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Script Analysis Worksheet


A). Title and Playwright: The visit

b). Year 1st produced/written: 1956

c). Time (in which play is set): early 20th century

d). Location/s (where playwright has it set): Guillen, Germany

e). Exposition/Preliminary Situation: (What has happened before the play

begins) everyone in the town is preparing for Claire to arrive who is the famed
billionaire that is supposed to help save the town from recklessness.

2). PLOT (20%)

A). Inciting incident (an event is struck upon the protagonist(s) where their
life changes from the norm to adapt to the story's plot): Well the whole thing
began with Claire getting pregnant and losing the baby and she wants to kill the
man that got her pregnant

b). Rising Action (list major events in plot that lead to climax): ill starts to
become paranoid that everyone is coming in his store and taking everything
from him

c). Climax (Highest or most intense moment of the plot): when ill boards on
top of the train but falls down and no one helps and he realizes his fate.

e). Falling Action (List of major events in plot that lead from Climax to
Conclusion): she remarries her new husband and comes back in to town and
then starts shutting down the business and offers a billion dollars to whoever
kills ill

f). Conclusion (Final outcome of plot of every major character): ill dies and
Claire takes him away in the casket that she came with

3). CHARACTERS (20%)

a). Protagonist (List name/s and brief description that might be relevant to
Costume and Set design as well as their relationship to other characters):ill is
seemed to be placed as the good guy because everyone wants to kill him and he
hasnt done anything wrong to them.

b). Antagonist (List name/s and brief description that might be relevant to
Costume and Set design as well as their relationship to other characters):
Claire is really a mixture of both really but she fits under this category because
she stirs up the most chaos but also has had a lot of harm done to her in the
process and she dressed almost like a witch so it gives her a even better fit

c). Supporting (List name/s and brief description that might be relevant to
Costume and Set design as well as their relationship to other characters):butler
is this his role is big but not to big he is Claires butler but he used to be a
lawyer and worked for Claire in the process
ills wife is another that is in this as she is not sad that ill is dead because he
married her for the store and not out of love

d). Minor (List name/s and any affiliations they have to above
characters)the doctor, mayor and the priest are basically stool pigeons because
they are willing to do whatever to get Claire to donate money to the town.

4). THEME (Stated in 1 to 2 sentences): (10%) really the theme of it is can

justice be bought you have little side notes that state about prostitution
but in reality they have a whole bunch of criminally illegal activities that
run amuck

5). OPINION (State in one paragraph your personal and honest feelings about
the play. Please include at least one negative and one positive): (10%) honestly
if it where to come up this is a play I feel like doing this could be
challenging but doable on a set if given the right tools.


a). Are there any special design demands (Costumes, Sets or Lights) in
the play? If so, what are they? Yes espically the mood I feel like the mod would
be very dark and ominious

b). Does they play employ realistic or non-realistic conventions? No

granted because of the talking trees and the buildings

c). What type of play is it (Comedy, Tragedy, Farce etc)? this is a tragic

d). Are there any historical period considerations of this play? If it is set
in a period does it have to be? Not really it could be set in the early 2000s but I
also feel like this could be set in the late 1900s


a). Times of day (List dates and times of the play as you see them): 1910 is
when Claire tried to take ill to court over paternity issues

b). Costume Research (List costume research that you will need to do for
2-3 main characters): I would do a whole bunch of fake parts but dark and loose
clothing for Claire because the way I read her in the story she just seemed so
evil to me. Ill I would do more colorful clothing that would make him more
expressive but give him something that has a bit more edge to him.

c). Scenery research (List scenery research that you will need to do for 1-2
locations.): I would do like a dark and luminous setting for the town of gullen
because its so poor and run down then the town that Claire ran off to I would
make it more color as it would be a place for her to start over in.

d). Sound and light Cues (List any sound or light cues that are necessary
or listed in the script):

e). Props List (List at least 5 props): fake leg, casket, panther, rope, and

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