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Business Horizons (2016) 59, 2936

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Game on: Engaging customers and employees

through gamification
Karen Robson a,*, Kirk Plangger b, Jan H. Kietzmann a,
Ian McCarthy a, Leyland Pitt a

Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University, 500 Granville Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 1W6, Canada
Kings College London, University of London, 150 Stamford Street, London SE1 9NH, UK

KEYWORDS Abstract Managers are frequently tasked with increasing the engagement levels of
Gamification; key stakeholders, such as customers and employees. Gamificationdefined as the
Employee engagement; application of game design principles to change behavior in non-gaming contextsis a
Customer engagement; tool that, if crafted and implemented properly, can increase engagement. In this
Mechanics; article we discuss how gamification can aid customer and employee engagement, and
Dynamics; delineate between four different types of customers and employees who act as
Emotions; players in gamified experiences. We include illustrative examples of gamification
Behavior change and conclude by presenting five lessons for managers who wish to utilize gamification.
# 2015 Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. Published by Elsevier Inc. All
rights reserved.

1. The promise of gamification practice of gamification. Then, we introduce differ-

ent types of players and explain how managers can
Gamification and engagement are hot topics within create gamified experiences for customers and em-
the business literature (Kim & Mauborgne, 2014; ployees that conform to each of these types of player.
Robson, Plangger, Kietzmann, McCarthy, & Pitt, We illustrate such gamification efforts through ex-
2015). In this article we bridge these two topics by tended examples. More specifically, we add to the
illustrating how gamification can improve the way in literature by explaining and illustrating how tradi-
which firms engage customers and employees. We tional approaches to employee and customer engage-
begin by defining and explaining the concept and ment can be gamified to create richer and more
appealing experiences that motivate changes in
the behavior of the players involved.
This article follows an earlier Business Horizons
* Corresponding author piece wherein we introduced and demarcated the
E-mail addresses: krobson@sfu.ca (K. Robson),
kirk.plangger@me.com (K. Plangger), jan_kietzmann@sfu.ca
principles of gamification; here, gamification was
(J.H. Kietzmann), imccarth@sfu.ca (I. McCarthy), lpitt@sfu.ca defined as the application of game-design principles
(L. Pitt) in order to change behaviors in non-game situations

0007-6813/$ see front matter # 2015 Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
30 K. Robson et al.

