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ECED 2370

Child Assessment Portfolio

Chelsea Corcoran

Part 1: Child Introduction

The child I have chose to this assignment on is Levi. He is five year sold
and his birthday is June ninth. He lives with his Father, Mother, Brother,
and his Nana also has him a large mount of time when he is either off
school or after school. They used to go to a Baptist church and believe
in God but they no longer go to church because his mother just started
working and she likes to spend the day at home with family. He goes to
Tazewell elementary school, and has no special developments or
learning needs. Levis interests include video games, riding his bike,
watching YouTube videos and learning. He really loves a challenge,
every time I have came over and said I have another project for you do
to, he gets very excited and is ready to do. This will tell me what to
have the child do to keep him involved. I feel like this will also might
influence the assessment by trying to give he a little bit of a challenge
because he loves them and likes to challenge himself.

Social- Emotional

Teaching Strategies Gold Objective 1

Objective 1: Regulates own emotions and behaviors

Dimension c: Takes care of own needs appropriately

Levi, Age 5

November 11, 2016

2:00 p.m.


Levi has gotten ready for the day, when he got up he first went to the
bathroom, brushed his teeth, and washed his hands. He did use the
towel and dried them off. He then got himself dressed and ate
breakfast. After that he feed the dogs their food. Thats all he has to do
in the morning, so then he went on to play his video games. He played
them for about four hours with going to the bathroom and eating
snacks while he played. When I asked his mother what he did one his
days off she replied, Youre looking at it, he plays video games or
watches YouTube. We dont do much when normally a school day but
its a day off since were usually really busy and always gone. I asked if
the routine he did this morning was his normal routine and she told
me, Yes usually I lay his cloths out and get the dogs food ready to go
out and he then does it all by himself. I also asked if he picked up
after himself on a daily basis, she said, If he gets something out he
will pick it up without me having to tell him to.

This anecdotal record documents Dimension c: Takes care of own

needs appropriately of Objective 1: Regulates own emotions and
behaviors. When Levi got up and did his morning routine without
anyone telling him what to do.
This interview documents Dimension c: Takes care of own needs
appropriately of Objective 1: Regulates own emotions and behaviors.
When I asked his mother if he puts his own toys away she told me he
did and didnt need any reminding.

This indicates Level 7 he has accomplished everything on Level 6:

Demonstrates confidence in meeting own needs but still has some
things to work on before he gets to Level. As Levi got up he did his
routine like she said he always does. He did not need help with doing
all the tasks on Level 6.

Goal: Levi needs to learn how to take car of his personal belongings
and not just have his mother take care of them. Also learning how to
make signs for his toys and things that are his. I think he needs to also
understand the good and bad foods he eats as he doesnt really
understand them.

Classroom Learning Experience:

I think Levi can learn about foods and which ones are good for him and
which arent. I think that is a lesson that is taught in school he just has
yet to take it. I also feel that he can learn to spell and make signs for
his things like his other brother does with his toys. I feel like he just
need practice and he will get there with out any problem.

Family Strategy:

Levi can learn a lot from his older brother if his brother would take the
time to teach him. To get to level 8 Levi needs to be able to label items
such as toys like he does and if they just sat down together I think he
would learn a lot. With his mother I feel she needs to stress the
importance of personal items and how to care for them. He needs to
have a little responsibility and not just have her do it all when it comes
to holding and looking after the items. I think she could just let him
have responsibility and he will learn quickly how to take care of them.
Implementation of Learning Experiences:


Teaching Strategies Gold Objective 7

Objective 7: Demonstrates fine-motor strength and coordination

Dimension b: Uses writing and drawing tools

Levi, Age 5

November 11, 2016

2:00 p.m.


When Levi got done playing his video games I asked if he could come
write his name for me. So we sat down and I gave him a piece of paper
and a pen because that is all we could find and told him to write his
name. I never told him how to hold it or how to write his name but he
did it perfect. He held his pencil using the three-point finger grip and
efficient hand placement. Even after he set the pen down to move the
paper he picked it back up and held it perfectly again.

This anecdotal record documents Dimension b: Uses writing and

drawing tools of Objective 7: Demonstrates fine-motor strength and
coordination. Levi held his pen perfectly and wrote his name twice. I
also have a picture of Levi writing his name with his pencil.

