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asopis Medicinskog fakulteta The Journal of the School of Medicine

Univerziteta u Beogradu University of Belgrade

medicinska medical
istraivanja investigations

Vol 49
Sv. 1
asopis Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu

Medicinska istraivanja
Ureivaki odbor - Editorial board
glavni i odgovorni urednik editor-in-chief
Prof. dr ore Radak, dopisni lan SANU

sekretar secretary
Prof. dr Zvezdana Koji

lanovi Members: lanovi odbora iz inostranstva:

Members of the board from foreign countries:
Akademik Miodrag Ostoji
Akademik Vladimir Kosti Rusija, Russia
Akademik Vladimir Bumbairevi Rusija, Russia
Akademik Dragan Mici Basil D. Thanopoulos Grka, Greece
Akademik Predrag Peko Nicholas Kastilambros Grka, Greece
Akademik Neboja Lali Rusija, Russia
Prof. dr Lazar Davidovi Manuel Serrano Rios panija, Spain
Prof. dr Gordana Basta-Jovanovi Felipe F. Casanueva panija, Spain
Prof. dr Vesna Bonjak-Petrovi Maria Angelica Milgino Brazil, Brazil
Prof. dr Tanja Jovanovi Ralf Ferdinand Basting Nemaka, Germany
Prof. dr Dragan Deli Albert Hofman Holandija, Nederland
Prof. dr Laslo Puka Guido Macchiarelli Italija, Italy
Prof. dr Sandra ipeti-Grujii
Prof. dr Nada Dimkovi
Prof. dr Ivanka Markovi
Prof. dr Vladimir Trajkovi
Doc. dr Petar Otaevi
Doc. dr Vojislav Parezanovi

tehniki sekretar
Mr Viktorija Joksimovi

ETIOLOGIJA, TERAPIJA I ISHOD DIJABETESNE KETOACIDOZE I HIPEROSMOLARNE KOME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Dragana Melentijevi, Teodora Belji ivkovi


CYSTITIS IN WOMEN OBSERVATIONAL STUDY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
OPSERVACIONA STUDIJA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Aleksi Predrag, Banevi Vladimir, Aleksi Aleksandra, Banevi Maja


ZNAAJ PULSAR PERIMETRIJE U DIJAGNOZI RANOG GLAUKOMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Bjelovi Nevena, Senani Ivan, Trajkovi Goran

THE ASSESSMENT OF RISK FACTORS FOR RETINOPATHY OF PREMATURITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

PROCENA RIZIKO FAKTORA KOD RETINOPATIJE PREMATURITETA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Dragica Joji, Dragica Draganovi, Ljilja Solomun, Stojislav Konjevi, Milan Preradovi

Pharmacogenetics in Clinical Practice: Challenges and opportunities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Farmakogenetika u klinikoj praksi: izazovi i mogunosti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Gordana Dragovi, Nada Doli, Boana Dimitrijevi,
Milan Jovanovi, Marko Barovi, ore Jevtovi

PHARMACEUTICAL THERAPY OF CHRONIC VENOUS DISEASE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

MEDIKAMENTNA TERAPIJA HRONINE VENSKE BOLESTI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
ore Radak, Vuk Sotirovic

THE ROLE OF L-ARGININE IN CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

ULOGA L-ARGININA U KARDIOVASKULARNOM SISTEMU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Emina Sudar Milovanovi, Milan Obradovi, Vladan Baji,
Nikola Bogdanovi, ore Radak, Esma R. Isenovi

Nikola Bogdanovi, Milan Obradovi, Neboja Jasni,
Biljana Spremo-Potparevi, Dragana Uni-Stojanovi,
ore Radak, Esma R. Isenovi


Danica Bajcetic, Slobodan Tanaskovic, Vuk Sotirovic,
Marijana Jovanovic, Predrag Jovanovic, Petar Popov,
Dragoslav Nenezic, Biljana Despotovi, ore Radak

VASCULAR AGE AND CAROTID INTIMA MEDIA THICKNESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Brankica Tepavevi, Sandra Radak
Dom zdravlja ,,Dr Simo Miloevi, Beograd
KBC Zvezdara, Kliniko odeljenje za endokrinologiju, dijabetes i bolesti metabolizma, Beograd
Medicinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu




Dragana Melentijevi , Teodora Belji ivkovi ,

Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and nonketotic hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state (NHOK) are acute complications of diabe-
tes mellitus (DM). The aim was to investigate precipitating factors, therapy and the result of the treatment of DKA and NHOK.
The study included all the people who were admitted to the Clinical Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and
metabolism disease KBC Zvezdara in the state of DKA and NHOK between 2007 and 2010.
During this period we treated 56 people, aged 51.8 18.8 years. DKA was diagnosed in 54 patients, whereas NHOK
was diagnosed in two patients. Type 1 DM was present in 26 (46.42%) patients and type 2 in 30 (53.57%) patients.
In DKA average values of glucose were 328,85mmol / l, HbA1c -11.62,52%, pH 6.890,17, HCO3-7.405,03. In
patients with NHOK average glucose was 60.3515,14mmol / l,
HbA1c-11.21,7%,pH 7.430,1, HCO3-19, 85,23. There was a significant difference in the glucose level (t(54)
=6.03,p<0.01) as well as in bicarbonate level (t(54)=3.72,p=0.01) between DKA and NHOK. The most common precipi-
tating factors were: infection in 26 (46.42%) cases, inadequate therapy in 24 (42.85%) cases, myocardial infarction and
cerebral stroke in 2 (3.57%) cases. All the patients with NHOK and 16 with DKA had previously been on oral antihy-
perglycemic drugs, while 29 patients with DKA had previously been on insulin therapy. Upon admission, the previous
therapy was not in relation with the level of glucose and pH. Bicarbonate level was significantly higher in the group
treated with oral therapy (t (43) = 2.16,p <0.05). The therapy was considered because of rehydration, fractionally giving
boluses HM insulin, potassium compensation and treatment precipitating factors. Rehydration was achieved with an
average of 5.61,65 liters on the first day,4.080,87l on the second day, and 30,01 liters on the third day of infusion
solutions. The total daily dosage of insulin bolus HM on the first day was 81.0427,97i.j, 59.6417,60i.j. on the second
day and 58.0619,70i.j. on the third day. Maximum daily supplementation of potassium in the form of 7.4% KCL solu-
tion was 6118,70mmol / l. Upon the end of the treatment, the total of 26 (46.42%) was discharged on basal bolus
human insulin therapy, 18 (32.14%) on the treatment of basal bolus analogues, 11 (19.64%) on therapy insulin premix
and metformin, while two (3.57%) were discharged on oral antihyperglycemic medications. The treatment outcome was
successful in 50 people (89.3%), while death occurred in 6 (10.7%) cases. The most common complication was hypokale-
mia, present in 29 (51.78%) patients. Other complications were acute renal failure (3 people), acute respiratory distress
syndrome (2 people), pulmonary edema (2 people) and gastrointestinal bleeding (1 person).
Despite education and available medications for diabetes, acute complications of diabetes can still occur and are
sometimes accompanied by dangerous complications.
Key words: diabetic ketoacidosis, nonketotic hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state

Dijabetesna ketoacidoza (DKA) i hiperosmolarna neketonska hiperglikemijska koma (NHOK) su akutne komplik-
acije dijabetesa melitusa (DM).
Cilj rada bio je ispitivanje precipitirajuih faktora, terapije i ishoda leenja osoba sa DKA i NHOK.
Ispitivanje je obuhvatilo sve osobe koje su primljene na Kliniko odeljenje za endokrinologiju, dijabetes i bolesti
metabilizma KBC Zvezdara u stanju DKA i NHOK u periodu 2007 2010. godine.
U naznaenom priodu leeno je 56 osoba, starosti 51,818,8 godina. DKA je dijagnostikovana kod 54, a NHOK kod
2 pacijenta. DM tip 1 bio je prisutan u 26 (46,42%), a tip 2 u 30 (53,57%) pacijenata.
U DKA prosene vrednosti glikemije bile su 328,85mmol/l, HbA1c 11,62,52%, pH 6.890,17, HCO3- 7,405,03. Kod
2 pacijenata sa NHOK prosena glikemija 60,3515,14mmol/l, HbA1c 11,21,7%, pH 7,430,1, HCO3-19,85,23. Izmeu
DKA i NHOK bila je znaajana razlika u visini glikemije (t(54)=6,03,p<0,01) i nivou bikarbonata (t(54)=3,72,p=0,01).
Najei precipitirajui faktori bili su: infekcija 26(46,42%), neadekvatna terapija 24 (42,85%), infarkt miokarda i cere-
brovaskularni insult 2(3,57%). Svi pacijenti sa NHOK i 16 sa DKA bilo je prethodno na oralnim antihiperglikemijskim
lekovima, dok je 29 njih sa DKA bilo prethodno na insulinskoj terapiji. Predhodna terapija nije korelirala sa nivoom
glikemije i pH na prijemu. Nivo bikarbonata je znaajno bio vei u grupi leenih oralnom terapijom (t(43)=2,16,p<0,05).

Medicinska istraivanja Vol.49 Sv.1, 2015

Leenje je podrazumevalo rehidrataciju, frakcionirano davanje bolusnog HM insulina, nadoknadu kalijuma i leenje
precipitirajueg faktora. Rehidratacija je ostvarena sa proseno prvog dana 5,61,65litara, drugog dana 4,080,87, a
treeg 30,01 litara infuzionih rastvora. Ukupna dnevna doza bolusnog HM insulina prvog dana bila je 81,0427,97
i.j, drugog 59,6417,60 i.j, a treeg 58,0619,70. Maksimalna dnevna nadoknada kalijuma u obliku 7.4% rastvora KCL
bila je 6118,7 mmol/l, prvog dana. Po zavretku leenja, ukupno je 26 (46,42%) osoba otputeno na bazal-bolusnoj ter-
apiji humanim insulinom, 18 (32,14%) na bazal-bolusnoj terapiji analozima, 11 (19,64%) na terapiji premiks insulina
i metformina, dok je dvoje (3,57%) otputeno na oralnim antihiperglikemijskim lekovima. Ishod leenja je bio upean
u 50 osoba (89,3%), smrtni ishod nastupio je u 6 (10.7%) osoba. Najea komplikacija bila je hipokalijemija, prisutna
u 29 (51,78%) leenih. Ostale komplikacije bile su: akutna bubrena insuficijencija (3 osobe), akutni respiratorni distres
sindrom (2 osobe), edem plua (2 osobe) i gastrointestinalno krvavljenje (1 osoba).
Zakljuimo, i pored edukacije i potpune dostupnosti lekova za eernu bolest, akutne komplikacije dijabetesa se ipak
deavaju i praene su ponekad opasnim komplikacijama.
Kljune rei: dijabetesna ketoacidoza, hiperosmolarna koma


Dijabetesna ketoacidoza (DKA) i hiperosmolarna neke- Najee komplikacije DKA su hipokalijemija i hipo-
tonska hiperglikemijska koma (NHOK) su akutne, po- glikemija, cerebrovaskularni insult, akutni respiratorni
tencijalno veoma opasne komplikacije dijabetes melitusa distres sindrom i edem plua, akutna bubrena insufi-
(DM). DKA se ee javlja kod dijabetes melitus tipa 1(1), cijencija (10), hipofosfatemija, akutna dilatacija eluca,
a NHOK kod DM tip 2 tipino kod starijih pacijenata tromboembolije. Smrtnost u DKA je 0,5-2% (43).
sa komorbiditetima, sa umerenim diabetesom, najee
leenim oralnim antihiperglikemijskim agensima koji Terapija NHOK se zasniva na brzoj rehidrataciji. U pr-
neredovno uzimaju terapiju (2). Najei precipitiraju- vih dva sata daje se 2-3 litra fiziolokog rastvora (11).
i faktor za razvoj DKA je infekcija (najee urinarna, Nadoknada kalijuma je izuzetno vana. Ukoliko je K <
zatim respiratorna i na treem mestu kona infekcija) 3,5 mmol/l ne daje se insulin. Nadiknada K vri se ras-
(3). Drugi uzroci su diskontinuirana ili neadekvatna in- tvorom 7,4% KCl 40 ml u prvi litar rastvora u toku prvog
sulinska terapija, kardiovaskularni dogaaji, modani sata, potom 20 ml na litar rastvora na sat vremena, sve
udar, hirurke intervencije, akutna alkoholisanost, akut- do normalizacije. Kratkodelujui insulin (regularni HM
ni pankreatitis, upotreba nekih lekova. Lekovi kao to insulin) se dodaje u koliini od 0.1i.j./kg/h. (12).
su kortikosteroidi, tiazidni diuretici, simpatikomimetici
i pentamidini mogu precipitirati razvoj ketoacidoze (4). Najee komlikacije koje prate stanje hiperosmolar-
ne neketonske hiperglikemijske kome su rabdomioliza,
Najei precipitirajui faktor za razvoj NHOK je infek- DIK , tromboembolija (13), akutna renalna insuficijencija
cija, iznurenost, komorbiditet (CVI, demencija, infarkt i edem plua (14). Smrtnost u DKA je 0,5-2% (15).
miokarda, bubrena slabost) ili socijalna situacija koja
remeti unos vode. Kao precipitirajui faktor se navodi i
upotreba pojedinih lekova (tiazidni diuretici, glikokorti- Cilj rada
koidi, fenitoin) (5).
Primarni cilja ovog rada je ispitivanje precipitirajuih
U odnosu na teinu metabolikog disbalansa i stepen po- faktora, terapije i ishoda leenja u osoba sa dijabetesnom
remeaja svesti, postoje tri oblika dijabetesne ketoacido- ketoacidozom i hiperosmolarnom hiperglikemijskom
ze. To su laka, umerena i teka ketoacidoza. (6). Njihove neketonskom komom. Sekundarni cilj ispitivanja je po-
meusobne razlike prikazane su u Tabeli 1. reenje uticaja predhodne terapije i glikoregulacije na
ozbiljnost metabolikog poremeaja, dalje leenje i poja-
Osnovna terapijska mera u leenju stanja DKA je rehi- vu komplikacija.
dratacija. Daje se 0,9% NaCl u koliini od 10-20 ml/kg/
TT/as (7). Nadoknada kalijuma (K) je druga osnovna
mera u terapiji DKA. Nivo K se prati na 2-4 asa i na- Metod
doknada ne bi trebalo da bude bra od 40 ml 7,4% KCl
na 1 as (u sluaju K<3,5 mmol/l) (8). Nadoknada insu- Ovom studijom preseka, obuhvaeni su pacijenti koji su
lina je na treem mestu po prioritetu. Insulinska terapija u periodu 2007. do 2010. godine hospitalizovani na Kli-
kod DKA je 0.1i.j./kg/as i.v. u 500 ml rastvora. Insulin nikom odeljenju za endokrinologiju, dijabetes i bolesti
se daje u drugi litar rastvora, poto je zapoeta nadokna- metabilizma KBC Zvezdara. Laboratorijski kriterijumi
da kalijuma (38). Ukoliko je pH<7.2 moe se dodati 100 za dijagnozu dijabetesne ketoacidoze na hitnom interni-
ml 4,2% bikarbonata tokom 30 min. Ukoluko je pH<7,0 stikom prijemu bili su glikemija >16 mmol/l , pH<7,3,
nadoknada bikarbonata se ostvaruje sa 100 ml 8,4% ras- HCO3<15 mmol/l, osmolalnost >300 mOsmo/l. Krite-
tvorom natrijum bikarbonata putem najire igle (9). rijumi za dijagnozu hiperosmolarne neketonske hiper-

The etiology, treatment and outcome of diabetic ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma

Tabela 1. Oblici dijabetesne ketoacidoze;

Table 1. Forms of diabetic ketoacidosis

Blaga Umerena Teka

Mild Moderate Serious
Glikemija mMol >15 >15 >15
Glycemia mMol
Arterijski pH 7.25-7.30 7.00-7.24 <7.00
Arterial pH
Bikarbonati mEq/l 15-18 10-15 < 10
Bicarbonates mEq/l
Ketoni/ urin + + +
Ketoni/ serum + + +
Plazma EOsm Varijabilna Varijabilna Varijabilna
Plasma EOsm Variable Variable Variable
Anjonska praznina >10 >12 >12
Anion gap
Poremeaj svesti Normalna svest Pomuena svest Koma
Disturbance of consciousness Normal consciousness Confused consciousness Coma

glikemijske kome na hitnom internistikom prijemu bili terapija sa kojom je pacijent otputen iz bolnice i prepo-
su glikemija >40 mmol /l, pH >7,3, HCO3 >20 mmol/l, ruka za dalje leenje.
osmolalnost >335 mOsmo/l. Podaci su dobijeni iz istori-
ja bolesti bolesnika koji su u navedenom periodu leeni. Praen je razvoj komplikacija i ishod leenja. Zabeleeni
U toku hospitalizacije pacijentima je odreivana osnov- su: mortalitet, prisustvo neurolokih komplikacija, hi-
na biohemija, HbA1c, elekrolitni status, gasne analize i pokalijemije, hipoglikemije, akutni respiratorni distres
pH vrednost krvi, izraunata osmolarnost (osmolarnost sindrom, edem plua, akutna bubrena insuficijencija,
(mosm/l)= 2 x (Na+K) + glukoza + ureja) i anjonska pra- tromboza, rabdomioliza i gastrointestinalno krvarenje.
znina (Na (Cl+ HCO3)) na osnovu dobijenih labora-
torijskih vrednosti. Traeno je prisustvo precipitirajuih Podaci su analizirani metodama deskriptivne i analiti-
faktora. Na osnovu fizikalnog nalaza, hematolokih pa- ke statistike. Deskriptivni statistiki metodi korieni za
rametara i drugih dijagnostikih procedura intenzivno opisivanje uzorka su aritmetika sredina i standardna
je tragano za prisustvom infektivnog arita. devijacija. Za poreenje grupa korieni su parametarski
(jednofaktorska ANOVA, t test) i neparametarski testo-
Uvidom u medicinsku dokumentaciju analizirani su vi (hi kvadrat test). Za statistiku obradu podataka ko-
parametri: pol, godine ivota i tip dijabetesa. Beleeno rien je raunarski softverski program SPSS. Podaci su
je prisustvo precipitirajuih faktora. To su najee bili: prikazani tabelarno i grafiki.
akutni koronarni sindrom, CVI, infekcija i tip infekcije,
akutni pankreatitis, uzimanje alkohola i neredovno uz-
imanje terapije koje dosta esto pacijente vodi u akutne Rezultati
komplikacije dijabetesa. Praena je predhodna glikore-
gulacija kroz HbAc i prisustvo predhodnih akutnih i U naznaenom priodu, od 2007-2010. godine leeno je 56
hroninih komplikacija dijabetesa. Zabeleena je antidi- osoba. DKA je dijagnostikovana kod 54, a NHOK kod 2
jabetesna i druga terapija pre hospitalizacije. pacijenta. Od 56 hospitalizovane osobe 29 osoba je en-
skog, 27 mukog pola, prosene starosti 51,818,8 godina
Zapisana je terapija sa liste intenzivne nege u prva tri (Tabela 2). Dijabetes mellitus tip 1 bio je prisutan u 26
dana hospitalizacije (dnevno odreivanje koliine teno- (46,42%), a tip 2 u 30 (53,57%) pacijenata.
sti koja je primenjena u rehidrataciji, broj jedinica insu-
lina aplikovan na dnevnom nivou, maksimalna koliina Tabelom 3 prikazana je distribucija hospitalizivanih u
datog K u danu, davanje bikarbonata). Zabeleena je i posmatranom periodu gde se primeuje opadajui trend

Medicinska istraivanja Vol.49 Sv.1, 2015

Tabela 2. Distribucija leenih po polu i uzrastu;

Table 2. Distribution treated by sex and age
GODINE M ukupno u uzrasnoj grupi
AGE M F total of the age group
18 39 8 7 15 (26.8%)
40 59 12 9 21 (37.5%)
60 79 7 10 17 (30.4%)
80 89 0 3 3 (5.3%)
Ukupno 27 29 56 (100%)

Tabela 3. Distribucija hospitalizovanih u posmatranom periodu

Table 3. Distribution of hospitalized patients in the reporting period
Godina Ukupan broj hospitalizovanih Hospitalizovani zbog ketoacidoze Procentualni odnos
Year TOTAL hospitalized i hiperosmolarne kome Percentage ratio
Hospitalized for DKA and NHOK

2007. god 462 17 3.68%

2007. year
2008. god 528 14 2.65%
2008. year
2009. god 632 15 2.37%
2009. year
2010. god 781 12 1.53%
2010. year
Ukupno 2403 56

u broju hospitalizacija zbog akutnih komplikacija dijabe- umerenim i tekim oblikom ketoacidoze, podeljenih u
tesa kroz godine posmatranja. date grupe na osnovu izmerenog nivoa bikarbonata (Ta-
bela 5) i pH krvi na prijemu (Tabela 6). Ne postoji sta-
U pacijenata sa DKA prosene vrednosti na prijemu su tistiki znaajna razlika u nivou HbA1c izmeu ove tri
bile: glikemija 32 mmol/l, HbA1c 11,6%, pH 6.89, HCO3 grupe pacijenata.
7,40 mEq/l. Kod pacijenata sa NHOK prosena glikemija
60,35 mmol/l, HbA1c 11,2%, pH 7,43, a HCO3 19,8 mE- Najei precipitirajui faktori bili su: infekcija i nea-
q/l (Tabela 4). dekvatna terapija. Znatno rei uzroci nastanka DKA i
NHOK bili su infarkt miokarda, cerebrovaskularni in-
Poredei visinu glikemije, HbA1c, pH i bikarbonata na sult, akutni pankreatitis i akutno alkoholisano stanje
prijemu meu pacijentima sa DKA i NHOK dobijena (Grafikon1).
je visoko statistiki znaajna razlika u visini glikemije
(t(54)=6,03, p<0,01) i vrednosti bikarbonata (t(54)=3,72, Kako je neadekvatna terapija vaan precipitirajui fak-
p=0,01). Za vrednosti HbA1c (t(54)=0,25, p>0,05) i pH tor posmatrali smo terapiju na prijemu. Svi pacijenti sa
krvi (t(54)=0,81, p>0,05) ne postoji statistiki znaajna NHOK i 16 osoba sa DKA bili su prethodno leeni oral-
razlika izmeu ove dve grupe pacijenata. nim antihiperglikemijskim lekovima, dok je 29 njih sa
DKA bilo prethodno na insulinskoj terapiji. Devet paci-
Prosena vrednost HbA1c bila je 11,6 %. Posmatrali smo jenata (4 osoba- DM tip 1 i 5 osoba- DM tip2) nije imalo
u kojoj meri predhodna glikoregulacija utie na ozbilj- predhodnu terapiju. Od njih devet u 5 sluajeva u pitanju
nost metabolikog poremeaja u ketoacidozi. Jednofak- je bila prva manifestacija DM (de novo), a 4 bolesnika
torskom parametarskom analizom varijanse (ANOVA) samoinicijativno su prekinula terapiju na dui period
uporeene su vrednosti HbA1c u bolesnika sa blagim, (Tabela 7).