(Robson et al., 2015, p. 411). Specifically, these characterized by dynamic iterative processes
interrelated principles include mechanics, dynamics, (Brodie et al., 2013), as well as behavioral mani-
and emotions (Hunicke, LeBlanc, & Zubek, 2004). festations (e.g., providing feedback, writing social
Gamification mechanics specify, among other things, media reviews, participating in branded events)
the rules, goals, setting, and interactions of the beyond merely completing transactions (Hollebeek,
game. Gamification designers determine these me- 2011; Parent, Plangger, & Bal, 2011). In what fol-
chanics, which remain constant from player to lows, we focus on the behavioral manifestations
player, before the gamified experience begins. that are key outcomes of gamification that increase
For example, mechanics specify the goals of the organizational and customer value, and discuss
game and how players, individually or in teams, measurable outcomes.
win or progress through the online or the real-
world experiences. Gamification dynamics are
the player behaviors (e.g., cheating, bluffing, 3. Player types matter
bragging) that emerge when the mechanics are
executed during the gamified experience. Finally, Four different parties are involved in gamified ex-
gamification emotions (e.g., excitement, disap- periences: players, designers, spectators, and ob-
pointment) are the affective states evoked during servers (Robson et al., 2015). Players are those
the experience. Ultimately, we suggest gamifica- individuals who participate in the gamified
tion can change stakeholder behavior when it taps experience itself, often customers or employees.
into key motivational drivers of human behavior, Designers are those individuals who create gamified
including extrinsic reinforcements (e.g., money, experiences; in an organizational context, these
status) and intrinsic rewards. individuals are managers. Spectators are individuals
who do not directly participate in the experience,
but who may influence the experience through, for
2. A matter of engagement example, supporting players. Finally, observers are
individuals who are aware of the gamified experi-
In this second article, we focus specifically on how ence but have no direct or indirect impact on it. In
gamification efforts can create engaging experiences this article, we focus on one category of people
with the objective of solving organizational prob- involved in gamified experiences: the players. Un-
lems. In a management context, engagement is a derstanding different players is key to creating
key issue that has, not surprisingly, received consid- successful gamification experiences, and with the
erable attention. Two types of engagement are of goal of solving organizational problems we focus on
particular interest to managers: employee engage- gamified experiences designed for those players
ment and customer engagement. These topics have who consume a firms offerings (i.e., customers)
been the focus of many research articles, as well as a and those who create them (i.e., employees).
number of special issues (see Brodie, Ilic, Juric, & One challenge for game designers is that individ-
Hollebeek, 2013; Saks, 2006). ual players vary, and understanding this variability is
From a psychological standpoint, engagement in both difficult and necessary for creating engaging
an experience comprises the energy, involvement, experiences. We reason that across all gamified
and efficacy felt by the individual in the experience experiences players can be described based on
(Maslach & Leiter, 1997). Employee engagement en- two dimensions derived from the work of Bartle
tails harnessing employees to their jobs through (1996): player orientation and player competitive-
their involvement, satisfaction, and enthusiasm for ness. Player orientation describes whether the play-
work (Kahn, 1990). Engagement can have impactful er is oriented predominantly toward other players or
implications for managers: it can be positively asso- toward themselves. For example, a player who is
ciated with organizational commitment and organi- primarily oriented toward others would be interest-
zational citizenship, but also negatively associated ed in social aspects of the experience such as learn-
with intentions to quit (Saks, 2006). Moreover, in- ing about other players, interacting with other
creased employee engagement has been linked to players, and empathizing with them. In contrast,
increased customer satisfaction (Harter, Schmidt, & players with a self-orientation would be more inter-
Hayes, 2002), which is why it is not surprising that it is ested in self concerns, such as personal growth
in the interest of managers to improve internal be- and/or personal achievement, than the concerns
havioral attributes. However, achieving high employ- of others. The next dimension, player competitive-
ee engagement is not easy. ness, describes the extent to which the individual
Customer engagement can be conceptualized as engages in competitive behavior. At one extreme,
a psychological state that is context dependent and players may exhibit high competitiveness through
Game on: Engaging customers and employees through gamification 31

Figure 1. Typology of players in gamified experiences

Strivers are those who play in order to Slayers are those who play in order to be
engage in personal development. To better than others. To Slayers, relative
PLAYER COMPETITIVENESS Strivers, achieving a personal best score standing (i.e., winning) is important.
is important.

Scholars are those who play in order to Socialites are those who play in order to
learn about the game. To Scholars, network, collaborate, or bond. To
understanding and learning about the Socialites, understanding, empathizing
gamified experience itself is important. with, and learning about other players is

