming quilt

sifting the righteous clay from the sand and silt

innocence replacing any residue of guilt


what if you left behind

any idea of worse or better?

a fish will never find

any water that is wetter

there is no final judge

determining whats right or wrong

if you feel a little budge

then with that push go along
release control for awhile
relax into where life is flowing

it is fine to be docile
to have no clue where one is going

the current knows the way

trust in lifes guidance

when you see it turns out okay

it helps boost your confidence


when you feel super serene

there is much that one can glean
just by hearing the tone of your voice

before a word is spoke

how laughter ripples from a joke
heart emanations reach us first

the message is contained

the silent ones entrained
to the original thought of free choice

there is nothing to battle

all waves the ocean can straddle
novelty creates an unquenchable thirst


my strategy towards life

is to keep it super simple

meeting all with open arms

embracing both the beauty and the pimple

we are not here to pick out flaws

but to discover that we are whole
what we deem as imperfections
were chosen carefully by our soul

that is the work we came for

to transfigure and make ourselves anew

when forgiveness is your staple

then karma will not accrue

the heart is our true home

not the theater inside our head

pay attention to the feelings

not the clumsy words that get said


try not to be so critical

dont be so quick to judge

much happens behind the scenes

see the mirror and not the smudge

try not to be so rigid

allow room for your viewpoint to grow

remember its only your opinion

dont speak from up high to down low

try not to offer advice

as if you know what is best

for we are all equals on the path

from preaching take a rest

try not to take things personal

assumptions make a fool

if you seek to be of service

then just live the golden rule

there is this wonderful elixir

that keeps one feeling vibrant and clear

when you surrender to its power

releasing the thoughts by which you steer

it is known as meditation
a mind that has gone blank

an easy way to get there

is to continuously thank

let gratitude be your mantra

until joy makes you glow

you can perceive illumination

like a laughing baby it will show

devote some time to inner silence

treat it as a sacred ritual

add it to your daily routine

until being quiet becomes habitual


anytime you falter

go back to the altar
of your awakened heart

loves a healing balm

whose centers always calm
a well that doesnt go dry

its waters are so refreshing

it will leave you second guessing
how can such splendor exist?
an answer will not come
the part cant know the sum
bewildered once again


the human experience

is so divine and diverse

some days seem better

other days seem worse

it all comes down

to ones perspective

you can give up control

or be very selective

confusion is created
by our freedom of will

not sure when to move

or when to be still

for every little choice

pops up forks in the road

one must tune within

to hear the silent code


you are in a crowded room

everywhere you look
another pair of eyes

you cant stare for too long

must keep moving along
the wall doesnt mind

you are walking down a path

about fifty feet away
your eyes first connect

both heads go down

glancing at the ground
we nod as we get near


like a ball flowing in a mountain stream

like the joy of flying in a lucid dream

like the way dolphins play with toroidal bubbles

like a child laughing heals the days troubles

like the feeling of cob squishing under ones feet

like the hug thats shared when soul friends meet

like the goofs we are when we think we are alone

like the dazzling display of a skipping stone


the silent source pours forth

in never ending supply

like a bottomless well

with no sign of running dry

this is what we are

at the core and center

an ocean of potential
welcoming all waves that enter

can you relate by resonance?

do you find this to ring true?

how would your life change?

knowing that all outside was you
wouldnt you be more careful?
with the words you choose to say

wouldnt you want to love?

each character that you play

why not test this out?

we can dream other dreams

our senses are really filters

space is more crowded than it seems

there are parallel universes

just slightly out of phase

projections from the central sun

our lives are simply rays

feedback the one is after

we are the learning loops

mountains can be moved

much easier in groups

slay the dragon of doubt

rejoice in reclaiming your power

seek to create beauty

it is time for humanity to flower


more immanent than a volcano

that is gearing up to blow

only one thing here is permanent

the rest will come and go

our presence is as ancient

as when the universe was first spun
we are forever innocent
one cant judge what is not done

the creation is still in progress

the miracles are ongoing

the heart of the Creator

keeps on growing and growing

a love with no limits

and just as equally wise

with the addition of free will

future forever became a surprise


an angel is a being of limitless light

one who has never veiled its pure sight

they protect and comfort but only when asked

in the vibration of love their continually basked

they have never incarnated and never will

theyll give you a nudge up the steepest hill

while we adventure they guard the home fort

their the first to greet us when this life we abort

invite their presence as a daily routine

the heart can feel them but they cant be seen

call in the elements and the four directions

pray for their help with difficult selections

the essence of innocence is what they share

they lighten the weight of the load you bear

their attention is attracted when the truth is sought

for they have never veered from the original thought

its quite hard to believe

there are people that grieve
starving at the brink of death

creation puts out so much

abundance to taste and touch
on its life sustaining out breath

just look at the bountiful berries

helped to grow by the faeries
existing in exuberant excess

humans have found a way

to disconnect from natures play
making it seem like there is less

but there is more than enough

if our bellies we dont stuff
with the birds we can even share

food is what keeps us grounded

from monsanto lets get unbounded
farming organically shows we care

together we will gather our skills

herbs are true medicine not pills
what craft will you teach the young?

the great remembering is a revival

reclaiming the tools for survival
why do the innocent get stung?


words try to bridge

an imaginary divide

there is not the creation

against some other side
it is all one unit
made up of selves

in parallel realms
we exist as elves

everything dances
from molecules to galaxies

the truth isnt changed

by any of our fallacies

silence permeates all

there is no gap to fill

the only real difference

lies in the use of our will


open hearted
living from the center
this pristine present moment i enter

and what do i find?

but the deepest of wells
this healing nectar goes straight to my cells

refueled with vigor

i appreciate life
this feeling of gratitude is plump and rife

and all i had to do

was relax into now
this mysterious existence leaves me in wow

love is so powerful
like water it smooths
this gentle washing away of rough grooves
overflowing with joy
mind has been polished clean
this silent clarity keeps me serene

there is nothing to seek

all longings dwindled away
this day is asking for spontaneous play

so i sing a happy tune

that poured forth in the shower
this song is a seed that has gone to flower


steady increments of living light

creation gets fuller as it gets more bright

advancing through the rainbow till we reach pure white

the Creator goes to sleep as day recedes to night

but it is not the end for we will be flung out again

an awakening will happen but no one knows when

consciousness has a cycle that is bound to be mysterious

humans keep the balance between the fun and the serious


we are not as separate

as our skin makes it seem

just different points of view

from which the one does dream

have you heard of the analogy?

where each wave contains the ocean

to advance quickly upon the path

the secret lies in devotion

for when you dedicate your life

to a simplistic cause

the angels gather round

to give you their applause

for this illusions so distracting

it pulls you from your purpose

much like a roller coaster

other times like a circus

and that is fine...enjoy and dine

on the earth planes many pleasures

but dont forget that deep inside

your heart holds the greatest treasures


you have choice in all matters

except the choice to exist

that my friends is a given

just ask any solipsist

there will never be a time

when you are not

let that sink in

i know its a lot

its hard to imagine

no beginning nor end

suspend your disbelief

allow the spoon to bend

not a circle nor a sphere

but an eternal energetic torus
that is what you are
the omni-oroborus


i am that i am that always is...i am

i am that i am that always is...i am

i am that i am that always is

ready for the challenge of lifes pop quiz

my heart is open and my mind is clear

i live from a place that knows no fear

i trust that under the layers love is here

i trust that under the layers love is here

i trust that under the layers love

calls to each to spiral above

to leave behind whats no longer needed

and in its place may more love be seeded


every feeling is okay to feel

they are the closest to what is real

with each emotion a message is carried

thought and feeling are forever married

one cannot arise without the other

together theyre bonded like a child and mother

think a conscious thought...test this out

how does it feel when you are in doubt?

how about when you are singing a song?

all of a sudden that doubt is now gone

think of a memory...of a time you did hate

think of the future...of what you wish to create

did this give you a glimpse of the power you possess?

what if to each person you started to bless?

how would it feel to honor them this way?

i hope you are now more careful with the words you say


just how did the one become two?

the cells perhaps can offer a clue

for they know how to split and multiply

but that still leaves the question of why?

why leave a state of unity?

to experience instead duality

an answer is quite hard to fathom

but im sure it was anything but random


theres no one but the one

whos living out these lives

theres no one but the one

who through all change survives

theres no one but the one

whos staring out these eyes

theres no one but the one

whos everywhere in disguise

theres no one but the one

speaking some form of lies

theres no one but the one

as silence the truth replies

theres no one but the one

exploring its potential

theres no one but the one

knowing this is essential

theres no one but the one

from the grass up to the trees

theres no one but the one

from the rain drops to the seas

theres no one but the one

whos dreaming all creation

theres no one but the one

we are all but an emanation

theres no one but the one

whose heart goes on beating

theres no one but the one

strangers arent really meeting

theres no one but the one

experiencing all desires

theres no one but the one

who do you think inquires?


i feel you when i suffer

i feel you in my pain

i know that all is well

what seems like loss is gain

learning about patience

through bodily limitation

but that wont keep me down

for my essence lives in elation

my worth is not related

to the daily tasks i do

what counts comes from the heart

i know this to be true

my faith is being tested

as is my strength of will

much comes to the surface

when you are forced to be still

when sitting is intolerable

when walkings no longer fun

its hard to lie around

and not feel like a bum

so this is where im at
the crossroads of a lesson

i could resist and struggle

but i trust that its a blessing


purify our hearts

purify our minds

help us see the Creator

in all of humankind

for we are each a facet

of that which we call source

from atoms up to galaxies

is the same animating force

our lives here are a paradox

being both unique and the same

only a grand intelligence

could conjure up this game

lets trust there is a reason

for all we experience

in an infinite creation
we each add some variance


the birds must know of wellness

why else would they sing?

to each and every moment

their full hearts they do bring

in fact all of nature knows this

only humans seem to be left out

for we are the only creatures

that would ever raise a doubt

where has gone our trust?

and how do we get it back?

mother nature is so plentiful

yet somehow we have created lack

our veiled minds must be the reason

that we have strayed off track

from faith we make our choices

like walking in pitch black

the greatest thing that we can do
is to respond with love

no matter what the circumstance

always choosing love

difficulties they will come

how else would we be tested?

when life is peachy and going well

our growth can get arrested

challenges are really gifts

revealing where we can grow

when obstacles arise

its wise to take them slow

spend the time to go within

your heart is there to guide you

it may be hard but i promise

you will always make it through


whatever life gives to you

receive with open hands

accept each moments gift

dont make any demands

loosen up your grip

release all that you can

share your love equally

like a rotating fan

resistance will do nothing

but lead you from your joy
embracing all that happens
is the method to employ

perfection comes with practice

at least thats what they say

if you feel you have made an error

there will come another day


if i know anything at all

it is simply this

no matter how deeply we fall

we will return to bliss

for we cant escape our nature

as hard as we may try

underneath our suffering

loves in infinite supply

our task is to stay open

to be channels of the divine

life itself is the miracle

not turning water into wine

is it not incredible?
this existence that we share

so much goes on unnoticed

with each breath of fresh air


i will persevere
through all trials and tribulations
and when the end is near
i will receive my congratulations

for to live a life on earth

takes much courage and some folly

we all knew coming here

would be anything but jolly

it was the sorrow that called us

we hoped in some way to ease

our incarnation is our answer

to the many prayers and pleas

a vibrational upliftment
a subtle shift in thought

if we dont pierce the veil

theres a risk of getting caught


love is a faithful companion

who will be forever at your side

you may think that you walk alone

as you take stride after stride

but the beloved is always with you

inspiration is but a breath away

angels rest upon your shoulders

if you ask they will guide the way


i seek to know the truth

so i can be of service

no doubt it wont be found

by looking upon the surface

one must dig real deep

for the treasure that im after

like the sweet and healing sound

that comes from belly laughter

so i ask "what does not change?"

