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3 criteria to be a - widespread? increasing?
public health problem 2. Serious
3. Preventable and treatable
+ example ****obesity (35% prevalence)

they yield energy

3 macronutrients + - carbohydrates
function - lipids
- proteins

- lubricant
- transporter
5 functions of water -regulates body temp
- structural component of cells
- helps get rid of waste

calcium deficiency
bone loss

1. micronutrients
classes of nutrients 2. macronutrients
3. water
- allow for healthy reproduction
- support growth and
food provides energy development
- maintain a healthy cellular
and nutrients to: environment
- regulate bodily processes

function of ready source of

carbohydrates energy

contains the right amount of

energy and nutrients in the
healthy diet right combo to support and
maintain growth and

- caused by a protein deficiency

with adequate caloric intake
Kwashiorkor cause - leads to fatty build up in the
liver because body can't
and effect synthesize the proteins to
transfer it out

concentrated source of
energy (get 9 Cal/g vs
lipid function
4 Cal/g in protein and
main: needed for maintenance,
main function of growth and structural purposes,
and needed to regulate bodily
proteins and others processes
other: energy source

needed in smaller
- vitamins
- minerals

have both regulatory and

structural roles such as
mineral function - bone strength
- transport of oxygen
- transmission of nerve pulses

white bread is just the

multigrain vs white endosperm while
bread multigrain bread includes
the bran and the germ

nutrient homeostasis - includes over and

malnutrition undernutrition
excess of energy or
over nutrition

percent water in the


public health is about promoting

public health health, preventing disease, and
protecting people (populations)
definition - address core issues of the human

carbohydrate based food

undergone processing
refined carbohydrates removing various components
of original food

table sugar, fruits,

sources of carbs
grains, milk products
animal foods,
sources of lipids vegetable oils, nuts,

animal products,
sources of protein legumes, veggies,
some dairy products

most common lipid in

foods, stored in body
(in adipose tissue), and
contains fatty acids

deficiency of nutrients
under-nutrition - deficient intake
- malabsorption

unrefined carbohydrate based

carbohydrates food in natural state
vitamin A deficiency
vision problems

helps with bodily processes

- B vitamins work as
vitamin function + ex coenzymes to help with
carbohydrate metabolism

- layers of the grain are

what happens during
- removes some nutrients
refinement of bread - increases stability and shelf

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