This indicates Level 8: Uses three-point finger grip and efficient hand
placement when writing and drawing. Levi picked up his pen and held
it as stated twice.
Goal: Levi is at level 8 on holding his writing utensils but he can use
help with writing his letters straighter.

Classroom Learning Experience:

Levi learned how to hold his pen/pencil perfect by his teacher. He used
to hold it to close to the tip until she worked with him on it. He can only
get better and I think they just need to keep working on writing and he
will be great.

Family Strategy

Levis family likes to play games; they can always switch and make
their own game with having to write something. They can always draw
and color more also, this will help with hand placement and keeping
lines straight.


Teaching Strategies Gold Objective 9

Objective 9: Uses language to express thoughts and needs

Dimension b: Speaks clearly

Levi, Age 5

5:00 p.m.

5:00 Levi was playing his Grand Theft Auto video game, sitting at his
5:05 Levi was talking on his headset to one of his friends, Come pick
me up bro
5:10 Levi needed to go to the bathroom and he jumped up and said, I
have to pee!
5:15 He said, I wiped and then warshed my hands
5:16 He got back on his game and started playing.
5:30 He asked, Hey mom can I have some Fringals, dont you know
Im starving over here.
I then asked him, What are Fringals?
He then replied, You know, the yellow rings that are so good.
I then said, Funyuns?
He said, Yea Fringals.
He then went back to his game.

Even after trying to get him to say the right pronunciation he still
continued to say it wrong. Also with the word warsh, his Nana who he
is with a lot of the time says it that way also. It is hard to get him to
say the right way when a person around him doesnt. I asked his
mother if there was any other words he says wrong and she said there
were a few but couldnt think of them.

This narrative and anecdotal record documents Dimension b: Speaks

clearly of Objective 9: Uses language to express thoughts and needs.
Levi says warshed instead of washed and he also said Fringals instead
of Funyuns. But when I asked her is he is curious of large words that
you say and she said yes, he is always asking what things meant.

This indicates Level 7: As he doesnt say many words wrong he still has
a few but he is also interested in words he doesnt know also. If he
hears something he is quick to ask what it means.

Goal: For Levi to stop using the few words he says wrong and start
learning large new words.

Classroom Learning Experience:

I think this is where he learns the most, so if the teacher used big
words that the student dont necessarily know they will catch on and
start to use them or even just ask about them so they know what it
means when they hear it again.

Family Strategies:
I think that parents tend to baby their children and keep to smaller
words so that they will understand. I think children need to be exposed
to larger words to broaden their vocabulary. I think just using larger
words around them or even at them can spark their curiosity and make
them wonder what it is.


Teaching Strategies Gold Objective 12

Objective 12: Remembers and connects experiences

Dimension a: Recognizes and Recalls

Levi, Age 5

November 19, 2016

6:00 p.m.


Have uploaded and audio recording of Levi explaining what he did the
day before.

When we were playing a pop the pig game I decided to take four
pieces away one from each of the colors. When Levi came back from
the bathroom he noticed right away that four of them were gone. He
also knew which ones because they all had the same amount. He is
very bright

This audio recording and anecdotal record documents Dimension a:

Recognizes and Recalls of Objective 12: Remembers and connects
experiences. He told us in order what he did that day in the audio
record. He also knew what was missing right away when I took some
pieces of a game.

This indicates Level 6: Tells about experiences in order provides,

details, and evaluates the experience; recalls 3 or 4 items removed
from view. He told us what he did that day and then he also knew what
was missing in the game.

Goal: Levi is ready to move to Level 8: Uses a few deliberate strategies

to remember information. He successfully completed the tasks in Level
6, he is ready to move on to use few deliberate strategies to remember

Classroom experience:
To get Levi to Level 8 I think he could work on some strategies to
remember information. I think the teacher could have the children
draw pictures of what they did that day or ate for lunch. Every time I
ask what he did or ate for lunch he doesnt remember but having a
drawing to remind him will would him think of what ate.

Family Strategies:
For remembering things to do he could have a chart made like what
time to go to bed and what to do before he goes to sleep. He can also
make a picture of what hes bringing to he Nanas house before he
leaves so he doesnt forget anything when he comes home.