what underlies all states?

i follow the roots of mind

to where my heart awaits

i feel im getting closer

i ask "whats always new?"

divisions start to blur

when perception is true


love is a steady state

it does not come and go

an uninterrrupted flow

identify with that

which is ever new

release self perceived errors

they were never you

like space holds the planets

awareness holds the mind

embracing each experience

of our daily grind

you will be supported

feel free to lean back

refrain from analyzing

stop dividing white from black


i am this moment
forever and ever

and i cannot die

cause i am unborn


undistorted...im united

i am this moment
forever and ever

and i cannot die

cause i am unborn

eternally reborn
amazingly reborn

joyfully reborn
like the dew of the early morn


dont look backwards

to whats already done

dont look forwards

to what is yet to come

look instead towards now

the only place of power
effortless is how
just ask any flower


dont you bother stretching

theres no where else to strive

cant you see your perfect

just by being alive

each deed you have done

every little word you say

Creator wouldnt have it

any other way

we have been given free will

to explore on our own

harvesting experience
self knowledge has grown

each of us is special
we all come bearing gifts

when the heart sees clearly

all creation shifts


the present moment is complete

a source of love that is replete

its in need of no addition

one cant prepare with an audition

spontaneous like a child at play

into the unknowns the only way
if you want to find out who you are
stick to the moment like a pit of tar


illusion does not mean that you do not exist

illusion simply points to what does not persist

the illusion of maya is about impermanence

through all comings and goings is a changeless presence

that is what you are...thats what makes you real

not the surface thoughts and emotions that you feel

find that zero point where balanced is all life

then you will know peace in both easy times and strife


so you are going through some challenges

as if you have overfilled your plate

maybe that means slow down

wisdom comes to those that wait

the goals nearly in sight

that upon which we have been dreaming

masks can no longer hide

the pure light that is instreaming

we are each being called

to lessen the confusion

to live with tiny egos

where all may feel loves inclusion

so i pray for you to stay strong

and ask for help if thats whats needed
experience may knock you down
but awareness remains undefeated


send out your highest hopes and wishes

before the day has any blemishes

as soon as you wake up in bed

let grateful thoughts fill your head

express your deepest thanks and praise

love is with you...it never strays

know there is guidance at every turn

desire the truth and let all else burn


inside every one of us

is a spark of the divine

when we choose to fan that flame

like a lighthouse we may shine

shine on brothers...shine on sisters

let us bring each other home

we are in this together



to see with the eyes of a child

free of concern...open...and wild

to not care what another might think

to leap into the air instead of shrink

to expand into the great unknown

that is how love has always grown
to keep in balance what i take and give
from a grateful heart is how i live


may you see the sparkle of life

in your every encounter

may you walk the straight and narrow path

i hope that you do not flounder

may you choose from a place of clarity

respecting the power of your will

may you tune within for guidance

the voice that comes from the still


all things long to come to rest

in equilibrium we feel best

home is all we have ever been seeking

hiding behind our eyes...god is peeking

if only we could see what is actually seeing

the search would end in the fullness of being

perpetually unsatisfied the seeker seeks more

this feeling of lack one simply cannot ignore

as if we are deficient is some core way

we make up beliefs and then we obey

but what if the stories we tell are not true?

what if who i am is another aspect of you?

what if we identified with the source instead?

what if we moved into our heart and vacated our head?
what if we responded from a sense of belonging?
isnt the feeling of unity what we are all longing?


these words are meant to form a bridge

from the center of my heart to yours

and once that connection is made

pure love forever and ever pours

its a bridge made of light

each step more full than the last

intersecting with eternity

it bridges all future and past

it is a bridge of wellness
it is a bridge of clarity

see this moment for what it is

see the cosmic hilarity

each second that goes by

is so precious and rare

you are on earth by choice

to add your unique flair


fill yourself with golden light

see each atom shining bright

imagine blockages clearing away

just like how the night turns to day

leave behind the word should

drop the labels of bad and good
there is only perfection unfolding
pain stems from the love you are withholding


from expansive love to constrictive fears

every emotion can bring one to tears

and thats what i feel life is all about

to stay rooted in silence yet able to shout

we are all explorers...there is no correct way

so release all judgment and enjoy this day

blessed is the one whose dreams they follow

creation is effortless when one becomes hollow


bridging the future with the past

bridging the first with the last

bridging the lost with the found

bridging the silent with the sound

bridging the part with the whole

bridging the human with the soul

bridging the darkness with the light

bridging confusion with insight


set your intention anew each blessed day

it will build up strength as you ceaselessly pray

seek to be of service in all you say and do

how your gift gets received is not up to you

your task is to offer it with a joyful and humble heart

if you have managed that then you have done your part
release any attachment to how it will play out
neither pat yourself on the back nor drop into doubt


i want nothing but kindness

to leave from these lips

to be a voice of encouragement
to help any come to grips

with the humbling realization

that gods in everyone

not just the saints and sages

but in each daughter and son

may these words cleanse your mirror

so that you can see more clearly

may you put aside all fear

so you can love more dearly

may service top your priorities

as you lose yourself through giving

may you face your insecurities

and feel at home with all living


imagine that you have

just breathed your last breath

you have walked into the light

through the tunnel of death

the healing process begins

you are reviewing your incarnation
which moments stand out?
when were you at one with creation?

viewing from each others point of view

the theme of your lifes made clear

love was never to be found out there

but experienced as the nearest of the near

the broader perspective of the soul

leaves the veil of separation no more

you remember your eternal nature

the truth radiates from your core


the silence within

will always be there

the silence within

you can call home

the silence within

will take you in

no matter how far

your thoughts do roam

the silence within

will always love you

the silence within

knows forgiveness well

the silence within

will keep you centered

its gentle nature

can calm the loudest yell

give thanks for no reason

other than you can

share your love of life

with each woman and man

dont decide who is worthy

for we are all equals here

jump into the unknown

and face that silly fear

what you will find is this

that you are not alone

the longing to connect

runs deeper than bone

inside every heart

awaits the innocent child

when all slates are wiped clean

we are free to run wild


nothing can be known

let go of all facts

in love one expands

in fear one contracts

will you remain open?

or will you close?

each moment asks this question

to keep us on our toes

constantly refining
asked from every angle

right before our eyes

the truth does now dangle

our perception must be clear

in order to receive it

like putting together a puzzle

each piece has a perfect fit


here is a lofty assignment

to stay in balance and alignment

with our highest ideals and goals

with the intention of our souls

releasing our dreams from confinement

the heart holds all in enshrinement

moving towards what we desire most

stepping into the flow from which we coast


loves eternal message is simply this:

i am here for you

i will be there equally in both suffering and bliss

i am here for you

in times of forgetfulness i will help to remind

i am here for you

when you are feeling alone with no friend to find

i am here for you

as your heart breaks open and tears are falling

i am here for you
while you send out your prayers i hear you calling
i am here for you

there is nothing that could ever keep us apart

i am here for you

i will be there at the end as i was at the start

i am here for you


whatever you are hiding

whatever you dont want others to see

that is what holds you back

from experiencing unity

whatever it is
for which you feel shame

bring it out into the open

welcome it to the game

nothing is to be rejected
darkness can compliment the light

like the great expanse of stars

which are seen only at night

let your embrace be total

dont leave one iota out

whatever you are running from

stop...breathe and turnabout


this world is like a furnace

meant to burn away the dross
catalyst can be quite painful
when theres a feeling of loss

see your suffering as a gift

which allows the gold to appear

as each impurity is removed

ones essence shines more clear


when only the self is met

in all the variety of occurrences

that is the experience of love

but dont take it on my assurances

experiment with this on your own

find out if what im saying is true

how does it feel in your heart?

to know each being is another you


its stretching towards the sun

as the mighty trees

its making the nectar of honey

as the hives of bees

its swimming through the oceans

as the schools of fishes

its exploring emotion and desire

as each human heart wishes

its flying through the air

as the birds of paradise

its nibbling on crumbs of cheese

as the squeaky mice

its gathering the nuts for winter

as the acrobatic squirrels

its spreading vibrant colors

as each flower unfurls


go with the flow

dont you know
thats the only way to

fly with the birds

through your words
let them lift you up now

pray to the one

central sun
that is beating all our

hearts pumping love

from above
what else could you ever



birds of a feather
they all flock together

we must do the same

if we are to topple this power game

we must stand up for our rights

the red...yellow...black...and whites

it doesnt matter what race your from

this is about the sum
the collective of planet earth
we are helping to give birth

as we rise up in vibration
our vision steers the creation

intention gives direction

to the infinite selection

every choice thats made

must be thought out before played

each decision has repercussions

nuclear power plant destructions

theres now radioactive fish

how has it come to this?

we keep chopping down gaias lungs

without a thought for our young

sucking out fossil fuels for oil

to drive on pavement where once was soil

doesnt this seem a wee bit weird?

is it just our darkness mirrored?

if that is the case

then its up to us to embrace

all those parts that we have rejected

we must welcome home to be accepted

when all of us has done this task

in a world of peace we will bask


love is all that will return

when love is all that leaves
for it is universal law
that what one gives one receives

this teaching has been brought

to earth by many loving avatars

each time its been distorted

as inflated egos play superstars

but this time will be different

for there are too many now awake

the masses dont believe the media

we have discerned the truth from the fake

our hearts have revealed to us

a power much greater than is pride

the great redeemer of forgiveness

bears fruit when all else has died


if you are only doing it with half your heart

you might as well just stop

only what you put your heart into fully

will propel you towards the top

and isnt that where we all want to be?

to experience ourselves at our peaks

so that we can reach a hand down below

and pick up any weary traveler that seeks


self discipline is the key

to advancing spiritually
by practicing what you know
through demonstrating you show

you will be known by your fruits

from the crown down to your roots

if your life is to be beneficial

dont hide your light under a bushel


the light we are moving in a circle

the light gets more bright each time around

the light is the whitest light that one could ever see
the lights made of our harmony of sound

the light is here to offer you a healing

the light is here to show how much we care

the lights made of a love of the highest purity

the light is what our hearts were made to share


i am all but burnt down to ashes

this phoenix is ready to rise and fly

but before any of that can happen

the old must be buried and let die

when we dont carry the weight of the past

our bright futures begin to pull us forward

the great heartbeat of the eternal now

is the source all creation is moving toward


straight from the core of pacha mama below

comes a stream of energy in unlimited flow
how will you meet this manna that enters your feet?
your love and joy for life determines if it stays replete

if relationships are in good standing than it goes unimpeded

if there is conflict with any than from there it gets depleted

the answer to all disharmony is to bring it to the center

into the heart where you ask for forgiveness to enter

here one finds true wholeness...here one is healed

here one is vulnerable...here one puts down their shield

up to the throat where honest communication takes place

songs sung solely to lift the cheeks of a beloveds face

shooting out the crown the stream continues flowing

our gift back to the Creator as experience turns to knowing

there is energy streaming continuously from our finger tips

love keeps the channel open while fear creates an eclipse


when im feeling these blissful vibes

love bursts forth from my insides

i see it reflected upon your eyes

love given freely just multiplies

what is love but the freedom to be?

this moment dont need no apology

living in the freshness that we call now

life is as delicious as treats of cacao


live right here in the moment

dont delay your happiness
cause right now contains bliss
to seek outside of here is too far
the love we keep on searching for
is precisely what we are

the destiny of man is to shine

we are a holographic image
of the sacred and divine

dont lose touch with reality

we are much more than this surface
shell of personality


the floodgates are open

the river is rushing

the canvas of each day

awaits your paint brushing

what do you dream of?

