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Educational Unit SCHOOL YEAR:

2016 - 2017


Area: Foreign Language Subject: English
Teachers Name
Target Group: 1st, BACCALAUREATE Level: A2.2.
Weekly working Number of Numbers of periods for assessments Total class weeks Total periods
hours weeks and incidentals
5 6 2 periods 36 180
Objectives of the area: Objectives of the level/course:
* To show articulation and progression, the specific objectives To understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to
for listening and speaking have been formulated by taking into areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. basic personal and family
consideration the four main domains of interest for the target information, shopping, local geography, employment);
group: personal, educational, public, and vocational30 (Trim, To communicate in simple, routine tasks requiring a simple, direct
2009). The first two (personal and educational) are addressed exchange of information on familiar and routine matters;
in level A2.1 because they constitute the learners immediate To describe in simple terms aspects of their background, immediate
surroundings. The third and fourth (public and vocational), environment, and matters in areas of immediate need;
however, are addressed in level A2.2 because they constitute To understand, identify, and produce longer, more detailed
the learners extended surroundingswhich come afterwards. informational, transactional, and expository texts (e.g. traveling
Moreover, objectives and assessment indicators for spoken To forms, formal letters, biographies, etc.) as well as simple procedural
production and spoken interaction have been set up. descriptions and narratives (e.g. how to instructions and first-person
stories); and
To be aware of some features that makes their culture and the foreign
culture different as well as develop attitudes to cope with such
4. TRANSVERSAL AXES: Listening, speaking, reading, and writing to build up learners
communicative language competence in its linguistic, sociolinguistic, and
pragmatic components.
N. Name of the unit Specific Contents Methodology orientation Evaluation Time in
objectives of the weeks
planning unit
1. INSPIRATIONAL To talk about Personality Types Vocabulary: using suffixes to create A Web Profile 6
PEOPLE lifestyles, and adjectives and nouns. You will work in groups to
personality types, Attitudes Grammar: identifying principal verbs create a web profile and
preferences and Inspirational in verb patterns make a visual
interests. People Reading: previewing a text presentation of an
Writing: signposting the chronological inspirational person in
sequence of events your life.
Verb patterns in
present, getting familiar with the topic and the
future and past kind of activity
Verbs related to listening for specific information
starting, Speaking: using I mean to clarify
continuing and ideas
Time Expressions
2. EXPERIENCE To talk about your Learning Vocabulary: grouping verbs Grammar: A Learning Campaign 6
CULTURE! most significant Experiences using wh-questions to get details and You will work in groups to
learning Cultural Literacy yes/no questions to approach a topic carry out a learning
experiences in the Present Perfect Reading: campaign promoting
context of cultural tense in focusing on familiar words cultural literacy.
literacy. affirmative, understanding key ideas
negative and Writing: connecting similar and
interrogative contrasting ideas
forms Listening: paying attention to key
Since / For words to identify relevant details
Yes / no-questions Speaking: explaining and giving more
and wh-questions information with that is
in the Present
Perfect tense
3. STORY TIME! To tell stories and Mysteries Vocabulary: A Storytelling Show 6
reflect on their Greek Myths using adverbs to convey attitude You will work in groups to
messages. Fairy Tales associating vocabulary with pictures create or recreate a story
Fantasy Reading: reading literary texts: and tell it in a storytelling
First and Second skimming, predicting and analyzing show.
Conditional story elements
sentences Writing: summarizing a story
Past Perfect tense Listening: identifying important
elements of a story
Speaking: reacting to a story
4. TRAVELING THE To describe, Types of Travelers Vocabulary: classifying words A Brochure 6
WORLD compare and give Going Green Reading: You will present tourist
opinions about A Tour of Brasilia reading a map information on a place of
travelers and Finding Your Way identifying informed opinions your selection in a
touristic activities. in a Campsite Writing: using facts and reasons to brochure.
Tag Questions support opinions
Indirect Questions Listening:
Placing Emphasis listening for repetition
with much and using visuals
very Speaking:
asking for directions politely
addressing people politely
5. NEWS MEDIA To report news The Weather Reading: inferring A News Broadcast 6
about general Crazy News Writing: You will present a news
interest topics and Disasters generating ideas broadcast reporting on an
major disasters. Passive Voice writing an information report or news interesting event at
Yes / no-questions Listening: understanding numbers school.
and Speaking:
wh-questions in reacting to news
the Passive Voice introducing a piece of news
Past and Past
Participle forms of
6. A TEACH - WORLD To describe tech Digital Lives Vocabulary: understanding A Web Survey 6
habits and wishes. Technology prepositions You will carry out a
TV vs. YouTube Grammar: visualizing phrasal verbs survey on tech issues and
Tech Gadgets and Reading: drawing conclusions present it with a graph.
Toys Writing:
Wishes writing a how to article
Phrasal Verbs explaining cause and effect
Listening: taking notes
Speaking: checking instructions and
Murcia, S. M. (2015). TEACHERS BOOK - LEVEL 1. Quito: Norma. It will use the English Book 4, the which is directed to
Villalba, J., & Rosero, I. (Septiembre de 2012). Ministerio de Educacin del Ecuador - MinEduc. Obtenido de 1st, 2nd and 3rd of BACHILLERATO
Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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