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You may be tempted to skip this bit of the book. After all, who wants to be bothered
with little things like preparation, planning and so-on? Its much more fun to get straight
into the heart of the book, to the best bit - how to get women to want you.

But no General is successful in battle without carefully planning his strategy, and so you
must do some military-style planning yourself if you want to out-manoeuvre the various
rejections and evasive tactics which the enemy will throw your way!

In any sphere of life, PLANNING ensures that you get
EXACTLY what you want, with nothing left to chance. This is
especially true in your dealings with the opposite sex.

PREPARATION is the most important aspect of all jobs. Why does everyone get it
wrong when it comes to their relationships with women?

That's easy to answer. Its because they haven't sat down and given the whole subject as
much as ten minutes thought. They either dash in head-first with eyes closed, or hang
around open-mouthed, waiting for things to happen to them. Neither of these
techniques will bring success.

So do yourself a favour. Read and digest this section. Sit down and do some real thinking
before you go any further, because one thing's for sure, women have tactics and
manoeuvres of their own which they execute with unswerving and instinctive precision.
If you haven't thought through your OWN battle plan well in advance, be prepared to
get mown down!



So, you are interested in meeting more women, in having more girl-friends, and in
generally becoming more desirable and popular with the opposite sex.


In order for you to give a serious answer to this question, rather than some vague reply
along the lines of 'I want to have more fun', or: whatever, it is first necessary for you to
give some thought to a far more important and far-reaching subject: the aims and goals
of your life.
So, just for the moment, I am going to ask you to put any thoughts of women firmly to
the back of your mind, and concentrate on a far more important thing YOU.

Because let's face it, women are only a part of your life; in percentage terms, probably a
pretty small part. It is essential, therefore, that you see women for what they are
important, yes; the beginning and end of everything, no.

Men who are successful with women have learnt to
DIMINISH the importance of women in their lives.
You should do the same, and keep the role women play in your life in perspective. There
are many other aspects of your life to concern yourself with. You have many years in
front of you; what are you going to do with them?

If you are to stand any chance of getting one small piece of your life the part relating to
women sorted out, then you have to be pretty happy about the rest of it.

So, before we go on to consider WHY you want to meet more women, I'm going to ask
you a more general question.


Do you have any plans for the future? What would you like to do with your life?If you
were to die tomorrow, would you be satisfied that you'd achieved all that you wanted,
or is there still lots more that you want to do?

The chances are that you don't know, and you have no plan. You probably have vague
ideas of getting a better job, a larger house, or whatever, but otherwise your plan for the
future probably looks no further than the end of the week.

A lot of people feel like this. They have no real plan in life; no real idea of where they are
going in the future. They live from day to day, and the furthest they plan ahead is to
decide where they are going on their Summer holidays, or at whose place to spend
Christmas this year,

'People such as this are just like travellers without a map, not knowing where they are
going or what they are doing.

Are YOU like this?

You might be wondering why I'm asking you this. After all, what has it got to do with
attracting women? The answer is PLENTY! In order to become an expert with women
you must have the rest of your life pretty well under control. Why? Because you can't
move forward with confidence if your life is a shambles!

Do you spend your life moving from one discontented phase to another, never knowing
true happiness, never being really content?
If so, you are not alone! There are millions of people who do exactly this. It is the 20th
Century's main disease!

However. if you carry on like this. then it is absolutely certain that one day you will look
back over your life and wonder where it all went to. You will wonder why you didn't do
the things you wanted to. Why your life took that particular (boring) route, rather than
a more exciting and fulfilled one.

You might even feel that your life has been a failure.

If you havent thought about this subject before, then you must now. You have to take
command of your life and give some thought to the future and what you want out of it.
Your love-life plays only a small part of this overall plan, but you cannot isolate it from
the rest of your life.

You cannot be successful and happy with women
unless the rest of your life in successful and happy too.
Don't try and isolate your love-life from
the rest of your life.
Have you done all the things that you wanted to do in your life? If not, what kinds of
things are left undone?

It is worth-while spending some time thinking about this, for only when you are sure
and confident about the direction your life is going can you put the role of women into

So, have a think about the goals and aims of your life, and don't continue until you're
satisfied with the result.
OK, let's move on to the subject of women, and your motives for wanting to be popular
with them. There are a number of different ways you can analyse your motives, but as a
start, try to answer this question:

How can women help you realise the aims and goals of your life?

The WAY that this question is phrased should give you a vital clue to one of the secrets
contained in this book. You must view women for what THEY can do for YOU rather
than what YOU can do for THEM.

There is nothing selfish about this, and here's why:

Ultimately, you can ONLY ask this type of question. You DON'T KNOW what a particular
woman wants from you, you can only GUESS and you may be wrong.

Believe me, the WOMAN will be asking herself the same sort of question i.e. 'What can
this guy do for me?'.

She certainly WON'T be asking herself things like How can I best sacrifice my needs for
this guy's happiness? or 'What can I do to make him happy at my expense?'.