how can you bring it closer?

if everything is music
guess who is the composer?


the subtlest of the subtle

silence has no rebuttal

forever its truth will shine

for that is the grand design

to its essence we all align

what could be more benign?

only whats permanent can rest

make yourself at home in its nest

the earth feeds us love

with an inexhaustible supply

without this source of nourishment

not a single creature would get by

we owe our lives to this mother

of which we are each a child

let not one day reach its end

where your praises have not been filed

she deserves so much respect

but what does she get in return?

we have been through this in atlantis

its high time that we learn

the only way forward is together

theres no room for being elite

the global heart now awakens

as the ego takes the backseat


dont lose touch with the depths of your being

theres much more to life than the surface we are seeing

beneath all the waves full of change and commotion

there you can rest in the purest of emotion

a peace that is steady...that doesnt come and go

a love that is ready...that only wants to grow

a joy that is thrilling...that shines from the heart

a will that is willing...that plays perfectly its part

one is always in ones essence
this presence...this quintessence

there is nowhere else one can be

here is where all existence is free

if you are in any form of doubt

may this affirm your way out

not yesterday...tomorrow nor today

this i amness i speak of has no delay

the immediacy of being is timeless

the supreme silence is rhymeless

discard every single notion

dissolve the drop into the ocean

disregard the memories of the past

consciousness is that which lasts

your primordial nature is joy

disidentify with the egos ploy


what does love look like to you?

what does love sound like to you?

what does love feel like to you?

perception makes things seem true

what does love taste like to you?

what does love smell like to you?

what does love act like to you?

intention helps dreams come true

you can let your past choices define you
or you can start fresh like the morning dew

repeat the same old patterns...begin something new

weigh each out with your heart...which feels more true

layers of conditioning is all thats in the way

kick them to the curb...dont let them hold sway

only you can create the life that you dream of

it starts by acknowledging ones essence as love

only from within can that spark ever spread

live today as if tomorrow you may be dead

compliment each other...see the twinkle in all eyes

regain your magical vision like chasing fire flies

be open to transformation...whatever that entails

leave bread crumbs of kindness to mark your trails

keep a calm mind...wear your heart on your sleeve

forgive every situation...even your biggest pet peeve


no matter how far one zooms in

no matter as of yet has been found

at each level of the cosmic fractal

the mystery of life does astound

what seems so solid to the touch

is the interaction of fields of energy

we are made mostly of empty space

and organisms working in synergy

suddenly you will find yourself floating into the sky
that will be the day others will say that you did die

little did they know that you were ready to say good-bye
now you have the ability to shape shift and to fly

in the astral realms of thought there is much that we can do

one can change the color of their skin from pink to blue

travel back in time to re-experience life anew

the only thing that doesnt change is the i am that is you


i dont need your approval

i dont need your validation

the peace i feel inside my heart

i take as confirmation

i dont need to be loved

i dont need your understanding

the joy i feel is as effortless

as the universe expanding


inside every pair of eyes

i see the one self reflected

inside the holy of holies of all

is the feeling of being accepted

isnt that what we are craving for

a place where nothings rejected

its but a journey of 18 inches

to the heart where all is connected

when the ground is frost
and you are feeling lost
im there to guide you through

forever blinding
always reminding
i shine for each of you

im the fiery sun

who warms up everyone
from a distance in the sky

through the clouds i peek

when an outcome seems bleak
to answer your question "why?"


i am here to spark that light

to tend that flame through inspiration

i am here to be danced by music

to go round and round in exhilaration

i am here to share my essence

to offer the fruits of meditation

i am here to walk this earth

to give my thanks for each inhalation


"what is my purpose?" i ask infinity

to live a life without losing your dignity

to love so openly there is no ambiguity

to surrender your ego in all humility

to keep your faith in times of uncertainty

to honor your ancestors of antiquity
to birth a portion of your potentiality
to enjoy the illusion yet know reality


we have all done things that we are not proud of

but theres no point in holding on to the shame

for in this present moment you can start all over

the ability to refresh is the name of the game

take yourself lightly...dont be such a harsh critic

when you are free of guilt so falls away the blame

take responsibility as you learn from past mistakes

strive to be your ideal self...with strong intention aim


what can i do to put a smile upon your face?

every other question i could just as well erase

this is what i choose from all possible selections

to radiate a joyful heart in all possible directions

can i read you a poem? can i sing you a song?

can i give you a hug until your face is not long?

heaven is a mind state where happiness is the norm

where harmony prevails through any emotional storm


somewhere down the ancestral line

came mankinds rampant decline

we are told this was the fall from grace

when the garden of eden was our base

it all sparked from an egoic thought

and like wildfire it spread and caught

the idea that humans were superior

and that the rest of nature was inferior

the idea that perfection could be improved

into this false dream mankind moved

for thousands of years this lie has grown

everywhere on earth its clearly shown

and its still ongoing to this very day

but we can return to the other way

nature provides us with all we need

but only if we leave behind greed


you have a relation to all of creation

is that not reason enough for celebration?

you are far from ever being on your own

your connected to every animal...plant...and stone

all of life responds to offerings of love

for that is the substance it is all made of

so share your heart and share it wide

but do it out of praise and not from pride


"no heart has ever suffered

when it goes in search of its dreams"

it is only when we postpone them

that the still...small voice screams

we each have a personal legend

it is up to us to find our treasure
the gold created by an alchemist
to realized dreams does not measure

live each and every day to its fullest

who knows the time of ones departure?

go straight towards your hearts desire

like the arrow launched by an archer

dont worry about hitting the target

leave that up to the hand that wrote all

follow the omens given by nature

it serves no one by playing small


dont settle for less

than your hearts deepest yearning

if your entire being isnt into it

does it matter what you are earning?

you know how it feels

when your passion is set burning

to not follow your dreams

is what keeps the mind churning


im thankful for this moment to express salutations

im thankful for pure reflections and deep revelations

im thankful for the music of the vibrating spheres

im thankful to know that love conquers all fears

im thankful for family...friends...and snow flakes

im thankful for staring contests and for heart aches
im thankful for the ease of which food is available
im thankful for dreams that dont seem attainable


now is the only time

here is the only space

you dont even have to embrace

for thats already being done by grace

love is the only thing thats ever here

it may be distorted and become unclear

but i promise you my darling...i promise you my dear

that theres much more reason to cheer than fear


welcome great spirit

with its pruning shears

it comes to cut back

the branches of our fears

what feels at first like loss

in the end helps us grow

by dancing with the mystery

we relinquish all we know

and from this empty state

we are fueled by a fire

a power with no limits

to transform what seems dire

perception is the key

our attention builds strength
its when we are in love
that we will go to any length


cravers of attention
"look at me" pleads the child

watch as i tumble
and roll around all wild

as we pretend to grow up
this desire never leaves

somewhere inside us all

the playful child grieves

we want to share our gifts

to be touched...seen...or heard

as beings of infinite worth

to not want this would be absurd

for we all have treasures to offer

a simple hug can reach our core

yes we are cravers of attention

always wanting a little more


happiness ripples outwards

from your appreciation of this gift

this moment of all moments

another opportunity to uplift

your attitude is important

with your focus be selective

as your vibration rises

so does the collective

the whole is affected

by the tiniest of parts

through global meditation

we can link up our hearts

the resonance will be felt

all across this wondrous globe

as we activate our pineal glands

and put to use our frontal lobes


there is nothing i would rather do

than take a solitary walk in the woods

there i can let go of all of the baggage

as i take a walk in the woods

there i can pretend that i am a savage

as i take a walk in the woods

there i can connect with my true voice

as i take a walk in the woods

there the next step is the only choice

as i take a walk in the woods

there i can refuel from the smell of the forest

as i take a walk in the woods

there i listen closely to the bird chirping chorus

as i take a walk in the woods

there is nothing i would rather do

than take a solitary walk in the woods

love will keep your sanity
in a world that seems strange

love is the primal energy

that much will never change

love is the foundation

the bedrock of our lives

without this revitalizing force

no portion of creation survives


before any hugs are reciprocated

before any words get spoken

before any thoughts skitter across the mind

before all else our presence is perfect

before any question seeks out an answer

before any emotion rises and falls

before any movement out of ones bed

before all else is the supreme silence

before any food is put in the belly

before any stretching and yoga

before any goals for the day are made

before all else there is just pure being

before any concept of enlightenment

before any desire of the heart

before any recollection or future vision

before all else is the spirit of I AM

we are made of love
we are made of light

we are made of a mixture

of a golden white

we are made of quarks

we are made of cells

we are made of a fractal

where our spirit dwells

we are made of thoughts

we are made of fields

we are made of an idea

thats slowly revealed

we are made of time

we are made of space

we are made of the balance

between choice and grace


the infinite is full of intelligence

just look how nature grows in her elegance

always adhering to the proportion of beauty

creating diverse life forms is her only duty

for all possible avenues want to be explored

the Creator is supremely amused...never bored

each beings life adds a new flavor

novelty is what the one self does savor

not my will but thine
no possessiveness...no mine

less sense of being a doer

more a witness...more a viewer

from the effortless state

worries or concerns abate

consciousness has no cause

nor does it believe in flaws


the way of bhakti

is the path of devotion

where the individual wave

wants nothing but the ocean

it is a total surrender
it is a complete letting go

the white flag is raised

"i give up" says ego

all knowledge is dropped

in the blink of an eye

only the changeless

will ever fully satisfy

the truth pulls like gravity

to be free from all illusion

but that would mean infinity

could have a conclusion

you cant give too many blessings
you cant give too many thanks

you cant give too many compliments

you cant give too many hugs

you cant give too many flowers

you cant give too many laughs

you cant give too many i love yous

you cant forgive too many times


"be kind...for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle"

be merry...who knows what will arise from the shaking of a rattle

be simplistic...release some of that info that is filling your head

be optimistic...who knows how far our ripples really spread

be earnest...it is with determination that dreams get furnished

be honest...may the truth above all else be cherished

be eager...the universe responds quickly to one with conviction

be love...withholding this causes the greatest affliction


cutting overgrown toe nails

getting boogers out ones nose

washing piles of dirty dishes

shoveling a path after it snows

all of this is equally sacred

it is all worthy of ones respect

the slightest thought of praise

has a life enhancing affect

the body is a glorious temple

treat it with honor for all it does

the mind is a wonderful canvas

to envision and store what was

the spirit is a stupendous shuttle

reaching upwards unto forever

love is what opens the gateway

but one must choose to pull the lever


we have all been bestowed gifts

that can be turned into a life calling

the more you put them into practice

the less chance of your dreams stalling

creativity is the name of this game

thats the reason we are all so unique

the Creator looks upon each of us

with a vision of beauty and mystique


each word saturated with intention

each sentence like a flap of the wings

to fly high takes much concentration

ones only guide is when ones heart rings

when we are soaring life seems easy

but it takes effort to get off the ground

be still when all around you is breezy

be silent to hear the buzzing sound

didnt you get the transmission?
that you are here on a mission

yes...you volunteered by volition

to help ease the vibratory transition

dont you recall gaia grieving?

it was the reason for your leaving

yes...you left a far away world of delight

but what is distance to a being of light?

the cry from earth is what mattered

your tender heart was shattered

how could she be so battered?

