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March 27, 2017

Who and Why?

My Extended Inquiry Project matters because it affects the way people grow up, which affects
the way they do things, which affects the entire course of the rest of their lives, which affects the
whole world! Helicopter parenting can truly dominate somebodys entire life, even after their
parents are gone or once they are out from under their roof. If you grow up with decisions being
made for you, it changes so much about your adult life, whether its for the good or for the bad.
The way that you are raised affects your temperament, your work ethic, and even the way that
you raise your own children later on. Each of these things have a large impact on both yourself
and the people around you. The people that my topic matters to is everyone! The people around
us each day function the way that they do based off of how they were raised. Everyone has a
parent, majority of people become parents, and everyone has been someones child. It is nearly
impossible not to be affected by helicopter parenting, even if you didnt have hovering parents

This journal entry exemplifies questioning because Im answering questions! This prompt was
referring to who our EIP topic affects, and why our topic matters. In this paragraph, I gave the
answer to those two questions. I thought through every aspect and instance possible that could
apply to the question at hand and did my best to hit each point.
Creative Thinker
January 27, 2017

Topic Idea Examples

Most pressing within Nursing: Physician-Assisted Suicide, Patient vs. Caregiver

Violence, Cultural Differences, Gender Assumption
Social Media Use Within Businesses: Is It Helpful? How Helpful?
Smartphones Changing the 40 Hour Workweek
Working from Home: Effective as Working at an Office? Why or Why Not?
What are Businesses Losing Due to the Internet?
Does Spending Too Much Time Online Change Our Personalities? For the Better or For
the Worse?
Addicted to Social Media? Healthy Habits/Time?
Why Are Our Attention Spans Growing Shorter?
Zika? Airborne Illnesses? What Can/Should We Do?
Should We Get Involved in the Health of Other Countries? Is It Actually Helpful to
Receive Free Help? Where Do We Draw the Line with Charity Concerning Others
Well-Being or Healthcare?
WebMD: Helpful or Creating Hypochondriacs?
Maternal Death Rates in Third-World Countries
Facebook Affairs: Why are Marriages Affected Negatively by Social Media?
Online Affair vs. Real World Affair: Which is Worse? Equal? Which is Most Common?
Romance In the Age of Cyber Communication
Helicopter Parenting: What Effect Does It Have?
Racism: What Can Be Done? What Should Be Done? Who is To Blame?
When Should Social Media Websites Be Required to Turn Over Information to the CIA,
FBI, etc.?
What Happens to The Things That We Delete? Where Do They Go?
Texting While Driving: What Can Be Done?
Tattoos in The Workplace: Are People Without Piercing/Tattoos Looked Upon as More
Intelligent or More Trustworthy?
Why Does College Cost So Much? Should It?

This list from my Daybook is an example of creative thinking because it shows my

brainstorming while trying to decide on a topic for my EIP. I surprised myself at how diverse my
ideas were. I feel that I gave myself lots of options and it made it more difficult to pick a topic,
but overall Im glad that I thought outside of the box and gave myself a diverse list to choose
Analytic Thinker

April 5, 2017

To Finish My EIP, I Need To

1. Strengthen my opposing side! There arent enough positives about helicopter parenting in
my paper.
Deadline: 11:45AM

2. Decide which, if any, paragraphs need to be switched around; make sure that the paper
flows well!
Deadline: 12:15PM

3. Double check citations. Compare them to Purdue OWL and make sure that every in-text
quote is properly cited.
Deadline: 12:30PM

4. Check over and confirm that there are no grammatical errors. Read over entire paper one
last time.
Deadline: 12:45PM

5. Have someone else read it over and ask for their opinion. Make changes that they
Deadline: 1:30PM

6. Read it out loud to yourself. Finalize everything and make sure that it works well.
Deadline: 1:40PM

7. Upload!!!
Deadline: 1:45PM

This journal entry is analytical because it shows me trying to critique my work and create a
timeline. It gave me the opportunity to clarify my plans and organize my thoughts. This list truly
helped me stay on track and gave me a realistic and feasible schedule. I had the opportunity to
analyze both my work and my timeline, and I recreated this exercise for all of the studios and
projects that followed this one.
Reflective Thinker About a Reading Assignment
February 8, 2017

Reaction to From Degrading to De-Grading

My initial reaction to From Degrading to De-Grading was confusion. While I think the
author has the right idea, Im not sure if its possible. While he certainly posed some
interesting and out of the ordinary ideas, it seems as if it could be too difficult to change
the way things are at this point where grading is concerned. My biggest concern with it is
the college application process. While hes probably correct in saying that college
admissions offices are looking for nontraditional approaches, you cant just write a
paragraph about how smart you are and how much you learned in high school and get
accepted to Harvard; anyone could that. I agree that theyre probably sick of everything
being so conventional, but I dont agree that they want everyone to be unconventional. At
the end of the day, the 4.7 GPA with lots of extra-curricular activities is probably going to
be the winner. Its almost unfair to not evaluate everybody in the same exact way across
the country. It would do us, as students, a whole lot of good to stop being so concerned
about the letter or number on a report card, but I also think it may take a very long time to
get to that point.

This journal entry is reflective because I gave my reactions to an article we read. We

wrote many reflections to texts throughout the semester, but this was one of my favorites
out of the ones that I wrote. I felt strongly about the topic and I really had to think about
it before I formed my opinion; this article forced me to think harder than most. I was
reflective about my personal experience with grades and the current grading system, and I
gave my opinion on what steps can and should (or shouldnt) be taken.
My Favorite Daybook Entry
March 29, 2017

Things That Make Me Happy

Sleeping, because I dont feel like crap when I wake up

Haiti, because its my favorite place to be!
The Office
Dogs, preferably puppies, because theyre adorable
Greyson, because he is the nicest boy in the world!
My family, because theyre the best
Finishing something difficult & getting it over with & feeling proud of it
Organization & having everything be all clean and perfect
Working at Camp Rock over the summer, because its the best week of the year!
Going to the beach
The fact that Ill be done with classes for 11 whole days on May 11th
Waking up to chicken minis
Babysitting Kinsley!
Ordering something online & it fitting perfectly
Getting everything done for the day & watching Netflix
The feeling after I take a Chemistry test & dont have to worry about the next one for
another 2 weeks
Going to the gym & not having to wait for any equipment
Smoothie King
When I go to Target & dont forget anything!
Being ahead on work & having a day off

This was obviously my favorite journal entry because it was about my favorite things! That was
what I liked most about my Daybook. I enjoyed the days where we came in and had the chance
to write about things that make us happy or reflect on the days weve been having. On bad days,
the list of things Im grateful for or the list of things that make me happy sincerely put me in a
better mood. I was surprised by how much I liked writing happy things out when I wasnt feeling
so happy.

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