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Lesly Soto

May 2, 2017


Integrative project reflection

During my time in this course, I learned about community and the diversity of things that

categorize us into separate communities. I used to briefly know what communities I belonged to

however, after learning about the environment, social media, and the Tongva communities, I

have now realized there are so many more communities to be a part of. This class helped me

grow as a person and had a big impact on my identity. Learning about 3 different modules was

very interesting because it taught me different perspectives. My knowledge of these 3 topics has

pressured me into assimilating towards certain communities. It has also made me exclude myself

from others. Each module represents its own form of community. I have realized that the

foundation of our identities are the communities we form a part of.

One of the new skills I acquired was to have more consideration towards my actions on

the environment. While receiving my carbon footprint results I noticed the many simple things I

can do that will have a great impact on the environment. I also realized the importance of taking

care of our community because we will receive what we give and if we treat our environment

poorly, it will give back very little. This module influenced me to be part of a community that

cares for our environment. I have become a more courteous, considerate person and I have

refrained from littering and harming the environment.

While learning about the social media community, I got a lot of insight on the effects and

influence that social media can have on our identities and communities. The knowledge I

attained from this module, enlarged my place in the no social media community. As a very
minimal social media user, this class helped me strengthen my perspective of not belonging to

the social media community. Although social media has beneficial factors, there are many

complications like cyberbullying and desire for attention. I do not like to be a part of a

community where everything is unrealistic and socially constructed. I would rather identify

myself in person rather than online. I would also rather socialize in person than meet someone

online and not actually get to know the real them. I strongly believe that the social media

community is an unrealistic community because it is built and controlled by what we want others

to see. I will continue being a part of a healthier, realistic, and fair community that does not

involve social media.

Reading about the Tongva and the struggles of their community and identities has made a

large impact in my thinking and self-identification. After learning and relating to this Tongva

community, I was able to find myself and actually think about the communities that make create

me. I have learned to appreciate and be proud of my culture as well as my struggles. I now

represent myself differently and I am able to understand the rationale behind assimilating out of a

community or wanting to assimilate into a certain community. This has all made me into an

understanding individual.

These 3 modules have contributed in shaping my identity and choice of communities.

Ive had the opportunity to learn a little about the different factors that surround our broader

community. My environmental perspectives, social perspectives, and cultural perspectives have

shifted or have been encouraged by everything I learned in FYS 1B. This course was a way for

us to develop our own identity and stand point on certain issues in our communities. These 3

modules connect to the theme of community because they play a role in defining our identities

by observing the communities we are a part of.

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