and so we wanderers scattered

all across the globe we have awoken

but mothers heart is still broken

she pleads that we come back to her

that she will warm us with love not fur


our nightly excursions

into the realm of dreams

from lucid euphoric flying

to waking up in a scream

our culture diminishes them

as if they have no value

but if you keep a journal

you will find this is not true

where we go in our dreams

is to a broader point of view
there it becomes quite obvious
all dream characters are you

dreams give premonitions

our higher self giving a clue

in dreams there are no rules

there reality is much more fluid

ancient cultures knew this

from the egyptians to the druids


the space in which all is perceived

the place where universes are conceived

the journey towards authenticity

is walked in utter simplicity

the gateless gate of nirvana...the pearl of all pearls

"who am i?" is the question around which all swirls

in the deepest depths of self-inquiry

all that remains is the mystery


see the good in the people

that make up your life

look past the difficulties

leave behind the strife

be generous with your smile

dont use it so sparingly

live from the heart center

and all will be done caringly

the relationships that challenge you
are the reason they were chosen

this is especially true in families

where patterns seem to get frozen

but please dont give up hope

even a grinchs heart can melt

stuck energies will transform

when genuine love is fully felt


there is only one thing my friend

of which you have complete control

that is your responses to life

may they come from your soul

to control others with your will

is an act thats grounded in futility

for to deny another their freedom

is far from your responsibility


there are two paths

one can choose to follow

one puffs you full of pride

the other humbles you hollow

seeing beauty in a few

is the path of segregation

seeing beauty in all

is the path of integration

surround yourself with those

who are on a similar wavelength

this provides ample opportunity

for mutual love to gather strength

the journey of the lone wolf

eventually reaches a dead end

the way forward from there

is with a pack of dear friends


fill me from my head to my toes

with refined light energy

release all the heavy hucha

back to mother earth

fill me with the wonder of how

children view the universe

release all i think i know

so the new can give birth


i hope you always

find a reason to smile

for smiles are one thing

that never go out of style

i hope you always

have someone to hug

for hugs are the cure

for a bah...humbug

follow the path that makes you super excited

follow the course where your heart stays ignited

follow the bliss as joseph campbell did say

follow the love and you cannot go astray

follow the passion of your wildest dreams

follow the example of the flowing streams

follow the breadcrumbs that lead back to home

follow the road that doesnt bring you to rome


everything is open for interpretation

whats true for me may not be for you

that is the beauty of a co-creation

the diversity of each point of view

we are all figments of imagination

from a common core we all grew

the all looks upon us with fascination

forever surprised by what we do


leave behind the doubt of failure

bury the whole blame shame game

enter this new day with fresh eyes

like how into this world you came

regain your confidence and focus

make moves with faith and trust
transform...be open to transition
leave space for plans to adjust


it feels so good just to be outside

the stars above in an expanse so wide

breathing in deeply the fresh crisp air

as i listen to the river sing its gentle prayer

yes it feels so good just to be outside

nature has a way of opening hearts wide

just look at the beauty of the glittering snow

this silent language i have come to know


love is not something

you can fall in and out of

if that is what you know of it

then that is not true love

love is what underlies all creation

it is a constant that always sustains

it doesnt wither nor does it fade

it doesnt know of losses nor of gains

love is a force of orgasmic energy

from which all that is emanates

its nature is transcendent and pure

its giving heart forever radiates

love forgives the darkest of deeds

knowing they spring from confusion
love makes a home for all creatures
it is the warm feeling of inclusion


in my heart of hearts
i see through dualitys game

in my heart of hearts
i know as love we are the same

in my heart of hearts
there is a child always giggling

in my heart of hearts
is where the dancer starts wiggling

in my heart of hearts
there is a bottomless well of poetry

in my heart of hearts
is a secure connection to the mystery

in my heart of hearts
abides the eternal flame of spirit

in my heart of hearts
silence calls forth and i hear it


a fearless heart initiates unlived dreams

love just like water seeps through any seams

a gentle clearing of our collective racial mind

synchronistically occurring as parallel lives align

a questions main purpose is to remain unresolved

where would go the mystery if everything was solved?
with knowledge comes the burden of a great weight
to choose loving responses while in the midst of hate


if you feel you are progressing slowly

and you wish to accelerate the pace

then go right up to your mother

and tell her i love you face to face

now do the same to your father

your niece...nephew...sister...and brother

your aunts...uncles...and cousins

do this to every being you call other

this practice will speed things up

this medicine will lift your spirit

for an overflowing heart is magnetic

people are naturally drawn near it

this will bring you much warmth

this will increase each cells vibration

for when you match loves frequency

you become a bridge for unification


surrender any sense of control

only all that is can proclaim that its whole

for we are as atoms that make up a larger being

you may call it god but just know that its freeing

all of the seeing is done by the one seer

untainted by opinion its perception is clear
it is that inside us all which is simply noticing
the center of the vortex...focus on who is focusing


the way to my heart

is through kindness and devotion

you dont have to do that much

you sure dont need a love potion

the way to my heart

is through stillness and inquiry

dissolve our egos together

until all thats left is mystery

the way to my heart

is through dancing and being free

may i please take your hand

as we twirl around for eternity

the way to my heart

is through laughter and innocence

any of these will get you there

for they all lead to my essence


it doesnt matter how you behave

its not my business how you look

every single person in existence

is a brother or sister in my book

we all come from the same exact origin

we are all headed to the same destination

some paths may be longer than others

but they each add equally to the creation

what you believe makes no difference

nor does the amount of money you make

the only thing that is of real importance

is your ability to give more than you take

we are all bestowed with unique gifts

no one is left out...everyones a keeper

on the surface we appear as separate

but our soul roots connect much deeper


the world may have some issues

each heart has been through pain

but please dont let that stop you

from doing cartwheels in the rain

yes...cartwheels in the rain

cartwheels in the raaaain

oh oh oh cartwheels in the rain

why would you refrain from doing

cartwheels in the rain?

yes...cartwheels in the raaain

oh oh oh cartwheels in the rain

why would you refrain?

put away that silly umbrella

let the rain drops hit your skin

theres nothing to be scared of

allow mother nature in by doing

cartwheels in the rain

yes...cartwheels in the raaain

oh oh oh cartwheels in the rain

why would you refrain?


the sun is well aware of your praises

as its warm rays touch upon your face

all life is imbued with creative intelligence

nothing exists outside the loving arms of grace

toroidal fields of energy go all the way down

from superclusters to the infinitesimally small

the entire cosmos is a living being of light

ready to serve you...just awaiting your call


in the light of the central sun...i am basking

in the darkness of the night...i am asking

who am i? why am i here?

what is love? and what is fear?

whats illusion? and what is real?

all these questions i have come to feel


thank you for the light that you share so abundantly

i hope to capture a speck of it within this poetry

thank you for the light that you share so abundantly

no wonder you were worshiped throughout egypts dynasty
thank you for the light that you share so abundantly
you are the prime example of love in its magesty

thank you for the light that you share so abundantly

every time i see your face im reminded to live happily


broaden my view as you help me to see

a larger slice of the one reality

soften my heart as you help me to feel

the love in my core that i know to be real

lengthen the gap between each thought i think

may the silence grow as my opinions shrink

heighten my senses that meet the external

remind me each moment that i am eternal


we avoid the feeling of emptiness

filling our time instead with distraction

as if entertainment will bring us happiness

but does that ever leave lasting satisfaction?

the human condition abounds in polarity

from demonic depression to angelic ascension

we all waver about with our freedom of will

for choosing is the essence of this dimension


theres no point looking backwards

whats done my friend is done

i am much more interested

in what is yet to come
past lessons are now embodied
future dreams pull me forward

love...passion...and excitement
is what im moving toward


with every crossroad

that life presents me

i intend to choose the path

that most excites me

i will follow my euphoria

i will follow my bliss

i will lead with my heart

i will lead with one wish

that all beings i encounter

receive nothing but blessings

through a smile or a gaze

through a hug or caressing

i am an opening for love

and its ways of expressing

there is nothing i want more

than that feeling of coalescing


beings in the more refined realms

refrain from imposing their will

but if you ask them for some help

it gives them much a thrill
for to be of service to another
is how they have found lifes meaning

and when you call for their assistance

they need not worry about intervening

for they live to protect and guide

it is their honor to answer your call

to anyone seeking the mystery

they are pleased to give their all

so dont forget they are out there

behind your shoulder one is peeking

if you quiet your mind enough

you might even hear one speaking


art is long...life is short

sing a song...dont resort to retorting

reply with kindness regardless

in all your actions be harmless

if you know yourself to be love

than be that loving self you know

whatever you know yourself to be

than be that self you know so well

be deliberate about your elaborate

exaggerations of the miraculous

be a maverick of the mystery

as you immaculate your mind

from the draining daily grind

refuel on the manna of this moment
and please take this into consideration
how often are your judgments accurate?


we see what we want to see

and we label that as our reality

yet each of our perspectives is skewed

for the viewer affects what is viewed

but dont be sorry...be surprised

that way nothing is compromised

to try simply implies one has doubt

and thats not what creation is about


just as the present moment perpetually informs

so is it inevitable for us humans to transform

one can slow down or speed up the process

but the upward spiraling path knows only of progress

heed the call of love as you whet your appetite

for the truth always leads one closer to the light

welcome the intellects death of not knowing

for in that emptiness new thoughts can start growing


cure me
cleanse me
crash upon me
waves of mama cocha

feed me
clothe me
give me shelter
plants of pacha mama


focus on the love

focus on the love between
focus on the love
focus on the love between

all things theres only light

focus on the light between
focus on the light
focus on the light between

all things theres only peace

focus on the peace between
focus on the peace
focus on the peace between

all things theres only truth

focus on the truth between
focus on the truth
focus on the truth between


trekking through the jungle

with assistance from the vines

depending on earths roots

each placement was divine

then a clearing opened up

and the massaging waterfall appeared

the scene was so majestic

im surprised my eyes were not teared

a most pleasant mist fell upon us

producing rainbows wherever you looked
invigorated by the windy water
elemental power had me hooked

a beloved meal shared upon the black rock

we all melted into its depths so ancient

like i was living in a fantasy realm

or a parallel world adjacent

gray clouds formed in the distance

and we received a most fortunate shower

transforming into wild animals

we easily climbed up the muddy tower

i have never felt so adventurous

this body was completely grounded

in the shifting perfume of the plants

i forever wish to be surrounded


what you practice you get good at

so practice being boundless love

for once you taste its flavor

you will know how to rise above

its delicious yumminess you will savor

it will keep you coming back for more

like pizza made from a cob oven

it will indulge you to the core


the kundalini is rising from our roots up to our crowns

i trust there is a reason for the ups and the downs

thats the nature of duality and its serpentine sine wave

we experience a desire and then for something new we crave

so if you have a frown my friend it will turn around

just listen to that heart inside so elegantly pound

a Creators never finished...the process is ongoing

that thought you are now thinking is the future you are sowing


this present moment is just as potent

as when the primal seed was first rooted

the ocean of consciousness trickles down

but its essence doesnt get diluted

it is a source that has no limits

a well of creativity that never runs dry

eternal energy that shifts and transforms

the only thing is cannot do is die


whatever dreams are made of

we are made of that magical substance too

some call it the logos...others call it love

both timelessly ancient and fresher than the morning dew

its the point where all paradoxes are reconciled

its the force that propels the imagination

its a freedom that runs rambunctiously wild

its a creativity that knows not of stagnation


when you reach a place of uncertainty

just close your eyes and take a step inwards
focus on the heart...the center of all things
follow your breath to where its moving towards

guidance never leaves...its but a call away

it is at your side even when you feel you have strayed

trust my friend...work out faith like a muscle

it will give you wings amongst the hustle bustle


watching monkeys jump from one branch to the next

my trust is strong but in comparison it pales

so agile and fluid...always sustained in balance

my faith is like a boat while theirs is like the sails

id wager their excitement never even stales

what would life be like if humans still had tails?

