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3, JULY 2004

Strategic Placement and Sizing of Passive Filters in a

Power System for Controlling Voltage Distortion
Gary W. Chang, Senior Member, IEEE, Hung-Lu Wang, and Shou-Yung Chu

AbstractThis paper presents an approach for determining sive filter placement and sizing problem, the modeled prob-
optimal or near-optimal locations and sizes of single-tuned passive lems are either oversimplified or the solution algorithms used
harmonic filters among existent capacitor busses in a power are only suitable for specific distribution system configurations
system. The objective of the harmonic filter planning is to control
the system-wide voltage distortion, while individual/total har- and the filter component rms constraints are not considered [3],
monic voltage distortion limits at each network bus, and the filter [8][10]. To avoid aforementioned limitations, this paper in-
component limits are considered as constraints. The tuned fre- tends to investigate the problem for optimally siting and sizing
quency deviation of the filter caused by component manufacturing the single-tuned passive filters by converting existent capacitor
errors and environment is also taken into account in the problem. banks at candidate buses in a power system while IEEE-519 har-
The proposed two-phase planning procedure is first to formulate
an unconstrained optimization problem for placement of the monic voltage and voltage distortion limits, as well as IEEE-18
filters based on sensitivity analysis. Next, a constrained problem is filter capacitor rms voltage constraint are maintained [11], [12].
formulated and is solved by a genetic algorithm-based optimizer. Since the constrained problem for passive filter planning is
The proposed method is tested with an actual distribution system. highly nonlinear, nonconvex, and multimodal, it is extremely
Test results show that the method is effective, computationally difficult to solve by conventional nonlinear programming
robust, and suitable for passive filter planning in a power system.
approaches. The authors propose a useful two-phase solution
Index TermsConstrained optimization, genetic algorithm, har- procedure to tackle this problem. A sensitivity analysis-based
monic distortion, passive harmonic filter, sensitivity analysis. placement procedure is first used to quickly locate the best
candidate filter busses among existent capacitor busses for
I. INTRODUCTION each harmonic order under consideration. Then, an optimizer,
a genetic algorithm-based optimization toolbox (GAOT)

F OR most conventional analyses, the power system is essen-

tially modeled as a linear system with passive elements ex-
cited by constant-magnitude and constant-frequency sinusoidal
[13], is employed for determining the near-optimal or global
optimal filter sizes while minimizing system voltage distortion
and satisfying all associated constraints. GAOT is a genetic
voltage sources. However, with the widespread proliferation of
algorithm-based optimization tool built upon Matlab environ-
nonlinear loads nowadays, significant amounts of harmonic cur-
ment, which is very suitable for solving nontypical nonlinear
rents are being injected into power systems. Harmonic currents
programming problems with high solution speed.
not only disturb loads that are sensitive to waveform distortion,
but also cause many undesirable effects on power system ele-
ments. As a result, system-wide solutions to harmonics become
a growing concern [1][3]. In [14], the authors proposed a sequential placement proce-
Among various solutions to harmonics, passive harmonic fil- dure of single-tuned filters to control harmonic voltage at each
tering is a very effective mitigation method for harmonic prob- network bus. However, this approach may not be adequate when
lems. The passive filter is generally designed to provide a path the system has severe distortion patterns due to network config-
to divert the troublesome harmonic current in the power system. urations or multiple harmonic sources widespread in the net-
For electric utility practices, the most commonly seen filters are work. This paper extends previous study for the constrained
shunt passive filters. The shunt filter is characterized as a se- multiple passive filter placement and sizing problem. The ques-
ries-resonant and trap-type branch that has low impedance at its tions to be answered are: 1) Where should multiple single-tuned
tuned frequency. The single-tuned LC filter is the most popular filters be placed among existent capacitor buses to have the most
design in power systems. benefit? and 2) What size of each placed filter is best for a spe-
In the past most passive filters are designed for individual cific network and distortion pattern?
bus application only [4][7]. System-wide design and planning In this section network analysis for the placement of one or
of single-tuned passive harmonic filters to effectively control multiple passive filters is described first. The objective func-
harmonic problems in the power network are rarely studied. tion and associated constraints of the constrained optimization
Though few approaches have been proposed to solve the pas- problem are then formulated.

Manuscript received January 9, 2003.