Self Others

vying to gain points, social status, or other game- how gamification can create engaging customer ex-
related goals. At the other extreme, players may periences to improve the way customers interact
have very low competitiveness; these players will be with a brand or firm. Our second case illustrates
more interested in the experience itself than in how gamification can increase the engagement of
winning or in achieving high scores. employees, leading to higher degrees of productivity
These dimensions permit the delineation of four at work. Importantly, however, we do not want to
types of players: strivers, scholars, socialites, and suggest that gamification is a panacea for all organi-
slayers. We argue that most players involved in zational ills, and thus we also present unsuccessful
gamified experiences fit into one of the four examples of gamification to offer a balanced per-
descriptive quadrants of Figure 1. For example, spective. Managers considering a gamification initia-
players who are highly competitive and who have tive in their organization can vicariously learn as
a self-orientation are strivers. These individuals much from the failure of others as from their success.
focus mainly on achieving their personal best score
or increasing their own performance over time. In 4.1. Engaging customers through
contrast, those players who are highly competitive gamification: Jay-Zs Decoded
but who are oriented toward other players and are
more interested in their standing as compared to Traditional book launches are usually not particularly
others than their score in isolation are known as interactive or exciting, let alone engaging. With the
slayers. For slayers, winning and beating other play- possible exception of book signings where an author
ers is what matters the most. Scholars are those reads passages from the new publication, launches
players who have a self-orientation and low com- typically consist of press releases, book displays at
petitiveness. To scholars, understanding and learn- retailers, and online and print advertisements. How-
ing about the gamified experience is important. ever, when American rapper Jay-Z published his book
Finally, those players who are oriented toward entitled Decoded, the book launch was a gamified
others and who are not very competitive are experience. Jay-Z employed advertising agency
socialites. To socialites, interpersonal relationships Droga5 to gamify the book launch so that it led to
and getting to know others is highly rewarding. an engaging customer experience. To accomplish
this, Droga5 turned the book launch and reading
into a scavenger hunt. Droga5 first partnered with
4. Engagement through gamification: Microsofts search engine, Bing, and designed an
Cases integrated online and on-the-street gamified
experiencenamed Decode Jay-Z (referred to as
In what follows, we provide illustrative cases of using Decode)in which players (i.e., Jay-Z fans) set out
gamification to create engaging experiences for dif- to find pages of Jay-Zs book. Droga5 displayed
ferent player types. In our first case, we illustrate all 320 pages of Decoded in various sizes in some
32 K. Robson et al.

unexpected places: a rooftop in New Orleans, a pool motivated to seek out pages, either physically or
bottom in Miami, cheeseburger wrappers in New York online. Players thus increased their involvement with
City, a pool table in Jay-Zs 40/40 Club, and many the book launch because the gamified experience
more. The advertising network combined old-school created levels of intrigue, including adventures
billboard advertising, new-school social media, and and puzzlespotentially reducing the cognitive dis-
mobile apps with the power of a search engine to sonance involved in purchasing Decoded through pro-
create an interactive and engaging experience that viding value in other ways (e.g., entertainment). The
allowed players to unlock pages of the book and win outcome of the Decoded book launch was successful
concert tickets and memorabilia. Bing offered an in a number of ways. First, over the course of the book
online platform for the scavenger hunt by allowing launch, Jay-Zs Facebook friends increased by over
players to use its search features (e.g., Bing maps) to 1 million. Second, Decoded spent 18 weeks on the
decode hints and post the resulting answers. New York Times best seller list and was covered by
Decode employed a variety of gamification me- many major international news outlets and cultural
chanics. For example, the scavenger hunt setup influencers (e.g., bloggers). Third, Bing saw a nearly
provided ample opportunity for strivers and scholars 12% increase in traffic with over 1.1 billion global
to connect with the gamified environment: in the media impressions, moving it into the top 10 most
month before the books release in stores, the pages visited Internet sites for the first time in its history
of Decoded were shared across 200 physical loca- (Droga5ny, 2011).
tions in 13 major U.S. cities. The content of the
prose on any given page was related to its spatial 4.2. Engaging employees through
location, and players could find hints about where gamification: Freshdesk
pages were located online using Bing. For example,
page 24 referred to a street corner on which Jay-Z As illustrated by the case of Freshdesk, gamification
had sold drugs, so that page was posted on that is not just for promoting exciting autobiographies of
street corner in the form of a billboard. Another famous and pseudo-criminal rappers. It can also
example is that of page 156, which discussed Jay-Zs improve everyday, routine, and relatively mundane
restaurant, The Spotted Pig, and appeared on the work tasks. Freshdesk is a helpdesk software pro-
restaurants plates (Elberse & Owusu-Kesse, 2012). gram for customer support centers that aims to
Furthermore, players were not spatially restricted improve not only employee productivity but also
by location or device, as they could play offline on customer satisfaction, thus creating value for the
the street, and online on Bing. They were tasked client firm and customers by reducing costs and
with using the hints to find the pages in the real boosting service quality. Freshdesk claims that by
world either by finding the page on the street or gamifying the everyday work of helpdesk employ-
alternatively by using Bings virtual map service. ees, who are often demotivated and over-stressed,
Decode also provided opportunities for players to its program results in reduced response times to
connect with other players, thus appealing to customer inquiries and the ability to expand beyond
slayers and socialites. For example, pairs of clues its traditional channels of support by motivating
were released on Jay-Zs Twitter and Facebook employees to keep on task and perform well at their
accounts, the Bing website, and a wide selection jobs (Finley, 2012). The Freshdesk solution involves
of radio stations across the United States each day of transforming customer inquiries (e.g., telephone
the campaign. As a result, a collaborative dynamic questions, comments posted on Twitter and
emerged: a first clue narrowed down the general Facebook) into virtual tickets that are then random-
geographic location and the second allowed players ly assigned to players (i.e., customer service em-
to pinpoint the exact location. Thus, in the quest to ployees). In this way, Freshdesk inspires a real-time,
unlock all 200 pages online, players could partner competitive environment via which players com-
with street players offline to find pages and then pete to improve their performance.
share rewards in a collaborative dynamic that would Freshdesk shows that employing gamification me-
appeal to socialite player types. Progression me- chanics, dynamics, and emotions can increase fun,
chanics and achievement rewards were given to the enthusiasm, and excitement at work in customer
first player to find a page, thus providing motivation support centers. As call centers are notorious for
to strivers or slayers, who value their standing in the being stressful work environments (Proper, 1998;
gamified experience. Tuten & Neidermeyer, 2004), and often rely on
Ultimately, Droga5 turned the traditional book a sacrificial HR strategy (Wallace, Eagleson, &
launch experience into a gamified experience. Waldersee, 2000) whereby employees are deliber-
Players received clues about pages and gained infor- ately and frequently replaced in order to maintain
mation about Jay-Zs life and consequently were enthusiastic customer support, the successful
Game on: Engaging customers and employees through gamification 33