and the howl they produce from such tiny bodies

exploring the forest but not leaving any trails


there is a guiding force at work

leading each and every one of us home

it brings forth an aligning effect

like when chanting the mantra of ohm

use your heart as your compass

it will point you in the right direction

if you dont know your next step

then slow down and pause for reflection

wherever it is that you end up

your life lessons will follow you there

for you cant escape...you can only prolong

the journey through earth...water...fire...and air

when you finally reach soul completion

no experience will have been left out

laughter will have healed all the wounds

and you will know what communion is all about


always keep an eye out

for how you can lend a helping hand

we could live in peace

if we all but followed this one command

its so very simple

as are all things of the heart

we just have to remember

to put the horse before the cart

will power has its merits

but our true strength lies in trust

when you surrender to the higher plan

complete faith is a must

mountains can be moved this way

as can the salty seas be parted

ones loftiest dreams can unfold with ease

asking for help gets them kickstarted


chopping the wood

carrying the water

before and after

breathing the air
cooking by the fire

there is nothing better

than contentment

hugging the trees

helping one another

through selfless service

we reach atonement

singing the songs

dancing to the rhythm

our freedom lies in



theres another world out there

full of pirates and gypsies

nomads and hippies

blue morphos and pixies

its a world thats slowly being born

where each tree we honor and adorn

the walls that divide have been torn

down to the ground without hate or scorn

yes...theres a new world on the horizon

atlantis once fell but it is now rising

to the surface impurities are being cleared away

and in there place we plant seeds for another way

that are growing into rainbow communities

places of reverence and healing opportunities
where we can see the fruit of each tiny action
the whole is greater than the sum of each fraction


aho...to the sacred earth below

aho...to the winds of change that blow

aho...to staying in the flow

aho...to not having any foe

aho...to a heart thats learned to glow

aho...to the lessons that help us grow

aho...to the practice of hooponopono

aho...to bowing your head low

aho...to being able to say "no"

aho...to knowing you dont know

aho...to the channelings of quo

aho...to the intentions we sow

aho...to patience and taking things slow

aho...to the restful nature of snow

aho...to a better and brighter tomorrow

aho...to the wonderful feeling of "whoa"

aho...to unconditional love...xoxoxo


teeming with potential

a limitless pool of possibility

a reservoir of freedom
a plenum of opportunity

its important to stay concordant

in harmony with the whole

for each act of unkindness

weighs heavily on the soul

so use often the light touch

allow life to tickle your funny bone

know with certainty what you want

like a child screaming for an ice cream cone

when you receive what you have desired

always give thanks to the most high

praise opens the channel to the heart

flooding with love any space thats dry


like a tea absorbing the water

from a boiling kettle

when a situation gets frantic

let the dust settle

clarity comes with patience

breathe deep till you feel calm

mindfulness makes one mellow

relaxation is a healing balm


awaken oh seedling of love

from your state of dormancy

observe how it begins to sprout

as you treat others as royalty

for we are all on a heroes journey

from the kingdom we have ventured far
but no worries...we will find our way
as long as we keep our hearts ajar


i hear the secrets

of thoughts that i think

inside the thick walls

of the skull of my head

i move to rhythms
of beats that i feel

inside of the magic

of music...im lead


that silent witnessing presence

undergirding all of creation

every thought we think it hears

with acceptance...without negation

the river of babylon forever speaks

to the quiet and listening banks

it would be wise each day to pause

and to our source give thanks


the next moment opens wide

the previous moment closes shut

life is one big swinging door

always asking "now what?"

it is a loaded query for sure

it is our gift from the Creator

freedom of choice burgeons forth

will you use it or wait for later?


dont let the miracle

escape from your perception

for thats all thats been unfolding

since the dawn of your conception

there is nothing but a miracle

everythings a miracle

there is nothing but a miracle

everythings a miracle

from the cells that first divided

to each hair thats on your head

we are all children of the sun

"let there be light" is all god said

there is nothing but a miracle

everythings a miracle

there is nothing but a miracle

everythings a miracle


by the tiniest details of life

be willing to be enraptured

in the ordinary and mundane

are the best of moments captured

so always be on the lookout

for lifes sparkle to shimmer through
its about how you meet the moment
not the worldly things you do


no amount nor assortment of words will ever suffice

to describe that which is both terribly mean and terrifically nice

i mean the meaning of why its like this?

i mean the meaning of a gentle hug or kiss

i mean the meaning that comes when you decide

i mean the meaning of taking it all in stride

by meeting challenges as opportunities for growth

and by speaking words like their each a sacred oath

i mean the meaning of being on a quest

i mean the meaning of just doing your best

i mean the meaning of turning inwards to pray

i mean the meaning of not knowing what else to say


the Creators love is gentle

the Creators love is fierce

you will come to know them both

when through the veil you pierce

each moment contains the potential

to become illuminated like lightning

the realization of our godly power

is what is the most frightening

not death nor the darkest night

but our ability to create by thought
this is the philosophers stone
the holy grail thats been sought

it has never been outside of you

its been at your core all along

it gets activated by your will

and when your faith is strong


beyond space and time...beyond all telling

now is the only permanent dwelling

this intense fire inside it has no quelling

feel your heart beat...feel the love swelling

the well of wellness runs so deep

through your every pore let it seep

and when you come to the edge...take the leap

once awakened...you cant go back to sleep


take your foot off from the pedal

relax and just let things settle

into there rightful place they will

all you have to do is to be still

take your foot off from the pedal

relax and just let things settle

tap into that feeling of calm

that my friend is a healing balm


when your mind is racing

past steps you keep retracing
for perfection one is chasing
instead of simply embracing

where else could it ever be found?

but where your feet meet the ground

from ones chest the answer does pound

stand firm...dont be knocked around


if you are having an experience

than you are being of service

the two are interlocked my friend

all existence is of service

even if you are just sitting there

breathing in and out the air

even if you are just sitting there

you are being of service

if you are having an experience

than you are fulfilling your purpose

the two are interlocked my friend

all existence has a purpose

even if you are just sitting there

breathing in and out the air

even if you are just sitting there

you are fulfilling your purpose


again and again and again

the mystery leaves me stunned
if it is conceivable it is allowed
no exploration is to be shunned

for life is but a cosmic game of lila

the self plays both teacher and student

in each moment we are offered options

to make a choice that is most prudent


in all aspects of life

i want to see you flourish

if you dont feel that you are

then please take some time to nourish

that tiny seed so full of your passion

containing your visions and dreams

the dark moist soil has done its work

now let your heart burst at the seams


in with the fresh and new

out with the old and stale

did you know this my friend?

that you cannot ever fail

encouraged to explore
the limits of curiosity

all you need for this search

is your inner luminosity

love and light is the only fuel

required for ones renewal

what you judge as a misstep

the Creator sees as a jewel

so take that baggage off your chest

shine brightly for all is forgiven

perfect is each imperfection

thats the attitude from which im living


reveal to me the way

in which we are all connected

mirrored doorways opening

love leaves no one neglected

this is no poem...this is a virus

live from the heart to be infected

the worlds projected from your iris

what you believe will be reflected


if i boiled it all down

to a sweet and simple answer

id say "its all a dance"

and that we are each a dancer

if i boiled it all down

to what gives life its meaning

i would look you in the eye

until i saw your soul gleaming

if i boiled it all down

to a truth thats absolute

id say "theres only one of us"

and then krisna would play his flute
if i boiled it all down
so just the essence remained

all that would be left

is our innocence unstained


everything comes from a triumphant seed

consecutive moments strung bead after bead

thought becomes word and then word becomes deed

observing each thought helps to slow down their speed

dont let them run rampant and start a stampede

ask of their source and their bound to concede

dont make it a battle...thats not how you succeed

just follow your heart for the heart will not mislead


any self-aware entity

has the god-given capacity

to project light continuously

in all directions simultaneously

for we are offspring of the brilliant sun

instead of rays we have smiles that shine

we bring warmth with our heart hugs

radiating love is embedded into our design


many a mystic have come to the same conclusion

that this entire world is a marvelous illusion

similarly a sage will say that you are not your body
after years of meditation they are absorbed in samadhi

a monk might tell you that only extinction brings nirvana

while a yogi shares a mantra from the full lotus asana

a sufi spins around in circles to find what doesnt spin

while christians put faith in jesus to absolve them of sin

a shaman ingests a brew to commune with a plant deva

while a hindu begs for food all in the name of shiva

a scientist views the cosmos as intelligently designed

while an artist paints a vision for the whole of humankind

a saint insists the way to heaven is to selflessly give

while an atheist suggests this life is our only one to live

we were never meant to all agree on a specific religion

for at the basis of perception is the variant of decision


happiness is a byproduct
of living in a state of gratefulness

joy unperturbed by these fleeting scenes

is a sure sign of ones wakefulness

give your praises unto the lord

treat each other like a benediction

blessings bestow the one who thanks

sharing love is a fruitful addiction


i invite the numinous

the womb of all things luminous

the space where universes are born

the potential of an oak inside an acorn
i invoke the comfort of black light
the silence that gives thunder its might

outlasting all futures...preceding all histories

i call upon the greatest of mysteries

mother madonna please anoint

the place with no reference point

where the many dissolve into unity

no polarity nor any sign of duality

for one cannot face the faceless

nor embrace the embraceless

as a plenum all that is is contained

only by free will is love restrained


life on earth is like a treasure hunt

precious gems and jewels are buried

the seeking process is the shovel

in our hearts the truth is carried

our culture offers ups and downs

but what im after is not temporary

why build a foundation on shifting sand

when the still ground of being is a sanctuary?


do you know how fortunate

you are to be alive?

to experience the physical

each soul must take a dive
and that we did...we took the plunge
into the murky depths of illusion

relying on faith that we would shine

amidst the earths rampant confusion

we accepted the challenge with open arms

to be a beacon of love and inclusion

and here we are rooted until the day

our desires of the flesh reach conclusion

so dig in my friends...enjoy the feast

in the dark choices carry much weight

lures of separation seem all to real

but please dont bite on that bait


sometimes love is utterly passive

sometimes love does contribute

always available in some way

that is loves greatest attribute

a wakeful abiding presence

that is attentive to ones needs

love has no preference at all

between the flowers and the weeds

everything gets sanctified

when eyes of love are perceiving

love has nowhere else to go

so dont worry about love leaving

it will comfort an aching heart

it will befriend the loneliest soul
if you want a standard to live by
then let loving be the only goal


take a good long look around you

and tell me what it is you see

do you see the Creators generosity?

the exploration of infinite possibility

do you see the idea behind creation?

how there is such a bounty of variety

do you see why the one became many?

