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VECTOR ANALYSIS VAN NOY VECTOR ANALYSIS The New University Mathematics Series Editor: Professor E. 'T. Davies Department of Mathematics, University of Southampton ‘This series is intended for readers whose main interest is in mathematics, or who need the methods of mathematics in the study of science and technology. Some of the books will provide a sound treatment of topics essential in any mathematical training, while other, more advanced, volumes will be suitable as preliminary reading for research in the field covered. New titles will be added from time to time. Brown and Pace: Elements of Functional Analysis Buncess: Analytical Topology Cooper: Functions of a Real Variable Curie and Davies: Modern Fluid Mechanics (Vols. 1 and 2) Porraous: Topological Geometry Ronb: The Hamilton-Jacobi Theory in the Calculus of Variations Samet: Numerical Analysis Smarr: Laplace Transform Theory Smuru: Introduction to the Theory of Partial Differential Equations Spatn: Vector Analysis ZaMANsKY: Linear Algebra and Analysis

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