application of gamification in this context is particu- of virtual tickets solutions into pointsand also
larly striking. Indeed, gamification in this context can badges, quests, and trophiesis amusing and excit-
lead to increases in job satisfaction and improved ing for players, thus hopefully inspiring another
employee engagement and performance, and ulti- positive transformation of employees attitude to-
mately in superior organizational success. ward their work; Freshdesk (n.d.) contends that
As in the case of Decode, the Freshdesk experi- happy agents = happy customers. Ultimately,
ence has elements that appeal to all player types. Freshdesk has been successful in enhancing work-
Strivers and slayers, for example, can work toward place productivity because it better aligns the goals
achievement rewards, such as: of both employees (i.e., having fun at work) and
employers (i.e., addressing customer inquiries effi-
 The First Call Resolution trophy, for resolving a ciently and effectively).
customer inquiry on the first try;
4.3. Cautionary tales: Unsuccessfully
 The Customer Casanova quest, for resolving gamified experiences
10 tickets in a week and receiving a customer
rating of awesome, or; As most of us learned growing up, not all games are
fun and many are not worth playing. The same applies
 The Fast Resolution badge, for players with to gamified experiences in organizations. The success
particularly speedy responses to customers. stories of Decode and Freshdesk should not suggest
that gamification is easy or that it always achieves the
In addition, and of particular importance to slayers, desired result. Many otherwise very successful firms
Freshdesk players are tracked on a leaderboard. have tried gamification and not realized improved
Players who accumulate a certain number of points engagement levels or accomplished their perfor-
move from the lowly starting position of Support mance goals. Google, for instance, allowed users
Newbie to a high of Support Guru. By collecting to win badges for reading the news, which failed
points and consequently earning badges, trophies, since players did not want to share with others what
and quests, players and teams receive social status, kind of news they searched for. This is an example of
which is visible to superiors and often to other em- poor setup mechanics that led to undesirable dynam-
ployees depending on how the management team has ics and unwelcome emotions. Just because gamifi-
set up the program. As such, employees are not only cation is trendy does not mean that it always works or
rewarded for their efforts through the use of points, is the best strategy.
but they are also recognized for their efforts through In another unsuccessful attempt at gamification,
the use of social achievement rewards. Furthermore, the Marriott Hotel chain may not have understood
the multiple levels and various tasks would appeal to the motivations of potential employees when it
scholars, who value learning more about the gamified designed its gamified My Marriott Hotels in
experience itself. Finally, Freshdesk offers opportu- 2011. In order to attract new employees, Marriott
nities for socialization, as the player structure can be developed a Facebook gamesimilar to the popular
set up as a multiplayer or multi-team environment. Facebook game, Farmvillevia which players simu-
Even when teams compete, individual players are lated work in an actual Marriott hotel kitchen. Play-
involved in coopetition or cooperation at the team ers imitated activities including decorating the
level while also vying for the lead within their team hotel dining room, ordering food inventory, and
(Bengtsson & Kock, 2000). This coopetition dynamic is adhering to a budget. Throughout, the mechanics
highly desirable for managers and organizations, as it were structured such that players would earn points
improves individual, team, and ultimately organiza- for making customers happy, and would lose points
tional success. when poor customer service was delivered. In addi-
Freshdesk players enjoy the emotions associated tion, players could easily apply for jobs at Marriott
with these dynamics, including the excitement of hotels through a link to Marriotts career page from
leading, the amusement of watching others try to the Facebook game. While an innovative gamifica-
catch up, the surprise when they come close, and tion attempt, after 1 year Marriott chose to remove
the frustration of not winning. To overcome the My Marriott Hotels from Facebook, as it failed to
problems associated with the negative emotions meet the companys original objectives in attracting
of losing or not reaching objectives, Freshdesk re- potential employees.
sets the leaderboard regularly, the collected points We conclude that My Marriott Hotels failed to meet
and badges deplete, and individuals and teams can expectations because the designers did not fully
restart the competition with a clean slate and aspire understand the players motivations for participat-
to win the next round. Indeed, this transformation ing. First, the mechanics of My Marriott Hotels were
34 K. Robson et al.