The etiology, treatment and outcome of diabetic ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma

Tabela 4. Vrednosti na prijemu;

Table 4. Values on admission
Prosene vrednosti na prijemu DKA NHOK P
Values on admission 54pacijenta 2 pacijenta P
54 patients 2 patients
Glikemija mmol/l 32 8.85 60.35 15.14 <0.01
Glycemia mmol7l
HbA1c % 11.6 2.52 11.2% 1.7 >0.05
HbA1c %
pH 6.89 0.17 7.43 0.1 >0.05
HCO3 mEq/l 7.40 5.03 19.8 5.23 =0.01
HCO3 mEq/l
Anjonska praznina 18 15 /
Anion gap
Osmolarnost mosm/l
Osmolality mosm/L 348 3.47 375 2.56 /

Tabela 5. Prikaz vrednosti HbA1c u pacijenata sa razlii- Tabela 6. Prikaz vrednosti HbA1c u pacijenata sa ra-
tim oblicima DKA na osnovu vrednosti bikarbonata zliitim oblicima DKA na osnovu nalaza pH krvi
Table 5. HbA1C Value display in patients with various Table 6. HbA1C Value display in patients with various
forms DKA based on the value of bcarbonates forms DKA based on the value of blood pH
Nivo bikarbonata (mEq/l) Vrednosti HbA1c N
pH krvi Vrednosti HbA1c N
Levels of bicarbonate HbA1c values N
<7.00 11.643.36 14
< 10.00 11.57 2.49 39
10.01 15.00 12.16 2.23 10 7.01-7.24 11.901.93 28
>15.01 11.14 3.60 5 >7.25 11.032.74 12
F=0.315, p>0.05 (F2,51;0.05=3.23 i F2,51;0.01=5.18) F=0.503, p>0.05 (F2,51;0.05=3.23 i F2,51;0.01=5.18)

1,75 infekcija (infection)

3,57 3,57
neadekvatna terapija
(inadequate therapy)
46,42 infarkt miokarda
(myocardial infarction)
cerebrovaskularni insult
(cerebrovascular insult)
akutni pankreatitis (acute
akutno alkoholisano stanje
(acute alcohol)

Grafikon 1. Precipitirajui faktori za razvoj DKA i NHOK

Graph 1. Precipitating factors for the development of DKA and NHOK

Medicinska istraivanja Vol.49 Sv.1, 2015

Tabela 7. Prikaz predhodne terapije

Table 7. Previous therapy
Oralni antihiperglikemici Insulinska terapija Bez terapije
ORA Oral antidiabetics Insulin No therapy
Osobe sa DKA
Patients diagnosed with DKA 16 (29.6%) 29 (53.7%) 9 (16.7%)
Osobe sa NHOK
Patients diagnosed with NHOK 2 (100%) / /

Tabela 8. Glikemija po grupama u zavisnosti od predhodne terapije

Table 8. Glycemia in groups depending of previous treatment
Predhodna terapija Glikemija na prijemu N
Previous treatment Glycemia on admission
Grupa 1 (oralna terapija) 29.774.80 16
Group 1 (oral therapy)
Grupa 2 (insulinska terapija) 31.997.26 29
Group 2 (insulin therapy)
Grupa 3 (bez predhodne terapije) 27.685.75 9
Group 3 (without previous therapy)

Poreene su srednje vrednosti biohemijskih parametara ka u vrednosti pH krvi (t(43)=1,61, p>0,05). Takoe, ne
(glikemije, bikarbinata i pH) po grupama koje su formi- postoji razlika izmeu grupe 2 i 3 (t(36)=0,28, p>0,05) i
rane na osnovu predhodne terapije. Ne postoji statistiki grupe 1 i 3 (t(23)=0,87, p>0,05).
znaajna razlika u visini glikemije na prijemu izmeu
grupe 1 i grupe 2 (t(43)=0,83, p>0,05) niti izmeu grupe 1 Leenje hospitalizovanih pacijenata podrazumevalo je
i grupe 3 (t(23)=0,49, p>0,05). Poredei grupu pacijenata rehidrataciju, frakcionirano davanje bolusnog HM insu-
leenih insulinom i one bez predhodne terapije t testom lina, nadoknadu kalijuma i odgovarajue leenje precipi-
nije detektovana razlika u nivou glikemije na prijemu tirajueg faktora. Rehidratacija je ostvarena prvog dana
(t(36)=1,34, p>0,05) (Tabela 8). sa proseno 5,6 litara, drugog dana 4,08, a treeg 3 lita-
ra infuzionih rastvora. Ukupna dnevna doza bolusnog
Izmeu grupe 1 i grupe 2 (t(43)=2,16, p<0,05), kao i izme- HM insulina prvog dana bila je 81,04i.j, drugog 59,64 i.j,
u grupe 1 i 3 (t(23)=2,02, p<0,05) postoji statistiki zna- a treeg 58,06 i.j. Maksimalna dnevna nadoknada ka-
ajna razlika u nivou bikarbonata na prijemu. Izmeu i lijuma u obliku 7.4% rastvora KCL bila je 110mmol/l, a
grupe 2 i 3 ne postoji znaajna razlika u nivou bikarbo- minimalna 20mmol/l. U tri bolesnika nije bilo potrebe
nata (t(36)=1,62, p>0,05) (Tabela 9). Predhodna terapija za nadoknadom kalijuma (Tabela 11). Posmatrano je da
nije bitno uticala na nivo pH vrednosti krvi (Tabela 10). li i u kojoj meri predhodna terapija kojom je pacijentima
Izmedju grupa 1 i 2 ne postoji statistiki znaajna razli- regulisan dijabetes melitus odreuje intenzitet leenja u

Tabela 9. Bikarbonati po grupama u zavisnosti od predhodne terapije

Table 9. Bicarbonates in groups depending of previous treatment
Predhodna terapija Bikarbonati na prijemu N
Previous treatment Bicarbonates on admission
Grupa 1 (oralna terapija) 9.172.42 16
Group 1 (oral therapy)
Grupa 2 (insulinska terapija) 6.001.01 29
Group 2 (insulin therapy)
Grupa 3 (bez predhodne terapije) 5.951.53 9
Group 3 (without previous therapy)

The etiology, treatment and outcome of diabetic ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma

Tabela 10. Vrednost pH krvi po grupama u zavisnosti od predhodne terapije

Table 10. Value pH groups depending of previous treatment
Predhodna terapija pH krvi na prijemu N
Previous treatment Blood pH on admission
Grupa 1 (oralna terapija) 7.150.15 16
Group 1 (oral therapy)
Grupa 2 (insulinska terapija) 7.070.16 29
Group 2 (insulin therapy)
Grupa 3 (bez predhodne terapije) 7.090.19 9
Group 3 (without previous therapy)

Tabela 11. Prosena terapija u prva tri dana intenzivnog leenja

Table 11.Average treatment in the first three days of treatment
Nadoknada tenosti(L) Insulinska Nadoknada kalijuma mmol/L(7.4%KCl)
Volume replacement Terapija (i.j.) Compensation potassium
Insulin therapy (i.j.) mmol/L(7.4%KCl

Prvi dan 5.61.65 81.427.97 6118.70

First day
Drugi dan 4.080.87 59.6417.60 3610.69
Second day
Trei dan 3.11.01 58.0619.70 457.90
Third day

prva tri dana u stanju dijabetesne ketoacidoze. Poredili Empirijska vrednost Fisherovog kolinika za koliinu te-
smo prosean broj jedinica insulina i prosenu koliinu nosti je F=0,82, p>0,05 (F2,51;0,05=3,23 i F2,51;0,01=5,18).
date tenosti u prva tri dana leenja kod grupe pacijen-
ta leenih oralnom, insulinskom terapijom i u grupi bez Najea komplikacija bila je hipokalijemija, prisutna u
terapije jednofaktorskom parametarskom analizom va- 29 (51,78%) leenih. Najnia vrednost kalijuma bila je
rijanse (ANOVA) (Tabela 12). 2,7mmol/l. Ostale komplikacije bile su: akutna bubrena
insuficijencija (3 osobe), akutni respiratorni distres sin-
Empirijska vrednost Fisherovog kolinika za jedi- drom (2 osobe), edem plua (2 osobe) i gastrointestinalno
nice insulina je F=1,07, p>0,05 (F2,51;0,05=3,23 i krvavljenje (1 osoba) (Grafikon 2).
F2,51;0,01=5,18). Ne postoji statistiki znaajna razlika
u broju jedinica insulina u prva tri dana leenja izmeu U toku leenja svi pacijenti su pregledani od strane oftal-
ove tri grupe pacijenata. mologa, neurologa, nefrologa u cilju ispitivanja i praenja
prisustnih hroninih komplikacija. Hronine komplika-

Tabela 12. Uticaj predhodne terapije na leenje ketoacidoze

Table 12. The impact of previous therapy for treatment of ketoacidosis
Predhodna terapija prosean br. jed insulina Prosen kol. Tenosti N
Previous therapy
Grupa 1 (oralna terapija) 84.0631.13 5.361.41 16
Group 1 (oral therapy)
Grupa 2 (insulinska terapija) 80.3127.82 5.791.81 29
Group 2 (insulin therapy)
Grupa 3 (bez predhodne terapije) 92.8822.78 6.001.65 9
Group 3 (without previous therapy)

Medicinska istraivanja Vol.49 Sv.1, 2015

29 Hipokalijemija (Decreased
30 potassiumlevel)

25 Akutna bubrena insuficijencija

(Acute renal failure)
ARDS (Acute respiratory
distress syndrome)
15 Edem plua
(Pulmonary edema)
GIT krvarenje
(Gastrointestinal bleeding)
5 2 2

Grafik 2. Komplikacije leenja

Graph 2. Complications of treatment

sa hroninim cije DM su bile prisutne kod vie od polovine pacijena-

komplikacijama ta, u 36 (64, 90%) osoba, dok 20 (35,10%) pacijenata nije
35,1 (with chronic imalo hronine komplikacije (Grafikon 3).
bez hroninih Polineuropatija je bila prisutna kod 20 osoba, retinopa-
komplikacija tija u 9 osoba, neuropatsko stopalo kod 3 pacijenta, ko-
(without chronic ronarna bolest u 10 osoba, CVI u 4 osobe, dijabetesna
complications) nefropatija kod 3 pacijenta (Grafikon 4).

Grafik 3. Prisustvo hroninih komplikacija Po zavretku leenja, ukupno je 26 (46,42%) osoba ot-
Graph 3. Presence of chronic complications puteno na bazal-bolusnoj terapiji humanim insuli-
nom, 18 (32,14%) na bazal-bolusnoj terapiji analozima,
20 polineuropatija
18 (polyneuropathy)
16 koronarna bolest
14 (coronary disease)
12 10
9 (retinopathy)
CVI (cerebrovascular
8 insult)
6 4 dijabetesna neuropatija
3 3
4 (diabetic neuropathy)
2 neuropatsko stopalo
0 (neuropathic foot)
Grafik 4. Zastupljenost pojedinih hroninih komplikacija
Graph 4. Prevalence of chronic complications

The etiology, treatment and outcome of diabetic ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma

Tabela 13. Prikaz terapije na otpustu komplikacija imao je 18 godina. Od svih hospitalizova-
Table 13. Therapy at discharge nih zbok stanja DKA, blizu treine bolesnika bilo je mla-
e od 40 godina. To se slae sa literaturnim podacima
Terapija na otpustu DKA NHOK gde se dijabetesna ketoacidoza javlja kod mlaih, veoma
Therapy at discharge esto kao prva manifestacija dijabetesa. Prema podacima
iz literature DKA se ee javlja kod DM tip 1, to nije
Bazal bolusna terapija HM insulinima 25 1
sluaj sa prikazanom grupom u kojoj su brojniji bili paci-
Basal bolus HM insulin therapy jenti sa DM tip 2 (18).
Terapija humanim analozima 18 /
Za razliku od dijabetesne ketoacidoze NHOK se prema
Basal bolus analogues
podacima iz literature tipino javlja kod starijih ljudi na
Premiks insulina i metformina 11 / oralnim antihiperglikemijskim sredstvima. Prosena
Premix insulin metformin starost pacijenta hospitalizovanih zbog NHOK je 79,5
godina. Razlog za pojevu hiperosmolarne neketonske
Oralna terapija 1 1 kome kod starijih je loa kontrola dijabetesa, nedovoljno
Oral therapy uzimanje tenosti, upotreba diuretika i prisutna bubre-
na slabost (19). Kod oba pacijenta sa NHOK u pitanju je
11 (19,64%) na kombinovanoj terapiji premiks insulina i bio DM tip 2 predhodno leen oralnim antidijabeticima.
metformina, dok je dvoje (3,57%) otputeno na oralnim
antihiperglikemijskim lekovima (Tabela 13). Prikazana je distribucija obolelih od DKA i NHOK u po-
smatranom etvorogodinjem periodu. Pad u broji hospi-
Ishod leenja je bio upean u 50 osoba (89,3%), dok je talizovanih zbog akutnih komplikacija dijabetesa sa sma-
smrtni ishod nastupio u njih 6 (10.7%). Prosena starost njenim procentualnim eem u odnosu na ukupan broj
osoba koje su leenje zavrile letalnim ishodom bila je hospitalizovanih se moe objasniti poboljanjem zdrav-
756,2 godina. U pitanju su bili pacijenti sa brojnim ko- stveno vaspitnog rada. Edukacijom lekara opte medicine
morbiditetima i razvijenim makrovaskularnim kompli- mogue je doprineti boljoj kontroli dijabetes melitusa i
kacijama dijabetes melitusa. Svi pacijenti su imali DKA, ranijem i blagovremenom prevoenju na insulin.
dok je u oba pacijenta sa NHOK uspeno saniran meta-
boliki dizbalans i otputeni su sa korigovanom terapi- Nae ispitivanje nije pokazalo da postoji korelacija izeu
jom. etiri osobe sa DKA su prebaene na druga odelje- visine HbA1c i stepena metabolikog poremeaja u akut-
nja nakon saniranja akutnog metabolikog poremeaja. nim komplikacijama dijabetesa, to moda ne bi bilo po-
tvreno drugim ispitivanjem sa veim uzorkom. Takoe,
prvobitna terapija ne odreuje stepen metabolikog po-
Diskusija remeaja. Meutim, pacijenti leeni oralnim antihiper-
glikemicima su imali nii stepen acidoze u odnosu na
Nae ispitivanje je pokazalo da akutne komplikacije dija- one leene insulinom i one bez terapije. Ovo je mogue
betes melitusa nisu esta pojava u hospitalizivanih paci- objasniti preostalom funkcijom elija pankreasa u DM
jenata. Javljaju se preteno kod pacijenata sa komorbidi- tip 2. U ovom radu nakon stabilizacije akutnog stanja
tetima i predhodno loom glikoregulacijom. nije odreivana sekretorna funkcija elija niti rezerva
pankreasa. Prema naem saznanju ne postoje radovi koji
Glavni precipitirajui faktor koji je pacijente dovodio u su uporedili pojavu akutnih komplikacija dijabetesa sa
stanje DKA i NHOK je infekcija. Respiratorne infekcije, sekretornom funkcijom elija pankreasa. Predhodno
akutizacija hroninog bronhitisa i pneumonija, kao i uri- leenje nije pokazalo znaajan uticaj na leenje u prva tri
narne infekcije su i u drugim radovima zabeleene kao dana intenzivnog tretmana.
vodei precipitirajui faktor (16). Infekcija kod obolelih
od dijabetesa je ozbiljna pretnja za potencijalno veoma Svi pacijenti su leeni klasinom terapijom za akutna sta-
opasne kompilkacije. Potrebno je lociranje infektivnog nja ove vrste. Cilj leenja bio je da se postigne brza rehi-
arita i primena blagovremene terapije. Drugi razlog dratacija, normalizacija acido-baznog statusa, adekvatna
je neadekvatna antidijabetesna terapija. Tu spadaju ne- regulacija glikemije, nadoknada K+. Pacijenti su na inten-
blagovremena i neadekvatna primena insulinske terapi- zivnom leenju provodili u proseku 3 dana. Korigovana
je, nedovoljna komlijansa i nepridravanje predloenim im je terapija i otputeni su u stabilnom stanju. I pored
merama higijensko-dijetetskog reima. Neeljeni kardi- intenzivnog tretmana razvijale su se komplikacije leenja.
ovaskularni dogaaji, akutni infarkt miokarda i cerebro-
vaskularni insult su trei precipitirajui faktor. Dobijeni Najea komplikacija kod leenih od DKA bila je hi-
podaci se slau sa autorima drugih radova (17). pokalijemija. Javljala se zbog loe nadoknade kalijuma
u prvim i urgentnim terapijskim postupcima u ketoa-
Prosena starost pacijenata u naem radu bila je 51 godi- cidozi. Odluku o nadoknadi kalijuma treba uskladiti sa
na. Najmlai pacijent koji je hospitalizovan zbog akuntih preporukama da se nadoknada K zapoinje kada je se-

Medicinska istraivanja Vol.49 Sv.1, 2015

rumski K<5,5 mmol/l. U 500 ml rastvora stavlja se10 ml statistiki znaajna razlika u visini glikoziliranog hemo-
7,4% KCl. Akutna bubrena insuficijencija kao druga po globina kod pacijenta sa i bez hroninih komplikacija.
uestalosti komplikacija ketoacidoze, javljala se kod viso- Prisustvo hroninih komplikacija se nije razlikovalo u
ko febrilnih pacijenata, sa prisutnim tekim urinarnim pacijenata leenih insulinom od onih leenih oralnim
infekcijama. Akutni respiratorni distres sindrom razvio antihiperglikemicima. Statistiki ne postoji znaajna
se na terenu egzacerbacije hroninog bronhitisa sa loom razlika izmeu prisustva hroninih komplikacija u paci-
respiratornom rezervom. Gastroinestinalno krvarenje jenata leenih insulinskom terapijom u odnosu na paci-
nastalo je kod jednog pacijenta na terenu predhodne ul- jente leene oralnim antihiperglikemicima i onih koji su
kusne bolesti. Uestalost pojedinih komplikacija u srod- predhodno bili bez terapije. Ovi podaci imaju ogranie-
nim ispitivanjim je slina (20). nje jer su svi pacijenti predhodno imali visoke vrednosi
HbA1c i ne postoji referentna kontrolna grupa.
Mortalitet u naem istraivanju (10,7%) je bio vii u od-
nosu na podatke iz literature (2%), a vezan je za precipi-
tirajui kardiovaskularni dogadjaj i starost pacijenata sa Zakljuak
brojnim komorbiditetima (21). Prosena starost pacije-
nata kod kojih je nastupio letalni ishod bila je 75 godina. I pored edukacije i potpune dostupnosti lekova za e-
Neophodno je napomenuti da su pacijenti koji su egziti- ernu bolest, dijabetesna ketoacidoza i hiperosmolarna
rali uspeno voeni i leeni i toku trajanja DKA (u toku koma se javljaju, preteno kod starijih osoba sa brojnim
intenzivnog leenja). U pitanju su stari pacijenti sa broj- komorbiditetima.
nim komorbiditetima (dugotrajnom hipertenzijom, ishe-
mijskom boleu srca, kardiomiopatijom, stanjem posle Izuzetno je vaan oprez kod obolelih od dijabetes me-
cerebrovaskularnog insulta) koji su nakon stabilizacije litusa u stanjima infekcije, koja nesumljivo predstavlja
akutnog poremeaja najee dobijali CVI ili infarkt mi- najznaajniji precipitirajui faktor za akutne komplika-
okarda, to je i potvreno obdukcionim nalazima. cije osnovne bolesti. Naroito je vaan oprez kod starijih
pacijenata koji imaju brojne komorbiditete i kod kojih se
Kada je u pitanju razvoj komplikacija i ishod leenja pa- akutne komplikacije esto zavravaju letalnim ishodom.
cijenata sa NHOK, ogranienje je to to su u navedenom Neophodno je obratiti posebnu panju na njih u stanjima
periodu hospitalizovana samo dva pacijenta sa ovim sta- infekcije, stresogenih situacija i dehidratacije.
njem. Oba pacijenta su otputena u stabilnom stanju uz
korekciju terapije sto implicira da je uspenost leenja u Redovnim praenjem pacijenata sa dijabetesom, kontro-
ovom sluaju bila 100%. U literaturni se nalazi podatak lom glikemije i HbA1c mogu se spreiti akutne kompli-
da je mortalitet u leenih usled stanja NHOK od 15-50%. kacije ove bolesti. Unapreenje edukacije pacijenata in-
U drugim radovima se pominju tromboebolija i rabdo- tenzivnim zdravstveno-prosvetnim radom neophodan
mioliza kao este komplikacije ovog stanja to se nije ja- je korak ka poboljanju stava pacijenta prema bolesti i
vljalo u naa dva pacijenta (22). novom nainu ivota koji ona zahteva.

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ical illnesses. J Thromb Haemost 2007;5:1185-90. clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic features. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2010;
14. Izumi T, Shimizu E, Imakiire T et al. A successfully treated case of 48(6):749-56.
hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state complicated with rhabdomyolysis, 23. Nathan et al. Translating the A1C Into Estimated Glucose Value. Diabe-
acute kidney injury, and tes Care 2008;31:1473- 1478.
15. Reingardiene D. Hyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketotic syndrome. 24. Balkau B, PyoralaM, Shipley Met al. Non-cardiovascular disease mor-
Medicina (Kaunas). 2003;39(7):707-12. ischemic colitis. Intern Med. tality and diabetes mellitus. Lancet. 1997;350:1680.
25. Sobel BE, Frye R, Detre KM et al. Burgeoning dilemmas in the manage-
16. Weinert LS, Scheffel RS, Severo MD et al. Precipitating factors of diabet- ment of diabetes and cardiovascular disease: rationale for the Bypass
ic ketoacidosis at a public hospital in a middle-income country.Diabetes Angioplasty Revascularization Investigation 2 Diabetes (BARI 2D) Trial.
Res Clin Pract. 2012;96(1):29-34. Circulation. 2003;107(4):636-42.
17. Burge MR, Garcia N, Qualls CR, Schade DS. Differential effects of fast-
ing and dehydration in the pathogenesis of diabetic ketoacidosis. Metab-
olism. 2001;50(2):171-7.

Urology Clinic, Military Medical Academy, Medical faculty- University of Defense, Belgrade, Serbia
Outpatient Dermatovenerelogy clinic Dr Risti, Belgrade, Serbia
Institute for Microbiology and Virusology Torlak, Belgrade, Serbia




Aleksi Predrag, Banevi Vladimir, Aleksi Aleksandra, Banevi Maja

Acute bacterial cystitis is the most common form of community acquired urinary tract infections in women. Uri-
nary tract infections are the second most common reason for antibiotic prescription in the USA. There is a need for alter-
native treatments that would help to avoid the use of systematic antimicrobials thus reducing the incidence of microbial
resistance and side effects of the drugs. The aim of this study is to evaluate the role of antibiotic ointment treatment in
recurrent UTIs in women. We followed up 34 non pregnant women with a previous history of recurrent UTIs who
were instructed to apply antibiotic ointment Bacitracin/Neomycin, locally, on the external urethral meathus area, once
a day, for 30 days. 88% of patients responded to the treatment, with no further recurrences in 67.6% of cases and there
was a reduced (< 3 cases per year) recurrence in 20.5% of patients. Bacitracin/Neomycin ointment could be a safe, cheap
and successful tool for recurrent UTIs in women. To our best knowledge, this is the first published pilot study of top-
ical antibiotic ointment usage in management and prevention of recurrent urinary tract infections. We need a double
blinded, randomized study with a larger number of patients in order to collect more evidence to support this conclusion.
Key words: urinary tract infections; antibiotic ointment.