the supreme intelligence of multiplicity

notice the patterns that guide all growth

so exquisite...so elegant...so profound

notice the diversity of all things unique

no duplicates in nature can be found

this means there can be no true comparison

the act of judgment has no standing ground

that is why each snowflake can astound

for there is nothing but beauty all around


to the roof of your mouth

place the tip of your tongue

take deep relaxing soothing breaths

feel the air enter and exit each lung

broaden your perspective now

by witnessing the witness

exercise your frontal lobes

retaining silence is mental fitness

acknowledge each thought that arises

honor them with an inner smile

this practice brings much peace

i promise it is worth your while

treat words like a child treats toys

play with them in a lighthearted way

share the ones you find helpful

allow the others to just float away


i like to simply observe

and i like to just listen

sometimes i feel like that could

sum up my whole life mission

i dance just as i please

i dont worry what i might be missing

as long as my hearts singing

than the whole world starts to glisten

like a sponge i soak it up

until a tight hug wrings me out

im not the first one to say it

but love is what its all about

feel the water that connects us

through our eyes the ocean pouts

no dream is ever actualized

when there lingers any doubts

no truer words can be spoken
than "this too am i"

every emotion that can be felt

this too am i

every idea that can be ideated

this too am i

every intention that can be intended

this too am i

every action that can be acted

this too am i

every dream that can be dreamt

this too am i

every adjective...every characteristic

this too am i

from the complex to the simplistic

this too am i

whatever sight your eyes now see

this too am i

whatever sound your ears now hear

this too am i

thats just the way a hologram works

each portion containing the whole

love is all-inclusive and all-pervading

existing as each body...mind...and soul

as boundless as the space between

who we really are has no demarcations
the one experiences through the many
only judgment creates separations


life does not wait

until one is ready

the revelation is ongoing

the stream of now is steady

melodies are remedies

a cure for any ailment

this train of existence

has no worry of derailment

its engine is fueled freely

our experience is the cost

perpetual e-motion of love

what we give back is exhaust

lost and found in sound

between the ebb and flow

sinking up and sinking down

the wave is there to follow


thoughts arising
from the earth below

they come from

a slow flowing

stream that carries

all my whisperings

across this

act of nature
is made to focus

on all the magic

of being a locus

sitting upon the

throne of god we all

share the self

witnessing here


smell the love in the air

after a life giving rain

each droplet is a prayer

love is all they contain

so thankful is the earth

to receive rejuvenation

saturated with waters mirth

the fairies dance in jubilation


it is loves job to expose

the secrets we keep inside

when we are tipping upon our toes

as if we have something to hide

for love is about full disclosure

leaving everything in plain view

its okay to lose ones composure

for all feelings point to whats true

why push the river or swim against the tide?

why look without for that which is inside?

why do some stand still while other people dance?

why does true love get confused with romance?

why make effort when you can go with the flow?

why be in a rush when flowers open so slow?

why give your power away to circumstance?

why would one give up before taking a chance?


lay aside your intellect and that which is clever

experience the heart of you...that which is forever

it is crazy to think about existing without end

but that is the message each moment has to send

there really is no rush to reach the final goal

the creation moves in circles like a singing bowl

whatever you desire....take a step towards that

and when desire has run dry...just purr like a cat


the heart relates beyond the distinctions of gender

feelings could only arise from something so tender

we are all subject to its precious vulnerabilities

it can both give us wings and bring us to our knees

the heart is unbiased and only knows of connection

it is rooted to the truth of each moments perfection
a message of wellness it pumps up to the brain
clearing the doubtful mind like the pouring rain


pause your applause as your jaw drops

when the mystery hits home everything stops

one is left in a childlike state of wonder

wholeness revealed heals any past blunder

the miracle of breathing leaves one speechless

grateful for all...ones appreciation is ceaseless

the reason why all of a sudden makes sense

life is meant to be met without any pretense

so take down your fences and dissolve your walls

follow that immense feeling of love that enthralls

the mind melts into the heart as the judge withdraws

any animosity towards another is warmed and thaws

a wide open space of calmness does then ensue

the world once again sparkles as if its brand new

the present moment is unwrapped with pleasure

each fresh day offers a most glorious treasure


train your mind

to see the good
in every situation

this alone
can transform life
into a high vibration

dont be blind
to the wonders
existing all about you

love is grown
from deep inside
so patient to shine on through

feel your heart

pumping the blood
in multiple directions

like a tree
thin veins branch
forming into connections

be amazed
by this network
that runs so smoothly below

im seeing now
as this finger touches this toe


speak your spark

tend to your flame

to share a heart song

is why we all came

dont hold back

let it rise like smoke

come out of your shell

and be seen as the yolk

bare your weakness

to find your strength

muster up the courage

to go to any length
participate with passion
live life with abandon

seek ways to unify

strangers into companions


in a world so full of blinders

one cant have enough reminders

so why not be that for each other?

care for all like the love of a mother

leave behind the petty criticisms

and in their place give compliments

when you see beauty in another express it

expand their soul with your appreciation

heaven can be so easily created

a smile has become too underrated

it is through us that the Creator learns

keep inspiring...lets take turns

allow the waves of desire to engulf you

be drowned in the depths of truth

seek to find the good in everybody

and never forget to tell them


when life is taken for granted

even butterflies lose their charm

please dont let this happen

wake up to the buzzing alarm
snap on back now to reality
keep pace with the setting sun

stop and smell those flowers

notice the difference of each one

dont just go through the motions

you are not a puppet upon a string

enter lightly into each situation

your most wide open heart...bring

that is all thats ever asked for

everything else can be let go of

for when we review these lives

all that will matter is the love


no matter my location
i have but one vocation
that is open hearted living

receiving from my core

until i cant hold no more
the petals of my heart unfold

my mission is quite simple

my heart beats...love ripples
the ministry of just being

and that is enough for me

to share a sense of glee
i am here for the essence


i wear my heart upon my sleeve

what comes must go but i dont grieve
temporary joy i am not after
for deep inside i know eternal laughter

so while duality plays its game

i stay focused on whats the same

beneath the froth of crashing waves

i know of a love that heals and saves


give give give...give and give

it is not my concern

give give give...give and give

about how it does return

give give give...give and give

through love is how we all learn

give give give...give and give

give until you feel it burn

to love without any condition

that is what fuels my ambition

a desire so strong and pure

whatever life offers im sure

it is here for one reason only

it was cast out and felt lonely

welcome the darkness with light

everythings going to be alright


give out love

it will return
many fold
i promise you

only fear
is scared of change
walk on through
life has your back

let it go
love will unfold
for the best
of all involved

keep the faith

thats the challenge
gives one balance


the energies are pushing us forth

pointing our hearts towards true north

no longer can we sit idly by

for this is when we learn to fly

so pick yourself up by the straps

and let go of all the ego traps

the ugliness and the insecurities

the lack of worth and vulnerabilities

release all that to mother earth

she will digest it and give new birth

something wants to break on through

the grandest vision of an empowered you

the cage is open...let yourself out

it serves no one to feed on doubt
you have nothing to prove to anyone
transform that seriousness into fun


forged under father times watch

from the pressure of confusion

brilliant dazzling diamonds

faceted by layers of illusion

we each offer a unique reflection

the many aspects of self mirrored

containing the richness of emotion

all that we have loved and feared

the Creator thoroughly enjoys

this game where we hide and seek

the Creator counts to infinity

all children of light yell "dont peek"

the gift of a free-willed creation

is there anything more to ask?

if we knew the amount of devotion

in the light we would be content to bask


towards the sun light

all plant life is reaching

no matter where i look

i find nature is teaching

the simplest of things

like which way to grow

water dripping upon rock

layers eroding so slow

nothing is in a hurry
the radiance that is now

how do i share this feeling?

with what gift can i bestow?

on to my prayerful knees
my forehead kisses the earth

dying to what has been

each breath calls for re-birth


jumping out of bed

a new day drips with possibility

excited toroidal blood cells

rushing through my veins

soaked like a sponge

open to lifes many surprises

i join the chirping birds

rejoicing at the rising red orb


whatever is arising
as your present experience

dont push it to the side

dont wait for a later moment

there is no better time than now

so breathe in your surroundings

welcome all denied feelings home

give your grief the shelter it seeks
this is your only role to play
as a being of love incarnate

it is with the unforgiven aspects

that is where we do our true work

no one said it would be easy

to accept our 360 degree nature

no part can be left out of the circle

there is no yin without yang


dont be too eager

to return back to the all

we want to be good and ready

as ripe for the picking as can be

we want to be plump and flavorful

aged in the barrel of fulfilled desires

we want the harvest of our juicy fruits

to be bursting with colors not yet imagined


imagine if the air was judgmental

choosing who was worthy to breathe

imagine if the sun was judgmental

only shining on those that shined back

imagine if the flowers were judgmental

sharing their fragrance with a select few

imagine if the clouds were judgmental

dropping rain only for those that prayed
imagine if humans loved without conditions
like the precious air that is given so freely

imagine if humans loved without conditions

open hearts shining through smiling faces

imagine if humans loved without conditions

not just that special someone but for all

imagine if humans loved without conditions

there would be ample abundance to thrive


if one can come to see

the underlying unity

then one becomes free

to love unconditionally

perceiving beyond the veil

is what it does entail

looking past appearance

gives one god clearance

none of us can be compared

to judge is to be impaired

far easier said than done

that is: to live the law of one

challenges will keep coming

to the depths go on plumbing

each moment offers a unique test

to share the treasure in ones chest

pay close attention to your dreams
for they are always offering helpful clues

nothing is nearly what it seems

write them down before you press snooze

reasons for obstacles can become clear

issues of health can find a resolution

we script the next day while we are here

make use of them for your evolution


let us spin
and play with bubbles
just like the children
and swim as free as a dolphin

let us speak
through body language
you push while i pull
upon the strings of a dancer

let us touch
and upon contact
we will improvise
the intimacy of mirroring

let us hug
to feel our breathing
heart beats shaking hands
give twenty seconds of your time

let us form
into a circle
joining hand to hand
the sums greater than all the parts

let us seek
to respond with kindness
to all that we meet
and live like we would in heaven

let us pray
to know the wisdom
enfolded in our hearts
that sacred sanctum holds all our worth

let us kneel
before the altar
praises to the most high
gratitude and faith pack a mighty punch

let us heal
through self forgiveness
and leave behind all guilt
shame and blame only weigh us down

let us rise
with each new inhale
honoring our innocence
our consciousness cannot be tainted

let us walk
in the direction
that makes us feel alive
following our bliss and excitement

let us give
until we are empty
hollowed out to the core
so we can be instruments of peace

let us live
like theres no tomorrow
fully engaged today
interacting with our surroundings

let us trust
that there is a purpose
a plan tailored just for us
suited to our many gifts and talents

let us ask
how to be of service?
not my will but thine
help us to deepen our surrender

let us put
our best foot forward
not boasting with pride
but humbled by the great mystery


the sound of calm waves lapping

or is that the tapping and clapping?

of water elementals dancing

reenacting the primal paradox

of the mover and the moved

laughter breaks into a groove

music makes life so amusing

and somehow less confusing

how the giggle formed a wiggle

and there is no back tracking

for the note has been strummed

the cosmic background is hummed

all around us there is rhythm

begging to bridge any chasm

to the furthest reaches fathom

that none of this is random

isnt it bizarre?
that we in fact are

doesnt it make you wonder?

how silence could imagine thunder?

how the white light burst asunder?

so the rainbow we could sit under

oh how i find it so peculiar

rooted between past and future


i have but one business

staying true to the isness

keeping strong that connection

by remembering the perfection

seeing each elegant golden section

in the beauty of natures reflection

to earth mother i have much affection

time for us humans to make a correction


give your heart to the moment

dont hold back your offering
cause right now is your chance

to feel a feeling is a blessed gift

each time we share depths of emotion
salty tears stream from the ocean

the tumbling of waves as they roll

surrenderings the secret
accept what you cant control

life it just keeps happening

we are all here for one purpose
the building of community


opening to receive a heart transmission

bridges being built to ease the transition

fading away are the old ways of competition

cooperation is rising to its lofty position

together is how we will all make it through

one earth tribe family creating the world anew

roots of visionaries holding to what is true

hope guides us home while love binds as glue


forever discerning the truth from the fallacy

im in a relationship with reality

the continuous coupling of time and space

one runs away while the other does chase

married to this moment of intersection

where the infinite manifests all perception

engaged to the mystery from which i spring

buzzed on the love of a honey bee sting


a society that values conformity

i will never know of such normalcy

i will happily color outside of the lines

i will think outside of the boxes confines

im glad to be different and a bit weird

our individual quirks are to be revered
i will offer a flavor thats never been tasted
i will live fully...not one moment wasted


i have a dream
and it makes me feel good

burn palo santo

morning holy wood

following my dream
keep feeling terrific

my dream is my dream
its plans are specific

there is a dream of earth

dreamt by the sun

in this dream all us

children know we are one

we are dancing round the fire

we are having loads of fun

to celebrate life is
one way to stay young

i have a dream to build a torus

i have a dream to live in the forest

i have a dream to become like horus

i have a dream song and this is the chorus


know the silence

from which all springs
there is but one source
to the ten thousand things

plumb the quietness

abide in the tranquility

with a single pointed mind

discover your creative ability

know what you seek

peeking into the dark abyss

if the Creators plan is perfect

than nothing can be amiss

anchor firmly to love

it will keep you centered

desire nothing but the truth

to the mystery be surrendered


facilitating dance through free expression

love keeps growing as my attachments lessen

jumping on lily pads theres no time to wait

now holds the power to what we create

heres a kick in the butt to get things moving

no more excuses...live lucid...stop snoozing

this itch ive been feeling has helped to reveal

that im ready to make this dream turn real


to the evolution of spirit i am fully committed

in this world of opposites nothings to be omitted

even those pesky mosquitos have intrinsic value

for each of their experiences to the Creator is new

adding another pigment to the palette of diversity

can you see them as life instead of as an adversary?