The wise man realises that there are women who are walking
disasters, and who will bring him nothing but trouble. You
should note this, and start to evaluate all women on a 'good
for me/not good for me' basis.
This secret is supplemented by another:

Don't pretend to be a person different from your real self.
You should not believe that you will make her fall for you by
trying to be what she wants she won't.
So, how can women help you realise the aims and goals of your life? Do you even WANT
women in your life at all? This is quite a difficult question, and people are inclined to
answer it without much thought. 'Of course I need women to be there in my life', they
say, 'doesn't everyone?

Well, you cannot just ASSUME that women are essential to your life. The fact is that the
majority of men may THINK they need women, but a lot of the time they are deluding

In reality, MOST men (not all) given a completely free choice would choose to remain
'free and single', and not form a permanent or even semi-permanent relationship with a
woman PROVIDING they could:

1. Have sex with a woman whenever they wanted to.

2. Employ an unpaid house-keeper to do all domestic chores.
1. Have a number of different women to choose from if they wanted a night out.
2. Have a womans company and conversation whenever they felt like it, but be
alone whenever they wanted to.
3. Father children, but without the attendant hassle involved.
4. Have someone to love, and someone who loves them.

End of statement.

I have never met a man who did not agree with the above statement.

By the way, I am not saying that the above statement is 'good' or bad. This manual
blows away all previous half-baked moral concepts and replaces them with personal

At first reading the statement above seems 'sexist, but most women want exactly the
same thing! Just for the sake of balance, let me state that MOST women, given a free
choice would remain 'free and single' providing they could;-

1. Have sex with a man whenever they wanted to.

2. Employ an unpaid gardener/odd job man to do all domestic chores.
3. Have a number of different men to choose from if they wanted a night out.
4. Have a man's company and conversation whenever they felt like it, but be alone
whenever they wanted to.
5. Have children, but without all the attendant hassle involved.
6. Have someone to love, and someone who loves them.
7. Have security.

I added number seven. because if a woman has to bring up children, then it is very hard
for her to earn money at the same time so she needs financial security . this is usually
provided by a man, or the state.

By the way. I am not going to do too much of this counter-balancing stuff otherwise this
manual would be twice as thick as it is. Basically, if women reading this manual find it
offensive then hard luck! I don't feel the need to justify my position on these matters at
every juncture.

So, give some serious thought to your answer. Look at the list above and realise that it
contains most (if not all) of the reasons for wanting women. Be very clear - even
ruthless - about WHY you want to meet women. Dont resort to fairy-tale beliefs about
what you THINK you SHOULD want. or what OTHERS say you should want.
SECRET # 6: Men want women for many different things
ranging from raw sex to high spiritual love. You should not
confuse those needs in your mind, or lump them all together
under some woolly heading like love.
I want you to really understand the implications of secret six. Fundamentally it destroys
everything we have been taught to believe about relationships, i.e. that we will one day
meet the perfect partner who will supply every single emotional, sexual and spiritual
need: we will marry her, and everything will be perfect for ever and ever.

For the record, let me state that this is a complete fabrication a fairy tale, and a
dangerous one at that!

Let's try a little exercise.


Rate the following list (1 to 15) according to your PRESENT MOMENT needs.

For example, it you mainly want someone who looks good on your arm when you go
out, then put a '1' after number ten. If intellectual stimulation is the last thing you want,
put '15 after number 4. Grade the other: in between.

The order is likely to change as you move through your life. but at the moment we are
concerned with the present.

1. Spiritual or true love

2. Companionship to avoid loneliness
3. Sex without strings attached
4. Intellectual stimulation
5. Friendship
6. Someone to love
7. Someone to love me
8. Someone to boost my ego and make me feel 900d.
9. A house-keeper
10. Someone who looks good on my arm when I go out.
11. A mother for my children.
12. A wife
13. Someone I can dominate.
14. Someone who will dominate me.
15. A partner' who shares my values, beliefs, hopes, fears and ambitions

Once you have rated these in order of importance (for you) then you will have a pretty
good idea of what you are looking for right now. Next year you may want something
different, but that's o.k. just re-arrange the list.

For example, if you have been married for ten years, you MAY put number three (sex
without strings) at the top of the list, in which case you are basically looking for an
extra-marital sexual relationship. If you are single, lonely and of a conventional turn of
mind, you may put number 12 (a wife) on the top of the list.


If you have thought about your life as a whole, and what you want out of it, then this
exercise will have been relatively straightforward, and you will have had little trouble
thinking about the role you want women to play in your life. The purpose of the exercise
is to help you to focus on what it is you are looking for in a woman, and to realise that

For example, you may see your life's aim as being a family man, getting a good job and
settling down perhaps in the country and raising a family. You therefore know exactly
where women fit into this: you want a wife, and will have children at some point in your

Or perhaps you see yourself as the eternal bachelor, a sort of James Bond type. You want
to travel, have lots of money, do your own thing and avoid being tied down. How do
women fit into your life style? Simple, you want lots of lovers but no commitment; you
want women for the pleasure they can give you.

Maybe you feel you'd like to have a simple, quiet life, surrounded by books, music and
art. Maybe something of a hermit in any case, you want to spend long periods on your
own. Women? Well, you value than for their company, and see yourself with lots of
women friends but no permanent relationship.