Akutno bakterisjki cistitis je najee zapaljenje urinarnog trakta u ena. Urinarne infekije su drugi najei uzrok prop-
isivanja antibiotika u SAD. Upravo zbog toga, kao i rezistencije bakterija na sistemsku antibiotsku terapiju ali i neeljenih
efekata terapije, danas se sve vie ispituju i alternativni naini leenja urinarnih infekcija. Cilj ovog rada je da ispita potenci-
janu ulogu antibiotskih masti u leenju rekurentnih infekcija urinarnog trakta u ena. Pratili smo 34 ene, koje nisu bile
gravidne, sa prethodnom istorijom rekurentnih urinarnih infekcija i koje su bile instruisane da aplikuju antibiotsku mast
Bacitracin/Neomicin lokalno, na spoljanji otvor mokranog kanala, jednom dnevno, u trajanju od 30 dana. U ispitivanoj
seriji 88% pacijentkinja je imalo benefit od ove terapije, bez rekurencije infekcije u 67.7% sluajeva, dok se kod 20.5% pacijent-
kinja broj rekurencija urinarne infekcije smanjio na manje od tri za godinu dana. Na osnovu ovih rezultata, lokalna terapija
Bacitracin/Neomicin antibiotskom mau moe biti jedan od potencijalnih jeftinih terapijskih izbora u leenju rekurentnih
urinarnih infekcija, bez znaajnih neeljenih efekata. Po nem saznanju, ovo je prva pilot studija u kojoj se ispituje potencijal-
na mogunost leenja i prevencije rekurentnih urinarnih infekcija lokalnom antibiotskim terapijom. Svakako, dalja randomi-
zirana, duplo slepa ispitivanja, na veem broju ispitanica su neophodna za vii stepen pouzdanosti ovakve tvrdnje.
Kljune rei: infekcije urinarnog trakta; antibiotske masti


Acute bacterial cystitis is the most common form of Methods

community acquired urinary tract infections (UTIs)
in women (1). Frequent recurrent UTIs might affect 10 34 nonpregnant women (>= 18 years old) with docu-
20% of women after the initial UTI episode (2,3). Al- mented community acquired recurrent cystitis (at least
though uncomplicated recurrent UTIs are considered to 3 or more episodes per year) were successively recruit-
be a benign condition, they can have a significant impact ed for the study at our outpatient service. The study was
on the quality of life and healthcare costs (2). Recurrent approved by the local institutional review board and in-
UTIs with more than 3 episodes per year generally re- formed consent was obtained from the patients. History
quire antibiotic prophylaxis (3). There is a need for al- and medical files were used to confirm the frequency of
ternative treatments that would help to avoid the use of recurrent cystitis over the preceding 12 months, the ab-
systematic antimicrobials thus reducing the incidence of sence of underlying urological abnormalities, and mode
microbial resistance and side effects of the drugs (4,5). treatment. Acute bacterial cystitis was confirmed by

Antibiotic ointment in the management of recurrent, community-acquired bacterial cystitis in women

Table 1. - Patients data and treatment outcome

Patient code Age (years) Disease No of Isolated patho- Follow up No of recurrences
duration episodes gen (months) during follow up
(years) (over the
preceding 12
1 24 2 6 E.coli 24 0
2 56 8 5 E.coli 24 1
3 20 2 7 Enterococcus 23 0
4 62 6 4 Pseudomonas Lost to F/U NA
5 19 2 7 E.coli 23 0
6 58 5 6 Proteus 23 0
7 34 10 3 Enterococcus 22 1
8 28 7 6 E.coli 22 1
9 23 4 5 E.coli 22 0
10 42 10 6 E.coli 21 0
11 52 6 5 Klebsiella Lost to F/U NA
12 22 3 6 Enterococcus 20 2
13 28 7 5 E.coli 20 0
14 55 5 6 E.coli 19 0
15 63 10 6 Proteus 18 0
16 22 4 5 Enterococcus 17 0
17 43 3 4 E.coli 16 0
18 25 7 6 E.coli 16 0
19 20 3 7 Proteus 15 0
20 18 1 7 E.coli 15 1
21 26 4 3 E.coli 14 0
22 24 2 5 E.coli 14 0
23 50 4 3 Proteus 13 1
24 51 2 4 Enterococcs 13 0
25 29 2 6 E.coli Lost to F/U NA
26 24 3 4 E.coli 12 0
27 30 5 5 Klebsiella 12 3
28 29 3 5 Enterococcus 11 1
29 55 4 4 E.coli 11 0
30 21 2 4 E.coli 10 0
31 25 2 3 E.coli 10 0
32 32 3 5 Enterococcs 10 0
33 22 3 4 E.coli 9 0
34 26 4 6 E.coli 9 2

Medicinska istraivanja Vol.49 Sv.1, 2015

urinalysis and positive culture defined as the isolation Conclusion

of uropathogen at 10 ^5 CFU/ml. Gynaecological exam-
ination, ultrasonography of the urinary tract and post- Bacitracin/Neomycin ointment could be a safe, cheap
voided residual urine measurement were done to exclude and successful tool for recurrent UTIs in women. To the
the presence of intrauterine devices and obstructions, re- best of our knowledge, this is the first published pilot
spectively. Acute cystitis was first treated with antimicro- study with topical antibiotic ointment usage in manage-
bials according to EAU guidelines. Thereafter, the wom- ment and prevention of recurrent urinary tract infections
en were instructed to liberally apply antibiotic ointment, in women. We need a double blinded, randomised study
1 g of which contains 62.5 IU of Bacithracin and 825 IU with a larger number of patients for gathering more evi-
of Neomycin (B/N ointment), over their external genita- dence for this conclusion.
lia around external urethral orifice and perineum, once
a day, for 30 days. The patients were seen on a monthly
basis or any time in case of infection recurrence. References
1. Vosti KL- Infections of the rinary tract in women. A prospective,
longitudinal stdy of 235 women observed for 1-19 years. Nedicine
2. Foxman B. Epidemiology of rinary tract infections: Incidence, morbidi-
ty snd economic costs. Am J Med 2002;113:5-13.
At the end of the follow up period (range 24 to 9 months), 3. Nicolle LE. Urinary tract infection: traditional pharmacologic therapies.
30 patients were evaluable. If women lost to follow up Am J Med 2002;113:35-44.
and those having 3 or more recurrences per year are con- 4. Aune A.Alraek T, LiHua L, Baerheim A.Acupuncture in the prophylaxis
sidered to be treatment failures, then 30 (88%) patients of recurent lower urinary tract infection in adult women. Scand J Prim
Health Care 1998;16:37-39.
responded to the treatment, with no further recurrences
5. Constantinides C, Manousakas T, Nikolopoulos P et al. Prevention of
in 23 (67.6%) cases and a reduced number (< 3 per year) reccurent bacterial cystitis by intravesical administration of hyaluronic
of recurrences in 7 (20.5%) patients. Side effects were not acid: a pilot study. BJU Int 2004;93:1262-6.
observed and the patients were highly satisfied with this 6. M. Grabe, TE Bjerklund Johansen, H Botto. Urological infections: EAU
treatment modality. It should be noted that prophylactic guidelines 2013 (available on http://www.uroweb.org/gls/pdf/18_Uro-
application of B/N ointment was effective in both pre-
7. Fihn SD. Acte uncomplicated urinary tract infection in women. N Engl
and postmenopausal women. (Summarized in Table 1.) J Med 2003;349:259-66.
8. Beerepoot MA, Geerlings SE, van Haarst EP, van Charante NM. Non-an-
tibiotic prophylaxis for recurrent urinary tract infections: a systematic
Discussion review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. J Urol 2013.
(doi: 10.1016/j.juro.2013.04.142.)

In most cases the infection is caused by the patients own

intestinal bacteria which, having colonized the periure-
thral area, invade the bladder mucosa via the urethra (6).
One possible way to prevent re infection, might be to
block the spread of microorganisms from the anal area to
the external genitals in females. We thus tested the effect
of a widely available antimicrobial ointment applied over
the external genital area on the recurrence rate of com-
munity acquired recurrent cystitis in women.

The described management of frequent recurrent com-

munity acquired female cystitis may be worth con-
sidering, having in mind its safety and convenience. As
most young women are concerned about the effect of an-
tibiotics on their possible pregnancy and are unwilling
to take drugs over a long period of time, due to recurrent
UTIs, this method might offer high compliance and rea-
sonable efficacy. Despite the obvious weakness of an un-
controlled, blinded and randomized observational study,
the results obtained are very encouraging, approaching
the efficacy rates of most antibiotic prophylaxis regimens
to date (6,7,8). To test the possibility of the ointment ex-
erting its effect simply as a physical barrier to the spread
of bacteria, a randomized study should be designed to
compare the effect of antibiotic ointment and its vehicle.

Centar za vid Oftalmika
KBCZvezdara, Klinika za one bolesti Dr Ivan Stankovic
Medicinski fakultet, Institut za medicinsku statistiku




Bjelovi Nevena1, Senani Ivan2, Trajkovi Goran3

Aim: to assess the ability of Pulsar perimetry in detecting an early glaucomatous visual field damage in comparison
with Optic coherent tomography (OCT), in early glaucoma.
Material: Cross sectional case study included 1 eye from 55 consecutive subjects containing: 27 healthy subjects
and 28 patients with early Primary open angle glaucoma (POAG). Only 1 eye per subject was randomly selected, if both
eyes met the inclusion criteria.
Methods: All the patients underwent OCT and visual field examination in addition to full
ophthalmic examinations. Receiver operating characteristic curves (ROC) were studied for all parameters. The sensi-
tivity and specificity of the differences between normal and early glaucomatous eyes, the areas under the receiver oper-
ating characteristic curves (AROC) and positive, negative likelihood ratios were evaluated for all the single parameters
and selected combined parameters.
Results: Individuals with early POAG had significantly higher values of FLV at GCC, MD and sLV at Pulsar perim-
etry compared to healthy individuals. There were 1.84% of cases with early glaucoma FLV, whereas there were 0.5% of
cases with healthy eyes. Considering Pulsar perimetry, patients with early glaucoma had higher values of MD (0,23dB)
and sLV (1,97dB), compared to MD (0,23dB) and sLV (1,62dB) in healthy individuals (p<0.05). The highest values of
AROC had the following parametres: FLV AROC (0,648), MD AROC (0,691), sLV AROC (0,696).
According to AROC we combined the best three single parameters, FLV at GCC, MD and sLV at Pulsar perimetry,
using a logistical diagnostic model. The largest AROC obtained was at the value of 0.790.
Conclusion: In conclusion, parameters obtained by OCT (FLV at GCC), and Pulsar perimetry (MD and sLV) were
able to show the significant differences between early POAG patients and normal subjects. Combining parameters of FLV
at GCC, MD and sLV at Pulsar perimetry showed higher diagnostic capability with those top three single parameters.
Key words: Pulsar perimetry, early glaucoma, ganglion cell complex.

Poreenje dijagnostikog znaaja pulsar perimetrije u odnosu na stanjenje sloja nervnih vlakana retine oko optikog
diska (RNFL), stanjenje ganglijskog kompleksa makule (GCC) i promene parametara papile (ONH) merenih optikom
koherentnom tomografijom (OCT) kod poetnog glaukoma.
Studijom preseka obuhvaeno je 55 ispitanika, pregledanih u Centru za vid Oftalmika, od 15.01 do 1.06. 2014
god. Ukupno 28 ispitanika imalo je postavljenu dijagnozu ranog glaukoma otvorenog ugla (MD 6 dB), a preostalih 27
ispitanika bilo je bez dijagnoze glaukoma. Za svakog ispitanika, nasuminim odabirom izabrano je samo jedno oko.
Svim ispitanicima izvren je kompletan oftalmoloki pregled u midrijazi, pulsar perimetrija i OCT pregled RNFL-a,
GCC-a i ONH. Za sve parametre izraunate su mere dijagnostike valjanosti: senzitivnost (Sn), specifinost (Sp), vero-
dostojnost pozitivnog (LR+) i negativnog (LR-) testa i povrina ispod ROC krive (AROC).
Ispitanici sa ranim glaukomom se statistiki znaajno razlikuju od zdravih osoba po vrednostima fokalnog gu-
bitka volumena u GCC-u (FLV%), indeksu prosenog gubitka (MD) i indeksu varijanse gubitka (sLV) u pulsar peri-
metriji. Kod njih je signifikantno vei FLV (1,84%) nasuprot zdravim oima (0,5%), kao i signifikantno vea vrednost
MD (0,23dB) i sLV (1,97dB), nasuprot vrednostima MD (0,23dB) i sLV (1,62dB) u zdravim oima (p<0.05). Kod ovih
parametara i vrednosti AROC su bile najvie: FLV AROC (0,648), MD AROC (0,691), sLV AROC (0,696). Meusobnom
kombinacijom navedenih strukturnih i funkcionalnih parametara dobija se via AROC vrednost (0,790), odnosno bolja
diskriminantnost u odnosu na njihovu samostalnu primenu.
Fokalni gubitak volumena u GCC-u, kao i vrednosti MD i sLV u pulsar perimetriji su vee kod ispitanika obolelih
od glaukoma. Kombinacija ovih parametara ima vei dijagnostiki znaaj u odnosu na njihovu samostalnu primenu.
Stoga se Pulsar perimetrija u kombinaciji sa OCT pregledom moe se smatrati senzitivnim parametrom u dijagnostici
ranog glaukoma.
Kljune rei: Pulsar perimetrija, rani glaukom, ganglijski kompleks makule

Medicinska istraivanja Vol.49 Sv.1, 2015

Uvod ranim glaukomom otvorenog ugla ispitanici su imali in-

traokularni pritisak (IOP) vei od 22 mmHg, normalan
Primarni glaukom otvorenog ugla je optika neuropatija nalaz u SAP, bez udruene oftalmoloke patologije. Grupu
koja nastaje kao posledica disfunkcije i/ili apoptoze gan- zdravih osoba inili su ispitanici sa visinom IOP ispod 21
glijskih elija retine. Prve strukturne promene nastaju u mmHg, normalnim nalazom SAP, negativnom porodi-
ganglijskom kompleksu makule (GCC) i sloju retinalnih nom anamnezom i odsustvom drugih onih oboljenja.
nervnih vlakana (RNFL), a zatim dolazi do promena na
papili vidnog ivca (ONH). Ove promene obino nastaju Za Pulsar perimetriju koristili smo aparat Octopus 600,
pre funkcionalnih ispada u vidnom polju. Skorije klini- program P32. Pragovna senzitivnost je bazirana na TOP
ke studije pokazuju da kod poetnog glaukoma neki pa- pragovnoj strategiji i izraena u novim mernim jedinica-
cijenti ipak imaju rane funkcionalne ispade, pre nego to ma koje mere prostornu rezoluciju kontrasta (src). OCT
detektujemo strukturna oteenja (1). Novije randomizi- pregled izvren je na Optovue aparatu, ukljuujui ana-
rane studije pokazuju da poetne promene kod ranog gla- lizu GCC, RNFL i ONH. Kod Pulsar perimetrije testira-
ukoma mogu znaajno da variraju, tako da je neophodno li smo indekse vidnog polja: indeks prosenog gubitka
uraditi i strukturna i funkcionalna ispitivanja prilikom (MD) i indeks varijanse gubitka (sLV). Za OCT, analizi-
postavljanja dijagnoze ranog glaukoma (2). rali smo sve dostupne parametre za GCC, RNFL I ONH.

Nove imiding tehnike kao to su Hajdelberg retina to- Za sve parametre izraunate su mere dijagnostike va-
mografija (HRT) i optika koherentna tomografija (OCT) ljanosti testa: senzitivnost (Sn), specifinost (Sp), verodo-
omoguavaju kvantitativnu objektivnu analizu neurore- stojnost pozitivnog (LR+) i negativnog (LR-) testa i AROC
tinalnog oboda (NRO), ganglijskog kompleksa makule (povrina ispod ROC Receiver operating characteristic
(GCC), sloja retinalnih nervnih vlakana (RNFL) i para- krive). Evaluirana je dijagnostika valjanost FD-OCT a i
metara papile vidnog ivca (ONH). OCT je dijagnostika Pulsar perimetrije, u dijagnozi ranog glaukoma, kompa-
metoda koja je ve pokazala dobre rezultate u diskrimina- racijom senzitivnosti i verodostojnosti testa za izabranu
ciji zdravih oiju od onih sa ranim glaukomom (3). specifinost (95% i 85%), AROC vrednost za pojedinane
parametre i njihovu meusobnu kombinaciju.
to se tie funkcionalnih ispitivanja standardna auto-
matizovana perimetrija (SAP) je i dalje kliniki standard
u dijagnozi i praenju glaukoma (4). Meutim SAP ima Rezultati
ogranienu senzitivnost u detekciji ranih glaukomnih
ispada. Novi nekonvencionalni perimetrijski testovi kao Raspodela prema polu pokazala je da je u grupi sa ranim
to su kratkotalasna automatizovana perimetrija (SWAP), glaukomom bilo statistiki znaajno vie osoba mukog
tehnologija dvostrukih frekvencija (FDT) i Pulsar peri- pola (61% mukaraca u grupi sa ranim glaukomom, u
metrija, razvijeni su u poslednjih 20 godina. Dizajnirani odnosu na 30% u grupi zdravih osoba, p=0.031). to se
su da selektivno ispituju sub- populacije ganglijskih elija tie godina ivota, nije bilo statistiki znaajne razlike.
retine i njihove senzitivne puteve i detektuju rane funkci-
onalne ispade (5). U grupi obolelih od glaucoma statistiki signifikantno je
vei volumen fokalnog gubitka (FLV%) u GCC-u (p< od
Cilj naeg ispitivanja bio je da uporedimo dijagnostiki 0.05). (Tabela 1.)
znaaj Pulsar perimetrije i OCT- a, kod ranog glaukoma.
U pulsar perimetriji signifikantno su vei indeksi pro-
senog gubitka (MD) i varijanse gubitka(sLV) (p< 0.05).
Materijal i metode (Tabela 2.)

Studijom preseka obuhvaeno je 55 ispitanika, pregleda- Pojedinani parametri kod kojih je bila najvea vrednost
nih u Centru za vid Oftalmika, od 15.01 do 1.06. 2014 za povrinu ispod ROC krive (AROC), za diskriminaciju
god. Dijagnozu ranog glaukoma otvorenog ugla imalo je glaukomatoznih oiju od zdravih, bili su: fokalni gubi-
28 ispitanika, a preostalih 27 bilo je bez dijagnoze glau- tak volumena (FLV) u ganglijskom kompleksu makule
koma. U ispitivanje je ukljueno jedno oko po osobi, slu- (GCC) kod OCT-a i indeks prosenog gubitka (MD) i in-
ajnim odabirom. Svim ispitanicima izvren je kompletan
oftalmoloki pregled u midrijazi, Pulsar perimetrija test Tabela 1. GCC kod glaukoma i zdravih
P32 i OCT pregled ONH, RNFL-a (na 3.45 mm) i GCC-a.
Kriterijumi za ukljuivanje u studiju: najbolja korigovana FLV% Status Broj Srednja St Dev p
vidna otrina vea ili jednaka 0.8, otvoren komorni ugao, vrednost
odsustvo drugih onih bolesti, zadovoljavajua saradnja,
dobar kavlitet snimaka na Pulsar perimetriji i OCT-u, kao Zdravi 27 0.5033 0.44356 <0.05
i indeks prosenog gubitka (MD) u vidnom polju manji
Glaukom 28 1.8404 2.61663
od 6dB. Ispitanici su podeljeni u dve grupe. U grupi sa

Diagnostic capability of pulsar perimetry in early primary open angle glaucoma

Tabela 2. Indeksi PULSAR perimetrije kod glaukoma Diskusija

Status Broj Srednja St Dev p
Prevalenca glaukoma je u populaciji starijoj od 50 godi-
na 3%, a kod starijih od 70 godina 5%. Najvei broj le-
enih bolesnika je u starosnoj grupi od 65 do 75 godina
MD Zdravi 27 0.233 1.4645 <0.05 (6). Prema naim rezultatima statistiki znaajno je bio
vei broj mukaraca u grupi sa ranim glaukomom, mada
Glaukom 28 1.296 1.7451
druge studije pokazuju da priblino isto obolevaju pri-
sLV Zdravi 27 1.622 0.4594 <0.05 padnici oba pola (7).
Glaukom 28 1.975 0.4766
Fokalni gubitak volumena u GCC-u, kao i vrednosti MD
i sLV u pulsar perimetriji su vee kod ispitanika obolelih
Tabela 3. OCT/GCC: mere dijagnostike valjanosti od glaukoma.
kod ranog glaukoma
FLV% P U grupi obolelih od glaucoma dobili smo statistiki sig-
nifikantno vei volumen fokalnog gubitka (FLV%) u
Senzitivnost 60.71 GCC-u. Optika koherentna tomografija je ranije kod
Specifinost 74.05 glaucoma uglavnom koriena za merenje debljine sloja
retinalnih nervnih vlakana oko papile (RNFL). Primena
AROK 0.648 <0.05 nove tehnologije Fourier domain OCT, zahvaljujui ve-
likoj brzini i visokoj rezoluciji prua nove mogunosti u
Tabela 4. PULSAR: mere dijagnostike valjanosti kod otkrivanju ranih strukturnih oteenja.
ranog gluakoma za MD indeks
MD P Sa pojavom aparata nove generacije postalo je mogue iz-
dvojiti ganglijski kompleks makule, izmeriti njegovu de-
Senzitivnost 60.71 bljinu i analizirati ga odvojeno od ostalih slojeva retine.
Specifinost 74.07
Ganglijske elije na zadnjem polu, ine oko 35 % debljine
retine s tim da je njihova najvea gustina na 7,2 stepena
AROK 0.691 <0.05 oko foveje, to odgovara povrini od centralnih 9 stepeni
vidnog polja. Prilikom pregleda vidnog polja standard-
Tabela 5. PULSAR:mere dijagnostike valjanosti kod nom perimetrijom (SAP), samo 1/10 test taaka ispituje
ranog glaukoma za sLV indeks ovu lokaciju. Ganglijske elije prve stradaju kod glauko-
ma i potrebno je da bude uniteno najmanje 40% ovih
elija, da bi se pojavili prvi defekti u vidnom polju, kada
Senzitivnost 75.0 je u pitanju SAP. Fokalni gubitak volumena (FLV) u GCC
u je jedan od znaajnih parametara strukturnog otee-
Specifinost 62.96
nja, u dijagnozi ranog glaukoma. Skoranja studija Tana
AROK 0.696 <0.05 i autora sa Kalifornijskog univerziteta, je to pokazala (8).

deks varijanse gubitka (sLV) u Pulsar perimetriji (p< od Kada smo analizirali parametre pulsar perimetrije, sig-
0.05). (Tabele 3-5.) nifikantno su bili vei indeksi prosenog gubitka (MD) i
varijanse gubitka(sLV), u grupi ispitanika sa ranim glau-
Meusobnom kombinacijom navedenih strukturnih komom. Pulsar perimetrija razvijena je pre 20 godina od
(FLV) i funkcionalnih parametara (MD i sLV) dobija se strane Gonzalesa i saradnika (9). Ova novija perimetrij-
najvia AROC vrednost i statistiki znaajno visoka po- ska metoda ispituje senzitivne puteve magnocelularnih
vezanost (p < od 0.001), odnosno bolja diskriminantnost elija ganglijskog kompleksa retine. Ove elije ine 10%
u odnosu na njihovu samostalnu primenu. (Tabela 6.) retinalnih ganglijskih elija i deo su magnocelularnog
senzitivnog puta koji ima veliku brzinu sprovoenja i
osetljiv je na stimuluse malog kontrasta (10). Razvijena je
Tabela 6. Mere dijagnostike valjanosti kombinacija
je 2000g (8). Test P32koristi cirkularnu sinusoidnu reet-
kastu sliku koja ispituje 66 taaka u centralnih 30 stepeni
FLV%, MD, sLV P vidnog polja. Trepui stimulus je veliine 5 stepeni, ima
centrifugalno kretanje (kao talas koji se iri kada kamen-
Senzitivnost 82.14
i ubacite u vodu) u dve alternirajue faze, sa promenom
Specifinost 70.37 kontrasta koji se smanjuje od centra ka periferiji. Pulsar
perimetrija izmeu ostalog testira funkciju kontrastne
AROK 0.790 <0.001
senzitivnosti, kombinuje promenu kontrasta stimulu-

Medicinska istraivanja Vol.49 Sv.1, 2015

sa (svetlo-tamno), sa promenom stimulusa u prostoru i Literatura

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Lista skraenica

SAP Standardna automatizovana perimetrija

OCT Optika koherentna tomografija
GCC Ganglijski kompleks makule
ROC Receiver operating characteristic kriva
AROK Povrina ispod ROC krive
FLV Fokalni gubitak volumena u GCC- u
MD Indeks prosenog gubitka u vidnom polju
sLV Indeks varijanse gubitka u vidnom polju
RNFL Sloj nervnih vlakana retine
ONH Papila vidnog ivca

The Pediatric Clinic, University Hospital Clinical Centre Banja Luka
The Clinic of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, University Hospital Clinical Centre Banja Luka
Medical Institution Medico Laser, Banja Luka




Dragica Joji1, Dragica Draganovi2, Ljilja Solomun1, Stojislav Konjevi1, Milan Preradovi3

Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is a potentially blinding eye disorder that primarily affects premature infants. Our
study was conducted in order to determine which risk factors lead to the development of retinopathy of prematurity.
This retrospective study included 108 newborns with birth weight (BW) < 1500 g and gestation age (GA) < 33 weeks,
over the period of two years, who were treated at the Clinic of Pediatric, University Hospital, Clinic Centre Banja Luka.
In all preterm children, the impact of risk factors conditioned preterm birth (gestational age and birth weight), parame-
ters of general health status (respiratory distress syndrome, apnea, perinatal asphyxia, frequent use of blood derivatives,
sepsis, hyperbilirubinemia) and parameters of the treatment with oxygen therapy.
Out of 108 infants who fit the screening criteria, ROP was detected in 64 (59.2%) infants, 21(19.4%) of which had
severe ROP requiring surgical intervention. Severe ROP was expressed in only 7.8% (5/64) of infants with GA > 30
weeks and in 12.5% (8/64) of infants with BW > 1250 g, compared to 25% (16/64) of infants with GA < 30 weeks and
20.3% (13/64) of infants with BW < 1250 g. The incidence of severe ROP was statistically significantly more frequent
with progressively smaller birth weight BW < 1250 g (p <0.01) and the lower GA (gestational age) < 30 weeks (p <0.01).
Using multiple logistic regression analysis for ROP, a long-term oxygen therapy (OR,15:54CI, 1.99-120.79) and a long
duration of mechanical ventilation (OR,9.97; CI,3.06-32.51), there were obtained factors with a strong connection to the
development of severe ROP. The following factors have a slightly lower correlation to the development of severe ROP:
birth weight < 1250 g, gestation age < 30 weeks, respiratory distress syndrome, apnea, frequent use of blood derivatives
and early sepsis.
Prematurity and low birth weight are significant risk factors for the development of ROP. Compromised pulmonary
function with long-term oxygen therapy and frequent use of blood derivatives are important factors in the development
of severe ROP.
Keywords: retinopathy of prematurity, risk factors, preterm children

