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Title: Probiotics as a prevention and treatment of diarrhea.

Name: Asma
Surname: Ganie
ID: 201301390
Date of Submission: 06/09/16
A large number of known bacteria are found in the intestines which essential to digestion.
Diarrhea, being a condition in which faeces are very frequently discharged from the bowels in a
liquid form, can disrupts theses microbes. Probiotics, like yoghurt, which contain doses of helpful
bacteria or yeasts, can provide assistance in treating this condition.

Yoghurt is made by adding bacteria to milk. The microbes present in yoghurt will also assist in
the maintenance of a healthy instestine as well as provide the body with other benefits.
Moreover, probiotics are live microbial feeding supplements that beneficially affect the host
animal by improving its microbial balance (Miller et al, 2007). They are commonly used in
the treatment and prevention of acute diarrhea. The rationale for using probiotics in acute
infectious diarrhea is based on the assumption that they act against intestinal pathogens. The
possible mechanisms include the synthesis of antimicrobial substances (Chieng & Thielman,
2002), competition for nutrients required for growth of pathogens , competitive inhibition of
adhesion of pathogens (Johnston et al, 2006), modification of toxins or toxin receptors, and
stimulation of nonspecific and specific immune responses to pathogens.

Some of the best proof that probiotics work comes from studies of diarrhea in children, especially
cases caused by rotavirus. Some research shows that the bacteria strains most likely to help
are Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus reuteri, and the probiotic yeast Saccharomyces
boulardii, although other strains might be useful. A mix of a few different probiotics may also
treat this type of diarrhea.

Travelers often come down with diarrhea caused by bad food or water. Cases can last a month or
longer.Theres no hard proof probiotics work for this condition. However, a 2007 report found
they helped travellers avoid this kind of diarrhea (Miller et al, 2007). But other studies have
shown that they dont help. The strongest evidence pointed to benefits from Saccharomyces
boulardii, Lactobacillus acidophilus, and Bifidobacterium bifidum.

Infection with C. difficile bacteria causes severe and sometimes life-threatening diarrhea
and inflammation in the colon, called colitis. Probiotics may keep you from getting this germ.
And theres some evidence they might stop the condition from coming back. Thats important,
since repeat infections become hard to control. Scientists have done many studies
of Saccharomyces boulardii against this type of bacteria. It appears to help, especially when
combined with lactobacillus strains (Chieng & Thielman, 2002).

Overall, the preventive and therapeutic effect of probiotic bacteria is not the same in different
types of diarrhea. The main value of proven positive results in prevention and therapy of infants
and childrens acute diarrhea.

Cheng, A.C., Thielman, N.M. (2002): Update on travelers diarrhea, Current infectious disease reports 4,

Johnston, B.C., Supina, A.L., Vohra, S. (2006): Probiotics for pediatric antibiotic-associated diarrhea: a
meta-analysis of randomized placebo-controlled trials, Canadian medical Association Journal 175 (4), 377-

Miller, G.D., Jarvis, J.K., McBean, L.D. (2007): Handbook of dairy foods and nutition, 3. izd., Taylor &
Francis group, New York

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