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Council for Exceptional Children

Effective Instructional Practices in Juvenile Justice Facilities

Author(s): Sarup R. Mathur and Naomi Schoenfeld
Source: Behavioral Disorders, Vol. 36, No. 1, Special Issue: Academic, Social, and Transition
Issues Affecting Youth with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders in the Juvenile Justice
System (November 2010), pp. 20-27
Published by: Council for Exceptional Children
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/43153827
Accessed: 24-01-2017 01:46 UTC

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Behavioral Disorders

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Effective Instructional Practices in
Juvenile justice Facilities

Sarup R. Mathur
Arizona State University

Naomi Schoenfeld
Rivier College

ABSTRACT: The majority of youths involved with the juvenile justice system struggle to make
academic progress. This article reviews the characteristics of youths in these settings and highlights
evidence-based instructional practices that are effective with struggling students , as well as practices
that have been documented as successful in secure facilities. Implications regarding how these
practices may be taught to facility teachers and security officers are presented ' and suggestions for
measuring the effects of such practices are offered.

Effective Instructional Practices in grade, and (d) received more school disciplin-
ary actions. Similarly, in an extensive study of
Juvenile Justice Facilities
the academic characteristics of delinquent
Within the broad spectrum of services youth, Foley (2001) found that students in
provided by juvenile justice systems, the juvenile justice systems were characterized by
education of adjudicated youth has perhaps a low to average range of intellectual func-
the greatest long-term influence. Academic tioning, fifth- to ninth-grade academic perfor-
performance is an important predictor of mance, significant delays in reading, math,
delinquency and recidivism (Maguin & Loe- and language, and school failure. According to
ber, 1996), for without academic skills, youth a national survey (Quinn, Rutherford, Leone,
in juvenile justice systems face a host of social Osher, & Poirier, 2005), approximately one-
and economic difficulties upon release, and third of incarcerated youth have identified
are at an elevated risk for lifelong failure (Scott disabilities. Other estimates of disability prev-
et al., 2002). alence range from 40% to 70% (Bullis, Yovan-
For researchers and educators who focus off, Mueller, & Havel, 2002). Indeed, the
on students with emotional or behavioral extensive nature of the academic difficulties

disorders (E/BD), the education of youth in in this population has led juvenile justice
juvenile facilities is of particular importance - to be described as default systems for
the overlap between juvenile delinquency and housing youth who cannot read, write, or
relate with others (Nelson, 2000). (For a full
the current federal definition of E/BD (Individ-
uals with Disabilities Education Act [IDEA], review of the characteristics of adjudicated
2004) is significant (Merrell & Walker, 2004). see Gagnon & Barber, 2010)
Prior to entering the judicial system, many Practitioners and researchers alike have
repeatedly noted the need for effective
adjudicated youth accumulate negative school
experiences that include truancy, droppinginstructional practices that address academic
deficits and improve educational outcomes
out, suspension, expulsion, and other forms
of academic failure. Wang, Blomberg, and for
Li students in juvenile correctional schools.
In a survey of teachers in juvenile facilities
(2005) compared the educational deficiencies
in Louisiana, Houchins, Puckett-Patterson,
of a statewide sample of delinquent students
and a matched sample of nondelinquent Crosby, Shippen, and Jol vette (2009) found
that academic-related concerns (e.g., unreal-
students. Their findings indicated that com-
pared with nondelinquent peers, delinquentistic curriculum that fails to meet the needs of
students (a) attained lower grade point aver-
the students, a lack of student ability or desire
ages, (b) had poorer school attendance to re-engage in required tasks) were seen as a
cords, (c) were retained more often in the same
major barrier to providing incarcerated youth