Retinopatija prematuriteta (ROP) je oboljenje oka koje moe da vodi slepilu kod prevremeno roene dece. Naa
studija je sprovedena sa ciljem utvrivanja koji faktori rizika dovode do razvoja retinopatije prematuriteta.
Retrospektivna studija obuhvata 108 novoroenadi poroajne teine < 1500 g i gestacije starosti < 33 nedelje,
leenih tokom dvogodinjeg perioda na Klinici za djeije bolesti, Univerzitetske bolnice Klinikog centra Banja Luka.
Kod sve prevremeno roene dece je ispitivan uticaj faktora rizika uslovljenih prevremenim roenjem (gestacijska sta-
rost i poroajna teina), parametrima opteg zdravstvenog stanja (respiratorni distres sindrom, apnea, perinatalna
asfiksija, politransfuzije, sepsa, hiperbilirubinemija) i parametrima leenja sa oksigeno terapijom.
Od 108 novoroenadi koji su imali kriterijume za praenje, ROP je prisutan kod 64 (59.2%) novoroeneta od kojih
je 21 (19.4%) imalo teki ROP koji zahteva hirurku intervenciju. Teki ROP se ispoljava kod samo 7.8% (5/64) novo-
roenadi gestacijske starosti vee od 30 gestacijskih nedelje i kod 12.5% (8/64), PT > 1250 g u odnosu na 25% (16/64)
koji su gestacijske starosti < 30 nedelja i 20.3% (13/64), PT < 1250 g. Uestalost pojave tekog ROP-a je statistiki visoko
znaajna to je poroajna teina manja PT < 1250 g (p<0,01) i to je nia gestacija < 30 nedelja (p<0,01).
Koristei multiplu logistiku regresionu analizu dobili smo prediktivne faktore sa jakom povezanou za pojavu
tekog ROP-a, dugotrajnu oksigeno terapiju (OR, 15.54; CI, 1.99-120.79) i dugu primenu mehanike ventilacije (OR,
9.97; CI, 3.06-32.51). Neto niu povezanost za razvoj tekog ROP-a imaju poroajna teina < 1250 g, gestacija starost
< 30 nedelja, respiratorni distres sindrom, apnee, politransfuzije i rana sepsa.
Prematuritet i niska poroajna teina su veoma znaajni faktori rizika za razvoj ROP-a., a kompromitovana pluna
funkcija uz dugotrajnu oksigeno terapiju i politransfuzije su vani faktori u razvoju tekog ROP-a.
Kljune rei: retinopatija prematuriteta, faktori rizika, prevremeno roena deca

Medicinska istraivanja Vol.49 Sv.1, 2015

Introduction Methodology of ophthalmologic screening

Criteria of ophthalmologic screening for retinopathy of
Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is a disease that af- prematurity are accepted according to the protocols of
fects the retinal blood vessels during their development the American Academy of Paediatrics.(5,6) The selection
and it manifests itself by cessation of normal blood ves- for screening included preterm infants born earlier than
sel development and by the occurrence of proliferative 33 weeks of gestational age and with birth weight below
retinopathy. It occurs in several development phases and 1500 g, as well as infants that were at additional risk for
retrolental fibroplasia represents a completely destroyed ROP. Preterm infants at risk were selected for screening
visual function which is manifested by blindness. by paediatricians neonatologists from the Department
of Intensive Care. Maximum mydriasis was achieved by
Numerous risk factors which obstruct normal develop- administration of Cyclopentolate 0.5%, eye drops and
ment of vascularization of the retina are responsible for anaesthetic Novesine 0.4% was also instilled immediate-
the occurrence of retinopathy of prematurity. The most ly prior to examination. The exam was made with the use
significant among them are: short gestation, low birth of binocular indirect ophthalmoscope and 20 D magni-
weight, long term use of supplemental oxygen and fier. In order to examine peripheral areas of retina better,
many other factors which are mutually combined and indentator was used (7). During the screening process, the
complemented. development of retinal blood vessels was monitored and
preterm infants with ROP were selected.(8) By adhering to
By improving neonatal care, survival rates are higher in the criteria of the International Classification of Retinop-
children born too small for their gestational age and in athy of Prematurity ICROP, data from each examina-
children with low birth weight which increases the inci- tion were entered into documentation on the localization
dence of retinopathy of prematurity and leads to the de- of the endings of retinal blood vessels (zone 1 3), ex-
velopment of more severe forms of diseases.(1, 2) The pre- pansion and stage 1 5.(9) Age when ROP was detected,
vention of retinopathy of prematurity is focused on the maximum stage of ROP, localization and ROP treatment
elimination of risk factors and ophthalmologic screen- were determined.
ing.(3) Detecting and recognizing the early stages of this
disease and timely and adequate treatment mean devel- Identification of risk factors
oping good visual function. Demographic data that were analysed included: gesta-
tional age in weeks, birth weight and sex. Clinical data in-
On the other hand, studies show that complex and ex- cluded perinatal asphyxia, respiratory distress syndrome
pensive surgical procedures in treating severe stages of (RDS), apnoea, use of surfactant, pneumonia, persistent
ROP followed by ablation and fibrovascular organization ductus arteriosus, sepsis, intraventricular haemorrhage,
of vitreous body achieve good anatomical results. How- hyperbilirubinemia that required phototherapy.
ever, they are not accompanied by improved visual func-
tion. (4) With regard to the treatment, the oxygen was used in the
form of controlled higher concentration of inspired oxy-
gen (diffusion via atmosphere of the incubator or hood),
Material and methods by non invasive positive pressure ventilation and/or
conventional mechanical ventilation. The condition of ret-
Patients inal blood vessel network was analysed with respect to the
A two year retrospective study was conducted in the duration of the use of oxygen therapy and the form of re-
Department of Pathological Neonatology with Prema- spiratory support. All preterm infants treated with oxygen
turity and in the Department of Intensive Care of the were continuously monitored by the use of pulse oximetry
Paediatric Clinic of the University Hospital Clinical technique. Percutaneous value of hemoglobin oxygen sat-
Centre Banja Luka. The study included infants born in uration in arterial blood (SaO2) was measured.
the Maternity Home of the Clinic of Gynaecology and
Obstetrics of the University Hospital Clinical Centre Using the SPSS Statistics 20.0 software package, a statis-
Banja Luka and infants referred from regional centres in tical analysis was made. Methods of descriptive and an-
the Republic of Srpska. We conducted an analysis of 108 alytical statistics were used in the analysis. In univariable
preterm infants on the basis of criteria for ROP screening comparison of risk factors between groups without ROP,
programmes. Infants with severe congenital malforma- infants with ROP that were not in need of a surgical treat-
tions and chromosome disorders and infants that had ment and ROP that required surgical treatment, Students
died before ophthalmological examination were exclud- t test and Chi square test with an adequate significance
ed from the study. Examinees were divided into three level of p<0.05 were used. Predictive factors for the devel-
groups: infants without ROP; infants with ROP, but with opment of ROP were estimated by using multivariable lo-
no need of surgical intervention; infants with severe gistic regression. Odds ratio was calculated and the 95%
disease that had to be treated with laser surgery. confidence interval for each risk factor was estimated.

The assessment of risk factors for retinopathy of prematurity

Table 1. Anthropometric characteristics of preterm infants

With ROP that does
Without ROP Severe ROP
not require surgery
Gestational age, weeks 31.61.3 30.81.4 28.81.5
Birth weight, g 1772.7253.9 1469.6282.2 1154.3224.9
Male 30 21 9
Female 14 22 12
Total 44 43 21

Results membrane disease, (p<0.05). The incidence of severe ROP

The paper presents results of the two year retrospective is highly statistically significant if perinatal asphyxia, fre-
study conducted with the aim of diagnosing retinopathy quent apnoea, early sepsis are present (Table 2).
of prematurity and determining the risk factors that lead
to the development of the disease. With the aim of demonstrating the significance of imma-
turity as risk factor, a multiple logistic regression model
Of the total number of infants (1186) treated in our de- was designed. It includes all risk factors, i.e. gestational
partments, 9. 1 % of them (108) met the criteria to be mon- age, birth weight and various diseases such as respiratory
itored due to ROP. Sixty preterm infants were males and distress syndrome, presence of apnoea, perinatal asphyx-
forty eight were females. The incidence of severe ROP ia, sepsis and hyperbilirubinemia. When it comes to most
that required to be surgically treated was 21/108 (19.4%). of the examined risk factors, there is a strong connection
between severe ROP that requires surgery and exposure
The first ophthalmologic screening examination was made to the risk factors in infants with lower birth weight (OR
in all infants starting from 31st week up to 37th week of ges- 9.25; CI 3.20-26.69), shorter gestation (OR 10.06; CI 3.29-
tation. The mean value was 34. 81.63 GW. ROP was pres- 30.76), presence of apnoea (OR 14.24; CI 4.30-47.19), dis-
ent in 64 out of 108 (59.2%), out of which 21/108 (19.4%) eases such as respiratory distress syndrome (OR 3.76; CI
had severe ROP that required to be surgically treated. No 1.26-11.17), perinatal asphyxia (OR 6.50; CI 2.15-19.64),
abnormalities were detected in 44 out of 108 (40. 7%). early sepsis and poly transfusions (Table 3).

The mean value of gestational age in all examined infants There is an exceptionally strong connection between se-
was 30.81.7 weeks (range 26 33), while the mean value vere ROP that requires to be surgically treated and ex-
of birth body weight was 1533.2346.4 g (range 740 2370). posure to oxygen therapy, especially when received for
more than 10 days (OR 15.54; CI 1.99-120.79), and long
The mean value of birth body weight in infants with ROP term mechanical ventilation (OR 9.97; CI 3.06-32.51).
that required to be surgically treated was 1154.3224.9 Pneumonia, late onset sepsis, intraventricular haem-
g (range 740 1460) and gestational age was 28.81.5 orrhage, hyperbilirubinemia and presence of persistent
weeks (range 26 31.4). Birth body weight in infants ductus arteriosus are not statistically significant for
without ROP was 1772.7597, 3g and gestational age was manifestation of severe ROP.
31.61.3 weeks (Table 1).

Table 2 shows the characteristics of preterm infants with- Discussion

out ROP and with ROP that do not require surgical inter-
vention in comparison with infants with severe ROP that In our study, higher ROP incidence is related to lower
require surgical treatment, which was confirmed with birth weight, shorter gestation, long term oxygen ther-
ophthalmological screening examination. The incidence apy, mechanical ventilation, early sepsis, and blood poly
of severe ROP is significantly higher if birth weight is low- transfusions. Risk factors shown in literature vary be-
er i.e. < 1250 g (p<0.01) and if gestation is shorter i.e. < 30 cause of the differences in methodology and in indica-
weeks (p<0.01). Prolonged oxygen therapy is highly statis- tions for the treatment of ROP (10).
tically significant in infants that will develop severe ROP
(p=0.000). Development of severe retinopathy of prema- During the two year period of our activities, the general
turity in comparison with the presence or absence of sys- incidence of severe ROP was 1.8%. 21 out of 108 (19.4%)
temic diseases was also analysed and tested. The presence preterm infants had severe ROP requiring surgical in-
of a severe stage of ROP is statistically more frequent in tervention. Developing countries tend to demonstrate
a more severe stage of respiratory distress due to hyaline the presence of ROP requiring surgical intervention in

Medicinska istraivanja Vol.49 Sv.1, 2015

Table 2. Relationship between retinopathy of prematurity and risk factors

Without ROP and with Severe ROP p
ROP that does not re-
quire surgery

Gestational age, weeks

GA<30 21 16 <0.01
GA>30 66 5
Birth weight
BW<1250 g 13 13 <0.01
BW>1250 g 74 8
Perinatal asphyxia
Yes 9 9 0.001
No 78 12
Yes 40 16 0.013
No 47 5
Yes 20 17 0.000
No 67 4
Early sepsis
Yes 12 12 <0.01
No 75 9
Yes 71 17 >0.05
No 16 4
Oxygen therapy
Yes 79 21 0.000
No 8 0
Mechanical ventilation
Yes 26 17 <0.05
No 61 4

RDS respiratory distress syndrome

infants born too large for their gestational age and in- sociates (18) indicates a significant reduction in incidence
fants born with greater birth weight, while the incidence and severity of ROP due to the application of surfactant.
is very diverse.(10, 11) Studies conducted worldwide indi- General incidence of ROP in infants was 21.3%, and the
cate the differences in ROP incidence: Mathew and as- incidence of severe ROP was 4.6%.
sociates (12) from Scotland 4.8%, Pishava and associates
from Iran 9.5%, Yang and associates (14) from China In our study, screening was averagely performed in 54 in-
25%, Karna and associates (15) from the USA 7.8%, Ahmed fants within one year period. The average birth weight
and associates (16) from Bangladesh 4.4%, Wani and asso- was 1533.2 g, the mean gestational age was 34.81.63
ciates (17) from Kuwait 7.8%. The study of Hussain and as- weeks. In Gobles study the average gestational age of in-

The assessment of risk factors for retinopathy of prematurity

Table 3. Multiple logistic regression analysis of risk factors related to the occurrence of ROP
OR 95% CI p
Gestational age, < 30 weeks 10.06 3.29-30.76 0.000
Birth weight < 1250 g 9.25 3.20-26.69 0.000
RDS 3.76 1.26-11.17 0.013
Surfactant 6.50 2.15-19.64 0.000
Apnoea 14.24 4.30-47.19 0.000
Pneumonia 1.71 0.63-4.66 0.289
Perinatal asphyxia 6.50 2.15-19.64 0.000
Early sepsis 8.33 2.89-23.99 0.000
Late sepsis 0.35 0.09-1.29 0.104
IVH 2.73 0.60-12.49 0.180
Poly-transfusions 10.86 3.53-33.41 0.000
Hyperbilirubinemia 0.96 0.28-3.23 0.945
PDA 3.18 0.81-12.49 0.085
Mechanical ventilation 9.97 3.06-32.51 0.000
Long-term oxygen therapy >10 days 15.54 1.99-120.79 0.001

OR: Odds ratio; CI-95% confidence interval, RDS respiratory distress syndrome, IVH intraventricular haemorrhage PDA persistent
(patent) ductus arteriosus

fants who had undergone screening due to ROP was 29.1 infection is associated with ROP among infants born at
weeks.(19) 28 29 weeks.(19) In the study of Alpay and associates,
the influence of numerous risk factors for development
In our study, shorter gestational age was established as a of ROP was explored. They emphasized apnoea, respi-
statistically highly significant risk factor (p<0.01) for the ratory distress syndrome (RDS) and oxygen therapy as
occurrence of ROP. The average gestational age among significant independent risk factors for the development
examinees was 30.8 1.7 weeks and it ranged between of ROP.[28] In our study the presence of more severe re-
26 and 33 weeks. The incidence of ROP in infants with spiratory distress due to hyaline membrane disease is
birth weight below 1250 g was 20.3% (13/64), whereas significantly higher (p<0.05) in infants in whom ROP
in infants with BW >1250 g, the incidence was 12.5%. requires surgical treatment. Other authors studies also
All the studies stress preterm birth is a significant risk confirmed that respiratory distress syndrome affected
factor and that the incidence of ROP increases with im- the development of ROP.(21, 25, 29)
maturity. (20-23) Darlow and associates agree with such an
interpretation and they state that children born before In our study, in infants who received long term oxygen
25th gestational week are twenty times more likely to have therapy, there was a significantly frequent occurrence
severe form of ROP compared to children born after 28th of ROP that required to be surgically treated (p<0.01).
gestational week.(24) Oxygen therapy was used for longer periods of time in
children with low birth weight and shorter gestation and
In our study, in the examined group of infants with the those children at the same time had more frequent oc-
birth weight > 1460 g and gestational age > 31.4 weeks, currence of ROP requiring surgical treatment.
there is no severe ROP, but there is a smaller number of
infants with birth weight below 1000 g, which can be ex- An optimal level of oxygen in the treatment of preterm
plained by a lower survival rate of children with low body infants is a constant quest. (22) It is being explored within
weight, in our conditions. Similar results were obtained a wide range of oxygen concentration. Control of oxygen-
in other developing countries such as ours.(25-27) ation is achieved by elimination of the application of high
oxygen concentrations. Lower concentrations will sig-
As for the occurrence of ROP, Chen and associates have nificantly reduce the incidence of severe ROP, as this was
concluded that the exposure to oxygen is of greater im- shown in the study of Wright and associates.(30) In most of
portance for infants born at 23 25 weeks, while the the studies, the value of haemoglobin oxygen saturation

Medicinska istraivanja Vol.49 Sv.1, 2015

in preterm infants born before 32nd week ranged between Numerous risk factors influence the development of ROP.
89% and 94%; in others between 85% and 95% or 83% and Since this is a complex issue, it is necessary to work con-
93%. The application of controlled and limited saturation stantly on the exchange of experiences between different
of haemoglobin with oxygen induced a decrease of the in- institutions and to acquire new information in order to
cidence of ROP requiring surgical intervention, (31, 32, 33) but improve prevention and to improve the disease outcome.
there has been an increase in mortality. (34, 35)

In our study, the length of the application of mechanical Conclusion

ventilation was significantly more frequent (p<0.05) in
the group of infants with ROP requiring surgical treat- By analysing the risk factors which affect the develop-
ment than in infants who did not have ROP or who had ment of severe ROP in high risk preterm infants, we
ROP which did not require surgical treatment. Many have affirmed that significant predictive factors are im-
authors emphasize that longer application of mechani- maturity, lower birth weight and shorter gestation with
cal ventilation is associated with the development of se- longer application of supplemental oxygen. Also, signif-
vere forms of ROP.(21, 36-38) Finer and associates published icant predictive risk factors include: the application of a
the study in which they pointed out a lower incidence larger number of blood transfusions, perinatal asphyxia,
of severe ROP and chronic lung disease in children with apnoea and early sepsis. Compromised pulmonary func-
very low birth weight during a restrictive application of tion due to respiratory distress syndrome which requires
mechanical ventilation by using non invasive venti- the application of a surfactant and a longer application of
lation with positive pressure, in the nine year period. mechanical ventilation is associated and related with the
Mechanical ventilation is applied in preterm infants development of severe ROP. Prevention of preterm birth,
with severe forms of respiratory distress syndrome and reasonable application of oxygen therapy and mechani-
they depend on a higher concentration of oxygen for cal ventilation are necessary for reducing the incidence
achieving adequate saturation. During the application of of retinopathy of prematurity. All of the above men-
mechanical ventilation, fluctuations of oxygenation are tioned can reduce the incidence and severity of ROP.
more frequent and a higher risk of hyperoxia is present.
Key guidelines for reducing the incidence of ROP are
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Institut za farmakologiju, kliniku farmakologiju i toksikologiju, Medicinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Beograd, Srbija
Medicinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Beograd, Srbija
Gerontoloki centar Beograd, Beograd, Srbija
Klinika za infektivne i tropske bolesti Klinikog Centra Srbije, Beograd, Srbija

Pharmacogenetics in Clinical Practice:

Challenges and opportunities

Farmakogenetika u klinikoj praksi: izazovi

i mogunosti
Gordana Dragovi1, Nada Doli2, Boana Dimitrijevi2,
Milan Jovanovi3, Marko Barovi2, ore Jevtovi4

Pharmacogenetics studies the influence of genetic variation on drug response, while pharmacogenomics is a genome
wide and multifactorial extension of the term pharmacogenetics. Both pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics
are the backbones of the concept called personalized medicine. Although a personalized approach has always been a
goal of good medical practice, there is a new aspect of the extensive use of molecular data to tailor drug therapy to an
individual patient, in order to maximize therapeutic benefit and minimize adverse events.
The main causes of inter individual variability in a patient are genetic variations in genes responsible for enzymes
synthesis, which participate in absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion (ADME system) of drugs. So, all
patients can be classified in four groups, according to their genotype: slow metabolizers, intermediate metabolizers, ul-
trafast metabolizers and extensive metabolizers who are most frequent and are considered to be a standard group of pa-
tients. The group of most essential metabolism enzymes is represented by a superfamily of cytochrome P450 (CYP2D6,
CYP2C9, CYP2C19, etc.). Enzymes from this family contribute to inter individual differences in drug concentration in
the plasma. The effects of polymorphisms in the CYP P450, range from an ineffective drug therapy to severe toxicity it
can cause (e.g. drugs with a narrow therapeutic range (e.g., Warfarin) in patients with a reduced activity of CYP P450).
Pharmacogenetic testing is carried out for a number of reasons: for selecting patients most likely to achieve therapeu-
tic efficacy, in order to reduce side effects and determine the most appropriate dose, in order to achieve efficiency and a
higher degree of therapy safety. The advantage of pharmacogenetic testing is reflected in the fact that it can be applied
prior to drug application. Pharmacogenetics should satisfy patients need for an effective therapy without side effects,
physicians need for assistance in selecting an adequate remedy and dosage for a particular patient, as well as other
health care professionals, government agencies and pharmacists needs.
Key words: pharmacogenetics, genetic polymorphisms, CYP 450, personalized medicine.

Farmakogenetika prouava uticaj genetskih polimorfizama na terapijski odgovor odreenog leka, dok farmakoge-
nomika pored uticaja gena ispituje i ostale multifaktorijalne uticaje interindividualnih, tj. intraindividualnih odgovora
na propisanu standardnu terapiju. Individualni pristup, odnosno personalizovana terapija predstavlja osnovni cilj
farmakogenetike, u kome je od kljune vanosti postii maksimalni terapijski uspeh, uz istovremeno postizanje mini-
malnog broja prateih neeljenih efekata propisane terapije.
Osnovni uzrok interindividualne varijabilnosti pacijenata su genetike varijacije (pojedinani nukleotidni polimor-
fizmi) u genima zaduenim za sintezu enzima koji uestvuju u procesu apsorpcije, distribucije, metabolizma i elimi-
nacije lekova. Svi pacijenti se mogu podeliti na osnovu svog genotipa na 4 klase: spori metabolizeri, intermedijarni
metabolizeri, ultrabrzi metabolizeri i ekstenzivni metabolizeri koji su i najee zastupljeni i smatraju se standard-
nom grupom pacijenata. Najbitniju grupu ovih enzima predstavlja superfamilija citohroma P450 (CYP2D6, CYP2C9,
CYP2C19, itd). Enzimi iz ove familije doprinose interindividualnim razlikama u koncentraciji lekova u plazmi. Tako
se posledice polimorfizama CYP P450 kreu se od neefikasne medikamentozne terapije do ozbiljnih toksinosti koje
ona moe prouzrokovati. Jedan takav primer predstavljaju lekovi uske terapijske irine (npr. varfarin, opti anestetici,
citostatitici, itd.) kod pacijenata sa smanjenom aktivnou CYP P450.
Kada je re o klinikoj primeni, od farmakogenetike svi mnogo oekuju: pacijenti koji zahtevaju efikasnu terapiju bez nee-
ljenih efekata, lekari kojima je potrebna pomo u izboru adekvatnog leka i doze za odreenog pacijenta, zdravstveni radnici koji
moraju da pronau nain da unaprede kvalitet zdravstvene zatite uz istovremeno smanjenje trokova, vladine agencije kojima
su potrebna pouzdana ispitivanja prilikom izdavanja terapijskih vodia i zakona, kao i farmaceutskoj industriji koja nastoji da
skupe supstance, koje pretenduju da postanu lek, ne izgube usled nepredviene toksinosti u kasnim fazama razvoja leka.
Kljune rei: farmakogenetika, genetski polimorfizmi, CYP P450, individualna terapija.

