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Department of Mathematics

MTL 506: Complex Analysis

Tutorial Sheet 2: Metric Spaces & the Topology of C

1. Show that C with metric defined by (I, 6.7) and (I, 6.8), is a metric space.

2. Prove Proposition 1.13.

3. Show that a set A R is an interval if and only if for any two points a, b A, the interval
[a, b] A. Deduce that if the set A R is connected, then it is an interval.

4. Show that if {Ai : i I} is a collection of pairwise disjoint connected subset of X, then

A = iI Ai is connected.

5. Show that diam A = diam A.

6. Let zn , z be points in C and let d be the metric on C . Show that |zn z| 0 if and only
if d(zn , z) 0. Show that if |zn | , then {zn } is Cauchy in C .

7. Let (X, d) be a metric space, and let K X. Suppose every collection F of closed subsets
of K with the FIP has {F : F F } = 6 . Prove that K is compact.

8. Let X be the set of all bounded sequences of complex numbers. Define a metric on X by

d ({xn }, {yn }) = sup{|xn yn | : n 1}.

Show that for each x X and  > 0, the closed ball B(x; ) is complete but not totally

9. Suppose f : X Y is uniformly continuous. Show that if {xn } is Cauchy in X, then {f (xn )}

is Cauchy in Y . Is this still true if we only assume that f is continuous?

10. Let f and g be continuous functions from (X, d) to (Y, ), and let D be a dense subset of X.
If f = g on D, prove that f = g on X. Hence prove that uniform extensions are unique.

11. Let (X, d) and (Y, ) be a metric spaces. If D is a dense subset of X, Y is complete, and
f : D Y is uniformly continuous, then show that there exists a unique uniformly continuous
extension f of f to X.

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