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Hayden Koller

Assessment Philosophy
Standard 6- Assessment: The teacher understands and uses multiple methods of
assessment to engage learners in their own growth, to monitor learner progress, and to
guide the teachers and learners decision making.

There are very few words in the world of education more divisive then the
word exam. Years of standardized testing and stress has given the concept a really
nasty connotation for both students and teachers. Despite this negativity,
examination is one of the most important aspects of education. Exams are more
than just a stressful test at the end of unit; they are a powerful tool for directing and
shaping the classroom.
In general there are two main types of assessment: formative and
summative. Summative assessments usually given at the end of a unit or section as
a way of testing how well the student has been working. These exams can be a
good way of ending a unit but they tell you very little about how well the students
are actually learning and understanding the material. Thats why I believe it is much
more important to use formative assessment. Formative assessments are
examinations that are used purely to see how students are doing. These exams can
take many different forms from classic pen and paper quizzes, to group discussions,
to homework, and everything in between. These types of examinations allow
students to see what it is that they do/dont know and shows them what they need
to focus on moving forward. It also gives the teacher the ability to see how a given
lesson is going and if they need to make any corrections or adjustments. In short
formative assessments are a key way of giving feedback to both the students and
yourself. After all, how can you be expected to succeed if the only time you are
given any feedback is after the final exam has already been graded?
Beyond the type of exam used another important thing to remember when
creating these exams is to be diverse. Relying on one single tool like this doesnt
give you an accurate view of what all your students know. Some students get
anxiety when they take exams and may not get a grade that accurately reflects
their knowledge and skill level. Having diverse assessments such as group projects,
debates, term papers, and creative projects allows all types of students to succeed.
It also allows them to become comfortable with real-life skills such as team work,
public speaking, and making creative presentations. Thats not to say, however,
that written test arent useful or necessary.
While subject matter like the definition of an atom or the knowledge of how to
balance an equation are important, there are other skill taught in class that are
equally necessary. Critical thinking, public speaking, working under pressure,
sticking it out if things get tough, etc. are all important skills both in the collegiate
and industrial world. Working precisely to get good data, creating presentation to
get grant money, working as part of research team and so much more. No single
type of exam can test all of these abilities but utilizing a variety of styles can allow
you to assess them.
Humans have a deep desire to learn and discover, its what has allowed us to
build airplanes and supercomputers, penicillin and nuclear reactors. We need to
foster this in the classroom instead of dulling these skills to the point of extinction.
The only way to do this is by using a variety of styles of assessment that allow all
students to shine.

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