Pharmacogenetics in clinical practise: challenges and opportunities

Uvod pojedinani nukleotidni polimorfizmi (PNP) gena koji

kodiraju sintezu enzima zaduenih za metabolizam i
Farmakogenetika je disciplina koja istrauje uticaj ge- transport lekova [7].
netskih polimorfizama na terapijski odgovor, odnosno
na efikasnost i bezbednost leka. Cilj farmakogenetike je Najvei stepen PNP-a naen je u genima ukljuenim u
personalizovana terapija, u okviru koje bi se mogao pre- metabolizam lekova; odnosno metabolizam priblino
pisati najefikasniji lek u adekvatnoj dozi za pojedinanog 40% lekova koji se nalaze u svakodnevnoj klinikoj prak-
pacijenta. Iako je personalizovani pristup leenju odu- si se odvija pod dejstvom enzima iju sintezu kodiraju
vek bio znak dobre medicinske prakse, detaljno korie- geni sa PNP-om [8]. Trenutno su najbitniji ovakvi en-
nje molekularnih podataka prilikom krojenja terapije zimi superfamilije citohrom P450 (kao to su CYP2D6,
po meri odreenog pacijenta, u cilju poboljanja terape- CYP2C9, CYP2C19, CYP2C8, CYP3A4, CYP3A5), ti-
utskog ishoda i smanjenja neeljenih dejstava, prua sa- opurin metil transferaza (TPMT), uridin difosfat glu-
svim novi aspekt leenja. kuronosil transferaza (naroito UGT1A1, UGT1A4,
UGT2B7), N-acetil transferaza 2 (NAT2), dihidro piri-
Farmakogenetika se napaja sa dva glavna istraivaka midin dehidrogenaza (DPD) i organski katjonski trans-
izvora, osnovnog koji nastoji da otkrije genetske polimor- porter 1 (OCT1) [5, 9-12].
fizme i razume bioloke genotipsko-fenotipske odnose, i
kliniki orijentisanog izvora koji se nadovezuje na osnov- Meutim, danas se zna da i geni koji nemaju veze sa far-
no znanje u istraivanju odnosa genetskih faktora i fenoti- makokinetikim svojstvima lekova, utiu na terapijski
pova terapijskog odgovora, i primene novih dijagnostikih uinak ili bezbednost lekova. Takvi geni mogu direktno
procedura u njegovom prenoenju u kliniku praksu. da utiu na receptore, odnosno sisteme transdukcije le-
kova, ili mogu biti samo indirektno povezani sa farma-
kodinamikim mehanizmima dejstva leka. Na primer,
Farmakogenetika u klinikoj praksi gen ADRB2 koji kodira beta-2 adrenergiki receptor i
njegova dva nesinonimna pojedinana nukleotidna po-
Svakodnevna praksa pokazuje da nemaju svi pacijenti limorfizma (Arg16Gly i Glu27Gln) intenzivno se proua-
isti farmakoloki odgovor na primenjenu standardnu vaju da bi se jasno odredila njihova uloga u terapiji tekih
terapiju. Neki pacijenti imaju zanemarljivu korist od te- oblika astme [13, 14].
rapije, dok kod drugih ista terapijska doza dovodi do po-
jave neeljenih i toksinih efekata [1, 2].
Farmakogenetika/farmakogenomika prouava ulogu
genetskih faktora u dispoziciji i odgovoru na lek. Pored Subpopulacione podele pacijenata na osnovu
toga, faktori okruenja (navike u ishrani, puenje, isto- genotipa/lokusa
vremena primena drugih lekova, izloenost toksinim Na osnovu svog genotipa/lokusa, svi pacijenti mogu se
materijama), fizioloke razlike (uzrast, pol, pridruene podeliti u etiri klase: spori metabolizeri (SM), interme-
bolesti, trudnoa) i komplijansa pacijenata, zajedno do- dijarni metabolizeri (IM), ekstenzivni metabolizeri (EM)
prinose interindividualnim varijacijama u metabolizmu i ultrabrzi metabolizeri (UM). Ekstenzivni metabolizeri
leka i posledinom terapijskom odgovoru. su najee zastupljeni i smatraju se standardnom gru-
pom pacijenata. Opis ove klasifikacije zajedno sa posle-
Terapeutski monitoring leka (Therapeutic Drug Monitoring; dicama dejstva prilikom postojanja razlike u parovima
TDM), kao najranija personalizovana terapijska procedura gena na efikasnost, odnosno toksinost lekova prikazan
kod primene odreenog leka, se sprovodi tek nakon davanja je u tabeli 1. [3].
leka, dok se farmakogenetika testiranja mogu sprovesti i
pre nego to se zapone s terapijom. Farmakogenetiko testi- Kliniki znaaj polimorfizma CYP P450
ranje je univerzalno za mnoge lekove i dovoljno je sprovesti Opte je prihvaeno da varijacije u genima koji kodiraju
ga samo jednom. Na osnovu injenice da nije uvek mogue enzime iz familije citohrom P450 (P450) doprinose inter-
razdvojiti faktore ivotne sredine od genetskih uticaja kao individualnim razlikama u koncetraciji lekova u plazmi,
uzroke varijabilnosti u odgovoru na lek, kombinovanje kla- to dovodi do varijabilnosti u efikasnosti i bezbednosti
sinog TDM (fenotipska strategija) i genotipizacije metabo- primenjenog leka kod razliitih pacijenata.
likih svojstava leka, trenutno se smatra najsofisticiranijim
nainom individualizacije doziranja pojedinih lekova [3-6]. Mogue posledice polimorfizma CYP P450 kreu se u ra-
sponu od ozbiljne toksinosti do neefikasne medikamen-
tozne terapije. Genetski odreeno smanjenje enzimske
Farmakogenetika istraivanja aktivnosti CYP P450 moe imati vane implikacije kod
lekova uske terapijske irine kao to su varfarin, kod koga
Jedan od moguih uzronika interindividualne varija- poveane koncetracije u plazmi dovode do toksinosti. U
bilnosti su genetike varijacije. Od posebnog znaaja su sluaju prolekova, kao to su kodein ili klopidogrel, slaba

Medicinska istraivanja Vol.49 Sv.1, 2015

Tabela 1. Farmakogenetika klasifikacija pacijenata na osnovu genotipa/lokusa [3]

Par gena
Oekivani uticaj Oekivani uticaj
Klasa Raspored alela na aktivni lek na prolek
Spori metabolizeri Obe pozicije u genu koje ine Smanjena efikasnost u Nesposobnost da se prolek
(SM) par imaju varijantu koja rezul- konverziji aktivnog leka konvertuje u aktivni metabolit.
tira nefunkcionalnim ili odsut- u neaktivni metabolit. Ukoliko prolek nema terapij-
nim proteinom. Povean rizik od viih ska svojstva, efikasnost nee
koncentracijskih nivoa biti zadovoljavajua uprkos
aktivnog leka i posledi- poveanim dozama.
ne klinike toksinosti.
Intermedijarni Jedan lan u genskom paru po- Smanjena efikasnost u Smanjena efikasnost konverzi-
metabolizeri (IM) seduje varijantu koja rezultira konverziji aktivnog leka je neaktivnog proleka u aktivni
nefunkcionalnim ili odsutnim u neaktivni, poveava metabolit. Oekivano sman-
proteinom, a drugi poseduje va- rizik od povienih nivoa jenje efikasnosti prilikom stan-
rijantu koja rezultira proteinom aktivnog leka i klinike dardnih doza odravanja.
smanjene funkcionalnosti. toksinosti. Zapoinja-
njem primene leka u ma-
lim dozama, postepenim
poveanjem, efikasnost
se postie ranije nego
kod EM.
Ekstenzivni me- Svaki lan para ima sekvencu Aktivni lek primenjen Prolek konvertovan u aktivni
tabolizeri (EM) konzistentnu s potpuno funkcio- u standardnoj dozi me- metabolit postie efikasnost
nalnim proteinom. tabolisan u neaktivne bez ili uz minimalne neeljene
komponente, postie efi- efekte.
kasnost bez ili uz mini-
malne neeljene efekte.
Ultrabrzi metabo- Lokus nasleen od jednog rodi- Poveana efikasnost kon- Poveana efikasnost konverto-
lizeri (UM) telja ima sekvencu konzistentnu verzije aktivnog leka u vanja proleka u aktivne meta-
sa funkcionalnim proteinom. neaktivni metabolit i po- bolite, i s tim povezan povien
Lokus nasleen od drugog ro- vien rizik of smanjene rizik od toksinosti usled viih
ditelja ima dve ili vie sekvence efikasnosti pri standard- nivoa aktivnih metabolita od
koje rezultiraju funkcionalnim nim dozama. oekivanih.
proteinom, ili jedan lan gen-
skog para ima sekvencu konzi-
stentnu sa funkcionalnim pro-
teinom, a drugi ima varijantu
koja uzrokuje proizvodnju po-
veane koliine funkcionalnog

enzimska aktivnost moe da sprei postizanje terapeut- kao to je tioridazin, koji moe proizvesti tetne posledice
skih koncentracija u plazmi i da dovede do terapijskog ne- na srani rad kod sporih metabolizera CYP2D6.
uspeha. Meutim, dupliranje gena CYP2D6 moe izazvati
toksine reakcije na kodein, usled akumulacije aktivnih Genotipski testovi kojima se detektuju varijacije mnogih
metabolita. Za lekove iroke terapijske irine, kao to su P450 gena danas su dostupni u komercijalne svrhe. Ima-
selektivni inhibitori preuzimanja serotonina i beta-bloka- jui u vidu raspon lekova ijeg metabolizma nema bez ak-
tori, klinike implikacije varijacija gena CYP P450 imaju tivnog uea CYP P450, upotreba takvih testova mogla bi
neto manji kliniki znaaj. Tako na primer, nasledni ne- omoguiti pristup irokoj implementaciji individualizacije
dostatak CYP2C9 moe ostati nedetektovan u toku ivota medikamentozne terapije. Do sada je funkcionalni poli-
pojedinca, osim ukoliko mu nije propisan lek uske terapij- morfizam otkriven za gene CYP2A6, CYP1A2, CYP2C9,
ske irine, kao to je varfarin, koga metabolie CYP2C9. CYP2C19, CYP2D6 i CYP3A4/5. Danas najmanje 25 leko-
Slino tome, pojedinac sa neaktivnim CYP2D6 moe pro- va u svojim uputstvima, koje je odobrila Uprava za hranu
i bez ijednog neeljenog efekta, osim ako ne uzima lek i lekove (US Food and Drug Administration; FDA) sadri

Pharmacogenetics in clinical practise: challenges and opportunities

Tabela 2. Primeri lekova ije uputstvo sadri informacije o genotipu [15-30]

Lek Genotip Klinika implikacija
Antidepresivi, anksiolitici i antipsihotici
Aripiprazol CYP2D6 Poveana izloenost leku kod SM CYP2D6; preporuuje se smanjenje doze.
Klozapin CYP2D6 Mogue poveanje koncentracije u plazmi kod SM CYP2D6; nejasan kliniki
Diazepam CYP2C19 Poveana enzimska aktivnost moe dovesti do pojaane sedacije.
Doksepin CYP2D6 Poveana koncentracija u plazmi kod SM CYP2D6; potrebno smanjiti dozu.
Fluoksetin CYP2D6 Poveana koncentracija u plazmi S-fluoksetina kod SM; nejasan kliniki znaaj.
Protriptilin CYP2D6 Poveana koncentracija u plazmi kod SM CYP2D6; potrebno smanjiti dozu.
Risperidon CYP2D6 Poveana koncentracija u plazmi kod SM CYP2D6; kliniki znaaj nejasan.
Tioridazin CYP2D6 Poveana koncentracija u plazmi kod SM CYP2D6; to poveava rizik od lekom
izazvane prolongacije QT-intervala i aritmija [16]. Tioridazin je kontraindiko-
van kod SM CYP2D6.
Venlafaksin CYP2D6 Poveana koncetracija u plazmi kod SM CYP2D6; moe poveati rizik od nee-
ljenih efekata.
Celekoksib CYP2C9 Poveana izloenost leku kod onih sa alelima smanjene funkcionalnosti CY-
P2C9;. Kod pacijenata sa *3/*3 genotipom neophodno smanjiti dozu.
Kodein CYP2D6 Smanjen nivo morfina u plazmi i analgetski efekat kod SM CYP2D6 [17-20].
Tramadol CYP2D6 Smanjen nivo O-dezmetiltramadola u plazmi ismanjen analgetski efekt kod SM
CYP2D6 [17-20].
Kardiovaskularni lekovi
Karvedilol CYP2D6 Povean nivo R-karvedilola u plazmi kod SM CYP2D6; potencijalno povean
rizik od neeljenih efekata, kao to je vrtoglavica.
Klopidogrel CYP2C19 Samnjen antiagregacioni efekat kod SM CYP2C19; mogu povean rizik od
neeljenih kardiovaskularnih poremeaja, ukljuujui i trombozu stenta [21,
Metoprolol CYP2D6 Povean nivo u plazmi kod SM CYP2D6; nejasan kliniki znaaj [23, 24].
Propafenon CYP2D6 Povean nivo u plazmi kod SM CYP2D6; nejasan kliniki znaaj.
Propranolol CYP2D6 Povean nivo u plazmi kod SM CYP2D6; nejasan kliniki znaaj [23, 24].
Varfarin CYP2C9 Smanjen klirens S-varfarina kod nosilaca alela CYP2C9 smanjene metabolike
funkcije; potrebno smanjiti dozu; povean rizik od krvarenja [25-28].
Inhibitori protonske pumpe
Omeprazol CYP2C19 Potencijalno smanjena efikasnost kod EM CYP2C19 u poreenju sa SM [29].
Rabeprazol CYP2C19 Potencijalno smanjena efikasnost kod EM CYP2C19 u poreenju sa SM [30].

Skraenice: SM spori metabolizeri; EM ekstenzivni metabolizeri; IM intermedijarni metabolizeri

farmakogenetike informacije koje se odnose na P450 en- CYP2C9 genotip

zime [15]. Primeri ovakvih lekova dati su u tabeli 2. Na
uputstvima se od P450 gena pominju CYP2C9, CYP2C19 Enzim CYP2C9 metabolie priblino 15% lekova sa kli-
i CYP2D6. Upravo zato je ovaj pregledni rad fokusiran na nikom primenom, ukljuujui i neke antikoagulante (npr.
genetske varijacije bitne za enzime CYP2C9, CYP2C19 i S-varfarin), hipoglikemike (npr. tolbutamid), blokatore re-
CYP2D6 kao i lekove koje metaboliu navedeni enzimi. ceptora angiotenzina II (npr. losartan), antiepileptike (npr. fe-

Medicinska istraivanja Vol.49 Sv.1, 2015

nitoin) i nesteroidne antiinflamatorike (npr. diklofenak) [31]. funkcionalnosti [48]. Uputstvo upozorava na smanjenu efi-
Do danas je identifikovano 35 varijanti gena CYP2C9 [32]. kasnost kod sporih metabolizera i navodi da je dostupno ge-
netsko testiranje na alele CYP2C19 smanjene funkcionalno-
Uticaj CYP2C9 genotipa na terapijsku efikasnost sti. Uputstvo dalje savetuje zdravstvene radnike da razmotre
varfarina alternativne opcije za pacijente oznaene kao SM. Meutim,
Varafin je najee propisivan lek za prevenciju trombo- uputstvo ne precizira u kojim sluajevima bi trebalo raditi
embolije. Ima usku terapijsku irinu i dozira se prema in- genotipizaciju, kao ni koje korake preduzeti kod pacijenata
ternacionalnom normalizovanom odnosu (International kojima se testom utvrdi prisustvo alela smanjene metablike
Normalised Ratio, INR), pa se za veinu indikacija pre- funkcionalnosti. Osim toga, uputstvo ne pominje IM, koji
poruuje INR ospeg 2 ili 3 [33]. Rizik od tromboze raste su jasno u poveanom riziku od kardiovaskularnih poreme-
kod primene antikoagulacijskih doza ispod terapijskog aja u poreenju sa EM, mada manjem od SM.
nivoa [34, 35], dok INR opseg vei od 4 poveava rizik
od krvarenja. Varfarin je lek koji je izazovno kontroli- Nedavno je konzorcijum za kliniku implementaciju
sati, velikim delom zbog toga to doza neophodna da bi farmakogenetike, podran od strane amerikog Naci-
se postigao terapijski efekat varira i dvadesetostruko kod onalnog instituta za zdravlje (Nacional Institutes of He-
razliitih pacijenata [36]. alth, NIH), publikovao vodie za genotipom navoenu
antiagregacionu terapiju kardiovaskularnih bolesti [49].
Kao pomo lekarima u odreivanju doze varfarina, kada Ovi vodii ne daju vrste preporuke o tome koje paci-
je poznat genotip CYP2C9, publikovano je vie algorita- jente treba genotipizovati, ve nude dva potencijalna
ma [37-40]. Mnogi lekari i zdravstveni radnici oekuju pristupa. Prema prvom, svi pacijenti koji imaju ACS, ili
rezultate klinikih istraivanja, koja su u toku, pre nego im je izvrena PCI, treba da budu genotipizirani, dok su
to u potpunosti usvoje protokole za doziranje varfarina prema drugom, u fokusu pacijenti sa visokim i umere-
na osnovu genotipa. nim rizikom, kao to su oni sa istorijom tromboze stenta,
dijabetesa, insuficijencije bubrega, ili onih sa visokorizi-
nim koronarnim angiografskim karakteristikama. Kod
CYP2C19 genotip pacijenata za koje postoje podaci o CYP2C19 genotipu,
standardne doze klopidogrela se preporuuju za EM i
Funkcionalnost varijanti CYP2C19 UM. Alternativna terapija prasugrelom, tikagrelorom ili
Enzim CYP2C19 metabolie pribino 10% lekova u kli- cilostazolom preporuujuje se za IM ili SM [49].
nikoj praksi, ukljuujui S-mefenitoin, inhibitore pro-
tonske pumpe i nelfinavir. Enzim CYP2C19 takoe je Uticaj genotipa CYP2C19 na terapijsku efikasnost
odgovoran za biotransformaciju klopidogrela u farma- inhibitora protonske pumpe
koloki aktivan oblik. Genetski nedostatak u CYP2C19 Inihibitori protonske pumpe (IPP), kao to su omepra-
posredovanoj eliminaciji S-mefenitoina prvi put je za- zol, esomeprazol, pantoprazol, lansoprazol i rabepra-
beleen 1979.godine [41]. Do danas je identifikovano 28 zol su prolekovi i delimino se metaboliu zahvaljujui
varijanti CYP2C19 gena [42]. CYP2C19. Aleli CYP2C19 smanjene metabolike funkci-
onalnosti poveavaju koncentraciju inhibitora protonske
Uticaj genotipa CYP2C19 na terapijsku pumpe u plazmi i stvaraju veu supresiju eludane kise-
efikasnost klopidogrela line [50-52]. U skladu s ovim podacima stoji injenica da
Klopidogrel je antiagregacioni lek koji se nalazi u iro- se via stopa eradikacije Helicobacter pylori postie ili uz
koj upotrebi kod pacijenata sa kardiovaskularnim obo- pomo dualne (IPP i amoksicilin) ili triple (IPP, amoksi-
ljenjima. Pokazalo se da klopidogrel, u kombinaciji sa cilin i klaritromicin) terapije kod pacijenata sa defektnim
aspirinom, smanjuje morbiditet i mortalitet pacijenata sa alelom CYP2C19. To naroito vai u pogledu prijavlje-
akutnim koronarnim sindromom (ACS), koji se lee me- nih stopa izleenja standardnim dozama omeprazola (20
dikamentoznom terapijom ili koronarnom revaskulari- mg/dan) i amoksicilina od 100%, 60% i 29% za EM [29].
zacijom [43-45]. Dualna antiagregaciona terapija koja se Genotip CYP2C19 takoe utie na efikasnost inhibitora
sastoji od klopidogrela i aspirina, takoe smanjuje rizik protonske pumpe u leenju gastroezofagealnog refluksa.
od koronarne tromboze stenta, nakon perkutane koro-
narne intervencije (PCI) [46]. Kod razliitih pacijenata Slino CYP2C9, postoje podaci da se ekspresija gena
efikasnost klopidogrela znatno varira, pa se kod 25% pa- CYP2C19 menja tokom odrastanja, pri emu se puna ek-
cijenata koji su primili terapiju javlja rezidualna ex vivo spresija dostie tek sa 10 godina starosti [53]. Kao posle-
agregacija trombocita [47]. Kod ovakvih pacijenata po- dica toga, odnos izmeu genotipa CYP2C19 i odgovora
stoji povean rizik od ozbiljnih neeljenih sranih stanja, na inhibitor protonske pumpe moe da se razlikuje izme-
kao to su infarkt miokarda i tromboza stenta. u odraslih i pedijatrijskih pacijenata [53].

Uputstvo za primenu klopidogrela aurirano je u martu

2010.godine kao odgovor na izvetaje o smanjenoj efika-
snosti u prisustvu alela CYP2C19 smanjene metabolike

Pharmacogenetics in clinical practise: challenges and opportunities

Genotip CYP2D6 Kada je re o klinikoj primeni, od farmakogenetike svi

mnogo oekuju: pacijenti koji zahtevaju efikasnu terapiju
Enzim CYP2D6 metabolie oko 25% lekova sa klinikom bez neeljenih efekata, lekari kojima je potrebna pomo
primenom iz vie razliitih klasa kao to su antidepresi- u izboru adekvatnog leka i doze za odreenog pacijen-
vi, antipsihotici, antihipertenzivi i analgetici. ta, zdravstveni radnici koji moraju da pronau nain da
unaprede kvalitet zdravstvene zatite uz istovremeno
Uticaj genotipa CYP2D6 na terapijsku efikasnost smanjenje trokova, vladine agencije kojima su potrebna
opioidnih analgetika pouzdana ispitivanja prilikom izdavanja terapijskih vo-
Kodein i tramadol su prolekovi koji se uz pomo CYP2D6 dia i zakona, kao i farmaceutskoj industriji koja nastoji
konvertuju u svoje aktivne metabolite morfin, odnosno da skupe supstance, koje pretenduju da postanu lek, ne
O-desmetiltramadol. Spori metabolizeri CYP2D6 postiu izgube usled nepredviene toksinosti u kasnim fazama
nie koncentracije metabolita, pa je analgetski efekat pri uo- razvoja leka.
biajenim dozama ovih lekova minimalan [17-20]. Za razli-
ku od toga, pacijenti sa dupliranim genom CYP2D6 i feno-
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36. Sullivan-Klose TH, Ghanayem BI, Bell DA, et al. The role of the CY- ultrarapid CYP2D6 metabolism. N Engl J Med. 2004; 351(27): 2827
P2C9-Leu359 allelic variant in the tolbutamide polymorphism. Pharma- 2831.
cogenetics. 1996; 6(4):341349. 56. Daln P, Frengell C, Dahl ML, Sjqvist F. Quick onset of severe abdomi-
37. Klein TE, Altman RB, Eriksson N, et al. Estimation of the warfarin nal pain after codeine in an ultrarapid metabolizer of debrisoquine. Ther
dose with clinical and pharmacogenetic data. N Engl J Med. 2009; Drug Monit. 1997; 19(5):543544.
360(8):753764. 57. Madadi P, Ross CJ, Hayden MR, et al. Pharmacogenetics of neonatal opi-
38. Shin J, Cao D. Comparison of warfarin pharmacogenetic dosing al- oid toxicity following maternal use of codeine during breastfeeding: a
gorithms in a racially diverse large cohort. Pharmacogenomics. 2011; case-control study. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2009; 85(1):3135.

Vascular surgery Clinic,Dedinje Cardiovascular Institute, Belgrade
School of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Serbian Academy for Science and Arts


ore Radak1, 2, 3, Vuk Sotirovic1
Chronic venous disease (CVD) is a common condition and a global phenomenon that affects a significant part of the
population worldwide. The majority of patients with CVD have symptoms that significantly affect their daily activities
and deteriorate the quality of their life. Treatment modalities vary from medical and other types of conservative thera-
pies, less invasive endovenous intervention to radical surgical procedures. The purpose of this article is to underline the
importance of venoactive drugs in the treatment of patients with CVD.
Key words: CVD, pharmaceutical therapy, venoactive drugs

Hronina venska bolest je esto stanje i globalni fenomen koji utie na znaajni deo svetske pupulacije. Najvei broj
pacijenata koji boluje od hronine venske bolesti, ima simptome koji u znaajnoj meri utiu na njihove dnevne aktiv-
nosti i naruavaju njihov kvalitet ivota. Modaliteti leenja variraju od medikamentne i ostalih tipova konzervativne
terapije, preko minimalno invazivnih endovenoznih procedura do radikalnih hirurkih procedura. Cilj ovog rada je da
se podvue znaaj venoaktivnih lekova u tretmanu pacijenata sa hroninom venskom boleu.
Kljune rei: hronina venska bolest, medikamentna terapija, venoaktivni lekovi


Chronic venous disease (CVD) is a common condition In addition to others, a very specific group of patients
and global phenomenon that affects a significant part has been isolated in recent years. These patients have no
of the population worldwide (1). CVD includes the full visible signs of disease, but they are constantly reporting
spectrum of morphological and functional abnormal- venous like symptoms and are thus a real nightmare
ities of the venous system irrespective of whether they for both GPs and vascular surgeons (2, 5, 6). There are
produce any symptoms. approximately 20% of patients with CVD in C0s cate-
gory and identification of these patients could be crucial
The grading of chronic venous disorders (CVD) was sim- from diagnostic and therapeutic point of view.
plified and standardized by the introduction of the Clin-
ical, Etiological, Anatomical, and Pathophysiological Along with CVD pandemic, a different treatment mo-
(CEAP) classification system (2). The CEAP classification dality has been developed in order to deal with and con-
categorizes limbs into seven classes from C0 to C6. Each trol the disease in the early stages.
clinical class is further characterized by the subscript (S)
if the categorized limb is symptomatic or the subscript Treatment modalities vary from radical surgical proce-
(A) if the limb is asymptomatic. The international char- dures, over less invasive endovenous interventions, to
acter of CEAP classification allows precise comparisons medical and other types of conservative therapies.
between countries and continents.
The purpose of this article is to underline the importance
It has to be noted that the majority of patients with CVD of venoactive drugs in the treatment of patients with CVD.
have symptoms that significantly affect their daily activities
and deteriorate the quality of their life. However, it is not
easy to confirm a positive correlation between signs and Pharmaceutical therapy of CVD
symptoms of CVD. CVD could be associated with a whole Venoactive drugs
range of symptoms such as: pain, heaviness, restless legs,
tingling, aching, burning, night muscle cramps, swelling, Veno-active drugs (VADs) constitute a diverse group of
sensations of throbbing or itching skin, leg tiredness and/ medications, which are synthetic but mostly have herbal
or fatigue (3). In addition, these symptoms could be a part origin. Five main types of VADs have been identified (7):
of some other non venous chronic and acute diseases and
conditions: obesity, neurological reasons, standing or sit- 1. Alpha benzopyrones, notably coumarin;
ting professions, or arterial occlusive disease (4). 2. Gamma benzopyrones, also known as flavonoids,

Medicinska istraivanja Vol.49 Sv.1, 2015

which include simple diosmins, micronized purified Reduction of blood viscosity and improvement in
flavonoid fraction (MPFF), and the rutosides, includ- blood flow several VADs have been shown to reduce
ing rutin, troxerutin, and hydroxyethylrutosides (Hr); blood viscosity and/or erythrocyte aggregation, in-
3. Saponins, including horse chestnut seed extract cluding MPFF, troxerutin and calcium dobesilate.
(HCSE) and ruscus aculateus extract;
4. other herbal extracts, including anthocyans, pro-
anthocyanidins (grape seed extract, red-vine leaf The place of Venoactive drugs in daily
extract), Ginko biloba extract, and Centella asiatica clinical practice
5. synthetic products (chemical family of quinons) The concept of venoactive drugs is more than attractive.
which include naftazone and calcium dobesilate. According to a perfect scenario, VADs could reduce pro-
gression of CVD, symptoms related to CVD and even de-
Due to diversity of VADs, there are multiple mechanisms velopment of severe stages and the occurence of venous
of their action (7): ulcers and all the accompanying complications.