Implementation of Learning Experiences.

For this I had Levi draw a picture of everything he was putting in his
backpack to take to his Nanas the next day that way when its time to
go home he can pull out his picture list and know what he had. He
drew a tablet, charger, leggoes, a nerf gun and 5 bullets, 2 monster
trucks, and his phone. He did very well and we could actually tell what
the items were so that when he goes to pack all his stuff up he can
make sure he has it all. I explained that this is a good way to
remember other items also for like school items or anything he wants
to remember later. I found this really great because its something fun
and helpful. The only downside is it takes a while because they have to
draw each thing. Maybe have them draw it once and laminate it so that
he can use the same ones over again instead of drawing each time. If
your in a hurry dont use it before you have to leave. I learned that he
enjoy drawing and that he is ready to try anything I ask because he
loves to learn.


Teaching Strategies Gold Objective 16

Objective 16: Demonstrates knowledge of the alphabet

Dimension b: Uses letter-sound knowledge

Levi, Age 5

November 17, 2016

4:00 p.m.

When writing a letter to Santa Levi would sound out a few things he
thought he knew but on others he would ask how to spell. He knew
exactly what he wanted though and writing the letter made him so
excited! He asked how to Spell dear, Santa, and most the other words.
Some of the words he knew were PS4, GTA5, games, which the two are
just abbreviators of the actual word but thats what most people call
the things.

This work sample and anecdotal record documents Dimension b: Uses

letter-sounds knowledge of Objective 16: Demonstrates knowledge of
the alphabet. Levi asked how to spell some of the words on his list to

This indicates Level 7: As Levi asked how to spell some of the words
but others he knew how to write.

Goal: Get Levi to Level 8: Applies letter-sound correspondence when

attempting to read and write. To got Levi to sound out the words and
write what he thinks it is rather then asking how every word is spelled.

Classroom experience:
For the classroom the teacher can have the children write journals of
what they did or whatever is on their mind to help them learn to sound
out words rather then asking. I think this will encourage them to read
and write more.

Family Strategies:
Things that the family can do is have the children sound the word out
first rather then tell them before they try and sound it out. Also have
the child read a book to you with having them sound out all the words
before telling them.

Implement of Learning Experience:

For this I have Levi read me a stage one book just for him to sound out
all the words. He did very well but still struggled and I ended up having
to sound out some of them for him. When I would ask what he thought
they were he would either get close or be way off because he would
get so frustrated. I would have to calm him down and just tell him its
ok that messing up is part of it thats why teachers are here to help.
When we finished the book he was excited because he has never read
a book before. I read the whole thing to him again so he knew what it
was about and he could tell his mom what it was about. My experience
was it was hard to watch him struggle so much and I just wanted to
read it for him but then I knew it wouldnt help him. I learned that he is
very driven and when he sets his mind to something he is dedicated.


Teaching Strategies Gold Objective 23

Objective 23: Demonstrates knowledge of patters.

Levi, Age 5

November 20, 2016

10 a.m.


I decided to use one of the other projects I have done with him before
and that is making half a pattern with cookies and cocopuffs, and he
would have to finish the project where he did great. Also for a school
concert they had to learn a routine where they clapped and did other
hand motions. He also remember them very well. Another thing he
does very well is know how to make stairs. He does this with his video
game called Minecraft, which is a great game that you need math
skills. He has to count out how many blocks he needs for certain
things. Its a good game for children other then fighting the creatures
off which is just in there to keep the children entertained.

Notices that a special song is X

played whenever it is time to
clean up
Points to the tiles in the bathroom X
and says, They go this way , that,
Beats a drum as the teacher does X
Strings the beads as her friend
Makes a reapeating movement X
When shown patter of cubes. X
Describes even numbers
Says I add 1 to 3 makes 4 add
another makes 5 so on
Extends a growing pattern by
adding one cube like staircase. X
By this anecdotal record and checklist documents Objective 23:
Demonstrates knowledge of patters. As Levi showed me he knew all
the aspect of each level other then two of the last level.

This indicates Level 7: As Levi has completed all of the levels up to 6

but has only completed one aspect of Level 8. As shown in the

Goal: Getting Levi to understand what odd and even numbers are and
how to explain his work out loud.

