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Project 2 Coffee with the Parents

Low parent involvement, a decreased number of PTO volunteers and

Area of
extremely low school collaboration with parents.
It is part of our School Improvement Plan to increase parent involvement and
Needs it was also expressed by parents through our 2016 EOY Survey that was sent
Assessment out in May 2016.

Action Plan We sent in September 2016 with our students a BOY flyer requesting our
parents to be part of the PTO where it discussed its benefits of joining. Our
plan was to have at least 1 parent meeting every school quarter with the
purpose of getting more parent input and to provide them with more
resources so they can work with their children, which in return it would help
our school achieve our goals.

We were able to achieve our goal of having at least one coffee parent
meeting every quarter.
October: We presented to parents about what was Title 1 and how it
impact the school, students and parents. We discussed the parent
student contract in more detail. We also discussed the social skill of
the month Respect and tips of how to acquire respect from our
children. We also handed out the BOY parent survey. Using the
parent survey we guided ourselves in what kind of topics we would
we focus on based on parent interest.
November: We discussed our social skill of the month self-control
and self-discipline and offered tips on how to handle situations
when they got out of control.
January: We used our community resources by bringing a
representative from Texas Children. The representative provided
parents with tips on how to deal with the cold/flu season for their
families. The representative also discussed the resources for health
insurance and gave out flu kits.
April: We presented again on what Title 1 was and we reviewed our
parent and student contracts. Parents had the opportunity to voice
their opinions on what they would like modify, add or delete from the
contract for the following school year. We also discussed on how
stress impacts our children and offer tips on what home activities
could be done to help our children calm down.
All the parent input that was gathered will be communicated with our
leadership team in our May meeting.

EOY survey, parents concerns and input has been shared with our leadership
team and most of the issues have been addressed. Throughout the year the
number of parent participants during our quarterly meeting remain the same
throughout the year of about 13-16 parents. Our goal for next year is to send
out monthly calendars to our parents and have an actual updated school
website to inform our parents about our Coffee with Parents Meeting with
hopes to increase our parent participants.

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