The most important mechanism of action is their im- In recent guidelines, only some of VADs have found their
pact on inflammatory processes in venous valves and place in the management of CVD (7,8). (Table 1)
the vein wall: scavenging of free radicals, blocking the
propagation of oxidative reactions and reinforcing Recommendations for the use of venoactive drugs in
inherent cellular antioxidant capacity. Notably MPFF guidelines are based on the Grading of Recommen-
has a significant anti inflammatory effect in the ear- dations Assessment, Development and Evaluation
ly stage of inflammatory cascades: by inhibiting leu- (GRADE) system (9, 10). The GRADE system differs from
kocyte endothelial interactions; other schemes described in the guidelines in the fact that
Actions on venous tone most of them act by mod- separate levels are assigned for the recommendation of
ulating noradrenergic signaling, by reducing nor- treatment and for the quality of evidence on which the
epinephrine metabolism in the cases of MPFF and recommendation is based. Recommendations are clas-
hydroxyethyl-rutosides or by agonism of venous sified as either strong (grade 1) or weak (grade 2), and
1-adrenergic receptors in the case of Ruscus extracts; quality of evidence as high (grade A), moderate (grade
Actions on capillary permeability (edema) with B) or low (grade C). Importantly, the GRADE system
their antioxidant and anti inflammatory effects, it recognizes that large observational studies may provide
is not surprising that many of the major VADs have evidence of moderate or even high quality, particularly if
been shown to reduce capillary hyperpermeability, the estimation of the magnitude of the treatment effect
MPFF treatment significantly reduces plasma VEGF is very large. In current clinical practice, the major point
in patients with skin changes, and plasma VEGF has of interest concerning these drugs is to reduce symptoms
been proposed as a marker of MPFF therapy; related to CDV.
The positive effect on lymphatic circulation and
lymph flow;

Table 1. Recommendations for venoactive drugs from the international consensus meeting in Cyprus, November 2012.
Indication Venoactive drug Recommendation Quality of evi- Grade
MPFF Strong Moderate 1B
Simple diosmins Weak Poor 2C
Rutosides Weak Moderate 2B
Relief of venous symptoms Calcium dobesilate Weak Moderate 2B
(C0s to C6s) and edema (C3)
HCSE Weak Moderate 2B
Ruscus extracts Weak Moderate 2B
Gingko biloba Weak Poor 2C
Other VADs Weak Poor 2C
Adjunctive treatment of MPFF Strong Moderate 1B
primary venous ulcer (C6)

Pharmaceutical therapy of chronic venous disease

Micronized purified flavonoid fraction References

(MPFF) treatment strategy 1. Rabe E, Guex JJ, Puskas A, Scuderi A, Fernandez Quesada F; VCP Co-
ordinators. Epidemiology of chronic venous disorders in geographically
diverse populations: results from the Vein Consult Program. Int Angiol.
Micronized purified flavonoid fraction has a number of 2012 Apr;31(2):105-15.
vein specific anti inflammatory effects that relieve 2. Eklf B, Rutherford RB, Bergan JJ, Carpentier PH, Gloviczki P, Kistner
symptoms at all stages of CVD. In several placebo con- RL et al. Revision of the CEAP classification for chronic venous disorders:
trolled trials, MPFF was associated with a significantly consensus statement. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 1996 Nov;12(4):487-91.
greater improvement in many of the symptoms of CVD 3. Eklf B, Perrin M, Delis K, Rutherford R. Updated terminology of
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after 2 months compared to placebo (P< 0.001 MPFF ver- consensus document. J Vasc Surg. 2009;49:498-501.
sus placebo) or simple diosmin (P< 0.05 MPFF versus sim- 4. Benigni JP, Bihari I, Rabe E, Uhl JF, Partsch H, Cornu-Thenard A, Jaw-
ple diosmin). Moreover, symptom relief with MPFF was ien A; UIP Union Internationale de Phlbologie. Venous symptoms
achieved rapidly and maintained in the long term (11). in C0 and C1 patients: UIP consensus document. Int Angiol. 2013
5. Eklof B, Perrin M, Delis K, Gloviczki P; American Venous Forum; Eu-
In a meta-analysis of 459 patients, MPFF significantly re- ropean Venous Forum; International Union of Phlebology; American
duced the symptoms associated with venous ulcers after College of Phlebology; International Union of Angiology. Updated
4 and 6 months of the treatment (12) MPFF is also benefi- terminology of chronic venous disorders: the Vein Term Transatlantic
cial for post surgery pain, (13, 14, 15) and the pain asso- Interdisciplinary Consensus Document. J Vasc Surg. 2009;49:498-501.
6. Kahn SR, Mlan CE, Lamping DL, Kurz X, Brard A, Abenhaim LA;
ciated with pelvic congestion syndrome (16). Patients re-
VEINES Study Group. Relationship between clinical classification of
ceiving MPFF 2 weeks before and continuing for 14 days chronic venous disease and patient-reported quality of life: results from
after varicose vein surgery required significantly less an international cohort study. J Vasc Surg. 2004;39:823-828.
analgesic use than the control group (13, 14). In a cross 7. Nicolaides AN1, Allegra C, Bergan J, Bradbury A, et al. Management of
over study, women were randomized to receive either chronic venous disorders of the lower limbs guidelines according to
scientific evidence. Int Angiol. Int Angiol. 2014 Apr;33(2):87-208
MPFF or placebo. After 6 months, mean pain scores were
8. The Essentials from the XVIIth World Meeting of the Union Internatio-
significantly lower in the MPFF group compared to pla- nale de Phlbologie, 7-14 September 2013, Boston, USA. Phlebolymphol-
cebo (P<0.05) (16). ogy. 2013;20(3):138.
9. Guyatt G, Gutterman D, Baumann MH, et al. Grading strength of
In recent guidelines for the management of CVD, MPFF recommendations and quality of evidence in clinical guidelines: re-
port from an American College of Chest Physicians task force. Chest.
has been assigned a high level of recommendation as a 2006;129:174-181.
first line treatment for venous symptoms in any stage of 10. Guyatt GH, Oxman AD, Vist GE, et al; GRADE Working Group.
CVD (7). It should be noted (Table 1) that the recommen- GRADE: an emerging consensus on rating quality of evidence and
dation for MPFF is strong, based on benefits that clear- strength of recommendations. BMJ. 2008;336:924-926.
ly outweigh the risks and evidence of moderate quality 11. Lyseng-Williamson A, Perry CM. Micronised purified flavonoid frac-
tion. A review of its use in chronic venous insufficiency, venous ulcers
(grade 1B) for the indication of relief of venous symp- and haemorrhoids. Drugs. 2003;63:71-100.
toms in C0s to C6s patients, including those with CVD 12. Coleridge Smith PD. Drug treatment of varicose veins, venous edema,
related edema. MPFF retains its strong recommendation and ulcers. In: Gloviczki P, ed. Handbook of Venous Disorders: Guide-
for use as adjuvant therapy in treating venous ulcers (7). lines of the American Venous Forum. 3rd ed. London, UK: Hodder Ar-
nold; 2009: 359-365.
13. Veverkova L, Kalac J, Jedlicka V, et al. Analysis of surgical procedures on
In conclusion, CVD is a global phenomenon that has al-
the vena saphena magna in the Czech Republic and an effect of Detralex
most pandemic proportions. In order to deal with this during its stripping. Rozhl Chir. 2005;84:410-412.
massive phenomenon, several therapeutic options have 14. Pokrovsky AV, Saveljev VS, Kirienko AI, et al. Surgical correction of
been developed. Apart from very popular surgical and less varicose vein disease under micronized diosmin protection (results of
invasive procedures, venoactive drugs have been trying the Russian multicenter controlled trial DEFANS). Angiol Sosud Khir.
to find their place on the global medical scene for many
15. Weiss RA, Weiss MA. Resolution of pain associated with varicose and
years. Today, latest guidelines have started to recom- telangiectatic leg veins after compression sclerotherapy. J Dermatol Surg
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symptom relief therapy, in every stage of CVD. However, 16. Simsek M, Burak F, Taskin O. Effects of micronized purified flavonoid
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Institut Vina, Laboratorija za radiobiologiju i molekularnu genetiku, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Beograd, Srbija
Institut za kardiovaskularne bolesti Dedinje, Klinika za vaskularnu hirurgiju, Beograd, Srbija
The Pharmaceutical Research Institute at Albany, Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, New York, USA
Stomatoloki fakultet u Panevu, Univerzitet Privredna Akademija, Novi Sad, Srbija



Emina Sudar Milovanovi1, Milan Obradovi1, Vladan Baji1,
Nikola Bogdanovi1, ore Radak2, Esma R. Isenovi1,3,4

The essential amino acid, L-Arginine (L-Arg) has an important role in the cardiovascular system. Literature data
show that L-Arg is the only substrate for the production of nitric oxide (NO), from which L-Arg develops its effects on
the cardiovascular system. As a free radical, NO is synthesized in all mammal cells by L-Arg with the activity of NO
synthase (NOS). In the states of hypertension, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia and vascular inflammation, a disorder
occurs in the metabolic pathway of the synthesis of NO from L-Arg which all together bring alterations to blood vessels.
Clinical studies show that L-Arg has an effect on thrombocytes, the process of coagulation and the fibrolytic system.
All the new data summarized in this review suggest that L-Arg could be one of important therapeutic molecules for
improving cardiovascular disorders.
Keywords: L-Arg, NO, NOS, arginase, cardiovascular system

Esencijalna aminokiselina, L-Arginin (L-Arg) ima veoma vanu ulogu u kardiovaskularnom sistemu. Podaci iz
literature pokazuju da je L-Arg jedini supstrat za produkciju azot-monoksida (NO), preko koga L-Arg i ostvaruje svoje
efekte na kardiovaskularni sistem. Kao slobodni radikal, NO se sintetie u svim elijama sisara od L-Arg uz aktivnost
enzima NO sintaze (NOS). U stanjima hipertenzije, dijabetesa, hiperholesterolemije i vaskularne inflamacije dolazi
do poremeaja metabolikog puta sinteze NO od L-Arg, to sve zajedno dovodi do oteenja krvnih sudova. Klinike
studije ukazuju da L-Arg moe imati efekte na trombocite, proces koagulacije kao i na fibrinolitiki sistem. U okviru
ovog preglednog lanka sumirani su najnoviji podaci iz literature koji sugeriu da bi L-Arg mogao biti jedan od bitnih
terapeutskih molekula u poboljanju leenja kardiovaskularnih poremeaja.
Kljune rei: L-Arg, NO, NOS, arginaza, kardiovaskularni sistem

Opste osobine L-Arginina

Do danas je poznato najmanje pet enzima koji koriste likih puteva L-Arg u organizmu mogu imati znaajne
esencijalnu aminokiselinu L-Arginin (L-Arg) kao sup- fizioloke posledice [35]. U sluaju nedovoljne sinteze en-
strat za svoju aktivnost. Osim arginil-tRNA sintetaza, dogenog L-Arg, neophodno je obezbediti dodatni unos
etiri grupe enzima kod sisara koriste slobodni L-Arg L-Arg ishranom za optimalan rast, [54] i za regeneraciju
kako supstrat i to su: azot-monoksid (NO) sintaza (NOS) tkiva [49; 51]. U zavisnosti od stanja uhranjenosti i faze
(najmanje tri izoforme), arginaza (2 izoforme), L-Arg razvoja, normalne koncentracije L-Arg u plazmi ljudi su
-glicin amidinotransferaza i L-Arg dekarboksilaze [35]. u rasponu od 40 to 100 mol/l [4].
Iako postoji vie puteva katabolizma L-Arg, postoji samo
jedan put sinteze L-Arg, i to je put koji vodi od citrulina Pokazano je da metabolizam L-Arg ima veoma vanu
[35]. Kod sisara, citrulin se sintetie u crevima od gluta- ulogu u kardiovaskularnom sistemu [35], upravo zbog
mina i prolina, a glavno mesto za endogenu biosintezu njegove uloge prekursora za sintezu molekula NO, slo-
L-Arg od citrulina je u bubrezima [16; 49]. Osim u bu- bodnog radikala koji se sintetie u svim elijama sisara od
brezima, citrulin e metabolisati u L-Arg u svim tkivi- L-Arg uz aktivnost enzima NOS [42; 46; 49; 61]. Podaci iz
ma koja eksprimiraju enzime argino-sukcinat sintetazu literature pokazuje da je L-Arg jedini supstrat za produk-
(ASS) i argino-sukcinat liazu (ASL) u ciklusu poznatom ciju NO, preko kaga i ostvaruje svoje efekte na kardiova-
kao citrulin-NO ciklus [35; 49; 64]. Velike koliine L- skularni sistem. Klinike studije u koje su bili ukljueni
Arg se sintetiu u ciklusu uree u hepatocitima, i na ovaj hipertenzivni i dijabetini pacijenti kao i zdrave osobe,
nain sintetisani L-Arg se odmah hidrolizuje u ornitin i ukazuju da L-Arg moe regulisati vaskularnu hemosta-
ureu, to ima za posledicu da urea ciklus ne prua dovolj- zu [14; 18; 19; 44]. Eksperimentalni rezultati dobijeni na
no L-Arg za celokupan organizam. Promene u dostup- ivotinjama kao i in vitro podaci sugeriu da L-Arg moe
nosti L-Arg kao i krajnjih produkata razliitih metabo- imati efekte na trombocite, process koagulacije kao i na

The role of L-arginine in cardiovascular system

fibrinolitiki sistem [2; 19; 28; 44; 53], to ukazuje na novi L-Arg se pod delovanjem enzima arginaze pretvara u L-
terapeutski potencijal aminokiseline L-Arg [14]. U okviru ornitin, koji je prekursor u sintezi poliamina i uree, mole-
ovog preglednog lanka sumirani su najnoviji podaci iz kula bitnih za ciklus uree [49]. Takoe, L-Arg je i prekursor
literature koji ukazuju na znaaj i ulogu L-Arg u fiziologiji za kreatin, jedinjenje koje ima znaajnu ulogu u energet-
i patofiziologiji kardiovaskularnog sistema. skom metabolizmu miia, nerava i testisa. Kreatin tako-
e, bitno doprinosi katabolizmu L-Arg i sintezi agmatina
i proteina [54; 55; 59]. Indukcija enzima arginaze dovodi
Uloga L-Arginina u kardiovaskularnom do pojaanog katabolizma L-Arg do ornitina [60]. Poto je
sistemu L-Arg limitirajui faktor za sintezu NO [26], moe se oe-
kivati da je i aktivnost arginaze ukljuena u indukovanu
U kardiovaskularnoj fiziologiji i patofiziologiji kljunu ulo- sintezu NO. Na osnovu zapaanja da inhibicija aktivnosti
gu ima efekat NO na vaskularni endotelium [35]. Poreme- arginze dovodi do poveane proizvodnje NO u endotelu,
aj metabolikog puta L-Arg/NO u endotelu je jedan od [1; 10; 21; 67; 69; 70], arginaza u endotelnim elijam naj-
najeih mehanizama kojima faktori rizika za kardiova- verovatnije ima ulogu u regulaciji dostupnosti substrata
skularna oboljenja, kao to su hiperholesterolemija [5], hi- za sintezu NO [35]. U patofiziolokim stanjima kao to su
pertenzija [38], puenje [8], dijabetes [27], homocisteinemia hipertenzija i ishemijska reperfuzija, aktivnost endotelne
[50], i vaskularna inflamacija [23], ostvaruju svoje negativ- arginaze je poveana to doprinosi disfunkciji endotela,
ne efekte na zidove krvnih sudova [25]. Aminokiselina L- daljim smanjenjem koncentracije L-Arg, to sve zajedno
Arg je jedini prekursor za sintezu NO. Kataboliki enzimi dovodi do disfunkcije NOS i poremeene produkcije NO
L-Arg, koji svojim delovanjem najvie utiu na kardiova- [1; 21; 35; 43; 67; 68; 70]. Pokazano je da su aktivnosti oba
skularni sistem jesu NOS i arginaza [31; 35; 45; 47]. enzima, i NOS i arginaze znaajno smanjeni u endotelnim
elijama diajbetinih pacova u poreenju sa kontrolama
Tri izoforme NOS su klonirane i okarakterisane do sada: [35; 63]. Aktivnost arginaze moe biti smanjena ili inhi-
neuronalna NOS (nNOS), inducibilna NOS (iNOS) i endo- birana N-hidroksiargininom, posrednikom u signalnom
telna NOS (eNOS) [7; 30; 66], i sve tri izoforme NOS su pri- putu NOS [52]. Tako, usled niske aktivnosti arginaze, do-
sutne u kardiovaskularnom tkivu [24; 25; 41; 43]. L-Arg je stupno je vie L-Arg kao supstrata za enzime eNOS i iNOS
substrat enzima NOS, koji ga konvertuje u aminokiselinu ija aktivnost je stimulisana, to za rezultat ima poveanu
L-citrulin uz oslobaanje NO (Slika 1.). Iz ovako nastalog produkciju NO [47]. Meutim, ekspresija arginaze kao i
citrulina, L-Arg, takoe, moe biti i recikliran pomou metabolizam L-Arg u razliitim patofiziolokim stanjima
enzima ASS i ASL [35; 64], ali i razloen arginaznom. nije u potpunosti okarakterisan, pa u skladu sa tim, nivo
ekspresije ili aktivnosti arginaze moe predstavljati tera-
pijsku metu za neka kardiovaskularna oboljenja [35; 52].


L-arginin L-citrulin


Slika 1. Shematski prikaz mehanizma nastanka azot-monoksida (NO) od L-Arginina u endotelnim elijama
NO- azot-monoksid; eNOS- endotelna NO-sintaza; iNOS- inducibilna NOS; nNOS- neuronalna NOS; NADP- nikotinamid adenin dinukleotid

Medicinska istraivanja Vol.49 Sv.1, 2015

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Institut Vina, Laboratorija za radiobiologiju i molekularnu genetiku, Univerzitet u Beogradu
Bioloki fakultet, Institut za fiziologiju i biohemiju, Univerzitet u Beogradu
Farmaceutski fakultet, Katedra za fiziologiju, Univerzitet u Beogradu
Institut za kardiovaskularne bolesti Dedinje, Klinika za vaskularnu hirurgiju, Beograd




Nikola Bogdanovi1, Milan Obradovi1, Neboja Jasni2,
Biljana Spremo-Potparevi3, Dragana Uni-Stojanovi4,
ore Radak4, Esma R. Isenovi1

According to the World Health Organization, 15 million people per year are affected by stroke. The most common
cause of stroke is brain ischemia, which occurs in almost 85% of cases. Ischemia caused by thromboembolism is defined
as permanently or temporarily decreased blood flow which prevents an adequate delivery of oxygen, glucose and oth-
er important nutrients, leading progressively to metabolic changes and cell apoptosis. Carotid endarterectomy (CEA)
can cause hypoxic ischemic states of the brain or acute brain ischemia (ABI) leading eventually to stroke. The main
cause of ABI as a result of CEA is cerebral hypoperfusion caused by clamping of carotid arteries, when hypoxia occurs..
Hypoxia per se is one of the triggers of complex physiological responses in the body, including the release of various me-
diators of inflammation. One of these inflammatory mediators is nitric oxide (NO), a free radical which has numerous
physiological effects and also plays an important role in the immune response of the organism. However, NO may be
very harmful and cause cell and tissue damage. The lack of literature data on the role of endothelial NOS (eNOS) and
inducible NOS (iNOS) during CEA, as well as the mechanisms of their regulation in ischemic conditions, suggest that
intensifying future research in this field is very important. An insight into molecular mechanisms of iNOS activity and
expression regulation will certainly help to develop new therapeutic strategies for treating harmful effects of free radi-
cals, especially uncontrolled production of NO.
Key words: carotid endarterectomy, acute brain ischemia, nitric oxide, endothelial nitric oxide synthase, inducible
nitric oxide synthase.

Prema podacima Svetske zdravstvene organizacije, 15 miliona ljudi godinje doivi modani udar. Najei uzro-
nik modanog udara je ishemija mozga, koja se deava u skoro 85% sluajeva. Modana ishemija izazvana trombo-
embolijskim dogaajima definie se kao trajno ili prolazno smanjenje cirkulacije krvi, to za posledicu ima nedostatak
kiseonika, glukoze i ostalih vanih nutritijenata, dovodei postepeno do metabolikih promena i apoptoze elija. Tokom
operativnih zahvata kao to je karotidna endarterektomija (CEA) moe doi do hipoksino-isheminog stanja mozga ili
akutne ishemije mozga (ABI), kao i do samog modanog udara. Glavni uzrok ABI u toku CEA je cerebralna hipoperfu-
zija koja je uzrokovana klemovanjem karotidne arterije, pri emu dolazi do hipoksije, to moe predstavljati jedan od
okidaa za niz fiziolokih odgovora organizma, meu kojima je oslobaanje razliitih medijatora inflamacije. Jedan od
medijatora inflamacije je i azot monoksid (NO), slobodni radikal koji pored mnogobrojnih fiziolokih efekata ima va-
nu ulogu i u samom imunom odgovoru organizma. Meutim, NO moe biti veoma tetan i svojim delovanjem dovesti
do oteenja elija i tkiva. Nedostatak podataka u literaturi o ulozi endotelne NOS (eNOS) i inducibilne NOS (iNOS)
tokom CEA, kao i mehanizama njihove regulacije u stanjima ishemije, ukazuju na pravac kojim treba da se usmere
budua istraivanja. Poznavanje molekularnih mehanizama regulacije aktivnosti i ekspresije iNOS, svakako e pomoi
razvoju novih terapijskih strategija u tretmanu tetnih efekata produkcije slobodnih radikala, pre svega nekontrolisane
produkcije NO.
Kljune rei: karotidna endarterektomija; akutna modana ishemija; azot monoksid; endotelna azot monoksid
sintaza, inducibilna azot monoksid sintaza.