not structured such that the rewards were attractive order to increase customer engagement by first mo-
to players: players collected points for no meaningful tivating and then rewarding customer participation
purpose, other than the sake of simply collecting in the marketing promotion. In Figure 2, we present a
them. By contrast, in the case of Freshdesk, points summary table that will help guide designers and
and rewards were meaningful to the players. Had managers in using appropriate gamification mechan-
accumulating a certain number of points in My ics to engage different types of employees and
Marriott Hotels led to a job interview, for example, customers: slayers, strivers, socialites, and scholars.
players may have been more engaged and keen on This figure is not intended to provide a comprehen-
participating, and ultimately may have been more sive list of gamification mechanics; rather, it is de-
inclined to apply for jobs at Marriott Hotels. In order signed to highlight how different player types may
to keep players playing, thereby contributing to the respond to some of the most popular gamification
desired outcome, it is important to provide a sense of mechanics.
achievement and meaningful rewards for player be-
Second, although My Marriott Hotels may very
5. Ready, set, go! Guidelines for
well have been enjoyable for some player types
namely scholarsthe gamification strategy would
creating engaging experiences through
have been unlikely to engage slayers, socialites, or gamification
strivers. That is, My Marriott Hotels did not allow
social playing or the opportunity to interact with Ultimately, managers must remember that the root
other players; as such, it did not inspire dynamics, of engagement is establishing a connection between
emotions, or person-to-person connections that the experience and the people involved in the ex-
would appeal to slayers or socialites. In addition, perience (Zichermann & Cunningham, 2011). In ga-
collecting points simply for collections sake would mification, this requires close alignment of the
be unlikely to motivate strivers or slayers. The gamification mechanics and the emotions, dynam-
experience failed to elicit desirable dynamics, such ics, and rewards that potential players value or
as competition or coopetition, or emotions such as yearn for. Next, we provide five guidelines that will
pride or challenge. Without the appropriate dynam- help designers and managers thinking about the
ics and emotional responseswhich emerge due to strategic application of the gamification principles
gamification mechanicsplayers will bounce and to engage employees and/or customers.
seek the same response elsewhere (Tsotsis, 2011).
5.1. Understand your players before
4.4. A summary of the cases deciding on gamification mechanics