20 / November 2010 Behavioral Disorders , 36 (1), 20-27

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with quality education. Teachers in these tors continue to call for additional professional
settings also reported that the heterogeneity development that would allow them to better
of their classrooms had a negative effect on meet the needs of their students (Mathur,
reaching instructional goals. Griller Clark, & Schoenfeld, 2009; Rutherford,
The lack of emphasis on effective instruc- Mathur, & Griller Clark, 2003). A lack of
tional practices in juvenile correctional ongoing professional development opportuni-
schools stands in contrast to wider education ties that are embedded in the juvenile correc-
and special education reforms of recent years, tional school culture (Mathur et al., 2009) only
which stress that all children and youth are adds to these challenges.
entitled to an education that is appropriately Difficulties at the institutional level can be
adapted to meet any disability-related needs daunting; however, it is precisely the institu-
they may have (IDEA, 2004; Leone, Meisel, tional nature of these educational failures that
& Drakeford, 2002; No Child Left Behind provides room for optimism. It suggests that
[NCLB] Act, 2002). A by-product of this specific, attainable, program-based changes
deficit is the rising number of court cases have the potential to make a genuine differ-
alleging that correctional schools may not be ence in the educational outcomes of youth in
providing satisfactory special education sup- juvenile justice settings. In other words,
port: class-action litigation seeking improved education programs in juvenile correctional
educational services for incarcerated youth settings offer clear and untapped potential to
has been filed in more than 25 states under provide new educational opportunities that
will enhance instruction and classroom envi-
the Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons
Act (CRIPA) and continues to appear regular- ronments in ways that will better meet the
ly. As of 2005, over forty class action lawsuits learning needs of their students.
related to inadequate special education ser-
vices in juvenile and adult corrections hadThe Need for Effective Instruction
been documented by the National Center on
Education, Disability, and Juvenile Justice Effective instruction in juvenile correction-
(EDJJ, 2010).
al settings must take into account a host of
Successful implementation of quality aca- factors, including students' perceptions of their
demic programs in juvenile correctional facil-academic competencies, their levels of moti-
ities is complicated not only by the character- vation, background knowledge, and interests.
istics of struggling youth, but also by the nature From a cognitive perspective, effective instruc-
of secure juvenile facilities (EDJJ, 2010; tion should stimulate students' prior learning
Houchins, Jol i vette, Shippen, & Lambert, and employ strategies that unite prior knowl-
2010; Nelson, Jolivette, Leone, & Mathur, edge with new learning objectives (Mestre &
2010). Certainly, adjudicated youth bring skill Cocking, 2000). From a social-emotional
deficits, severe behavioral issues, and mental perspective, effective instruction must create
health challenges that present difficulties in a climate that promotes (a) positive teacher-
educational programming (Gagnon & Barber, student relationships, (b) positive peer rela-
2010); however, at the same time, many tionships, (c) a personal sense of self, and (d)
secure juvenile facilities are held accountable an ability to manage emotions. These social
to security and safety considerations that canand emotional factors influence youths' abili-
supersede educational efforts (EDJJ, 2010). ties to process the information they encounter
This emphasis limits the capacity of facilities in the educational setting, to make meaningful
to support appropriate educational interven- connections with the information, and to
tions for the youth in their care. Facilities alsofurther direct the learning process (Becker &
struggle with curricular and policy issuesLuthar, 2002).
(Gagnon, Barber, Van Loan, & Leone, 2009) Effective instruction takes contextual fac-
and high rates of teacher turnover (Houchins,tors into account through a curriculum that
Shippen, & Jolivette, 2006) which place relates to the youth and their characteristics.
additional limitations on their ability to re-Incarcerated youth may have lived in neigh-
spond effectively to youths' educational needs. borhoods or with families where few adults
More than ten years ago, Elrod and Ryderhave worked consistently or pursued advanced
(1999) described teachers in correctional education (Frey, Greenblatt, & Brown, 2007).
settings as lacking the training needed to They may need instruction in functional social,
perform their jobs; today, correctional educa- independent living, and vocational skills in

