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What is the Gospel?

By Raul Enyedi
The word “Gospel” comes from the Old English “godspell” and it means “good tale
” or “good news.” The content of this good news is found in the Scriptures: “Mor
eover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which
also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye k
eep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I d
elivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died
for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he r
ose again the third day according to the scriptures” (1 Corinthians 15:1-4).
This is the only message that, if believed, opens the gates of Heaven. The Gosp
el does not speak about the works of the saints, church rituals or the importanc
e of the church in your salvation. The Gospel does not tell you what works you m
ust do in order to be saved. The Gospel tells you about Jesus, because in no one
else you will find salvation (Acts 4:12). He is the only way! The Gospel tells
about what He did for the salvation of men! Since man is unable to save himself
or contribute anything to his own salvation, the message of this good news is ca
lled “the gospel of the grace of God” (Acts 20:24). Grace means a gift or a favo
r given freely to someone that does not deserve it or cannot earn it.
Did you believe the Gospel for the salvation of your soul?
Šta je evanđelje?
Raul Enyedi
Reč evanđelje dolazi od grčke reči „evangelion“ i znači „dobra vest“. Sadržaj ov
e dobre vesti nalazi se u Svetom pismu: „Obznanjujem vam, braćo, evanđelje koje
sam vam propovedao, koje vi primiste, u kom i stojite, kojim se i spasavate, ako
ga čvrsto držite kako sam vam ja objavio, sem ako niste uzalud poverovali. Jer
sam vam pre svega predao što sam i primio: da je Hristos umro za naše grehe - po
Pismima, i da je sahranjen, i da je vaskrsnut trećega dana - po Pismima“ (1. Ko
rinćanima 15:1-4).

To je jedina poruka koja, ako se veruje, otvara vrata neba. Evanđelje ne govori
o delima vernika, crkvenim obredima ili važnosti crkve u tvom spasenju. Evanđelj
e ti ne govori kakva dela moraš da učiniš da bi se spasio. Evanđelje ti govori o
Isusu, zato što u ni jednom drugom nećeš naći spasenje (Dela 4:12). On je jedin
i put! Evanđelje ti govori šta je on učinio za spasenje čoveka! Budući da čovek
nije u stanju da spasi samoga sebe ili da bilo šta doprinese svom spasenju, poru
ka ove dobre vesti se naziva „evanđelje o blagodati Božijoj“ (Dela 20:24). Blago
dat znači dar ili naklonost besplatno podarena nekome ko je ne zaslužuje ili ne
može da je zaradi.
Da li si poverovao evanđelje radi spasenja svoje duše?

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