These cases represent a very small sample of how Once a manager has identified a problem with a
gamification can be used to motivate behavior customer or employee base, he/she needs to assess
changes to address managerial issues. Freshdesk what types of players are involved so as to choose the
demonstrates how customer service departments right mechanics. Indeed, gamification mechanics
can gamify their operations to increase employee must be determined with care: they are often static
engagement by rewarding success and providing mo- and can be difficult to change once the experience
tivation. The Decoded example demonstrates how has started. Importantly, gamification mechanics are
traditional marketing promotions can be gamified in key to ensuring players receive rewards that will

Figure 2. Key gamification mechanics for player types

Slayers Strivers Socialites Scholars

Leaderboards, Badges, and Points
Increasing Task Difficulty
Finite End
Multiplayer Orientation
Infinite Play
New Levels
Team Playing
Online Playing
Real World Playing
Game on: Engaging customers and employees through gamification 35

motivate the desired behavior change and contribute competition (i.e., strivers and slayers), the level of
to the dynamics and emotions of the players. difficulty must grow as the players progress through
Furthermore, understanding the desires and mo- the gamified experience. For players that value
tivations of players is key to designing engaging interaction, new players or new tasks must be added
gamified experiences. For some players, leader- as the players progress. However, as managers ad-
boards will be highly effective in motivating behav- just and transition the gamified experience, they
ior changes. For others, opportunities to collaborate must take care to ensure they do not unfairly change
and empathize with other players will be more the rules. In cases where the gamification mechanics
compelling. Of course, in some cases managers are changed abruptly, players could perceive that
may wish to attract all types of players. In these the game has betrayed them, likely prompting them
cases, there is a risk that mechanics which will to remove themselves from the experience.
attract one type of player might not appeal to
others. Ultimately, managers must decide on wheth- 5.4. Managers must act as referees
er they wish to balance mechanics such that there is
something for everyone, or whether they wish to Throughout, the gamified experience will need to be
attract mainly one player type at the risk of alien- monitored, and managers play a key role in this
ating others. capacity. Thus, the role of the manager extends
beyond designing the gamified experience. Exter-
5.2. Timing of rewards is key nally, managers should monitor players to ensure
that players are still engaged and are not breaking
After a manager has determined what types of play- the rules. Nothing spoils the fun of a game like a
ers he/she intends to target, consideration of the cheating player, and managers should be wary of
timing of rewards will be important. Regardless of players cheating and look for instances of players
the type of player a manager wishes to engage, who game a gamified experience by colluding or
progression mechanics should seek to reward behav- breaking the rule mechanics. Although this might
ior as quickly as possible after good performance. not negatively impact an organizations desired be-
Delayed rewards lessen the probability that the de- havior change, it might create damaging dynamics
sired behavior will be repeated (Rothschild & Gaidis, and emotions that could put off other players,
1981), as any number of other behaviors could have thereby resulting in the failure of the gamification
occurred since then and the message to the player attempt to reach that organizations goals. Even
(i.e., do that again) could become unclear. sophisticated metrics may not pick up on player
From an organizational perspective, managers cheating or on unwanted dynamics or emotions;
must keep in mind that experienced players can therefore, it is the managers responsibility to mon-
be assigned more important organizational objec- itor the gamified experience.
tives (e.g., work on solving harder problems, learn
more difficult skills). This is similar to the concept of 5.5. Use gamification mechanics to keep
shaping (Nord & Peter, 1980), whereby complex track of the score
behaviorswhich would rarely be performed by
chanceare gradually shaped through rewarding Without appropriate metrics, an organization cannot
simpler behaviors that approximate the desired measure progress or improve on past experiences.
behavior. Essentially, through rewarding a series Thus, in the planning stages, designers need to de-
of simpler behaviors, one can shape, or build, the termine metrics and targets that would indicate
desired complex behavior. success for a gamification strategy, and they should
build these into the mechanics of the gamified expe-
5.3. Add new levels, tasks, or players as rience. When designers build these metrics into the
needed mechanics, they should be structured such that as the
players interact with the gamified experience, they
Once the gamified experience is under way, man- are automatically being measured; in this manner,
agers must remember that in order for the experi- the organization is gathering valuable information
ence to remain engaging to any player type, as well that can be used to judge the success of the gamifi-
as for the experience to continue to meet organiza- cation strategy. For example, Freshdesk automati-
tional goals, adjusting and transitioning the experi- cally collects player information for each virtual
ence is key (Robson et al., 2015). As with games, for ticketincluding who resolved the ticket, how long
a gamified experience to continue to inspire desired it took, and so forthwhich allows rapid comparison
behavior change, new experiences or tasks must be between employees and quick assessment as to
presented to players. For those players that value whether employees met the company goals.
36 K. Robson et al.