The role of the nitric oxide synthases in brain ichemia during carotid endarterectomy

Uvod Nedostatak podataka u literaturi o ulozi NOS, endotelne

(eNOS) i inducibilne (iNOS), tokom CEA kao i mehani-
Modana ishemija izazvana tromboembolijskim doga- zama njihove regulacije u stanjima ishemije, ukazuju na
ajima definie se kao trajno ili prolazno smanjenje cir- znaaj istraivanja u ovoj oblasti. Poznavanje molekular-
kulacije krvi, to za posledicu ima nedostatak kiseonika nih mehanizama regulacije aktivnosti i ekspresije NOS,
(O2), glukoze i ostalih vanih nutrijenata, dovodei po- svakako e pomoi razvoju novih terapijskih strategija u
stepeno do metabolikih promena i apoptoze elija [1, 2]. tretmanu tetnih efekata produkcije slobodnih radikala,
Stvaranje plaka na zidovima krvnih sudova prvo dovodi pre svega nekontrolisane produkcije NO u stanjima ishe-
do pojave privremenih simptoma, poznatih kao prolazni mije mozga.
ishemijski napad (TIA; engl. Transient Ischemic Attack),
pri kome se privremena ishemija javlja u mozgu, kime-
noj modini ili mrenjai, bez izazivanja infarktnog sta- Akutna ishemija mozga (ABI)
nja [3]. Za razliku od trajne ishemije, TIA ne uzrokuje
trajno oteenja mozga [4]. TIA je kratkotrajna epizoda Modano tkivo je izuzetno osetljivo na ishemiju, tako da
vaskularne disfunkcije, esto oznaena kao ,,mini log, i kratki periodi ishemije mogu izazvati niz kompleksnih
sa simptomima modanog udara i trajanja od nekoliko dogaaja u neuronima, koji mogu dovesti do apoptoze
minuta do 24 asa [5, 6]. elija [16, 17]. ABI je neuropatoloko stanje koje karak-
terie apoptoza neuronskih celija koja je izazvana nizom
Iako je iznenadna okluzija krvnog suda izazvana trom- patofiziolokih dogaaja, meu kojima je jedan od bitni-
boembolijskim dogaajima najeci uzrok isheminog jih inilaca oksidativni stres [12]. Veliki broj novonasta-
otecenja mozga [2], primeeno je da tokom operativnih lih slobodnih radikala u toku ishemije mozga mogu do-
zahvata kao to je karotidna endarterektomija (CEA; engl. vesti do funkcionalnih i strukturnih otecenja neurona,
Carotid Endarterectomy) moe doi do hipoksino-ishe- usled oteenja lipida, proteina i nukleinskih kiselina [12,
minog stanja mozga ili akutne ishemije mozga (ABI; engl. 14, 18]. Razliiti regioni mozga imaju razliit stepen tole-
Acute Brain Ischemia), kao i do samog modanog udara [2, rancije na ishemiju, pri emu je bela masa tolerantnija na
7]. Glavni uzrok modanog udara u toku CEA je cerebralna ishemiju od sive mase mozga [16, 17]. Takoe, odreene
hipoperfuzija koja je uzrokovana klemovanjem karotidnih populacije neurona, kao to su CA1 piramidalni neuroni
arterija, dok su u intraoperativnom, kao i postoperativnom hipokampusa, mnogo su osetljivije na ishemiju od dru-
periodu tromb, embolizam i cerebralna hiperperfuzija gih, poput dentatne granule neurona [16, 17]. Modana
glavni uzronici loeg klinikog ishoda [6, 8-11]. ishemija rezultuje naglim smanjenjem protoka krvi naj-
ece izazvanim naglom okluzijom krvnog suda, to do-
Naruena ravnotea izmeu oksidativnih i antioksidativ- vodi do gubitka neurolokih funkcija [1, 2].
nih procesa ima vanu ulogu u patologiji ABI [12, 13]. Na-
ime, poveana produkcija slobodnih radikala, kao to su Ishemino otecenje mozga ine patoloki dogaaji koji
superoksid anjon radikal (O2-), azot monoksid (NO), vo- mogu biti izazvani modanim udarom, tekim povre-
donik peroksid, peroksinitrit i visoko reaktivni hidroksil dama glave, kardiorespiratornim zastojem, kao i nekim
radikal moe imati kljunu ulogu u patogenezi ABI [14]. operativnim procedurama poput CEA, vantelesnog kr-
Danas, jedan od glavnih ciljeva istraivanja ABI nastale votoka i indukovane hipotenzije [7]. Ovi patoloki pu-
tokom CEA, je razvijanje terapijskih strategija usmere- tevi ishemine kaskade nastali tokom nekoliko minuta
nih ka smanjenju otecenja mozga nastalog oksidativnim mogu da izazovu nepovratna otecenja neurona [1, 19],
stresom, kroz razumevanje molekularnih mehanizama dovodei do hipoksino-isheminog stanja [2]. Regioni
nastanka ABI [11]. Jedan od terapijskih pristupa mogao mozga kao to su hipokampus, amigdaloidna jedra i pre-
bi biti stimulisanje antioksidativne aktivnosti u krvi koja frontalni korteks odgovaraju na akutni i hronini stres
obezbeuje zatitu protiv neurolokih otecenja u stanju i pokazuju promene u morfologiji i biohemiji, koje su u
ishemije mozga [6, 12]. velikoj meri reverzibilne [20]. Modana ishemija deluje
kao faktor stresa tj. stresor i na taj nain stimulie hi-
NO je slobodni radikal koji je ukljuen u razliite fiziolo- potalamusnu-hipofiznu-adrenalnu osovinu (HPA; engl.
ke i patofizioloke procese, a nastaje aktivnou enzima hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis) [11, 21]. Brojne stu-
azot-monoksid sintaza (NOS; engl. Nitric Oxide Syntha- dije pokazuju da endokrine promene HPA osovine mogu
se) [15]. Jedna od glavnih uloga NO je vazodilatatorni takoe dovesti do modane ishemije [11, 21]. Kao posle-
efekat koji ostvaruje u krvnim sudovima. NO je molekul dica CEA nastaje sloena bioloka reakcija, poznata kao
koji je prisutan u celom organizmu, ali se u fiziolokim hipermetaboliki odgovor na stres, koja je posredovana
uslovima primarno sintetie u endotelnim elijama krv- HPA osovinom, a karakterie je patoloka aktivacija au-
nih sudova i od velike je vanosti za homeostazu kardio- tonomnog nervnog sistema i podizanje nivoa katehola-
vaskularnog sistema (KVS) zbog svoje kardioprotektivne mina [11, 22, 23]. Pored toga, ova reakcija dalje implicira
uloge [6, 15]. hemodinamike, metabolike, inflamatorne i imunolo-
ke promene usmerene na uspostavljanje homeostaze i
oporavak [8]. Metabolike i endokrine promene koje na-

Medicinska istraivanja Vol.49 Sv.1, 2015

staju tokom operacije, ukljuujuci povecano snabdevanje rativnih neeljenih neurolokih dogaaja [30, 31]. ABI
O2, povecan katabolizam i otecenje funkcija imunog si- izazvana TIA inicira kompleksni niz dogaaja u central-
stema su povezane sa loim postoperativnim i klinikim nom nervnom sistemu i HPA osovini, koji na kraju mogu
ishodom [8]. Pored oteenja tkiva koja nastaju tokom dovesti do nervnog i celijskog otecenja. Mozak je izuzet-
prolazne ishemije, dodatna oteenja tkiva i mikrocirku- no osetljiv na ishemiju i kao odgovor na stres pokazuje
lacije nastaju i tokom reperfuzije tkiva. [9, 10]. promene u morfologiji i biohemijskim procesima, koje su
u velikoj meri reverzibilne [31]. Za ove promene se zna da
modifikuju funkciju HPA osovine, ali njihovi mehanizmi
Karotidna endarterektomija (CEA) jo nisu razjanjeni. Patogeneza ABI je sloena i obuhva-
i akutna ishemija mozga ta vie mehanizama, ukljuujuci proizvodnju slobodnih
radikala, dovodei do oksidativnog stresa koji doprino-
Karotidna endarterektomija je hirurka procedura u ka- si neurolokim otecenjima. Kroz interakciju sa velikim
rotidnoj arteriji, koja se koristi za smanjenje rizika od brojem molekula, reaktivne vrste kiseonika (ROS; engl.
modanog udara [11]. Asimptomatska karotidna stenoza reactive oxygen species) mogu unitavati nepovratno ili
podrazumeva prisustvo stenotinih lezija na karotidni- menjati funkciju celijskih lipida, proteina i nukleinskih
marterijama, u bolesnika koji namaju i nisu imali neu- kiselina, kao i prekinuti celijske signalne puteve nakon
roloke simptome modane ishemije [11]. Simptomatska cerebralne ishemije. Cilj CEA je da se spree negativne
stenoza podrazumeva istovremeno prisustvo stenoze ka- posledice stenoze karotidnih arterija, sekundarne atero-
rotidnih arterija i simptoma cerebralne ishemije i ima vi- skleroze, tj. isheminog modanog udara [11].
sok rizik od modanog udara, ali za razliku od asimpto-
matske stenoze, nastupa 2 dana nakon pojave simptoma Kao i kod bilo koje operacije, paljiva procena relativ-
[24]. Prema preporuci Nacionalnog instituta za zdravlje ne koristi i rizika od postupka se trai na individualnoj
i kliniku vetinu SAD-a (NICE; engl. National Institute osnovi pacijenta. Perioperativni CEA rizik za smrtnost u
for Health and Care Excellence, USA) pacijenti sa umere- narednih 30 dana treba da bude manji od 3 % za asimp-
nim do ozbiljnim (50-99 % zaepljenja) stenozom unu- tomatske pacijente, odnosno za 6 % u pacijenta sa simp-
tranje karotidne arterije i simptomima, moraju se ope- tomima. Pacijenti sa simptomima obino imaju TIA bez
risati najbolje u roku od 2 nedelje od nastanka simptoma veih posledica ili blai modani udar, koji moe uticati
[24]. Pacijenti sa asimptomatskom stenozom unutranje na disfunkciju jedne strane tela, ukljuujui poremeaj
karotidne arterije imaju veci rizik od nastanka moda- govora ili vida [4].
nog udara u poredjenju sa optom populacijom, ali manji
rizik od pacijenata sa simptomatskom stenozom. Uesta-
lost modanog udara u svetu, ukljuujuci fatalni moda- Uloga azot monoksida (NO)
ni udar je 1-2 % na godinjem nivou [24], dok je smrtnost u stanjima ishemije mozga
pacijenata od endarterektomije tokom hirurke interve-
cije 1-2 % [24]. Svake godine preko 25 000 ljudi u Srbiji U fiziolokim uslovima NO se primarno sintetie u en-
doivi modani udar a ak 10% ih je mlae od 30 godina dotelnim elijama krvnih sudova i ukljuen je u razli-
[25]. Dve velike klinike studije su pokazale da operacija ite procese vane za homeostazu KVS [15]. Disfunkcija
karotida 30 dana od modanog udara smanjuje rizik od endotela tokom razliitih patolokih stanja u KVS esto
smrtnosti za 3%, dok kod asimptomatskih pacijenata sa je inicirana smanjenom sintezom NO. Meutim, hiper-
stenozom za ak 60 % i produava ivotni vek za najma- produkcija NO moe dovesti do otecenja celija direkt-
nje 5 godina nakon operacije [26]. nom promenom strukture proteina ili indirektno kroz
formiranje visoko reaktivnog peroksinitrita [32, 33] to
Postoje podeljena miljenja meu hirurzima oko naina se najee deava u razliitim patofiziolokim stanjima,
tretiranja asimptomatskih pacijenata, tj. da li je dovolj- poput ishemije mozga [32]. Povean nivo NO dovodi do
no tretirati pacijente lekovima ili je neophodna operacija inhibicije enzima ukljuenih u regulaciju metabolizma i
[27]. Tradicionalni nain endarterektomije podrazume- DNK sinteze [12, 34-36]. Pokazano je da tokom ABI do-
va otvaranje arterije i uklanjanje plaka, dok noviji pri- lazi do poveane produkcije NO [37-39].
stup ukljuuje endovaskularnu angioplastiku, koja je en-
doskopska metoda i postavljanje katetera oko luka aorte Uloga NO tokom ishemije mozga je sloena [39]. Neu-
i do karotidne arterije (stenta) [11]. Kateter sadri balon roprotektivna uloga NO se ogleda u poboljanju proto-
za proirenje arterije i ubacuje stent koji dri arteriju ka krvi posle ishemijskog dogaaja, pri emu dolazi do
otvorenom. U nekoliko klinikih ispitivanja 30 dana na- vazodilatacije, inhibicije agregacije trombocita i adhezije
kon sranog ili modanog udara smrtnost je bila znatno leukocita [40, 41]. Meutim, pri velikim koncentracija-
veca nego kod stenta sa CEA (9,6 % bez endovaskularne ma NO dolazi do poveanog afiniteta NO prema gvou
angioplastike u odnosu na 3,9 % sa) [28]. CEA je zlatni i tiolnim grupama u proteinima, to dovodi do neuro-
standard za tretiranje simptomatskih pacijenata sa ka- toksinosti [12, 42, 43]. Naime, NO reaguje sa superok-
rotidnom aterosklerozom [11, 29]. Meutim, uspenost sid anjonima pri emu nastaju peroksinitriti, koji pred-
ove operativne procedure zavisi od stope pre i postope- stavljaju jake oksidante i tako naruavaju metabolizam

The role of the nitric oxide synthases in brain ichemia during carotid endarterectomy

gvoa [40, 44, 45]. Podaci iz literature ukazuju da tetni Enzim iNOS je predominantno lokalizovan u citosolu
efekti NO u modanom tkivu mogu biti povezani sa po- elije [54]. iNOS je enzim sa velikom mogunou sinteze
vecanim postishemijskim oslobaanjem ekscitatornih NO i moe da sintetie i do 1000 puta vie NO od eNOS
neurotransmitera [40, 46, 47]. Regulacija koncentracije [15]. Ovako nastali NO moe imati tetne efekte, jer u
NO moe se ostavariti pomou antagonista glutamatnog velikim koncentracijama reaguje sa superoksidnim anjo-
receptora, poto povecan nivo NO inicira proizvodnju nima, to dovodi do nastanka visoko reaktivnih vrsta O2
glutamata. Takoe, reperfuzija tkiva nakon ishemije po- [58]. Do ekspresije iNOS dolazi nakon indukcije, usled
vecava nivo oksigenacije tkiva, ali i znatnu produkciju inflamacije posredovane citokinima-indukovanim fak-
NO i superoksida, to moe dovesti do brzog porasta pe- torima transkripcije kao to je npr. nukleusni faktor-B
roksinitrita [48]. (NFB; engl. Nuclear Factor-B) koji se vezuje za elemen-
te u okviru promotora gena za iNOS ili nekim drugim
patofiziolokim stimulusima [59, 60]. Kalmodulin ostaje
Uloga azot monoksid sintaze (NOS) nekovalentno vezan za kompleks iNOS i stoga predsta-
u stanjima ishemije mozga vlja sutinsku podjedinicu ove izoforme [61]. Zajedno sa
drugim izoformama, postoje vezivna mesta za NADPH,
NOS je enzim koji konvertuje aminokiselinu L-arginin FMN i FAD [62]. Aktivnost iNOS je pokazana u irokom
(L-Arg) u L-citrulin, pri emu NO nastaje kao krajnji pro- spektru celija i tkiva [63-65], kao to su makrofazi [66],
dukt enzimske reakcije. Do sada su opisane tri izoforme hondrociti [67], Kupferove celije, hepatociti [68, 69], ne-
NOS: neuronalna NOS (nNOS; tip-I; engl. neuronal NOS), utrofili [70], zatim u pulmonarnom epitelu [71], limfoci-
inducibilna NOS (iNOS; tip-II; engl. inducible NOS) i en- tima [72] i vaskulaturi [73]. Regulacija proizvodnje NO
dotelna NOS (eNOS; tip-III; engl. endothelial NOS) [49- preko iNOS nuno se javlja tokom transkripcije i trans-
51]. Tokom ishemije mozga kao i nakon reperfuzije tkiva lacije [73]. Ekspresija iNOS gena i naknadno prevoenje
dolazi do aktivacije sve tri izoforme NOS enzima, iNOS, iRNK je kontrolisana velikim brojem agonista, poseb-
eNOS i nNOS. [12, 47, 52]. Smatra se da tokom ishemi- no proinflamatornim medijatorima. Citokini ukljueni
je mozga dolazi do aktivacije nNOS u neuronima i gli- u regulaciju ekspresije iNOS su faktor nekroze tumora
ja elijama i do ponovnog preuzimanja glutamata u si- (TNF-), interleukin-1 (IL1) i interferon- (IFN-),
napsama. Pored toga, aktivacija NMDA receptora (engl. slobodne masne kiseline (SMK) koje uestvuju u imun-
N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors) rezultuje poveanjem skom odgovoru. Takoe je pokazano da u stanju hipok-
intracelularnog kalcijuma (Ca2+) [52], to dodatno pove- sije dolazi do poveane ekspresije iNOS [74].
ava aktivnost nNOS. Povecana aktivnost iNOS i eNOS u
vaskularnom endotelu tokom ishemije mozga, verovatno Jedna od osnovnih razlika izmeu eNOS i iNOS je u
potie usled aktivacije u makrofagima i infiltriranim ne- mehanizmu regulacije njihove aktivnosti. Enzim eNOS
utrofilima [53] tako da razvijanje novih strategija u cilju je konstitutivna izoforma NOS koja je Ca2+ i kalmodulin
inhibicije ili inaktivacije NOS moe predstavljati novi te- zavisna, odnosno njena aktivnost je regulisana nivoom
rapijski pristup poto se zna da poveana aktivnost nNOS intraelijskog Ca2+, dok je aktivnost iNOS, koji takoe
i iNOS prouzrokuje neurotoksinost [39]. sadri kalmodulin, nezavisna od koncentracije Ca2+ [75].
Dakle, za aktivaciju eNOS je potrebna vea koncentracija
Enzim eNOS je preteno vezan za elijsku membranu Ca2+ u odnosu na iNOS [55]. Takoe, za razliku od eNOS
[54]. Kada je neaktivan, vezan je za kaveolin, dok pove- koji je aktivan u fiziolokim uslovima, aktivacija iNOS
anje intracelularne koncentracije jona Ca2+ dovodi do nastaje kao odgovor na razliite faktore poput citokina
vezivanja kalmodulina za eNOS i aktiviranja ovog enzi- [76], endotoksina ili oksidativnog stresa [77] u razliitim
ma. Aktiviranje eNOS zahteva dimerizaciju enzima, pri- patofiziolokim uslovima [78].
sustvo supstrata L-arginina, i kofaktor BH4 (engl. (6R)-
5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-L-biopterin). Stimulusi koji dovode
do poveanja intracelularne koncentracije Ca2+ dovode Zakljuak
i do sinteze NO. eNOS zahteva veu koncentraciju Ca2+
za svoju aktivnost od iNOS [55]. NO stvoren u niskim Hipoksino-ishemina stanja mozga nastala tokom CEA,
dozama od strane eNOS izoforme, funkcionie kao sig- usled hipoperfuzije, predstavljaju glavni uzrok loeg kli-
nalni molekul u nekoliko biolokih procesa, ukljuujui nikog ishoda [6, 8-11]. Razumevanje molekularnih me-
i regulaciju vaskularnog tonusa, remodelovanje vaskula- hanizama u regulaciji iNOS u patolokim procesima ABI
ture (dilataciju i stanjivanje zida) i angiogenezu. Poveca- nastale tokom CEA, je od izuzetne vanosti. Razvoj in-
na ekspresija eNOS moe imati vanu ulogu u regulisa- flamacije, kao i naruena ravnotea izmeu oksidativnih
nju angiogeneze nakon modanog udara [56]. Meutim, i antioksidativnih procesa imaju vanu ulogu u patologiji
pokazano je da veoma visoke doze eNOS mogu uticati ABI [12-14]. Vani medijatori inflamatornih i oksidativ-
nepovoljno po organizam [57]. Naime, rizik od infarkta nih procesa su iNOS i NO, stoga bi jedan od potencijal-
kod mieva sa injeciranim eNOS je znaajno povecan 24 nih terapijskih pristupa mogao biti i smanjenje aktivnosti
asa nakon okluzije srednje cerebralne arterije (MCA) u i ekspresije iNOS i prekomerne produkcije NO, odnosno
poreenju sa normalnim miem [57]. stimulisanje antioksidativne aktivnosti u krvi (Slika 1.).

Medicinska istraivanja Vol.49 Sv.1, 2015

Apoptoza elija
Oteenja tkiva ONOO



PI3K jedro
CEA citokini
p50 p65


Slika 1. Predloeni mehanizam regulacije aktivnosti i ekspresije iNOS tokom CEA. CEA- karotidna endarterektomija; ABI akutna
modana ishemija; PI3K fosfatidilinozitol-3 kinaza; O2- kiseonik; NO- azot oksid; iNOS- inducibilna NOS; NFB- nukleusni faktor kapa B;
IB- I kapa B alfa; ONOO peroksinitrit; fizioloko poveanje; (figura oveka je preuzeta i modifikovana sa sajta http://www.dream-

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Dedinje Cardiovascular Institute, Vascular surgery Clinic
Faculty of Medicine, Belgrade University, Belgrade, Serbia




Danica Bajceti, Slobodan Tanaskovi, Vuk Sotirovi,
Marijana Jovanovi, Predrag Jovanovi, Petar Popov,,
Dragoslav Nenezi,, Biljana Despotovi,, ore Radak,

Routine and frequent use of computerized tomography (CT) angiography in vascular disease detection has led to
frequent suprarenal gland abnormal findings that could, if undiagnosed, significantly complicate the course of the
future treatment. The term adrenal incidentaloma refers to adrenal lesion discovered serendipitously during an im-
aging investigation. Adrenal incidentalomas do not constitute a single pathological entity. Major concerns are risks
of malignancy and autonomous hormone secretion. The majority of all adrenal incidentalomas (approximately 79%)
are nonfunctioning benign lesions. Among functioning lesions subclinical cortisol excess is most frequently found. All
patients with adrenal incidentaloma should undergo clinical, biochemical, and imaging evaluation for malignancy and
hormone production. In this review, we discuss the current issues in diagnostic and therapeutic management of patients
with adrenal incidentaloma. Follow-up of patients with adrenal incidentalomas involves the assessment of growth and
development of hormonal function. After this review analysis several useful protocols could be designed to help vascular
surgeons to adequately treat patients with concomitant vascular disease and adrenal incidentaloma.
Key words: adrenal gland, incidentaloma, tumor, autonomous hormone production, functional testing, imaging.

Rutinska i uestala upotreba kompjuterizovane tomografije (CT) angiografije pri dijagnostici vaskularnih obolje-
nja dovela je do estog otkrivanja promena na nadbubrenim lezdama koje u znaajnoj meri mogu kompikovati
ishod leenja ovih pacijenata. Termin adrenalni incidentalomi se odnosi na adrenalni leziju sluajno otkrivenu tokom
imiding procedura. Adrenalni incidentalomi ne predstavljaju pojedinani patoloki entitet. Najvea briga predstavlja
rizik od maligniteta i hormonske aktivnosti. Veina od svih adrenalnih incidentaloma (priblino 79%) su nefunkcional-
ne benigne lezije. Meu funkcionalnim lezijama najee se susreu pacijenti sa subklinikim kortizolskim ekscesom.
Svi pacijenti sa adrenalnim incidentalomima trebaju biti podvrgnuti klinikoj,biohemijskoj i imiding evaluaciji za
malignitet i hormonsku aktivnost. U ovom radu mi razmatramo aktuele dijagnostike i terapijske probleme vezane
za pacijentesa adrenalnim incidenralomima. Praenje ovih pacijenata obuhvata praenje rasta i hormonske funkcije
adrenalnih incidentaloma. Nakon analiziranja ovog pregleda, mogue je napraviti nekoliko korisnih protokola koji bi
pomogli vaskularnim hirurzima u adekvatnom leenju pacijenata sa udruenim vaskularnim oboljenjima i adrenal-
nim incidentalomima.
Kljune rei: nadbubrena lezda, incidentalom, tumor, nezavisna hormonska produkcija, funkcionalno testiranje,


Adrenal incidentaloma (AI) is an adrenal mass, generally the elderly, peaking between the fifth and the seventh de-
1 cm in diameter or larger, discovered through imaging cade. (4) Because of its increasing prevalence, AI is now
study performed for indications other than evaluation of recognized as a common clinical problem and has even
adrenal disorder. (1) Adrenal incidentalomas are found been proclaimed as endocrine epidemic of A-I-D-S
in the adrenal cortex or medulla and may be hormon- Adrenal Incidentaloma Discovered Serendipitously. (5)
ally active or nonfunctional, malignant or benign. (2)
The prevalence of AI at autopsy was found to be less than The prospectively validated management of a patient
1% in patients younger than 30 years old and up to 7% with AI has not been established although a state of the
in patients aged 70 or older. (3) Imaging studies yielded science statement and Medical guidelines for the man-
similar findings: AI were found in approximately 24% agement of adrenal incidentalomas by have been pub-
of the middle aged, increasing up to more than 10% in lished by the National Institute of Health and American

Medicinska istraivanja Vol.49 Sv.1, 2015

Table 1. Etiology of incidentally found adrenal mass (adrenal incidentaloma)

1. Adrenal cortical lesions
Adenocortical carcinoma
Nodular hyperplasia
2. Adrenal medullary tumors
3. Other adrenal tumors
Myelolipoma, lipoma, lymphoma, haemangioma, hamartoma, teratoma
4. Metastasis
Lung, breast, kidney, gastrointestinal tract tumors, lymphoma, melanoma
5. Infection
Abscess, tuberculosis, fungi, cytomegalovirus
6. Infiltration
Amyloidosis, sarcoidosis
7. Cysts and pseudocysts
Parasitic, endothelial, degenerative adenoma
8. Haemorrhage
9. Pseudoadrenal masses
Stomach, pancreas, kidney, spleen, liver, vascular lesions (e.g. aneurysms and tortuous splenic veins)

Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and American Imaging studies cannot reliably distinguish between
Association of Endocrine Surgeons (AACE/AAES), re- functioning and nonfunctioning adrenal adenomas. The
spectively. (6,7) The challenge is to recognize and treat second most commonly found benign adrenal mass is
an infrequent AI that involves a significant risk, either myelolipoma, a tumor consisted of fat and bone marrow
because of hormonal activity or because of its malignan- elements. Due to its structure myelolipoma presents with
cy. (8) Adrenal incidentalomas do not constitute a single characteristic imaging appearance. (9)
pathological entity. Etiology underlying incidentally dis-
covered adrenal mass is presented in Table 1. Cortisol producing-adenoma
Autonomous cortisol secretion was found in 5.3% of pa-
We will discuss the diagnostic and therapeutic approach tients with AI. The autonomous cortisol production is re-
in the following cases of AI: nonfunctional benign adre- ferred to as subclinical hypercortisolemia because these
nal mass, hormone secreting adenomas, adrenal nodular patients lack full phenotypic manifestations of Cushing
hyperplasia, pheochromocytoma and adrenal malignancy. syndrome. However, these patients are more likely to
suffer from obesity, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and
osteoporosis. (10) Patients with subclinical hypercorti-
Clinical approach in a case of AI solemia usually have normal values of morning cortisol
level. However, disturbances in the circadian rhythm of
Nonfunctioning benign adrenal mass cortisol excretion may occur in the form of slightly in-
Approximately 79% of all AIs are nonfunctioning benign creased nocturnal cortisol concentrations. (11) Adrenal
lesions including adrenocortical adenoma, myelolipoma, autonomy is best assessed by dexamethasone suppres-
ganglioneuroma and adrenal cyst. If functional screen- sion test. The test consists of the administration of 1 mg
ing is negative, the diagnosis is most likely nonfunction- of dexamethasone (3 mg of dexamethasone may be also
ing adenoma, the most frequently found adrenal tumor applied) at 11pm followed by the measurement of morn-
of all. (9) ing serum cortisol concentration at 8am. The result of
cortisol level greater than 138 nmol/L (5 g/dL) is stan-
Adrenocortical adenomas usually appear as non highly dardly used to define autonomous cortisol production.
vascular, homogenous lesions with smooth, encapsulated (12) The use of a much lower cut off level of 50 nmo-
margins. In some isolated cases, these lesions progress to l/L increases the sensitivity, but it also increases the rate
functioning tumors. (14) of false positive results. (13) The result of <1.8 g/dL has
been proposed as the best negative predictive value.