they test our patience and vows of non-violence

underlying that buzzing we all share the same silence


eyes of love
look out into the world

and see no thing

but love reflecting back

each creature
a living masterpiece

never to be duplicated
perfect in every way

each blade of grass

worthy of attention

each tiny pebble

a glory to behold

flowers burst with color

trees slowly stretch

while the air connects

to what cannot be seen


how are we not

forever in awe?

what will it take

to drop down ones jaw?
it is all so majestic
it brings me to tears

you can watch me cry

it brings up no fears

i have no image to uphold

about a man appearing macho

my skin enjoys the rain

no umbrella nor poncho

releasing feels good

having no emotion dammed

water wants to flow

freely without commands


can you feel the heart?

of earth mama gaia

coming alive
through us

she is awakening
she is growing stronger

she has chosen

to not wait a moment longer


the fire of consciousness is never snuffed out

that we are eternal beings is beyond any doubt

this human animal body that carries us around

it is not our true nature...dont let it confound
we existed before the idea of time and space
we are inextricably linked to an intelligent grace

a transition to larger life is the doorway of death

the best way to prepare is to love every breath


when one lives in a perfectly harmonious environment

one often loses the impetus to continue to grow

for when nothing knocks one off from their center

the motivation for spiritual evolution does slow

so be thankful for challenging surroundings

and for people that rub you the wrong way

pearls arent created without some irritation

perhaps thats the role those relationships play


this is where i reside

the abode of the absolute

the innermost inside

as love i remain resolute

this home is a glorious ocean

containing all thought waves

replenished by rivers of emotion

forgive a child that misbehaves

into this heart i forever plummet

the event horizon crossed

seeking the spiritual summit

where ego identity is lost

like quicksand pulling me under

i accept this path of returning

whats left of me is pure wonder

transmuted by years of yearning


re-discover the lover of life

losing this is what brings strife

there is no reason to demolish

the mind simply needs a polish

use the ever present cloth of i am

this practice helps to pass any exam

stay put firmly by growing deep roots

from the unmoved center creation fruits


it is the simple that is certain

not the complicated

now look behind the curtain

on i am be concentrated

what is easy can be trusted

that which is always available

once the viewpoint is adjusted

one becomes unassailable


dig deep into that heart of yours

find out from where the water pours

take a break from the hustle and grind

establish yourself in beginners mind
where existence glistens like dew
every scene is seen as if brand new

in awe with all of lifes intricate details

through any difficulty...love prevails


this is a challenge to both sinners and saints

can you go one whole day without any complaints?

where whatever life brings you is deemed acceptable

can you stay connected to love in all thats perceptible?

will you give it a shot? are you up for this task?

can you see the Creator lurking behind every mask?

it is all a choice and your focus makes all the difference

can you find gratitude where you once found a hindrance?


to the mystery i am forever devoted

pondering how the one first exploded

into this vast variety of life we call physical

how did such a magician make things visible?

the incredible intelligence that stirred creation

what else but love could be the foundation?

i lay this head upon the ground feeling humble

while the idea of separation continues to crumble


the green is transforming

into the yellow...orange and red my friend

the green is transforming

into the colors of the fall
energies are shifting
harvest time it is for gifting

as the energies keep shifting

with the changing of the guard

elemental beings
keep the rhythm of each season

as the elemental beings

tell the leaves just when to fall

nature spirits hear us

as we invite they get near us

oh the nature spirits hear us

while we perform ceremony


human beings are not

at the top of the food chain

into the open mouth of god

all our learning does drain

the fruit of each experience

is gobbled up by the one

all of existence feeds back

to the belly of the central sun

sources hunger has no limits

love expands with each bite

what appears as a black hole

is super concentrated light

through our self awareness

the creator continues to grow
and it all started with a seed
with the intense desire to know


thank you earth

for supporting the path
faithful foot by foot i walk

thank you air

for carrying the message
as i listen to the leaves talk

thank you water

for waving up and down
revealing the ebb and flow

thank you fire

for being so unpredictable
catalyzing curiosity to grow


there is no instruction manual

on how love is to be demonstrated

it is different for each unique entity

what matters is that one is dedicated

some express best through music

some through art...some through rhyme

one way you can always be of service

is to simply listen and give your time

a set intention runs much deeper

than how events appear to play out

so dont ever jump to conclusions

face your fear to remove any doubt
devote your life to sharing your gifts
nothing more is being asked of you

the world does not need a savior

to your vision stay strong and true


what if our knee-jerk interpretations

are far from being an accurate
assessment of what is reality

what if the true nature of creation

is that each being is immaculate
let this judgment be the finality

this shadowy world is so spurious

let your heart look out your eyes
seeing the love in all distortions

like an eager child stay curious

never stop asking the whys?
in the mystery find absorption


dont take everything so serious

that will only make one delirious

the heart has an energy of playfulness

frolicking about in a state of gratefulness

love and laughter are the best of friends

this ocean of existence is here to cleanse

so jump into this moment and smile

enjoy the simplicity once in a while

opposites are complementary
they complete instead of oppose

the monkey mind is not a battlefield

just as fingers are not at war with toes

black is not fighting against white

together they create the night sky

what is different can be in harmony

water quenches a mouth that is dry


we create our reality at all scales

so dont be vague with the details

let the universe know what you want

expect it to come but stay nonchalant

our seeking is only half the equation

be open to receive on any occasion

a surprise arises to shake us awake

to dreams unfolding doubt hits the break


we always have a choice

in how it is we shall respond

with love comes real magic

each decision waves the wand

our freedom is our power

so please lets use it wisely

giving what we wish to receive

creates a world a tad more kindly

ancient water...sacred seed
these are all we really need

so very vital to our survival

will you help with the revival?

protect these precious gifts

our priorities have gone adrift

nothing is more crucial than this

earths stewards have been remiss


i dont want to hear

another person ever yell

dont they know that when they do

they create a living hell

broadcasting negativity
is not very productive

if they chose to laugh instead

it would be much more conductive


how can i help to bring

the best out in you?

so you are shining real bright

with your colors most true

how can i help to bring

the best out in you?

so you are shining real bright

like a star is meant to

how can i help to bring

the best out in you?

as you give up the fight

and let the light shine on through

how can i help to bring

the best out in you?

as you give up the fight

and allow in something new


greet each tender moment

without a morsel of resistance

when we live this way of flow

we receive the most assistance

love has many great attributes


and one thats often overlooked

love birthed forth all of existence


we are each made in the image of god

and that image is the golden mean spiral

the phi ratio is an everlasting timeless truth

it will be as true in a trillion years as it is now

from this one seed the entire tree of life grows

which means that all of this can be created again

so enjoy this fleeting dance of embodiment

it will be over all too soon and then we will laugh

silence is a truth
that will never fade away

it was there when you were born

it will be there when you say


silence is a truth
that forever will hold sway

unlike bodies that get worn

regenerated it does stay


the secret of getting down

is what water has taught me

surrendered to the lowest point

magnetized by the pull of gravity

and when an obstacle blocks

just like h2o i go around thee

eroding away the surface details

for only in the depths is one free


this journey that we are on

is to bring color out of white

and that is what we all do

with each choice so slight

through bias and preference

we uniquely filter the light

until only one desire remains

as we all choose to unite

what you give freely

comes back many fold

this is a belief
that i dearly hold

what you give freely

returns many fold

this is abundance
that trumps all the gold


what was one became two

just like crossing ones eyes

through thoughts we focus

like lightning they hypnotize

a shifting dance of emotion

a steady current of inner chat

lets give a hug to all that is

for if it exists than i am that


speak from a place of kindness

especially when you disagree

for earth is a realm of blindness

where beliefs take on solidity

yet nothing is as it appears

like a rainbow arching the sky

comfort zones dont face fears

you will never know if you never try

dont you worry your life away

there will always come another day

do what you can in the moment

now is where your power is potent

dont let your mind jump to conclusions

live the questions to bypass confusions

let your heart seep love into the world

plant a seed and watch it all unfurled


when all fear has been vanquished

no longer will one feel anguished

for fear is the culprit of many a distress

pulling us away with reasons not to bless

yet the future does not need a projection

look towards the present to find perfection

giving affection to whats in our perception

this shift towards love is the correction


what makes you come alive?

what makes you burn inside?

what gets you all excited?

what gets your heart ignited?

what gifts do you have to share?

what a gift is this breath of air?

what dream do you dare to dream?

what is love but an ancient meme?

clear my vision of judgment

help me to see all beings as the divine

clear my speech of sarcasm

help me to speak with words that shine

clear my mind of expectation

help me stay present to lifes unfolding

clear my heart of guilt and shame

help me release any pain i am holding


my heart is soaring
and my bodies grounded

this miracle of life

has me dumbfounded

loves little blessings

have all compounded

the collective alarm clock

i feel has sounded


take off that heavy armor

and wear your heart on your sleeve

meet life without protection

drop all defenses...they only deceive

there is strength in vulnerability

when the light you no longer censor

love only wishes to be shared

like the sweetness of a pez dispenser

surrounded by loving hands

reaching out to help me

activator of pineal glands

master of inner alchemy

dreams are manifesting

right before my very eyes

everything is everything
again and again this i realize


may our every interaction

exemplify the love that we are

may we act as truth reminders

each of us a unique shining star

if our eyes fail to see our perfection

then let us forgive our distorted sight

life gives nothing but more chances

in the end we will all be known as light


there is no longer any need to preach

through our actions is how we teach

by living a life of honor and integrity

being one with our words is authenticity

lets set our intention to stay in alignment

interacting as love is our only assignment

if we lose our way and veer off course

just laugh it off without a bit of remorse

there is always room for some improvement

the infinite Creator creates through movement

stirring up the pot so life doesnt stagnate

now is the cornerstone of the gateless gate

there is no need to knock or even to enter

for no matter where we go we are the center

offering an angle of perception like no one else

this journey of discovery through layers of self


life just gives me

reason upon reason

to trust in the unfolding

from season to season

even when left in disarray

from plans that fell through

the universe answers back

saying this is waiting for you

better than i could imagine

as the clock strikes midnight

transported into a fairy tale

an intimate dance of delight

seeing ones reflection

in a mirror that is true

i wish you all the best

in this year that is new

being killed by it blessedly
dissolved into the melody

lifting these hands in praise

to the musical stars that blaze

union of movement and sound

heart bows to this sacred ground

upon which twists the wavy spiral

a spinning top...a perpetual gyro


etched inside my heart

is a memory
placed by the central sun

whispering to me
sweet music
about how we are all one

it says to me
that we are all perfect
just the way we are

it says to me
that we have got the potential
to shine just like a star

so claim your heritage

sit upon thy throne

release all self pity

thy divinity now own

to heal your heart

is to heal your whole being

magic is created
when you bless all you are seeing
carved into my soul
is a melody
that goes something like this

