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NAI Voice and Data R2.3 configuration 05/07/2016 - 12:33:20

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Categora: TRBOnet.Enterprise and TRBOnet.Plus Votos: 0

Estado: pblico (todos) Resultado: 0.00 %

Idioma: en Last update: 24/06/2014 - 04:01:21


Question/Issue (pblico)
TRBOnet Plus for NAI VOICE & DATA Release 2.3 Configuration Guide

Answer/Solution (pblico)
- TRBOnet Plus is a Voice Dispatch and AVL software for MOTOTRBO Network
Application Interface (NAI) VOICE and DATA.
- NAI protocol allows TRBOnet to operate with MOTOTRBO CapacityPlus and
MOTOTRBO Linked CapacityPlus repeaters over IP. (Wireline Dispatch Console)
- Voice Repeaters must have NAI VOICE and NAI DATA license activated. Data
Revert repeaters must have NAI DATA license activated. A repeater must have 32
Mb memory.

TRBOnet Plus System Capacity

- Number of Dispatchers per a Server 30
- Number of Talk Groups 300
- Number of simultaneous Voice Calls up to 100. Depends on number of
repeaters and type of calls
- Number of subscriber units 100,000. Depends on number of

Supported Voice Calls

- Individual Call
- Group Call
- All Call
- Emergency Call
- Remote Monitor
- Phone Call May 2014, MOTOTRBO Release 2.3A Supported Data Calls
- ARS, GPS, Telemetry, Text
- User Data

Software Requirements
Server Computer:
- TRBOnet Plus Server software
- MOTOTRBO Network Interface Service (MNIS)
- MOTOTRBO Device Discovery and Mobility Service (DDMS)
- MS SQL Server 2005 Express Edition or higher (can be installed on remote

Client /Dispatcher Computer:

- TRBOnet Plus Dispatcher software

Recommended PC Hardware
Server Computer:
- Intel Core i7 or better
- Windows7 / Windows8 / Windows Server
- Note: it is possible to use a virtual machine.

Client/Dispatcher Computer:
- Intel Core i5 or better
- Windows7 / Windows Server
- Sound Card
- Microphone and Speaker (headset)

Voice and Data Flow

- MNIS is responsible to send / receive Data Packages and forward them to

TRBOnet Server.
- DDMS (aka Presence Notifier) is responsible for ARS and notifies TRBOnet
Server when a radio is turned on/off. For more information refer to
- All the repeaters in all sites should be available for TRBOnet Server,
which normally required Port Forwarding rules on routers. For more information
refer to MOTOTRBO Linked Capacity Plus (LCP) - HP MSR 20-20 Router
Configuration Guide

Single PC Installation
TRBOnet Server and Dispatcher software can be installed on a single computer.

Client-Server Installation

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NAI Voice and Data R2.3 configuration 05/07/2016 - 12:33:20

For the systems with 2 and more dispatch positions, it is recommended to have
a dedicated server computer (could be a virtual machine).

- TRBOnet Server and all the LCP sites must be in separate networks behind
- Use the recommended routers only.

- One TRBOnet Server computer is for one LCP System
- It is possible to connect two or more LCP systems (CrossPatch)
- TRBOnet Cross Patch supports Group and Individual Calls
- It is possible to use a Virtual machine as a Server

- Logging of Radio-to-Radio TEXT is NOT SUPPORTED.
- Phone Interconnect is not available for Release 2.3. (Expect in May 2014,
Release 2.3A)
- Local Talk Group IDs must be unique per a system.

Subscriber Unit Configuration.

Network Settings

Personality Settings

MNIS and DDMS Settings.

General Settings

Talk Group Settings

Master Repeater Settings

LCP Sites Settings

Advanced Settings

DDMS Settings
- DeviceRefreshTime how often radios should send ARS to TRBOnet. The value
depends on number of radios and channels.

ARS TRBOnet Settings

- Auto Request Presence for NAI systems works as Radio Check command.
- Subscriber ARS is not used for NAI systems. Should be set as 0. The
value is set in DDMS (DeviceRefreshTime )

LCP Repeater Settings in TRBOnet

- TRBOnet Peer ID any unique value
- Radio ID the default TRBOnet ID
- TRBOnet Local Port any free port on PC

Audio Paths
- Load Groups from Master Repeater
- Add Local Groups manually

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