A. Network Analysis
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Na- Fig. 1 shows a typical -bus power network with an th
tional Chung Cheng University, 621 Chia-Yi, Taiwan, R.O.C. (e-mail:
wchang@ee.ccu.edu.tw). order of harmonic current source at bus and a single-tuned
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRD.2003.822954 passive filter for the th harmonic at bus . Before the passive
0885-8977/04$20.00 2004 IEEE

bus and the reference bus [15]. The harmonic current flowing
through the filter at bus is then determined according to


where the harmonic voltage and the driving point harmonic

impedance at bus before the placement of the filter are

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram for the hth order of harmonic current source at bus and
k injected into the power system.
filter is installed, the th order of harmonic voltage at any bus
Equation (5) implies that the filter harmonic current is a function
is given by
of the harmonic voltage at the filter bus before the filter is con-
(1) nected. The detailed derivation of (5) is given in Appendix A.
According to (4) and (5), it is found that the harmonic current
where , and where flowing through the filter indeed is a function of the inductor
is the harmonic transfer impedance between buses and , impedance . Substituting (4), (6), and (7) into (5) yields
which includes both real and imaginary parts. The harmonic
transfer impedance is determined according to the system har-
monic impedance matrix without the filter, as given in (2)

.. .. .. .. .. .. where
. . . . . .
.. .. .. .. .. ..
. . . . . . (10)
(2) (11)
If there is more than one harmonic current source of the
th order existing in the network, the corresponding harmonic (12)
voltage at any bus becomes

where , , are bus numbers of harmonic sources.
In Fig. 1 the single-tuned passive filter connected to bus is
composed of a capacitor in series with an inductor. Assume that (15)
the internal resistance of the inductor is and the quality factor
As shown in Appendix A, the new harmonic voltage at any
is . Then, the filter impedance at any harmonic order can be
bus for the th harmonic after installing the filter at bus is
expressed as
then obtained by


where . The second term on the right-hand

side of (16) is the harmonic voltage change at bus after the
single-tuned passive filter is installed at bus . If more than one
where . and are inductor and capacitor filter is installed, (16) becomes
impedances at fundamental frequency, respectively. At the tuned
harmonic order , (4) becomes . After the
passive filter is installed in the network, the system harmonic
impedance and harmonic voltage at each bus are changed. The
new network harmonic impedance can be obtained based on the where , , are bus numbers of passive filters for
-bus building algorithm for adding a new filter branch between the th harmonic.

B. Objective Function due to manufacturing and environment, as well as IEEE-18 ca-

The objective function considered in the passive filter plan- pacitor rms voltage limit of the filter.
ning problem is to minimize the total harmonic voltage distor- 1) IEEE-519 Voltage Constraints: The IEEE-519 voltage
tion throughout the system. Therefore, it is more convenient to constraints imposed on any network bus after the filter
express the objective function as the sum of squared harmonic placement are
voltage of all network buses
for , and
where represents the set of all inductor components of the
filters, is the highest order of harmonic under consideration.
In (18) is the second term on the right-hand side of (16) (28)
or (17).
For the case of one filter for the th harmonic installed at a where is the fundamental voltage at bus , and are
candidate bus , substituting (4)(7) into (16) yields usually 3% and 5%, respectively.
For convenience, (27) can be expressed as its squared func-
tion. For one-filter placement, substituting (16) into (27) yields
For multiple-filter placement, substituting (17) into (28)
yields (30), shown at the bottom of the page, where
(22) , , and .
(23) Similarly, the constraint of the total harmonic voltage distor-
tion at any network bus can be expressed by
If multiple filters for the th harmonic are installed
throughout the network, (17) can be expressed as shown in (31)
(24) at the bottom of the page, where ,
, , , , and are defined in (20)(23), where .
and where 2) RMS Voltage Limit Across the Capacitor of a Filter: The
rms voltage across the capacitor of the filter at a candidate bus
must comply with IEEE-18 voltage constraint. Therefore, the
(26) rms voltage across a filter capacitor is

C. Constraints
The constraints of the problem include IEEE-519 individual
harmonic voltage and total harmonic voltage limits at each net- (32)
work bus, tuned frequency variation limits of the passive filter



where the first term on the right-hand side is the capacitor funda- A. Sensitivity Analysis-Based Approach for
mental rms voltage and is the capacitor rated rms voltage. Placement of the Filters
is usually 110%. In terms of harmonic currents flowing through
The first step of the solution procedure is to find the best
the filter at a candidate bus , it is practical to express (32) as
candidate bus one at a time among existent capacitor buses
the squared function
in the network for siting a passive filter while minimizing the
system voltage distortion of a specific harmonic order under
consideration [14]. Based on the sensitivity analysis, the best
filter bus can be identified by the siting index given in (40)

