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Pope Francis
Jorge Mario Bergoglio
Arrest and detain at Guantanamo Bay Detention Facility

Wanted for questioning related to the

Corporate Government cover-up of fraud,
Ritual Child Abuse and Pedophilia
LET IT BE KNOWN that as of April 26, 2015 the United Nations, Vatican City parent corporation, is
FORCLOSED. Vatican City is REPOSSESSED. The office of Pontif was RETIRED.The Vatican is
officially and lawfully DIVESTED OF POWER. See http://www.courtofages.com/orders1.html ALL
encyclicals, bulls, orders, decrees, and statements coming out of the Vatican City State or through
any of its representatives are NULL AND VOID UPON INCEPTION.

LET IT BE KNOWN as of December 1, 2014, under the court decision of August 25, 2014 that convicted the United States
Corporation and their officers of fraud, extortion, human trafficking, involuntary servitude, murder, high treason, and crimes against
humanity, all corporate governmental, judicial and enforcement powers and authority are revoked and nullified and all such
personnel are hereby ordered to immediately STAND DOWN. Any further corporate governmental intervention into any matter
regarding any activity in any of the several nations or states related to the Respublica of Earth is now considered a Breach of the

LET IT BE FURTHER KNOWN that anyone disregarding this ORDER is considered personally liable for acts leading to criminality
against the People and faces immediate arrest and detainment by the Court of Ages, Earth District Natural Law Peace Officers
deputized by the Court.

WHEREAS the Armistice & Accord of November 22, 2013 states that all inhabitants of Earth are Heirs of Creation; and

WHEREAS through the Letters Patent of December 15, 2013, an indemnified court, the Court of Ages, was established;

WHEREAS the will of each Heir of Creation is assured by the law of nature; and

WHEREAS the conditions set forth by the Heirs of Creation, through court order, in the Armistice & Accord of November
22, 2013 have been breached; and

WHEREAS clause six of the Armistice states: Breaches of these clauses shall result in reprisals; and

WHEREAS, according to International Law, a reprisal is an act of restoration, short of war, for damage or loss suffered,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Court of Ages on behalf of ALL Heirs of Creation that the will of the Heirs of
Creation be fulfilled and immediate action taken to arrest Jorge Mario Bergoglio.

I am satisfied that there is probable cause for this warrant and that IMMEDIATE ACTION is in the best interest of the safety
and well-being of humanity.

Order issued this twenty-sixth day of September, 2015. Return on Service Requested: CourtofAges@mail.com

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