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Argumentative Artifact

My Argumentative artifact is an essay on the presidential elections. I was instructed to

write an essay about what made Donald Trump unqualified to be president using factual

information and also personal input. This assignment was given to me in my AP Government

and Economics class. In my essay, I described how Donald Trump has set off several red flags

such as disregard for minorities and prejudice against a specific religion. This has made it

apparent that he will not be a good president. On this assignment, I received an A, one of only

three A grades that were given by Mr. Solis.

This artifact fits the category of Argumentative because the task for this essay was to

argue for my position. In this essay, I utilized rhetorical language to argue that Donald Trump

was not fit to be the president of the U.S. and attempt to convince any audiences of my position.

I used statistics, as well as appeals to the audience. One fact I included was the fact that Donald

Trump has no prior political or military experience, unlike every other U.S. President ever

elected, which was meant to shock the reader.

This article exemplifies the Student Learning Outcome of Effective Communicator.

Through my essay, I was able effectively explain my position and I used rhetorical strategies to

help convince any audience that might be reading my essay. Some feedback that my teacher had

was that my essay would be able to convince people who would normally support Donald

Trump. My teacher told me that I eloquently explained my position and effectively supported my

stance with evidence while also being able to draw in an audience. He explained how giving a

cold-hard fact such as Throughout his campaign, Trump managed to gain a massive
following, while also polarizing the nation. will draw attention from both sides without

immediately turning off any readers.

What I learned from this assignment is that when trying to convince an audience, the best

course of action is to avoid alienating them. Initially, my essay started off by making a statement

that would garner support from those who are opposed to Donald Trump, but would immediately

drive away supporters of Donald Trump. After revising, I started off my essay with factual

sentences that Trump supporters would not be able to oppose. After graduating, I may be able to

use this tactic to argue with others that have different political views and even change their

minds by presenting them with facts and then adding support that would change their minds.

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