Classroom experience:
Teaching the class the difference in Odd and Even numbers and having
them count with them regularly so they dont forget. Also after doing
math problems have the children explain what they did for each

Family Strategies:
Parents can also teach children what odd and ever numbers are just by
explaining it to them. They can also ask how they got that answer
when looking over homework with them.


I believe confidentiality is important because it has to do with the

childs life and the way he/she learns. This is something that should
only be shared between the parents other professionals in the childs
life. The first reason is because it is the law. Also you do not want to
make a potentially damaging written or oral remark to anyone about
the child. This is for the childs best interest to keep everything that
has to do with that child between professionals and the parents.
Assessments help teachers and parents get the child on track for
success and to also keep them on track. They also help determine
which child needs more help in which areas. The benefit of
assessments are so that you can change the way you teach so that
they can understand and learn along with the other classmates. This
also helps parents and other professionals see what areas the child is
doing very well and what areas the child needs to improve in, parents
can then help more at home so the child gets extra help to catch up
with others or so they know if they need more professional help.
Knowing the child background and family make-up is very important to
know also the community has an influence on what the children know.
Community that are poorer tend to have lower tests scores and less of
family support for academics. I think teachers in poor communities
have to work harder to keep children in school and to help them learn
as much as children in middle class communities. Its said that parents
in high end communities attend school functions and help more then
ones in low end communities. Your knowledge of how families and
colleagues can work together to develop an assessment plan for each
child, I feel like this is true that working together to help the children
learn is the most powerful. Having everyone on the same level can
really benefit the child because everyone is aware of what the children
need to be doing and learning and that way when the parent or
teacher feels like a child is falling behind they can talk about it and the
other will understand where they are coming from easily and both can
work together to resolve the problem. Also having parents on the same
level can help because then the children can get academic help at
home not just school. I feel like I have learned a lot doing this portfolio
and it has also helped his parents see where he is at academically. I
feel like I am prepared to do this in a professional setting and will be
able to do it correctly. I feel like this process was helpful with learning
how to not only do assessments but what they are for also. I think this
well will help me in the future because I will have to make do them for
my class and I will need to know how to do them correctly. I will take
what I learned and apply it in my class.

Grading Rubric
Child Assessment Portfolio
Criterion Child Introduction
Standard 1a. Knowing and understanding young childrens characteristics and needs, from birth
through age 8
Levels Does Not Meet Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Introduction provides little Introduction provides a Introduction provides a
Descriptor( information about childs description of the childs thorough description of the
s) characteristics and needs characteristics and needs childs characteristics and
needs, including detailed
background information
The summary indicates a The summary indicates a
beginning understanding beginning understanding The summary indicates a
of how specific of how specific strong understanding of
characteristics and needs characteristics and needs how specific
of the child may affect the of the child may affect the characteristics and needs
assessment process assessment process of the child may affect the
assessment process

Score_10__ 0-6 7-8 9-10

Criterion Assessment - Documentation: Completeness and Variety
Standard 3b. Knowing about and using observation, documentation, and other appropriate
assessment tools and approaches, including the use of technology in documentation,
assessment , and data collection
Levels Does Not Meet Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Does not provide Provides documentation Provides documentation
Descriptor( documentation from all from all areas of from all areas of
s) areas of development development development

Documentation of childs
actions and behaviors is Documentation of childs Documentation of childs
not represented by at least actions and behaviors is actions and behaviors is
5 assessment methods represented by a variety of represented by a large
and/or does not include at assessment methods (at variety of assessment
least one technology least 5) including at least methods (more than 5)
method one technology method including at least one
technology method
Does not demonstrate an Demonstrates a beginning
understanding of how to understanding of how to Demonstrates a thorough
use appropriate use appropriate understanding of how to
assessment tools and assessment tools and use appropriate
approaches approaches assessment tools and
Score__10_ 0-6 7-8 9-10

Criterion Assessment - Documentation: Validity

Standard 3b. Knowing about and using observation, documentation, and other appropriate
assessment tools and approaches, including the use of technology in documentation,
assessment, and data collection
Levels Does Not Meet Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Documentation is not valid Documentation is valid for Documentation is valid for
Descriptor( for assigned objectives all assigned objectives; all assigned objectives and
s) and/or many statements most statements are uses only objective
are not objective objective statements