Obviously, there are more examples: perhaps as many as there are men to think of
them. But at this stage, the only important answer is what YOU want.

Your needs are likely to change. The wise men realises this,
and goes for what he wants NOW. His needs may be different
in the future, but he is concerned only with today.
You may want many different women for different things. This is quite common
because, as stated earlier, women can fill a wide spectrum of desires in your life. This is
why it is so vital to know WHAT you want and WHY you want it.

This knowledge saves you from the disaster of (say) marrying a woman when all you
basically want is to have sex with her.

This knowledge saves you from (say) marrying for spiritual love and expecting a super-
raunchy sex-life with the same partner.

This knowledge saves you from (say) the confusion of feeling that you HAVE to try and
bed a woman who is really a good friend and whos company you greatly enjoy.

There are many more such examples. Try to think of a few yourself.
The next question is simply this:

Why do you went to meet MORE women and generally be more popular with the
opposite sex?

Its no use saying: 'Well, everyone likes to be popular, don't they?', or 'It goes without
saying that the more popular you are with the opposite sex the happier you will be.

Replies like that are a cop-out. Your answers have to be more specific.

What are your motives? The implication is that you are not getting what you want out of
the women that you know already. Why? What are you going to do with all these
women anyway if they came flocking to your door this very evening, would you have
any idea?

Is it because you love variety and would like a different woman in your bed each night?
Is the ultimate goal of your life to see how many women you can seduce in a given
period of time?

Or is it because meeting lots of women would give you more choice from which to select
your one, ideal partner. Maybe you want to settle down and be faithful to one person,
either now or sometime in the future. Perhaps you'd like to meet someone special with
a view to getting married? You may see meeting lots of women as the way to get you
further towards fulfilling this goal.

Or maybe you don't care a damn for the women as such, but you want them gathering
around you to enhance your image in the world and boost your self-confidence. In short,
to massage your ego.

Note that again I am not putting moral labels like 'good' or 'bad on these reasons. I want
you to be able to recognise ALL your desires concerning women and to separate them
out so that you can construct a RATIONAL and LOGICAL battle-plan. I want you to de-
mystify women. If you don't, then you are doomed to struggle along in a mist of illusion
created by television, the films and "True Romance" comics!

For most men, the answer to the question posed above is a combination of all of these

Men have many different desires concerning women.
To be successful, you must recognise and sort these desires.
You must also understand that you are unlikely to realise all
of your desires with one woman.
This secret is so vital that I ask you to read it through once again.
the dream you're in! If, at this stage of your life, you regard women as playthings
something to while away the hours of boredom then that's tine. Many women regard
men in just such a light. If you love the conquest and the sexual side of the whole game,
then thats fine too. If you are keen to find one special person then, again, there's
nothing wrong in that.

What IS important is that you KNOW what you are looking for. What IS wrong is if
you waste your life chasing society-generated illusions.

The next question centres around the type of relationship you want.

what KIND of relationship are you looking for?

Would you like a committed relationship, where both of you are honest, truthful and
faithful to each other? Or would you rather be more manipulative, seeing her on the
nights it suits you, but going off with the lads or other women when you want to?

Do you fancy the idea of being tied down, with the security and responsibility which
that brings? Or would you rather keep your relationships free and open, with no
commitment to each other?

Or do you fancy yourself as a bit of a juggler, keeping six women 'in the air' at a time and
being unfaithful to them all as the mood takes you, humming quietly to yourself the
song: 'If you can't be with the girl you love then love the girl youre with.

When you come to think about this question, you will probably find that you cant give a
definite answer. You probably waver between one extreme and another. If you get into
difficulties, don't try and force a decision, just mark it down as something to mull over
and for now give it your best answer.

Decide on a provisional answer the most likely and go back to thinking about it in
greater depth at some future date.


Choose from the list below, the KIND of relationship which best describes your present
needs. (Note: I have used the word 'committed' here in the sense of living together full
time, married or not.)

1. A totally committed 100% faithful relationship in which both partners have

complete trust in one another.

2. A reasonably committed and faithful relationship with one woman, but one in
which very occasional indiscretions are tolerated on both sides.

3. A committed relationship with one woman, but both partners are more or less
tree to explore other avenues as and when they feel like it, but always returning
to the full-time partner eventually.
4. A committed relationship with one woman where you are free to go off with
other women (with her knowledge) as you feel like it but she isn't free to do the
same with other men.

5. A more casual relationship with more than one woman where the various
women all know about each other.

6. A more casual relationship with more than one women where the various
women know little or nothing about each other.

7. A casual relationship with one woman where you are both aware that it is not
leading anywhere.

Tick the one most suited to your present needs, and remember; do not apply moral
considerations of "good or "bad" at this stage.


I realise that some of these questions are not easy to answer. They all demand a great
deal of thought, but the effort is worthwhile, as the exercises form a platform for the
rest of the material in this book. My advice to you is not to move on from here until you
are can answer all these questions satisfactorily, and until you are absolutely clear in
your mind as to your motives and desires in this whole area.

Once you have answered these questions to your own satisfaction, you can continue to
the next stage, where you'll be analysing your answers.

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