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21+23 Time: 20 minutes
ACADEMY Marks: 17
i. PBR has antibiotic resistant genes for Tetracycline and Tetracycline only Ampicillin only Streptomycin and
Ampicillin Ampicillin
ii. Who developed the polymerase chain Kary B. Mullis Watson & Crick Maxam Gilbert Taq Polymerase
reaction in 1983 by?
iii. The condensation of chromosome reach to Leptotene Pachytene Zygotene Diakinesis
its maximum during:
iv. PCR is done Thermocycler Electrophoresis Centrifuge None of these

v. The paired chromosomes repel each other Leptotene / Zygotene / Pachytene / Diplotene /
and begin to separate in------- and end in------. diakinesis pachetene diakinesis dikinesis
vi. In plants Phragmoplast is formed from Smooth ER Rough ER Glyoxisome Golgi body
vesicles originating from
vii. Arabidopsis has been produced Salt tolerant Bacteria tolerant Water tolerant None of these

viii. Most critical phase of mitosis is Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase

ix. Mongolism is also known as Turner syndrome Downs Kline filters None of these
syndrome syndrome
x. Which is true about Edward and Jacob Trisomy 23 / Trisomy18 / Trisomy 18 / Trisomy 18 /
syndromes respectively trisomy 18 trisomy 13 trisomy 21 trisomy 23
xi. A mitotic division is actually Meiosis I Meiosis II Both a and b Amitosis
xii. The particle gun was constructed by Sanford and G. Haberlandt Craig Sanford and
Klein Sanger
xiii. Which is not used as vector Plasmid Viral DNA Metal particles None of these
xiv. All are related to turners syndrome except Short stature Webbed neck Broad face Without ovaries
xv. ---------- is genetically engineered to produce Goat Horse Sheep Ram
anti-thrombin III.
xvi. How many mitotic division are needed to 7 8 14 16
make 256 cells
xvii. The name of bacterium from which Taq Thermus Thermus Thermus mullis None of these
polymerase is extracted: aquaticus longifolia
Marks: 38 (Subjective Part) Time: 1:40 minutes
Q. 1: Write short answers of the following questions: - (19 X 2) = 38
i) What is meant by non-disjunction of chromosomes? Give its overall effects.
ii) What is mitotic apparatus? Write its functions.
iii) Write some facts about Edwards syndrome.
iv) How does prophase-I of meiosis differ from prophase of mitosis? Explain with diagram.
v) How can we identify cancerous cells?
vi) What is metastasis? How does it occur?
vii) Describe Anaphase of mitosis. Illustrate your answer with diagram.
viii) What do you mean by Klinefitters syndrome? Write their causes and symptoms.
ix) Differentiate between benign and malignant tumor.
x) Differentiate between karyokinesis and cytokinesis.
xi) What is recombinant DNA technology? When it is used?
xii) What are bioreactors? What is their use?
xiii) Define Palindromic sequence. Give example.
xiv) What is gene sequencing? What is its importance?
xv) What is the genomic library? How it is prepared?
xvi) Name firefly enzyme and its substrate.
xvii) Give two goals of human genome project. What are its benefits?
xviii) What is PCR? What are the three advantages of PCR amplification or DNA analysis?
xix) Give various methods used to insert genes into the cells of plants

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