it makes me feel all warm inside

i believe its what they call bliss

it sings to me
that we are the one
that we have been waiting for

it sings to me
that our primary practice
is to keep open our hearts door

so love the path you walk

make each choice with ease

ask when you need guidance

and remember to say please

nothings more important

than the intention you are now making

live a life of balance

give as much as you are taking


reverence towards all life

filled with the utmost respec

we are here as stewards

its our duty to protect

so be gentle with your voice

be gentle with your touch
be gentle with east step your take
gaia doesnt ask for much

soften up that heart of yours

and expand like a wispy cloud

focus on the buzz of life

until the vibrations heard loud

know that joy is all around you

sink into the depths of peace

darkness shines as subtle rainbows

the more that love does increase


i bring with me
the gift of touch
i like to give it very much
to share long hugs
three breaths as one
it warms me like the beaming sun

i bring with me
the gift of prayer
to show to all how much i care
theres nothing else
id rather do
than sing my heart songs unto you
i bring with me
the gift of play
i laugh and spin worries away
mind without guilt
empty of shame
come and join the innocent game

i bring with me
the gift of dance
this grin you see is not by chance
for the the beat
drops me way down
i turn into a wiggly clown


to all my relations
i offer this heart
overflowing with love and delight
in such plentiful supply
revelations of third eye
ayahuasca medicine insight


oh so many blessings
bestowed upon each day
it leaves me in astonishment
it takes my breath away
for howd i get so lucky
to experience all of this
to live upon the meeting place
where the sun and earth do kiss
oh so many blessings
bestowed upon each day
i sit here and i count them
as i contemplate and pray
feeling so rich and abundant
listening to the cicadas sing
i cant even imagine
a better start to my morning


there is a truth
that doesnt fade away
it just stays
yes it stays
that still small voice
that deep deep reservoir
theres always more
dip into that quiet
that plentiful pool of peace
and be at ease
yes be at ease
remember where you came from
for thats where you are going
just keep on flowing
in love keep growing
theres no need to rush
be patient my friend
for theres no end
yes theres no end
use your power well
make choices that feel good
drop the word should
drop the word should
trade your doubt for trust
leave all worries behind
seek till you find
yes seek till you find
call in your core strength
when the going gets tough
you are enough
more than enough


crying these euphoric tears

to wipe clean this smokey mirror
they unblock fears
the deepest rooted fears

and now I feel so light

like a hummingbird in flight
and so I flap my wings
yes i flap my heart wings

carried by the gentle breeze

i bow to the majestic trees
as i flutter by
into the vast blue sky

i dont know where im going

but I sure feel my heart growing
and so i will trust that feeling
deep ancestral healing

everythings led to this

the intersection of all lives
where shared love survives
yes shared love survives

thank you dear grandmother

thank you sister and brother
for such clear reflections
for having loving intentions

i honor you all so much

the music and medicinal touch
this was truly special
the work we did was essential

for helping to heal the earth

midwifing the golden age birth
we all carry the flame
each of our missions the same


all things end in the tao

as rivers flow into the sea
the one place to live is the now
past and future are fantasy
division creates this illusion
when we label we separate
with language comes much confusion
welcome silence to liberate
the space in between has the answer
only that is what connects all things
flow with life as an elegant dancer
pay attention to when your heart rings
follow resonance and synchronicity
they are blessings straight from the source
the beauty way is about simplicity
surrenders a most powerful force


the moon is a pulling

nd the sun is a pushing
while the earth sits snug in the middle
from a broader point of view
of perceiving things
each of our lives adds oh so little
but we still have a reason
to experience each season
for through us is how the infinite grows
so live your life as an offering
your heart keep on softening
and what comes next...who knows?


its time to get started my friends

on those dreams that youve been hesitant to pursue
yes itis time to get started my friends
on those dreams that youve been hesitant to pursue
for the universe does have your back
its been waiting for you to release the belief in lack
belief in lack
let it all go
let it come to an end
for its time to get started my friends

there is energy that grounds you

there is energy that lifts you
theres a synergy between
the heaviness and the light
there is family that births you
there is family that knows you
theres relationship between
the darkness and the bright
there is mindfulness that stills you
there is mindfulness that moves you
theres a concentrative force
from which the cosmos does arise
there is intention that will guide you
there is intention that will blind you
theres an ongoing prayer
between the healing and the cries

oh what a feeling that comes
when what you thought was lost gets found
all of a sudden that downward spiral
turns itself around
just like the flip of a light switch
sadness turns into glee
from that point forward all is right in the world
as you continue on merrily


climbing mountains to their summit

just so i can plummet
into the valley
of the shadow of death
from that broader perspective
with each choice im more selective
tapping into spirit
with my conscious breath


call on the bees

when unsure of your mission
they are guardians of purpose
making honey keeps them driven
call on the ants
when in need of motivation
working in harmony as a colony
they know not of separation
call on the worms
when making space for the new
look how they aerate the soil
from which many plants grew
call on the dolphins
to lighten up your mood
for they are timelessly aware
that the entire creation is good


with each layer that we peel away

we get that much closer to our core
so remember to take it light and play
for laughter is what opens the door
dont take things personally that others say
but honor and respect their view
to no one but your own heart obey
for in that sanctum lives whats forever true

in that meeting place

of the twilight and the shadow
when all is reconciled
it creates a golden halo
outward seeking stops
fully content with what is here
embracing our true nature
makes the next step feel so clear
we move towards the horizon
where the sky and ocean kiss
rising and setting with the sun
its a display never to miss
absorbing color through our eyes
transmission of light received
with the symmetry of mirrors
all that is was conceived

thank you water

for your sustenance
without you
lifes not possible
that you fire
for your alchemy
without you
lifes not possible
thank you air
for filling my lungs
without you
lifes not possible
thank you earth
for supporting me
without you
lifes not possible
thank you elemental
and ethereal beings
thank you for showing me
a new way of seeing


forgive yourself for being human

for passing judgment and assuming
forgive yourself for competing
for not giving thanks before eating
forgive yourself for forgetting
for stirring the pot and upsetting
forgive yourself and start anew
forgive others but first forgive you
forgive yourself for destructive choices
for getting entangled with angry voices
forgive yourself for feelings of shame
for believing in the whole blame and guilt game
forgive yourself for giving your heart away
for saying yeah when you really meant nay
forgive yourself and wipe the slate clean
from the energy of fear it is time to wean
forgive yourself for running off course
for following ego instead of source
forgive yourself for thoughts unspoken
for catalyzing change by provoking
forgive yourself for doubting the plan
for getting lost in the creations of man
forgive yourself and in return be cradled
welcome to the kingdom thats been fabled
forgive yourself for unhealthy habits
for killing time chasing white rabbits
forgive yourself for craving solitude
for entering forests to find fortitude
forgive yourself for a wavering will
for seeking pleasure in a temporary thrill
forgive yourself and come to rest
all you ever need do is do your best


we may all have a different point from which we view

but that which does the viewing is the same in i and you
we all share an awareness of what it means to exist
when the infinite needed explorers it was us that did enlist
for we are the ones that were flung out from the primordial ooze
and when we conclude these journeys we will take a nap and snooze
but only to be flung out again forever reaching for new frontiers
for thats the role we choose to play as consciousness pioneers


let the tireless search reach completion

youve gathered enough through accretion
let whats ready to fall fall from the tree
peeling our onion self is what sets us free
into this newborn moment can you fully arrive?
what is blossoming in your heart? what is alive?
keep your focus here on the priceless pearl
tune into your destiny where you easily unfurl


a circle is not complete

without every degree of its arc
so embrace all your aspects
even those labeled as dark
for we each contain both poles
to deny such keeps one divided
integration is what is now calling
restore balance where you are lopsided


every little word that leaves from our lips

is an offering that ripples and causes an effect

so let us all be a little bit more mindful

about what it is that we wish to share and reflect

for each symbolic word carries a vibrational charge

it's not just what you say but the tone with which you say it

so let us all be reminded to always speak from our hearts

may love be the guiding force behind the messages we transmit

take off that shirt

of your most cherished beliefs

take off those pants

of your hard earned opinions

take off those socks

of your time tested techniques

take off your underwear

of your emotional story

now that you are naked

be present with what is here
breathe this breath
feel this heart beat

know what is everlasting

this warmth...this love

prior to the conceptual mind

silence is a gold mine


with nothing to fear and nothing to defend

from this heart space all judgment does end

in a cocoon of silky love i feel totally enveloped

imagining how the seed of the universe developed

relishing each blemish as i revel in the ordinary

this exploration is about making choices voluntarily

from the hideous to the gorgeous...it is all contained

our destiny is to unite...only this has been ordained


the cosmos is calling us

towards wise and loving action

to live our dreams right now

not as some coming attraction
so take that step off the cliff
and float like the faithful fool

with choices that help us polarize

we will graduate from this school


i want people
to be passionately pursuing
making a difference in this world
by both their being and their doing

i want people
to boycott these corporations
that are full of selfish interests
and keen on planetary degradation

i want people
to rise up like a tidal wave
against the exploitation of water
this precious element we must save

i want people
to stand tall like the trees
to turn their lawns into gardens
and to plant flowers for the bees

i want people
to really come alive
to be burning deep inside
to not just survive but truly thrive

i want people
to be dancing in the streets
belting out songs from their hearts
on every corner drum circle beats

i want people
to slow down the rat race
to get back in tune with nature
and to not leave a single trace

i want people
to stop all the childish fighting
to gain a broader point of view
where the global heart is seen igniting


these lives that we take oh so for granted

doing such...unenchanting what is enchanted

these imitations of limits pixelate our realities

blood bleeding bodies...moral minded frailties

surrendering one rendition at a rendered time

a simulation that simulates the spiral we climb

stimulating to each of the sensitive soul senses

uncurling each curl is how causality commences

dont you find it completely bizarre

that we came from the dust of a star

exploding and coalescing into forms

pleasure of rose petals.,.pain of thorns

so lets stop pretending that we are not

both the fear of cold and the love of hot

in this time of initiation and transition

its very important to honor each decision

we are putting ourselves to the test

a portal is opening for a new quest

shadows are surfacing from the deep

follow that dream...take the giant leap

the wait is over and its time to get serious

about ways to heal gaia...before she gets furious

we have taken enough...she is at the end of her tether

i believe humans can fly...but only when working together


whats ready to die in you?

whats no longer necessary?
what old mask is flaking away?
what beliefs have become outdated?

what baggage is asking for release?

what thoughts are past their prime?

what fear are you willing to face?

what habits are sabotaging?


we must remember the way of ayni

of balance...of harmony...of reciprocity

being in proper relationship with nature

of mutual benefit...both giver and taker

we must remember the shamanic way

of ceremony...of heart song...of munay

a great task lies before the entire human race

earth needs our help...we better slow our pace


this marks the conclusion of our journey through rhyme

i hope that you have had a most wonderful time

i hope at least one poem has struck a deep chord

making your heart beat a bit louder so it cant be ignored

i wish you well upon the path whose beginning is its end
may curious eyes look for beauty around every bend
i hope you have the confidence to follow what is calling
and for the rest of your days i hope in love you keep falling

i hope you have been inspired to spread your wings and fly
i hope you are fully aware that what you are cannot die

i hope you find the way to best share your unique gifts
may roots keep you grounded during transforming shifts

i hope you blossom and bloom into your greatest potential

and remember that silence holds all thats essential

i hope you have been reminded of whats timeless and true

namaste...aho mitakuye oyasin...i am another you

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