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order to interact appropriately with others, find research, Swanson (2001) called attention to
and hold a job, and live independently in eight features of instruction that are relevant
communities. Most importantly, however, they to adolescents with learning disabilities: (a)
need the opportunity to find their own reasons sequencing of the lesson unit; (b) step-by-step
for becoming literate - reasons that go beyond prompts; (c) drill/repetition/feedback on crit-
reading for factual knowledge or to conform to ical aspects; (d) questioning; (e) individuali-
immediate academic requirements and that zation; (f) breaking down the lesson into
have functional value and meaning. They need smaller segments and connecting them with
to find the reasons that education and work
prior knowledge; (g) integration of technolo-
will be important in their lives. gy; and (h) small group instruction. Jol i vette
The populations of juvenile correctional et al. (2008) have pointed out that instruction
schools are not static, but rather, change for students in juvenile corrections should be
constantly as adjudicated youth move through matched to each student's current functional
facilities. The average length of attendance in skill levels.
juvenile correctional schools is 9 months to a Other current practices that maximize
year (Gagnon et al., 2009). As a result, instructional effectiveness include providing
educational staff must work creatively, provid- consistent reinforcement for successful per-
ing quality instruction in unconventional ways formance of academic tasks, and helping
that may be impossible in traditional school teachers minimize misuse of time and maxi-
settings. Alternative forms of educational mize youth engagement in learning. Increas-
programming, such as structured opportunities
ing student engagement through active re-
to prepare for general equivalency diplomas sponding or increasing opportunities to
(GED), recover high school credit, or work respond are also key factors in academic
toward college requirements, are all viable achievement for all students (Greenwood,
paths to high school completion for youth who
Delquadri, & Hall, 1984).
attend school under such changing conditions.
In addition to these wider strategies,
However, obtaining a GED should not be the
specific instructional methods ranging from
only focus of instruction, as this is contrary to
the way teachers interact with students during
NCLB (2002) and IDEA (2004) provisions that
teaching to peer tutoring (Falk & Wehby,
emphasize access to the general education
2001) can be helpful in educating youth with
curriculum. Faced with the challenge of such
E/BD, whether they receive their instruction in
philosophical disconnects, juvenile correc-
a correctional setting or a public school.
tional education programs should work toward
Appropriate use of whole group and small
the long-term success of their students through
group instruction, collaborative and structured
a three-pronged approach to improvement: (a)
peer activities, and individual work embedded
the use of evidence-based instructional prac-
in a brisk pace of instruction along with
tices; (b) providing professional development
multiple opportunities for feedback are ways
that supports such practice; and (c) systems of
to increase instructional effectiveness (Joli vette
accountability that can determine whether a
et al., 2008).
given practice is indeed effective.
A recent study by Mastropieri, Scruggs,
and others (2009) provides an example of
Evidenced-Based Instructional using a combination of instructional strategies.
Practices Twelve adolescents with E/BD were taught
persuasive writing using the Self-Regulated
Given the paucity of studies that examine Strategy Development (SRSD) model. This
instructional practices in juvenile facilities model uses six phases of instruction: (a)
(Harris, Baltodano, Arti les, & Rutherford, develop background knowledge, (b) discuss,
2006), the lack of a clear conception of best (c) model, (d) memorize, (e) support, and (f)
practice in correctional schools is not sur- provide independent practice. Students were
prising. Youth in correctional facilities share taught the TOW + TREE strategy/ that
many traits with their non incarcerated peers employs self-regulation skills of goal setting,
with E/BD and other special needs; the self-instruction, and self-monitoring. POW
literature on effective strategies for these represents the planning and organizational
students therefore provides a starting point component, where P stands for planning or
for the selection of effective instructional picking an idea, O for organization, and W for
practices. In a meta-analysis of intervention
writing or saying more. TREE focuses on the

22 / November 2010 Behavioral Disorders ; 36 (1), 20-27

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persuasive aspects of writing, in which T is the world situations, fostered the understanding
topic sentence (tell what you believe in), R is of mathematics of students with E/BD that
reasons (write three or more reasons), E for generalized beyond the classroom.
explanations (provide reasons for why you
believe in this topic), and E for ending (wrap
up your writing). The researchers found Professional Development in
substantial improvements in the quality of Instructional Practices
students' persuasive essays with respect to
Pre-service teacher education that in-
overall quality, number of words, sentences,
and essay parts. Despite some promising cludes a wide variety of best practice strategies
results, the most ignored area in this literature and approaches is one way to promote the use
continues to be writing skills for struggling of evidence-based practices in the classrooms
adolescents with E/BD (Lane, 2004). of educators. In a study of mathematics
While certain methods, such as teacher- instruction in secondary education, Macci ni
mediated direct instruction, consistently have and Gagnon (2006) found that the number of
produced academic gains in students with E/ methods courses taken by teachers and in-
structors' knowledge of course topics added to
BD (Pierce, Reid, & Epstein, 2004), it is
important to note that effective instruction is
the instructional flexibility of teachers and
contributed to the number of instructional
not simply a matter of choosing one "best"
practices and accommodations they used. If
instructional method. Billingsley, Scheurmann,
students in juvenile correctional settings are to
and Webber (2009) compared three instruc-
receive instruction that engages them in
tional methods for teaching math to secondary
students with E/BD: (a) teacher directed learning and facilitates their future success,
the personnel who teach them must be fully
instruction, (b) computer assisted instruction,
prepared to provide high-quality educational
and (c) a combination of these approaches.
and related services. While pre-service teacher
Their findings supported the use of all these
training can provide an invaluable foundation
interventions for students with E/BD, with no
to new educators entering correctional set-
single treatment receiving best results for all
students. Each method worked well for some
tings, research-based teaching materials and
meaningful professional development oppor-
pupils; however, the combined method seemed tunities must be made available to teachers
to result in generally better test performance
and other instructional personnel who are
compared to the other two methods.
already working with students in juvenile
The combined use of direct instruction
correctional schools.
and strategy instruction, already well estab-
Educators in the juvenile justice system
lished as an evidence-based practice inmust engage in a continual process of profes-
diverse educational settings with strugglingsional enhancement. Desimone (2009) articu-
learners, also is supported by research inlated core features of effective professional
secure care settings (Jol i vette et al., 2008).development, including: (a) content focus, (b)
These are complementary practices; directactive professional learning opportunities, (c)
instruction focuses on skill acquisition and sufficient duration of learning opportunities,
enhancement and strategy instruction focuses(d) coherence (the degree to which learning
on teaching higher-order thinking skills. In aopportunities are consistent with teacher be-
six-week summer reading intervention target- liefs), (e) knowledge about the practice and
ing delinquent youth's literacy skills, a directrelationship with student outcome, and (f)
instruction approach to reading that includedcollective participation. Similarly, Mathur et
vocabulary and comprehension activities,al. (2009, p. 168) drew a distinction between
mentors reading books aloud, and indepen- true professional development in correctional
dent reading resulted in achievement gains insettings and the more commonplace in-service
reading rate, accuracy, and comprehension workshops or conferences, observing that the
for forty-five youth with and without disabil-latter "all too often ... are applied as ad hoc or
ities (Leone & Malmgren, 1999). This instruc-onetime events ... Educators who attend these
tional combination also has been effective in events are exposed to new strategies or tech-
teaching mathematics. Mulcahy and Gagnon niques, but without systemic follow up and
(2008) found that incorporating direct in- support, they may experience great difficulty in
struction and strategy instruction into prob- incorporating these strategies in the long run."
lem-solving, coupled with the use of real- Teachers in juvenile correctional settings need

