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Erika Barron

EDU 214

May 9, 2016

Lesson Plan Title: Learning about Animals

Concept / Topic to Teach: Learning about animals of the students choice and different facts

about them.

Age Group: Kindergarteners

General Goal(s): I want my students to learn creativity, improve their reading and writing skills,

and improve their research and computer skills.

Specific Objectives: I want my students to learn about animals of their choice, be able to do

research about their animals both on the computer and through books and magazines provided in

the classroom, and be able to develop their communication skills through the presentation of

their books.

Required Materials: Glue, paper, pens, pencils, colored pencils, markers, crayons, computers,

magazines, books, binding materials such as binder clips and ribbon, computer ink, and scissors.

Anticipatory Set (Lead-In): Hippos Cant Swim and other fun facts book.
Step-By-Step Procedures:

Day 1: Students will pick three animals of their choice to learn more about. Each student

should have at least two different animals than their peers.

Day 2-5: Students will be doing research about their animals trying to find three facts

about each one. They will be using the computer, magazines, and books to conduct their

research. They will either print out their facts or write them down. They will also be

finding pictures of their animals to put into their books. Again, they will either be printed

or I will copy them from a magazine or book. My special needs child is blind and will use

the computer that is meant for him/her as well as magazines and books with braille to

conduct most, if not all, the research on their own. If he/she has any questions, or needs

any help, I will be there for him/her.

Day 6-8: Children will be putting their books together. They will make a title page as well

as an end page and each page in between will have an animals name, three facts about

that animal, and a picture of the animal. They will then take the five pieces of paper and,

using the binding material of their choice, organize their book and put it together. My

special needs child will tell me the order he/she wants his/her book in and I will help

him/her put it together. I will also have the other children help me organize his/her book

by drawing pictures on the title page that the child has requested.
Day 9-10: Children will present their books to the class. My special needs child will do

the talking, but can have assistance from me or another student to help remind him/her

what animal came next in his/her book.

Plan for Independent Practice: Children will be doing most, if not all, of this assignment on their

own. They will work not only in the classroom, but at home. They will be using the computer on
their own, the magazines and books on their own, organizing their books on their own, and

presenting on their own. I, of course, will be around to help with anything along the way, but I

really want my students to do this independently.

Assessment Based on Objectives: Children should be able to talk about animals they learned

about without having to read about them. Their creativity should have improved by making their

books their own. No two books should look exactly the same. Their reading and writing skills

should have improved through their research and book organization.

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