Documentation provides
limited evidence of what Documentation provides Documentation provides
the child is doing and/or basic evidence of what the substantial evidence of
may not include date and child is doing and includes what the child is doing and
time date and time includes date and time
Score_10__ 0-6 7-8 9-10

Criterion Assessment - Level of development

Standard 3c. Understanding and practicing responsible assessment to promote positive
outcomes for each child, including the use of assistive technology for children with
Levels Does Not Meet Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Level of development Level of development Level of development
Descriptor( statements are not statements are adequately statements are strongly
s) supported by supported by supported by
documentation and/or do documentation and include documentation and include
not include level and level level and level indicator level and level indicator
Explanation of how the Explanation of how the
Explanation of how the documentation applies to documentation applies to
documentation applies to the objective and assessed the objective and assessed
the objective and assessed level of the child indicates level of the child indicates
level of the child does not a beginning ability to a strong ability to analyze
indicate the ability to analyze the collected the collected information
analyze the collected information and and summarize it with in-
information and summarize it with depth statements that are
summarize it with statements that are clear clear, meaningful, and
statements that are clear and unbiased unbiased
and unbiased
Score_10__ 0-6 7-8 9-10

Criterion Assessment - Goals for child

Standard 3a. Understanding the goals, benefits, and uses of assessment including its use in
development of goals, curriculum, and teaching strategies for young children
Levels Does Not Meet Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Appropriate goals for the Appropriate goals for the Appropriate goals for the
Descriptor( child are not based on the child are based on the child are based on the
s) level statements and/or level statements and most level statements and all
are not correctly stated for are correctly stated for are correctly stated for
several objectives each objective each objective

All goals do not include All goals include level and

level and level indicator level indicator All goals include level and
level indicator
Score__10_ 0-6 7-8 9-10

Criterion Uses of Assessment - Learning Experiences `

Standard 5c.Using own knowledge, appropriate early learning standards, and other resources to
design, implement, and evaluate developmentally meaningful and challenging
curriculum for each child
Levels Does Not Meet Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Does not provide one One learning experience One learning experience
Descriptor( planned learning planned for each goal set planned for each goal set
s) experience for each goal for the child (total 6 for the child (total 6
set for the child. At least 2 experiences, one for each experiences, one for each
or more learning goal), At least 5 of the 6 goal), All 6 experiences are
experiences are not experiences are authentic authentic and
authentic and and developmentally developmentally
developmentally appropriate appropriate
Provides evidence of an Provides strong evidence
Provides little evidence of adequate understanding of of an adequate
an adequate how to develop meaningful understanding of how to
understanding of how to and challenging curriculum develop meaningful and
develop meaningful and challenging curriculum
challenging curriculum
Score__10_ 0-6 7-8 9-10
Criterion Uses of Assessment - Implementing Experiences
Standard 5c. Using own knowledge, appropriate early learning standards, and other resources
to design, implement, and evaluate developmentally meaningful and challenging
curriculum for each child
Levels Does Not Meet Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Report lacks evidence of Report provides some Report provides strong
Descriptor( ability to implement and evidence of ability to evidence of ability to
s) evaluate meaningful and implement and evaluate implement and evaluate
challenging curriculum meaningful and meaningful and
related to childs goals challenging curriculum challenging curriculum
related to childs goals related to childs goals
Score_10__ 0-6 7-8 9-10

Criterion Uses of Assessment - Family Engagement

Standard 2c. Involving families and communities in young childrens development and learning
Levels Does Not Meet Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Does not provide one One strategy for each goal One strategy for each goal
Descriptor( strategy for each goal set. set for the child. At least 5 set for the child (for a total
s) At least 2 or more of the 6 strategies of 6 strategies) All 6
strategies do not demonstrate an adequate strategies demonstrate a
demonstrate awareness of awareness of how families thorough awareness of
how families can be can be involved in the how families can be
involved in the childs childs growth and involved in the childs
growth and development development for most growth and development
areas of development for all areas of
Not all strategies are development
respectful of family and Strategies are respectful of
community culture family and community Strategies are respectful of
culture family and community
Score_10__ 0-6 7-8 9-10