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relevant professional experiences that are most
likely to enhance their instructional capacity
and contribute to student learning - and once Missing from much of juvenile correction-
introduced, advances made through profession- al education is a component of ongoing
al development must receive continuous sup- systematic evaluation that can help determine
port within the system. Although the specific which current practices are working and
features of effective professional development in which are not. Accountability is more than a
correctional education remain unidentified, the political discussion. Implemented in a thought-
professional development provided for tradi- ful manner, it allows educational systems to
tional general and special education teachers clearly examine their progress toward desired
appear applicable. goals in a useful and unbiased manner, and
For example, mentoring and coaching to sort through the complex situational and
have been established as key structures to instructional variables that guide decision
effective professional development (Smith & making. Juvenile correctional educators work
Ingersoll, 2004). When mentoring and coach- with student populations that are academical-
ing are embedded in a professional learning ly, behavioral ly, and culturally diverse. To
context, mentors and mentees come together succeed, they must use every means possible
and engage in an active exchange of knowl- to select instructional experiences that are
edge and experience about instructional strat- most likely lead to successful student out-
egies. They observe, comment, question, and comes. Response to intervention (Rtl), a
reflect on their own practices. Because this is student centered, multitiered model that is
an intentional and learning-focused process, it
garnering interest among educational practi-
has benefit for both mentors and mentees tioners, is one model that can be used to
(Smith & Ingersoll, 2004), as well as for theevaluate the usefulness of a given intervention.
This model is designed to meet the needs of
students they serve. Mentoring can also stretch
beyond the borders of a single physicaleach student through a cyclical sequence of
location. New technologies, such as video- assessment and intervention that begins before
conferencing, e-coaching and mentoring, and the student has reached the levels of academic
online social networking have tremendous failure often required before more traditional
potential for reaching broader audiences andspecial education evaluations are initiated.
should be explored where adequate numbersThe specific approaches used to implement
of highly competent mentors and coaches are Rtl vary from setting to setting, but the core
difficult to find (Sindelar, Brownell, & Bill- components include: (a) providing high quality
ingsley, 2010). instruction to all students, (b) conducting
To create cohesive and collective profes-universal screening to identify students who
sional learning opportunities in juvenile justicemay need specific interventions, (c) providing
settings, correctional facilities also must con- increasingly intensive interventions to students
sider the roles that correctional educators playwho continue to exhibit areas of need, and (d)
in professional development leadership andthe use of ongoing monitoring to evaluate the
effectiveness of the interventions used. The
recognize and reward expert teachers who
become involved in the professional develop-improved conditions for learning that result
ment process. It also is important that correc- from these practices make Rtl a promising
tional educators connect with their peers in the model for correctional educational settings.
public school system. Educational practice in Despite more than ten years of research on
correctional institutions often exists in isolation the nature and benefits of basing practice on
from surrounding schools and communities of outcomes, programming based on a structure
practice. To enhance collaboration with theof educational accountability continues to be
public school system, professional opportuni- the exception rather than the rule in correc-
ties could be shared, with correctional educa- tional settings. To benefit from accountability
tors bringing to area schools their wealth ofefforts, correctional educators must foster an
experience in engaging reluctant learners. One evidence-based mindset that includes data-
measure of the benefits of collective participa- based decision making, and a commitment to
tion would be the identification of factors the instructional practices that data identify as
within each system that support the imple-effective. In assessing instruction, it is impor-
mentation of knowledge and positive student
tant to know how much effect/change specific
outcomes. instructional practices produce in students'