6. Final thoughts Elberse, A., & Owusu-Kesse, K. (2012, July 25). Droga5: Launching
Jay-Zs Decoded [Case Study]. Boston: Harvard Business
School Publishing.
Despite all the interest in gamification by managers Finley, K. (2012, September 17). Freshdesk wants to make customer
and scholars, the dearth of both research and pop- service fun with game mechanics. TechCrunch. Retrieved from
ular literatures on the topic is noteworthy. Our http://techcrunch.com/2012/09/17/freshdesk-wants-to-
exploration into gamification reveals many interest-
Freshdesk. (n.d.). Integrated game mechanics: Get the boring
ing possible avenues of future research by scholars out of customer support. Retrieved from http://freshdesk.
and areas of application by practitioners. For exam- com/scaling-support/gamification-support-help-desk
ple, the issue of consent to participating in gamified Harter, J. K., Schmidt, F. L., & Hayes, T. L. (2002). Business-unit-
experiences has yet to be explored in research. In level relationship between employee satisfaction, employee
some casesas with customersconsent is implicit. engagement, and business outcomes: A meta-analysis. Jour-
nal of Applied Psychology, 87(2), 268279.
However, when designing gamified experiences for Hollebeek, L. (2011). Exploring customer brand engagement:
employees, an important question is whether ex- Definition and themes. Journal of Strategic Marketing,
plicit consent should be offered. What are the major 19(7), 555573.
considerations in creating gamified experiences for Hunicke, R., LeBlanc, M., & Zubek, R. (2004). MDA: A formal
different groups of stakeholders, such as customers approach to game design and game research. Paper presented
at the AAAI Workshop on Challenges in Game AI, July 25-26,
and employees? San Jose, CA.
In this article we have shown that gamification is Kahn, W. A. (1990). Psychological conditions of personal engage-
a method firms can use to improve and develop the ment and disengagement at work. Academy of Management
ways in which they engage with a variety of stake- Journal, 33(4), 692724.
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and externally these are mostly customers. In the Maslach, C., & Leiter, M. P. (1997). The truth about burnout: How
examples presented here, behavior changes were organizations cause personal stress and what to do about it.
accomplished by applying lessons from game design San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
to non-game settings. In particular, success in ga- Nord, W. R., & Peter, J. P. (1980). A behavior modification
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failures were linked to poor alignment between Proper, E. (1998). Is your call center dysfunctional? Industry
these gamification principles and players involved Week, 247(14), 16.
in the gamified experience. We hope that this Robson, K., Plangger, K., Kietzmann, J., McCarthy, I., & Pitt, L.
(2015). Is it all a game? Understanding the principles of
article helps managers as they attempt to initiate, gamification. Business Horizons, 58(4), 411420.
direct, and harness the behaviors of individuals Rothschild, M. L., & Gaidis, W. C. (1981). Behavioral learning
in a wide range of organizational settings through theory: Its relevance to marketing and promotions. The Jour-
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