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Teacher Candidate Observation Form

Teacher Candidate: Mikaela Mertens Date/Time: 03/08/2017 10:45:00

Subject: Writing Grade/Building: First Grade Pinewood Elem.

Co-Teaching Approach Used:

Observable edTPA Components:

Explained academic vocabulary and challenged students to use it:
Differentiated instruction with leveled projects, readings, or provided supports or extensions:
Matched his/her assessment with the learning target and assessed throughout the lesson:


Students will write a short informative piece about their favorite animal using correct spelling, capitalization,
letter formation, and punctuation

Observations/ Comments:

You called the group together on the carpet

3 students were still finishing up, the rest settled in and you walked away while you were

Then you came back and showed an example of the the sheet they had filled out the day before.

You gave directions for them to read their topic sentence to the group as you called their name.

Each student took their turn, the rest of the class was able to sit quietly and listen for a while.

You reminded students you were looking for the to sit crisscross and keep their papers still.

You paused to get them focused. You asked a student to move. He refused you insisted and
slowly he moved.

Then you gave directions of what to do with their papers because of the noise. One student
didnt want to share and you offered to read it for him.
You reminded them again to sit on their papers. You empathized with their need to wiggle. You
promised a wiggle walk. You read a topic sentence for another student and then asked if it was
a good topic sentence. And asked for a thumbs up

You had the students self reflect on their behavior.

It took 12 minutes to hand out papers

You modeled the page that you did the day before. You reviewed reasons Then you asked the
students to raise their hands and share one of their reasons.

You asked them to stand up and then told them they were on going to do a wiggle walk, you
reorganized a few students and them do a few movements. They were getting a little silly and
loud. Are we ready to sit quietly and learn?? Ill wait for quiet You told them them had recess
in 50 minutes.

You gave directions for putting their papers on the floor. You told them you were disappointed
again. And waited for them to follow directions.

You had them thumbs up if they had heard of a rough draft. only a few students put up a
thumb either way.

You created a poster on a large piece of paper. You wrote to rules of good writing with
suggestions from the group.

You used a whiteboard to model good handwriting.

The group was much more focused.

You varied your voice level to keep their attention. 3 students came in and missed most of the

You gave verbal directions about the first line and also putting their names on the bottom. You
said my name is Ms. Merten. And when some of the students tried to clarify you said, you
know what I mean.

You started calling out names to get their papers, but then said you forgot to tell them to come
up when they are done and you will correct their papers.

You told them you were disappointed in their behavior

You could see there were questions so you told them to wait and you would answer questions in
just a minute.

You came to the front of the room and modeled the directions

You tried to get their attention and it didnt work so you took away a tally. That got their
You continued to give directions; both verbally and in writing on the board.

Then you hung up the poster.

Students got to work and you moved around to answer questions. You noticed the hands that
were raised. All the students seemed to be engaged in the work.

You moved around the room. As one student finished you shared her work with the class as a
good example and asked if their looked like that.

You helped to edit the students work, Then told her she could draw.

You walked around a found a student that had not started yet. You came to check another
students work and another student asked for a spelling the first student followed you round
the room. You had him sit down and corrected his paper together. As you were correcting the
class was getting restless. 5 hands were raised.

You gave directions for kids that were waiting to come and get drawing paper and practice
drawing their animal while they waited.

You counted down you redirected students to get drawing paper is they were done writing.

5-6 hands were still up. You reviewed the poster and explained things you were seeing that
were good. A student interrupted to ask where his finished paper should go.

Several students were having pencil fights.

You stopped and called out several names. And redirected

It took approximately 3-5 minutes per kid to correct.

Friends Im getting a little disappointed Do you notice how often you say this?

The group did settle in were much quieter. By 11:39 only 2 were handed in.

At 11:40 you asked students to bring you their papers. There was a small crowd and you asked
them to not push. You told them to finish their pictures and you would correct tomorrow.

You announced that it was time for recess and that they should leave their papers on their desks
if they were not done. About 10 kids still had papers on their desks.

You lined them up and made sure they were quiet and orderly before taking them out.
Closure: Commitments/Follow-up:

You thought it went well. Got caught up with the best writing poster instead of directions for the
assignment. You said you would have the poster made ahead of time and review with the class.

Could you think of another way to pass out the papers?

Could you model on the smartboard.

Could you write directions on the board for them to refer to later?
Could we think of another way to edit student work?


Conference: 3/8/17 Date: Lesson Plans Submitted X

Making a poster together with the class helps review expectations

and gives them something to refer to. A check list build from the
poster might also be a good graphic organizer for students to refer
to before they hand in their work.


Good awareness that they needed some wiggle time. With a couple
of minutes of stretching you were able to get the focus back.

Give both oral and visual directions ( both words and pictures).
This helps kids process and refer back to the directions.


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