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x Pe) = Finally broke up! When | first met you, | was just mesmerized by your fresh essence. The first couple of months were like no less than a fantasy dream. Later, even though we had ups and downs, | always stood by your side and said no to others. | saw you every fuckin’ day but you were just not right for me. | now curse the day | first met you. So finally, after having studied Physics for like over 2 never ending years, | give you up. But yeah, screw you piece of shit. You spoilt my 2 years really hard. Fuck you! #NeverSeeYouAgain x & 10th Board pals be like Yeah, I've studied everything. Done a couple of sample papers and no one can stop me from getting 10 CGPA. Gonna be on school poster. Reality: Well definitely you've worked so hard but let me remind you that this marksheet of yours has value not more than your BIRTH CERTIFICATE! #2DaysToBoards x Fe) ad What mainstream social media shows you: Engineer: Never do engineering. Doctor: Never do medicine. Reality: Engineer: Never do engineering. Doctor: Never do medicine. CA&CS guy: Never do this shit. LLB guy: Say no to Law Architect: Do we even exist? Basically, everyone thinks grass is always greener on the other side of the fence and that is where you are going wrong. PS: Say a big NO to engineering! x fe) Some people are busy reading remaining chapters while others are busy reading their Novel. They all are getting nervous considering it's their first Board exam. And here | am freaking out as to why | am not getting nervous and tensed. #11HourstoDisaster #EnglishBoard EACHER TACTIC Spoilered rotten kids Rowdy students were stunned into silence after their maths teacher threatened them with Game of Thrones spoilers. The fed-up teacher asked students at the Belgian school who watched the fantasy show and most said they did. “Thave readall the books, and from now on when there is too much noise | will write the name of the next death,” the teacher said, silencing theroom, ®LOVE ADVicr Nos of Suicides —> Aftermath of Math Board Math Board 20/3 Time—> x Dad: Ok son, wish me luck! I'm going for my Job Interview. Me: Chainsmokers ft. Daya Dad: What? Me: Don't let me down. Dad: Sharma ji's son. Me: What? Dad: Chainsmokers ft. Coldplay Me: What? Dad: | want something just like this. < ‘Tweet Q Mahatma Wayne @kehke_lena Airtel:Superfast data at 399 Voda:1045rs-Unlimited data,1000 free calls,3 Tupperware container, trip to space for 2 BSNL:Miss me? Call 5959 161) When you have successfully completed first NCERT of Physics. <€ Tweet PCM: 3 MOML 4 @PCMLife told | wish | was as good in PCM as | is at English. 4:06 p.m.: 13 Mar 17 = Kooy * Physics Board * Normal students: Hmm.... got a lot to cover in 5 days. When should | do what and what should be my approach? * Makes a quick plan& ready to go* ME: Holy-holyshit. This is too much. | can't handle this pressure. What should | do now? If | could go one month back in time, I'd have everything figured out. Ok calm down! Relax! *5 mins later falls sound asleep and wakes up at night* = wary 11th grade: On first day, everyone learns about JEE and sees the "IIT dream". Everybody enrolls themselves in some IIT coaching institute. Starts presuming CBSE as some kind of cakewalk thing. *Ends 11th with Multiple supplementaries* 12th grade: *|IT dream's out and MAINS in* Soon realizes even that's not so easy. By july reality kicks in and 70% leave those coachings and join CBSE level tuitions. x 2 ae English teacher giving good wishes to students before entering exam hall: To Girll: Best of luck! G2: Do your best. G3: Don't forget to make a box in Notice. Boy1: Keep pace with time. To ME: Hopeless case. God help you. < WB Tweet Q ij Akshar =i @AksharPathak "Any co-curricular activities in school?" "Dramatics." "Really? What did you do?" "Acted like | understood Physics, Chemistry and Maths." 6:31 pm: 28 Jul 15 Boys are getting their "Princess" & Girls are busy with their "Prince Charming" And | am all alone sitting here and thinking OREO is better or "Hide 'N' Seek" 7-~ x ' ee No matter how smart you are and how much content you write in your Board exams; if your writing is not good, all your efforts are in vain. Also, if checker's mood is not good, then God help you! " » f ~ PCM: 3 MOML ‘SY @PCMLife oe | don't usually mess up my signature but when | do, it's that time when the inviligator asks me to do it carefully on the attendance sheet. 1:24 a.m.: 10 Mar 17 Me in math class & reip CBSE LOGIC * Typs lyk dis * Profile photo's caption: mAh lyf, mah rulzZzZ!!! Scores 95/100 in CBSE English Board. x \S How to become a part of Indian youth: 1. Choose one among BTech and MBBS 2. Start watching FRIENDS & Breaking Bad, GOT, Dexter, Walking dead type series. 3. Become more interested in US politics. 4. Start criticizing Bollywood films. 5. Go click selfies at Starbucks and other expensive places & upload them on fb. 6. If by chance you're in DU(arts), do join some Student wing affiliated to political parties. 7. Start loving football and act as if you know everything about it. 8. Get yourself on Quora.

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