24 / November 2010 Behavioral Disorders , 36 (1), 20-27

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performance, as well as the quality of effect/ in maintaining correctional educators' famil-
change these practices achieve (Mathur et al., iarity with current best practice and their
2009). Doing so requires careful and system- capacity to put these practices into place. By
atic planning, support from leadership, deter- combining exceptional practice with account-
mination to help educators apply evidence- ability systems that monitor what works and
based instructional practices, and continuous what needs to be changed in their settings,
evaluation of instructional impact on youth correctional educators can improve the out-
success. Once accountability takes its place at comes for youth entrusted to their care.
the forefront of decision-making, instructional
focus naturally shifts to improving student
academic learning and positive social and
behavioral outcomes. Becker, B., & Luthar, S. (2002). Social-emotional
factors affecting achievement outcomes among
The push toward accountability in educa-
disadvantaged students: Closing the achieve-
tional outcomes is not unique to correctional ment gap. Educational Psychologist, 37, 1 97-
settings. Public schools have also experienced 214.
a dramatic shift in accountability requirements Billingsley, G., Scheuermann, B., & Webber, J.
placed upon them in recent years. Indeed, this (2009). A comparison of three instructional
is one area ripe for collaboration between methods for teaching math skills to secondary
public schools that have successfully imple- students with emotional/behavioral disorders.

mented accountability in their own systems, Behavioral Disorders, 35, 4-1 8.

and correctional education systems approach- Bullis, M., Yovanoff, P., Mueller, Gv & Havel, E.
(2002). Life on the "outs": Examination of the
ing the complexities of productive account-
facility-to-community transition of incarcerated
ability for the first time.
youth. Exceptional Children, 69, 7-22.
In addition to simple information sharing
Desimone, L. M. (2009). Improving impact studies of
on accountability experiences, effective school teachers' professional development: Toward
reentry for youth returning to their communi- better conceptualizations and measures. Educa-
ties requires thoughtful collaboration that tional Researcher, 38, 181-199.
includes shared accountability for reentry El rod, P., & Ryder, R. S. (1999). Juvenile justice: A
success between the two systems. Correctional social ' historical , and legal perspective. Aspen,
and community systems of education must CO: Aspen.
partner together to understand the importance Falk, K. B., & Wehby, J. H. (2001 ). The effects of peer
of school reentry, as well as issues that affect assisted learning strategies on the beginning
reading skills of young children with emotional
the educational progress of youth in transi-
tion - such as the transfer of educational or behavioral disorders. Behavioral Disorders,
26, 344-359.
records, the importance of family involvement,
Foley, R. M. (2001). Academic characteristics of
the need for individualized services - and
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provide assistance and supports as needed. If programs: A literature review. Journal of Emo-
both systems work together in tracking youth tional and Behavioral Disorders, 9, 248-259.
progress on reentry, the increased collabora-
Frey, L., Greenblatt, S., & Brown, J. (2007). A call to
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information between the two systems, but will nency and preparation for adulthood. Baltimore,
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Conclusion Gagnon, J. C., Barber, B. R., Van Loan, C., & Leone,
P. E. (2009). Juvenile correctional schools:
To succed in providing a high-quality Characteristics and approaches to curriculum.
Education and Treatment of Children, 32,
education to adjudicated youth with special
needs, correctional facilities must change their
Greenwood, C. R., Delquadri, )., & Hall, R. V.
focus from an emphasis on custodial care to
the academic success of students in their (1984). Opportunity to respond and student
academic performance. In W. L. Heward, T. E.
schools. Emerging research continues to pro- Heron, J. Trapp-Porter, & D. S. Hill (Eds.), Focus
vide new information on evidence-based
on behavior analysis in education (pp. 58-88).
instructional practices that can be implement- Columbus, OH: Charles Merrill.
ed with students in juvenile corrections,
Harris, P., Baltodano, H. M., Arti les, A., & Ruther-
making professional development a key factor ford, R. B. (2006). Integration of culture in

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