Diagnostic and therapeutic management of patients with adrenal incidentaloma

The following tests can be performed either to confirm When primary hyperaldosteronism is diagnosed it is im-
or rule out autonomous cortisol production: 2 day high portant to determine the subtype of the disease. Patients
dose dexamethasone suppression test, late night sal- with aldosterone producing adenoma tend to be young-
ivary cortisol measurement and 24 hour urinary free er (<40 years old), have more severe hypertension and hy-
cortisol test. Cortisol value of 70 nmol/L measured after pokalemia, and have higher PAC than those with adrenal
2 mg daily dexamethasone (for 48h) is used by some as nodular hyperplasia. However, there is no specific bio-
a cut off value for identifying patients with autonomous chemical evaluation that reliably differentiates the subtype
cortisol secretion. (13) Low adrenocorticotropic hor- of primary hyperaldosteronism. (9) The proposed therapy
mone (ACTH) concentration can be found in patients for aldosterone producing adenoma is surgical (in pa-
with autonomous cortisol production due to suppres- tients with unilateral source of aldosterone excess). How-
sion. On the other hand, low dehydroepiandrosterone ever, preoperative adrenal vein sampling is mandatory for
sulphate level may also be found as a result of insufficient surgical decision if CT scan shows bilateral or no lesions
ACTH production. Adrenal scintigraphy may be used for (especially in patients over 40 years old) to exclude bilat-
assessing lesion functionality. eral adrenal hyperplasia that is treated with selective and
nonselective mineralocorticoid receptor blockers. (7,18)
A reasonable strategy is to consider adrenalectomy in
younger patients (<40 of age), those with low ACTH Sex hormones-producing adenoma
levels, and in cases of autonomous cortisol production Sex hormone producing adrenocortical tumors are rare
associated obesity, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and and typically occur in the presence of clinical manifesta-
osteopenia. A patient with subclinical hypercortisolemia tions of autonomous hormone secretion. Routine screen-
should receive glucocorticoid therapy peri- and post- ing for excess androgens or estrogens in patients with ad-
operatively because of the risk of acute adrenal insuffi- renal incidentalomas is therefore not recommended. (1)
ciency. (1,14,15) Glucocorticoid therapy may last 6 to 18
months after unilateral adrenalectomy.(7) Clinically silent pheochromocytoma
Approximately 4 7% of AIs have proved to be clinical-
Primary hyperaldosteronism: aldosterone produc- ly silent pheochromocytomas. (19) These tumors may
ing adenoma and adrenal nodular hyperplasia be benign or malignant. Even when clinically silent this
Primary hyperaldosteronism is caused by aldosterone tumor can be lethal. (20) In approximately 25% of pa-
producing adrenal masses, mostly by adenoma or nodu- tients, pheochromocytoma is associated with familial
lar hyperplasia. Adrenal nodular (micronodular or mac- syndromes (multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2, von
ronodular) hyperplasia may involve one or both adrenal Hippel-Lindau disease), thus genetic testing should be
glands and is more frequent than aldosterone produc- performed, especially in young patient. (7)
ing adenoma. Primary hyperaldosteronism is the most
common cause of secondary hypertension while approx- Radiological findings indicative for pheochromocyto-
imately 1% of adrenal incidentalomas have proved to be ma consist of increased attenuation on unenhanced CT,
aldosterone producing adenomas. (1,9) Primary hyper- prominent vascularity of the mass, delayed washout
aldosteronism should be suspected in the cases with early of contrast medium, and high signal intensity on T2
onset of hypertension, usually refractory to medication, weighted MRI. (21) Biochemical assessment for pheo-
and hypokalemia. However, these patients may have nor- chromocytoma is necessary in all patients with AI.
mal levels of potassium in the blood. The measurements
of plasma aldosterone concentration (PAC) and plasma Measuring fractionated metanephrines and catechol-
renin activity (PRA) are used to calculate PAC/PRA ratio amines in a 24 hour urine are most widely used bio-
(APR) which is the most commonly used test for screen- chemical tests for diagnosis of pheochromocytoma. The
ing of primary hyperaldosteronism. (16) The APR is most additional measurement of fractionated catecholamines
sensitive when blood is obtained 2h after waking up in in the 24-hour urinary specimen is helpful in diagnos-
the morning, in upright position, after a brief period of ing dopamine secreting pheochromocytoma. The
rest. An elevated PAC (>20 ng/dL) and a high APR (>30) measurement of plasma free metanephrines can also be
are highly indicative for hyperaldosteronism. (9) How- used, but the value of this test is limited because of its
ever, the cut-off for a positive result may be laboratory low specificity. (22) The use of tricyclic antidepressants,
dependent. Thus, PAC15 ng/dL and APR 20 have also decongestants, amphetamines, reserpine, and phenoxy-
been used as indicators for aldosterone producing adre- benzamine should be discontinued to eliminate false
nal masses. (1) The interpretation of test results should be positive results. Surgical resection should be performed
noted in caution in patients receiving some medications in all patients with pheochromocytoma and -adrener-
including antihypertensives, and whenever possible, such gic blocking agent (phenoxybenzamine, doxazosin, or
therapy should be discontinued prior to testing. (1,9) The phenoxybenzamine/metyrosine) should be administered
negative suppression of aldosterone level after a salt chal- 1 to 3 weeks preoperatively. Long term follow up is
lenge may be used as additional confirmatory test for pri- advised because 10% to 15% of pheochromocytomas
mary hyperaldosteronism. (17) were found to be recurrent. (7)

Medicinska istraivanja Vol.49 Sv.1, 2015

Primary adrenocortical carcinoma of an increased risk of adrenal carcinoma. Follow up of

patients with adrenal incidentaloms involves assessment for
Primary adrenocortical carcinoma is a rare tumor with growth and development of hormonal function.
poor prognosis. The estimated prevalence of adrenal car-
cinoma in the general population is approximately 12 The increase in size of a benign appearing adrenal mass
cases per 1 000 000. (23) Among the patients with adre- is used to screen for malignancy. Approximately 15% of
nal incidentalomas, adrenocortical carcinoma was found AI increase in size during follow up or may even shrink
in 4.7% of cases. (10) Although adrenocortical carcinoma over time. There is no adrenal mass growth cut-off that
can develop at any age, a bimodal age distribution was can reliably confirm or exclude a malignant lesion. Pa-
found, with the disease peaking before the age of 5 and tients with AI <4 cm and with radiologic characteristics
in the 4th to 5th decade of life. (2) This tumor is func- consistent with benign lesions need to have imaging re-
tional in two thirds of cases: hypercortisolemia either evaluation at 3 to 6 months and then annually for 1 to
alone or in association with virilisation is the most fre- 2 years.(7) However, some recommend first scan within
quent presentation. Estrogen- and aldosterone- secreting 6 months followed by annual CT for up to 4 5 years.
adrenal carcinomas are rarely found. (8,24) The tumor Importantly, repeated CT scans increase the chance of
size determines the risk of malignancy: adrenal cortical causing fatal malignancy due to ionizing radiation. (8) If
carcinoma accounts for 2% of AI up to 4 cm in size, 6% adrenal tumor grows (0.8 cm or 1 cm) and/or become
of tumors between 4.1 cm and 6 cm and 25% of tumors hormonally active during follow up, surgical removal
larger than 6 cm. (25) Imaging methods are helpful in should be considered. (28,7)
differing between adrenocortical malignancy and be-
nign lesions. Using CT, higher pre-contrast attenuation Hormonal evaluation should be performed at the time of
values (>10 Hounsfield Units) are usually obtained for diagnosis and then annually for up to 5 years. (7) The risk
malignant lesions because they generally contain less lip- of hormonal progression was found to increase in the first
ids in comparison to adrenal adenomas. After contrast 3 years and then remain stable. There is an opinion that
administration, adrenocortical carcinomas present as hormonal follow up in patients with non functional
inhomogeneous lesions with irregular borders and low AI 2 cm is probably of limited value because these le-
percentage of contrast washout (<40%). MRI and CT sions rarely progress in size or become functional. (8)
have comparable accuracy in differentiation between be-
nign and malignant adrenal lesions.
The impact of adrenal incidentaloma
Adrenocortical carcinomas usually present as hy- on cardiovascular pathology
pointense lesions on both MRI T1- and T2-weighted
images with strong enhancement after contrast injection Patients with adrenal incidentalomas have been reported
and delayed washout. (26, 27) Adrenocortical carcinoma to have an increased risk for cardiovascular diseases. (29)
can also be visualized by positron emission tomography Accordingly, subtle cortisol production was found to be
(PET). Open adrenalectomy is the procedure of choice in an independent risk factor for hypertension in patients
the treatment of primary adrenocortical carcinoma. with AI. (30) Moreover, patients with subclinical hyper-
cortisolemia were found to have increased prevalence
Adrenal metastasis of adverse metabolic and cardiovascular outcomes. (31)
Adrenal metastases account for 50 75% of all AI in pa- Increased prevalence of insulin resistance, a major risk
tients with history of malignant disease. Adrenal metas- factor for cardiovascular events, has been reported in pa-
tases are bilateral in 10 15% of cases, they are usually tients with functional AI. (32,33) Decreased insulin sen-
larger than 3 cm and most frequently originate from pri- sitivity was also reported in patients with nonfunctional
mary tumors of the lung, breast, kidney, gastrointestinal AI. (34) Notably, patients with nonfunctional AI were
tract, and melanoma or lymphoma. Adrenal hypofunc- found to have increased carotid intima media thickness.
tion may occur due to tumor growth. In addition to im- (35) and impaired cardiac morphology and function.
aging techniques, CT guided fine needle aspiration (36) It has been suggested that some degree of adrenal
biopsy may be applied. Pheochromocytoma should al- autonomy that is not recognized by current methods, is
ways be excluded before fine needle aspiration biop- responsible for increased cardiometabolic risk in patients
sy in order to avoid the potential hypertensive crisis. (8) with nonfunctional AI. (29) Accordingly, the level of in
If PET is performed, most malignant lesions will show vitro steroid production was found to be similar in hor-
avidity for [18F]-fluorodeoxyglucose. However, it is diffi- monally inactive adrenocortical tumors and subclinical
cult to separate primary adrenocortical carcinoma from hypercortisolism/overt Cushing syndrome suggesting
adrenal metastasis by using PET scan. cortisol autonomy in silent adrenal lesions. (37) Thus,
increased prevalence of AI in patients with cardiovascu-
Follow-up of patients with AI lar diseases is not only due to frequent use of imaging
Any adrenal mass with concerning imaging characteristics methods, but it is partly influenced by impact of AI on
and/or lesions 4 cm should be surgically removed because cardiovascular system.

Diagnostic and therapeutic management of patients with adrenal incidentaloma

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removal should be applied in lesions 4 cm, pheochro- tion-to-plasma renin activity ratio as a screening test for primary aldo-
mocytoma, aldosterone producing adenomas and uni- steronism. A systematic review of the literature. Endocrinol Metab Clin
North Am 2002; 31:61932, xi.
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BT Klinika, Beograd, Srbija
Institut za kardiovaskularne bolesti Dedinje, Klinika za vaskularnu hirurgiju
Medicinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu



Brankica Tepavevi1, Sandra Radak2,3
Measurement of carotid intima media thickness with B mode ultrasound is a noninvasive and highly reproduc-
ible technique for detecting and quantifying subclinical atherosclerosis. Several large, prospective, epidemiologic studies
have shown that this method accurately identifies prevalence and incidence of cardiovascular disease, independently of
traditional risk factors. The value of this method is that it can be used to determine patients vascular age. Measurement
of carotid intima media thickness reveals current atherosclerotic burden, it is feasible in a clinical setting and it can be
integrated into coronary heart disease risk assessment models.
Vascular age is substitution for chronological age and it is used in order to improve coronary heart disease risk pre-
diction taking current carotid atherosclerotic burden into account.
Key words: vascular age, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases, prevention, risk factors.

Merenje debljine intimo-medijalnog kompleksa karotidnih arterija B modom ultrazvuka, je neinvzivna tehnika i
pouzdana metoda za detekciju i kvantifikaciju subklinike ateroskleroze. Vie velikih prospektivnih epidemiolokih
studija pokazuju da ova metoda precizno identifikuje prevalencu i incidencu kardiovaskularnih bolesti u odnosu na
tradicionalne riziko faktore. Vrednost metode je u tome to se moe koristi za odredjivanje vaskularne starosti bolesni-
ka. Merenje debljine intimo-medijalnog kompleksa moe nam kvantitativno pokazati aterosklerotska oteenja, koja
moemo koristiti u proceni postojeeg rizika za kardiovaskularne bolesti i proceniti vaskularnu starost svakog pacijen-
ta. Vaskularna starost je zamena za hronoloku starost i koristi se da bi se unapredilo davanje prognoze i izraunavanje
rizika za oboljenje koronarnih arterija u zavisnosti od aterosklerotiskih oteenja na karotidnim arterijama.
Kljune rei: vaskularna starost, ateroskleroza, kardiovaskularne bolesti, prevencija, faktori rizika


Measurement of carotid intima media thickness individuals with the same chronological age and simi-
(CIMT) with B mode ultrasound is a noninvasive and lar risk profiles can differ substantially (1,3). An imaging
highly reproducible technique for quantifying athero- test that quantifies atherosclerotic burden and that can
sclerotic burden. It is a well validated research tool, be integrated with existing risk stratification paradigms,
but it is not used widely as a clinical tool, even though could be a very useful clinical tool (3).
the American Heart Association Prevention Conference
V concluded that CIMT could be considered for fur- A rich database from several clinical and epidemiologic
ther clarification of coronary heart disease (CHD) risk trials, that used CIMT, provides an opportunity to ad-
assessment (1). Several studies have demonstrated that just a patients chronological age to their atherosclerotic
CIMT predicts future cardiovascular events (1,2). For burden, a concept that is called vascular age (8). For
demonstration purposes, the Atherosclerosis Risk in example, a 45 year old white man who has a CIMT of
Communities (ARIC) study will be focused on, because 0.8 mm is actually a 60 year old male (vascular age)
it has a well defined scanning protocol and published based on the median CIMT value, taking sex and race
data (2). In ARIC, increasing CIMT identified prevalent into account (2,3).
cardiovascular disease including angina, myocardial in-
farction, stroke, transient ischemic attack, and periph- Vascular health screening program should use vascular age
eral vascular disease. More importantly, the presence of as a part of the clinical risk prediction program. The stan-
increased CIMT predicted future CHD events, both for dard imaging protocol from the ARIC study, to scan 1 cm
men and women (8). segments in each carotid artery, can be used. For each pa-
tient, vascular age is estimated using a statistical model on
Framingham CHD risk estimates are strongly influenced the basis of published nomograms from ARIC study using
by chronological age; however, atherosclerotic burdens of their sex, race, chronological age, and CIMT value (7).

Medicinska istraivanja Vol.49 Sv.1, 2015

Carotid Ultrasound Imaging ment. Composite CIMT values were used to determine
vascular age, defined as the age at which the composite
The carotid arteries were imaged with an 8.0 MHz linear CIMT value for an individual of a given race and gender
array ultrasound transducer. The common carotid artery would represent the median value (50th percentile) in the
segment was defined as the distal 1 cm of the common ca- ARIC study. Specifically, the linear 50th percentile func-
rotid artery, immediately proximal to the origin of the bulb. tion by chronological age, gender, and race was used to
project the age of each subject based on their composite
CIMT value. If each of a given subjects segmental CIMT
Determination of Vascular Age values were at the 50th percentile for their chronological
age, gender, and race, their composite CIMT would be at
Vascular age was determined by linear regression mod- the 50th percentile and their vascular age would be equal
eling using published nomograms of CIMT percentiles to their chronological age. For example, a 45 year old
(5th, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th, and 95th) according to black female with a composite CIMT of 0.593 mm would
chronological age, race and gender (6). Linear and non- have a CIMT percentile of 50% and a vascular age of 45
linear regression models were constructed for each of the years; however, a 45 year old black female with a com-
CIMT percentile functions for each carotid arterial seg- posite CIMT of 0.678 mm would have a CIMT percentile

Figure 1. Age-specific percentiles of common carotid artery intima media thickness (CCIMT) in healthy
sub population: (A) men; (B) women (9).

Vascular age and carotid intima media thickness

of 71% and a vascular age of 55 years. Finally, vascular References

age was substituted for chronological age in the Fram- 1. Greenland P, Abrams J, Aurigemma GP, Bond MG, Clark LT, Criqui
ingham CHD risk prediction model, resulting in modi- MH, et al. Prevention conference V: beyond secondary prevention; iden-
tifying the high-risk patient for primary prevention, noninvasive tests of
fied CHD risk estimates. atherosclerotic burdenwriting group III. Circulation 2000;101:E16-22.
2. Bond MG, Barnes RW, Riley WA, Wilmoth SK, Chambless LE, Howard
G, Owens B, ARIC Study Group: High-resolution B-mode ultrasound
Discussion scanning methods in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study
(ARIC). The ARIC Study Group. J Neuroimaging 1991;1:6873
3. Howard G, Sharrett A, Heiss G, Evans GW, Chambless LE, Riley WA,
The CIMT measurement can be used in conjunction Burke GL, for the ARIC Investigators: Carotid artery intimal-medial
with well validated and previously published population thickness distribution in general populations as evaluated by B-mode
norms to determine vascular age (4). Vascular age rep- ultrasound. Stroke 1993;24:12971304
resents an atherosclerotic burden, which varies between 4. Minitab Statistical Software (Release 13.31). State College, Pa. 2001
individuals of the same chronological age despite similar 5. Douglas PS: Atherosclerosis: Its all in the arteries. J Am Soc Echo
CHD risk profiles. Thus, population based risk esti-
6. Stein JH, Fraizer MC, Aeschlimann SE, Nelson-Worel J, McBride PE,
mates can be modified by this direct assessment of an Douglas PS. Vascular age: integrating carotid intima-media thickness
individuals current atherosclerotic burden. When vas- measurements with global coronary risk assessment. Clin Cardiol
cular age replaced chronological age in CHD risk pre- 2004;27:388-92.
diction algorithms, an estimated CHD risk was altered 7. Grundy SM. Coronary plaque as a replacement for age as a risk factor in
global risk assessment. Am J Cardiol 2001;88:8-11E.
substantially. Evaluating atherosclerotic burden using
8. Stein JH, Fraizer MC, Aeschlimann SE, Nelson-Worel J, McBride PE,
CIMT may help individualize therapy for the primary
Douglas PS. Vascular age: integrating carotid intima-media thickness
prevention of CHD events. measurements with global coronary risk assessment. Clin Cardiol 2004;
in press.
Like all ultrasound techniques, determining CIMT re- 9. Stein JH, Fraizer MC, Aeschlimann SE, Nelson-Worel J, McBride PE,
quires training of sonographers and readers, as well as Douglas PS. Vascular age: integrating carotid intima-media thickness
measurements with global coronary risk assessment. Clin Cardiol
strict attention to quality control. Training programs for 2004;27:388-92.
determining CIMT in research and clinical settings have
been established. The reproducibility of this test in our
clinical laboratory is similar to that reported in the lit-
erature (3-5). Since high-resolution vascular ultrasound
transducers, modern ultrasound machines, and sonog-
raphers are available in most active clinical environ-
ments, the assessment of CIMT appears to be ready for
mainstream use (8).


Measurement of CIMT is feasible in a clinical setting,

and its use to determine vascular age can alter CHD risk
assessment. Determining patients vascular age could po-
tentially improve the applicability of population based
CHD risk estimates to the management of an individual
patient by accounting for age related variation in ath-
erosclerotic burden. CIMT measurement might help to
identify previously unrecognized high risk individuals
and could help clinicians with better primary prevention
strategies for an individual patient.

Indeks autora

Aleksi Aleksandra 12
Aleksi Predrag 12
Banevi Maja 12
Banevi Vladimir 12
Biljana Despotovi 47
Biljana Spremo-Potparevi 40
Bjelovi Nevena 15
Boana Dimitrijevi 26
Brankica Tepavevi 53
Danica Bajcetic 47
ore Jevtovi 26
ore Radak 33, 36, 40, 47
Dragana Melentijevi 1
Dragana Uni-Stojanovi 40
Dragica Draganovi 19
Dragica Joji 19
Dragoslav Nenezic 47
Emina Sudar Milovanovi 36
Esma R. Isenovi 36, 40
Gordana Dragovi 26
Ljilja Solomun 19
Marijana Jovanovic 47
Marko Barovi 26
Milan Jovanovi 26
Milan Obradovi 36, 40
Milan Preradovi 19
Nada Doli 26
Neboja Jasni 40
Nikola Bogdanovi 40
Petar Popov 47
Predrag Jovanovic 47
Sandra Radak 53
Senani Ivan 15
Slobodan Tanaskovic 47
Stojislav Konjevi 19
Teodora Belji ivkovi 1
Trajkovi Goran 15
Vladan Baji 36
Nikola Bogdanovi 36
Vuk Sotirovic 33, 47
Uputstvo naim saradnicima

Medicinska istraivanja je nauni asopis Medi- 10

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nalni radovi i opti pregledi, po pozivu Redakcije i ori- e: prezime i poetno slovo imena autora, naziv knjige,
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Rad mora da bude stilski doteran i pisan ili na engle-
skom ili na srpskom knjievnom jeziku, u duhu pravo- GLAVNI I ODGOVORNI UREDNIK
pisa i uz upotrebu pravilnih medicinskih termina. Treba Prof. dr ore Radak
izbegavati upotrebu stranih rei i skraenica. Imena pi-
sana u tekstu rada moraju biti pisana izvorno.
Uvodni deo treba da sadri ukratko izloene samo
najvanije istorijske podatke. Iz rada treba izostaviti
opte poznate injenice, izneti samo one podatke koji
su od bitnog znaaja, a najvei deo rada treba posvetiti
linim zapaanjima i zakljucima.
Rad treba da ima saetak (summary) na engleskom
jeziku, ako je pisan na srpskom jeziku. Saetak treba da
sadri naslov, cilj rada (1-2 reenice), bitne elemente
metodologije, koncizno iznete rezultate sa detaljima iz
kojih proizilazi zakljuak.
Radovi pisani na engleskom jeziku treba da imaju
saetak na srpskom jeziku.
U vrhu rada treba ispisati taan naziv ustanove, za-
tim naslov rada, a ispod njega puno ime i prezime auto-
ra i saradnika (bez akademskih i drugih zvanja).
Tekst rada (posebno citate i imena autora) treba po-
vezati sa literaturom odgovarajuim brojevima (10, (10),
Instructions for our contributors

Medical Investigations (Medicinska istraivanja) is On the top of the first page there should be the
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clusions. Prof.dr ore Radak
The article should have a summary in English, if
written in Serbian. The summary should contain the
title, the aim of the article (1 or 2 sentences) and basic
elements of methodology, concisely presented results
with details from which the conclusion is drawn.
Articles written in English should have a summary
in Serbian.
Glavni i odgovorni urednik: Prof. dr ORE RADAK

Sekretar - Secretary: Prof. dr ZVEZDANA KOJI

Sekretar redakcije: Mr VIKTORIJA JOKSIMOVI

Tehniki urednik: RADEVI VLADIMIR

Lektor za srpski jezik: NATAA MICI

Lektor za engleski jezik: DANKA SINADINOVI


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Tira: 500 primeraka

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