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The Altar Flowers today are given to the glory of God and

in loving memory of Josephine Blaker by Billy & India and family.

Write your prayer requests here
This Week at Aldersgate
If you would like your prayer request to
be included on the Caring For One Today, April 30
Another daily e-mail prayer chain, 8:30 am Coffee and Refreshments (RR)
please check here. 9:00 am Worship (Sanctuary)
10:00 am Coffee and Refreshments (RR)
10:00 am Friendship Class (208)
10:00 am Seekers (111), Agape (106)
10:00 am Childrens Sunday School (108); Youth Sunday School (YR)
10:00 am Sisters in Scripture (RR); Sermon Discussion Group (RR)
11:00 am Worship (Sanctuary)
12:00 pm Coffee and Refreshments (RR)
12:30 pm Confirmation class (YR)
4:00 pm Autism Speaks (208)

If you have a prayer concern, Monday, May 1

there are several avenues for 6:30 pm Instrumental Ensemble (S)
7:00 pm Boy Scouts Troop 119 (FH,K,106,107)
sharing with the Aldersgate
7:00 pm Families Anonymous (108)
family. 7:00 pm Member Care (HR)

You may submit your requests to Tuesday, May 2

the Caring For One Another e- 10:00 am Quilters Guild (FH)
mail prayer chain. Contact Jeanne 1:30 pm Alzheimers sppt grp (208)
4:15 pm Cov. Discipleship (Parlor)
Hamlin (jeaham@comcast.net). 6:00 pm Aldersgate Ringers (CR)
6:30 pm Exercise Group (FH)
The detachable portion of this
bulletin includes a space for Wednesday, May 3
written prayer concerns that you 7:00 pm Womens Bible Study (YR)
7:30 pm Chancel Choir Practice (S)
may place in the offering plate.
Thursday, May 4
Also, please check out the Prayer 11:00 am Busy Hands Craft Group (RR)
Wall at www.cvaumc.org. 5:30 pm Black Box Players Rehearsal (UFH)
6:30 pm Sweet Adelines (FH)
7:00 pm Praise Band Rehearsal (S)

Friday, May 5
Make disciples of Jesus Christ for the
Saturday, May 6
8:00 am Mens Group (208) transformation of the world. Matthew 28:19
11:00 am KidsFest (FH,WC,HR,K)

1500 East Rio Road Charlottesville, VA 22901

CR = Choir Room 434.973.5806 info@cvaumc.org www.cvaumc.org
FH = Fellowship Hall
HR = Hospitality Room www.facebook.com/cvaumc Twitter @CVAUMC
K = Kitchen
RR = Reed Room (Old Sanctuary)
UFH = Unfinished Fellowship Hall
WC = Welcome Center
April 30, 2017
YR - Youth Room
What Do You See?
1) How many candles? _____
Communication Card
Please take a moment to fill out this
Prelude Let Us Break Bread Together arr. Marilyn Ham 2) How many chalices? ______
Welcome Rev. Rob Robertson, Lead Pastor card, then tear at the perforation and
Welcome Rev. Rob Robertson, Lead Pastor 3) How many figures? ______ place it in the offering plate.
*Opening Songs Youth Praise Band *Opening Hymn 322 "Up From the Grave He Arose 4) What else do you see? ____ Name: ________________________
Start a Fire _________________________
*Call to Worship Susan Painter
God of the Impossible _________________________ ______________________________
Leader: Sometimes good things are right in front of us
and we dont see them. _________________________
*Opening Prayer Sandi Abbott People: Our fears and our prejudices blind us. _________________________ Email: ________________________
O risen Christ, on the road to Emmaus, you were the disciples Leader: Open your eyes this day to see the goodness of the Lord. _________________________ ______________________________
companion. Be by our sides as we journey lifes pathways. Kindle anew People: Open our hearts, gracious God, to receive your blessings.
the desire to proclaim your Word. May your Word illumine us and may Leader: Hallelujah!
our hearts burn to bear witness to it. In Jesus name. Amen. People: Hallelujah! Phone: _______________________
*Opening Prayer Susan Painter ______________________________
Childrens Message Rev. Rob Robertson O risen Christ, on the road to Emmaus, you were the disciples
There is no Childrens Church on fifth Sundays. companion. Be by our sides as we journey lifes pathways. Kindle anew Were afraid to take a truthful
I would like to:
Children and volunteers are invited to remain in Worship. the desire to proclaim your Word. May your Word illumine us and may look at ourselves, yet you see
our hearts burn to bear witness to it. In Jesus name. Amen. us as we really are.
Name Tag needed for: _________
Prayers of the People and the Lords Prayer 895 Sandi Abbott Come Now, Children (People) ______________________________
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Open our eyes, Lord.
Childrens Message Rev. Rob Robertson Learn more about Aldersgate
thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily There is no Childrens Church on fifth Sundays. (Leader)
bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass Children and volunteers are invited to remain in Worship. Even when we wont listen to Be added to weekly e-Note
against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For
Prayers of the People and the Lords Prayer 895 Susan Painter you, you hear us when we call
thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
your name. Explore membership at
Anthem Hallelujah Amen (from Judas Maccabeus) G.F. Handel Aldersgate Church
Scripture Luke 24:13-35 NRSV Sandi Abbott Chancel Choir (People)
Open our ears, Lord. Be baptized
Scripture Lesson Luke 24:13-35 NRSV Susan Painter
Sermon Emmaus Meal Rev. Rob Robertson (Leader)
Sermon Emmaus Meal Rev. Rob Robertson Receive a call from the pastor
We keep the light of your word
*Hymn 314 In the Garden hidden to ourselves, though Learning more about giving my
Offering and Song of Response Give In you gave it to share with the
Holy Communion, Invitation, Confession and Pardon tithe and/or offering
world. online
Communion O Come to the Altar Offering Prayer
All are welcome at the Lords Table. Gluten-free bread and cup available
(People) I am interested in participating in
Offertory Were You There with Crown Him With Many Crowns M. Ham Open our mouths, Lord. the Methodist Roots study, and I
*Doxology 94 (Leader) am able to attend a class on the
*Closing Song God Is Alive
The Great Thanksgiving UMH 23, Musical Setting D May we know and serve the following days of the week and times
One who calls us to see, hear, below (please select all days & times
*Benediction Receiving the Bread and Cup that work in your schedule):
and speak.
*please stand as you are able *Hymn of Commitment 318 Christ Is Alive Tue. Wed. Thu.
Additional information is projected on the screens (People) Morning
*Benediction Open our hearts, Lord. Evening
Postlude (All)
Volunteer to help with VBS
In Jesus name, we pray.
*please stand as you are able Amen.
Additional information is projected on the screens Other _______________________

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