where .
3) Filter Tuned Frequency Variation Constraint: The har-
monic order of the tuned frequency of the filter at a candidate
bus is given by . Reference [6] indicates
that manufacturing and environment caused deviations for in-
ductor and capacitor from their nominal values are usually in the
range of 4% to 6% and 3% to 3%, respectively. Given the where . The detailed derivation of
constant system frequency, the LC variation range of the filter the siting index is given in Appendix B. Equation (40) is the sum
is then between 0.931 and 1.092. Therefore, the deviation limits of the partial derivatives of system harmonic voltage distortion
of any tuned harmonic order become 0.957 to 1.036 . Since after siting the passive filter at bus with respect to the harmonic
at the tuned harmonic order of a filter , the voltage contribution at bus by the harmonic source at bus
following relationship holds: before siting the filter. The top priority filter bus is the capacitor
bus that yields the least value among all siting indexes. After de-
(34) termining the best candidate filter bus for each harmonic order,
it is then to find the optimal sizes of filter components by solving
the constrained problem given in (35)(39).
where . is the designed inductor
impedance at fundamental frequency, and are 0.931 and
B. Genetic Algorithm-Based Optimization Approach for the
1.092, respectively.
Sizing Problem
Overall, the constrained optimization problem for the single-
tuned passive filter planning is The optimization problem shown in (35)(39) is a nonlinear
and nonconvex problem. Conventional nonlinear programming
Minimize (35) approaches for the problem generally move from one solution
point in the decisive direction to another, based on some deter-
Subject to (36) ministic rules. Many times, the solution found is likely to be
(37) a local optimum. To avoid this limitation of conventional non-
(38) linear programming approaches, the genetic algorithm-based
method is employed to find the solution. A genetic algorithm, on
(39) the other hand, starts with a population of points (i.e., individ-
uals) and uses simulated evolution. It typically generates a new
where , , and population with the same number of members each generation.
, and where the lower and upper bounds of The fittest individuals of any population tend to reproduce and
are given in (34). survive to the next generation, thus improving successive gener-
ations. The near optimal or global optimal solution can be easily
found without losing its solution speed in comparing with those
conventional approaches [16].
The purpose of passive harmonic filter planning are to find Genetic algorithms solve problems by exploring all regions
the best candidate buses for filter locations among existent ca- of the state space and exponentially exploiting promising areas
pacitor buses and to determine the optimal inductor sizes for through mutation, crossover, and selection operations applied to
minimizing the system harmonic voltage distortion while satis- individuals in the population. These operations effectively en-
fying IEEE-519 and IEEE-18 voltage constraints. In addition, hance the parallel solution-search capability. Therefore, many
the tuned frequency variation limits of the filter also must be minima or maxima can be explored simultaneously. The use
satisfied. In the proposed two-phase solution procedure, a siting of a genetic algorithm requires the determination of six funda-
index is first developed to find the best filter candidate locations. mental issues: chromosome representation, selection function,
After siting the filters, the constrained optimization problem de- the genetic operators making up the reproduction function, the
scribed in Section II is then solved by using a genetic algo- creation of the initial population, termination criteria, and the
rithm-based optimizer to find the optimal inductor sizes. evaluation function.

The constrained sizing problem of passive filter planning of

(35)(39) is implemented and solved by the use of a genetic
algorithm-based optimization toolbox. GAOT has been tested
with a series of nonlinear, multinodal, and nonconvex problems
[17], [18]. The GAOT algorithm is similar to the general
genetic algorithm. Iit has many user-friendly functions such
as roulette wheel, normalized geometric select, tournament,
simple crossover, arithmetic crossover, heuristic crossover,
uniform mutation, nonuniform mutation, and multi-nonuni-
form mutation. All these functions are optional by selection
of input parameters. Another important feature is that GAOT
can be used in conjunction with local-improvement heuristics
for nonlinear function optimization and to effectively solve
the continuous location/allocation problem [19]. Since the
objective function and constraints of the passive filter planning
problem are highly nonlinear and are difficult to differentiate, Fig. 2. The 18-bus test system.
GAOT is advantageous to be chosen as the solution tool
because of its aforementioned features. Details of theories and
principles of genetic algorithms and GAOT can be found in
[13], [20], and [21]. The basic genetic algorithm used in the
study is listed below.

1. Create an initial population with ran-

domly generated string and set up control
parameters of genetic algorithm.
2. Evaluate all of the individuals with
the evaluation function.
3. Select a new population from the old
population based on the fitness of the
individuals as given by the evaluation
function. Fig. 3. Individual harmonic voltages at each 12.5-kV bus before placing
4. Apply genetic operations, mutation and passive filters.
crossover, to members of the population
for creation of new solutions. bus for a specific harmonic order of in-
5. Evaluate the newly created individuals. terest one at a time and prioritize siting
6. Check if termination criteria are met. indexes.
If yes, output the results. If no, return 6. Convert the capacitor bus with top pri-
to step 3). ority of siting index to a filter bus for
each harmonic under consideration.
C. Proposed Solution Procedure 7. Solve the problem in (35)(39) with the
genetic algorithm-based optimizer, GAOT.
The following summarizes major steps of the proposed solu-
8. Output results.
tion procedure.