Criterion Portfolio Reflection - Confidentiality

Standard 6b. Knowing about and upholding ethical standards and other early childhood
professional guidelines
Levels Does Not Meet Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Reflection does not Reflection indicates a basic Reflection indicates a
Descriptor( indicate an understanding understanding of the strong understanding of
s) of the importance of importance of the importance of
confidentiality confidentiality confidentiality

Reflection does not provide Reflection provides Reflection provides

evidence that evidence that evidence that
confidentiality was confidentially was confidentially was
maintained and ethical maintained and ethical maintained and ethical
standards upheld standards upheld standards upheld
Score__5__ 0-3 3.5-4 5
Criterion Portfolio Reflection - Goals, Benefits and Uses of Assessment
Standard 3a. Understanding the goals, benefits, and uses of assessment including its use in
development of appropriate goals, curriculum, and teaching strategies for young
Levels Does Not Meet Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Reflection shows little Reflection shows an Reflection shows extensive
Descriptor( knowledge of the goals, adequate knowledge of the knowledge of the goals,
s) benefits and uses of goals, benefits and uses of benefits and uses of
assessment. Offers little assessment, including an assessment, including a
explanation of how explanation of how the detailed explanation of
portfolio assessment was portfolio assessment was how the portfolio
used to develop goals and used to develop goals and assessment was used to
plan for childs plan for childs develop goals and plan for
development development childs development

Score___5_ 0-3 3.5-4 5

Criterion Portfolio Reflection - Influences on Development

Standard 1b. Knowing and understanding the multiple influences on development and learning
Levels Does Not Meet Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Reflection indicates little Reflection indicates an Reflection indicates a
Descriptor( understanding of the understanding of the strong understanding of
s) multiple influences on multiple influences on the multiple influences on
development and learning development and learning development and learning
Score__4__ 0-3 3.5-4 5

Criterion Portfolio Reflection - Partnerships

Standard 3d. Knowing about assessment partnerships with families and with professional
colleagues to build effective learning environments
Levels Does Not Meet Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Reflection indicates little Reflection indicates Reflection indicates a
Descriptor( awareness of how to form beginning awareness of strong awareness of how
assessment partnerships how to form assessment to form assessment
with families and partnerships with families partnerships with families
professional colleagues and professional and professional
colleagues colleagues
Score__5__ 0-3 3.5-4 5

Criterion Portfolio Reflection - Professional growth

Standard 6c. Engaging in continuous, collaborative learning to inform practice; using
technology effectively with young children, with peers, and as a professional resource
Levels Does Not Meet Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Reflection lacks evidence Reflection provides Reflection provides strong
Descriptor( of professional growth and evidence of professional evidence of professional
s) continuous learning to growth and continuous growth and continuous
inform future practices in learning to inform future learning to inform future
child assessment practices in child practices in child
assessment assessment
Score_5___ 0-3 3.5-4 5

Criterion Entire Portfolio - Organization and Writing Skills

Standard Supportive Skills 2: Skills in mastering and applying foundational concepts from
general education
Levels Does Not Meet Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Portfolio lacks organization Portfolio is fairly well Portfolio is very organized
Descriptor( and/or does not reflect organized and reflects and strongly reflects
s) professionalism professionalism professionalism

Numerous errors in None or minor errors in

spelling, sentence A few errors in spelling, spelling, sentence
structure, and grammar sentence structure, and structure, and grammar
Score__8__ 0-6 7-8 9-10

Criterion Self-Score Rubric

Standard 6d. Integrating knowledgeable, reflective, and critical perspectives on early education
Levels Does Not Meet Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Rubric not attached and/or Rubric scored and Rubric scored and
Descriptor( not scored or incomplete. attached. attached.
Does not include an
explanation or the Explanation indicates the Explanation indicates the
explanation indicates the student used beginning student used strong
student used limited reflective and critical skills reflective and critical skills
reflective and critical skills to evaluate the portfolio to evaluate the portfolio
to evaluate the portfolio
Score__5__ 0-3 3.5-4 5
Total Points __117_ 120

Student Name_ Chelsea Corcoran Semester____________


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