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Created by: S.

April 29, 2017

Classifying Businesses Lesson Plan


1.03 Classify businesses as profit-making or non-profit-making; and service,

product, or combination

Essential Questions:

Which businesses are profit-making and which are non-profit businesses?

Which businesses are service businesses and which are product businesses?

Time Required of lesson:

60 minutes

Materials Needed:

Teacher computer



Classifying Business (PowerPoint)

PowerPoint notes (Graphic Organizer)

Starting for-profit vs. non-profit business (Video)

What is a non-profit business anyway? (Webquest)


Teacher will start discussion by asking the students what the Bill and
Melinda Gates Foundation has in common with Wal-Mart. (Bill and
Melinda Gates Foundation is the largest non-profit organization in the U.S.
and Wal-Mart is the largest for-profit corporation in the U.S. as of 2008)
Teacher will give students similarities and differences between Gene's
Garden Shop, Louise's Landscaping, and Larry's Lawnmower Sales and
Service. (All are involved in lawn care; Gene's is a product business,
Louise's is a service, and Larry's is a combination business.)
Created by: S. Bynoe
April 29, 2017

This discussion will interest students in the topic for the objective and get
them ready to learn how businesses as profit-making or non-profit, and as
product, service provider, or a combination. The students will connect their
new learning with what they learned about "for profit" businesses.


Students will work individually on the PowerPoint Notes graphic organizer

as they view and teacher discusses the PowerPoint. In addition, by taking
notes on the graphic organizer, the students will be better able to grasp the
concepts and to focus their attention on the major concepts in the
Students will pair up with another student to continue the discussion and
review of what is the difference of a for-profit and non-profit business.
Students will complete What is a Non-profit Anyway webquest activity.

Guided Practice:

Teacher will distribute PowerPoint notes to students. The PowerPoint

presentation will give the students an overview of profit and nonprofit
businesses as well as product and service businesses.
Students will work individually on the PowerPoint Notes graphic organizer
as they view and teacher discusses the PowerPoint. In addition, by taking
notes on the graphic organizer, the students will be better able to grasp the
concepts and to focus their attention on the major concepts in the

Independent Practice:

Formative assessment:

Students will review PowerPoint and instructional video which they will work
individually to complete one graphic organizer activity:
Created by: S. Bynoe
April 29, 2017

Tree Map-Organize businesses into categories. Create a sample tree map

that shows companies organized into the following categories: For-Profit,
Non-Profit, Goods, Service, Combination


Students will complete summative assessment to evaluate student understanding.

Summative assessment:

The summative assessment will best a test that consist of eleven questions that will
evaluate student learning on classifying businesses.

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