1. Input measurements of harmonic voltages IV. CASE STUDY

at each bus and network harmonic transfer The proposed solution algorithm for passive harmonic filter
impedances. planning is tested using an 18-bus distribution system shown
2. Check if individual harmonic voltage in Fig. 2 to demonstrate its usefulness. The objective is to in-
limit violation at any bus for any spe- vestigate the optimal placement for harmonic filters among ex-
cific harmonic order of interest? If no, istent nine capacitor buses while controlling system harmonic
proceed to next step. Otherwise, proceed voltage distortion. The base power of the example system is 10
to step 4). MVA, and all buses except 17 and 18 are 12.5-kV busses. The
3. Check if total voltage distortion limit harmonic sources are four large six-pulse converters located at
violation at any bus? If no, stop. Other- buses 5, 11, 12, and 14, respectively. The harmonic voltages
wise, proceed to next step. and harmonic transfer impedances are then determined by using
4. Identify capacitor buses. PCFLO computer program [22].
5. Calculate the harmonic filter siting Figs. 3 and 4 show the individual harmonic voltage (IHDv)
index according to (40) for each capacitor and total harmonic voltage distortion (THDv) of 12.5-kV buses

Fig. 4. THDv at each 12.5-kV bus before placing passive filters.

Fig. 6. THDv at each 12.5-kV bus after placing passive filters.

placement of passive filters, the average THDv at 12.5-kV buses

is reduced to 2.77%, and the highest THDv is 4.43%, occurring
at bus 12. Table II also gives the resulting capacitor rms voltage
before and after the filter placement. It is shown that the capac-
itor voltage of each filter does not exceed its rms limit recom-
mended by IEEE-18 standard.

This paper presents a study on strategic placement and sizing
of passive filters in a power system for controlling harmonic
voltage distortion. The theory and problem formulation for
the filter planning problem are described in detail. A sensi-
Fig. 5. IHDv at each 12.5-kV bus after placing passive filters. tivity analysis and genetic algorithm-based approach is then
employed to solve the constrained optimization problem. The
proposed solution procedure is tested with an actual three-phase
before siting passive harmonic filters. It is found that before
balanced distribution system. As shown in the simulation re-
placing the filters, the system is severely polluted with fifth,
sults, the proposed theory and the solution algorithm are simple
seventh, eleventh, and thirteenth harmonics. The average THDv
and computationally efficient. We conclude that converting
at 12.5-kV buses is 5.30%, and the highest THDv is 6.74%,
existent capacitor banks to harmonic filters can be considered
occurring at bus 7.
as a feasible approach for controlling voltage distortion in a
The locations and sizes of single-tuned passive harmonic fil-
harmonic-polluted power system.
ters are then determined based on the proposed two-step solu-
tion procedure. Table I shows the results for the single-tuned
filter candidate buses and their corresponding component size. APPENDIX A
It is assumed that the quality factor of the single-tuned filter DERIVATION OF THE FILTER HARMONIC CURRENT
is 50. According to the -bus building algorithm [15], if a filter
Figs. 5 and 6 show the IHDv and THDv at each 12.5-kV bus branch is to be added between the existing bus and the ref-
after placing passive filters. We see that the IHDv and THDv erence bus, we can add a new bus connected through the filter
at each bus are well controlled under IEEE-519 limits. After the to bus , as shown in Fig. 7. Then, bus is connected to the

An equivalent equation of (A.6) can be obtained by substituting

(3) and (A.5) into (A.6) as follows:


Fig. 7. Adding a filter branch between buses p and q . In (A.7), is the new th harmonic transfer impedance
between buses and of the network after the filter is installed
at bus .

The total system harmonic voltage distortion after placement
of the passive filter for the th harmonic at bus can be ex-
pressed as

Fig. 8. Connecting the new bus q to the reference bus.

reference bus, as depicted in Fig. 8. In both Figs. 7 and 8, the
original network seen from bus is represented by its Thvenin
equivalent circuit. (B.2)
By observing Fig. 7, the th harmonic voltage at bus after
connecting the filter branch becomes and


and the th harmonic voltage at the new bus is (B.3)

According to (B.2), the following relationship holds:
Substituting (A.1) into (A.2) yields
After connecting the new bus to the reference bus, (A.3) be-
comes By substituting (B.5) into (B.3) and then into (B.1), we have

According to (A.4) and (3) for , we obtain
where the second term in the parenthesis of (B.6) represents
the th order of harmonic voltage variation at bus after the
placement of the filter at bus . Based on the sensitivity analysis,
the siting index for placement of the filter for the th harmonic
(A.5) order becomes

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