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Global climate change has had visible effects on the environment already.

has been a shift in the plant and animal ranges, glaciers have shrunk, trees are
flowering sooner, and ice on lakes and rivers is breaking up earlier. The effec
ts that were predicted by scientists in the past that would be a result of clima
te change such as loss of sea ice, longer, more intense heat waves and an accele
rated rise in the sea level are all happening now.
Scientists have reported that temperatures will continue to rise for decades to
come. This will be mainly due to greenhouse gasses that are as a result of human
activities. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the ext
ent of the effects of climate change on specific regions will vary over time and
with the capability of various societal and environmental systems to mitigate o
r adapt to change.
The IPCC predicts that increases in the mean temperature globally of less than 1
to 3 degrees Celsius above 1990levels will be of benefit to some regions while
having adverse effects on the parts at the same time.
Projections of global climate indicate that change will continue over this centu
ry and beyond. Climate change s magnitude beyond the next few decades majorly depend
s on the amount of heat-trapping gasses that are emitted globally and the sensit
ivity of the climate of the earth due to those emissions.
The projections also indicate that the temperatures will continue to rise. Since
human-induced warming is layered on a naturally varying climate, the rise of th
e temperature has not in the past been and will not be smooth or uniform across
the globe or over time.
Another projection is that the frost-free season and the growing season will len
gthen. In a future where there will be a continuous growth of heat-trapping gas
emissions, projections of an increase of a month or more in the length of the fr
ost-free and growing seasons are projected. The largest increases are projected
for the western U.S specifically in the coastal and high elevation regions. If t
he heat-trapping gas emissions are reduced, the will be a considerably smaller i
Other projections include, changes in precipitation patterns, more drought and h
eat waves, stronger and more intense hurricanes, a rise in the sea level and the
artic is likely going to become ice free. The summer temperatures are projected
to continue rising, and there will be a reduction in soil moisture exacerbating
heat waves. In the next decades, high tides and storm surges in combination wit
h sea level rise and subsidence of land would increase flooding in many regions.
The dominant position of English as an international language has brought about
a controversy in some circles. For instance, some French people do not like the
increasing importance of English in the community of Europeans. French was the
diplomatic language and the language that was preferred for international exchan
ge. People from all over the world were proud to speak French, but that is not t
he case today.
Mandarin is being taught and promoted by the Chinese government in a bid to esta
blish Chinese as the new international language. However, the difficulty involve
d in writing Chinese characters and its tonal nature make it less likely that it
will evolve to be the preferred language of exchange for people who are not nat
ive speakers of Chinese. The use of the English language across the board is see
n as advancing the political agenda of the English-speaking world to some people
. Esperanto is offered as an alternative and as a politically neutral language.i
t is also constructed rationally and quite easy to learn.
Each language is a masterpiece of the human creativity as they all evolved natur
ally and although some are less useful than others, they are all equally sophist
icated and valuable. The use of English as an international language is highly u
nlikely to change in the future. The relative power of Britain and the United St
ates will continue to decline, but this will not make English less useful. Engli
sh is predicted to be the only language left to be learned over a long period ha
ving the global language status and will be in the service of the world communit
There is no doubt that technology is changing the way we work drastically. The f
uture of jobs will soon become the survival the ones most adaptable. As technolo
gy changes the way we work, the remnant jobs will be multifaceted and changeable
. One researcher says that workers of the future will need to be highly adaptabl
e and handle three or more positions at a time. As jobs are being increasingly a
utomated and made redundantly, people need to keep up with the latest advances i
n technology and be retrain. Ongoing education will play a major role in aiding
people to gain new skills. People will need to update their skills for the jobs
in the future continuously, and if this is honed, then there will be employment.
Despite this, there will be losers winners in the new world as workforce will l
ikely shift toward more part-time freelance based work. This is because employer
s will think regarding specialists that are, who they need and for how long. Thi
s means keeping on the latest advances in technology for businesses. It is, ther
efore, important to there exists a cycle drive to foster a better digital enviro
nment for children to give them support early in life.
One problem with needing highly specialized roles is that there will be isolatio
n in the population among those who can adapt and retrain continuously and those
who cannot. The impact of demographic, technological, and socioeconomic disrupt
ions on models of business will be experienced and felt in transformations to th
e landscape jobs and skills requirement. This will result in substantial challe
nges for recruiting, training and managing talent. Many industries may find them
selves in a scenario of employment demand that is positive for hard-to-recruit s
pecialist occupations at the same time with skills instability across several ex
isting roles. For instance, the Mobility industries expect employment growth acc
ompanied by a situation where nearly 40% of the skills required by major jobs in
the industry are not yet part of the key skill set of these functions presently
. In overall, one thing is clear, the jobs that will be available tomorrow will
not be the same as today.
The refugee crisis is there currently the most significant since the one in worl
d war .we are both legally and morally obliged to respond and be of assistance t
o refugees who need our help. Refugees are people who are fleeing conflict and p
ersecution and have no other alternative other than to leave their respective co
untries. In most cases, they are separated with their families and face violence
and discrimination and some end in exile. The refugee burden and any threat fal
l on developing countries disproportionately, and yet the borders of these count
ries have been kept open. While a high number of refugees have entered Europe in
the last recent years, the significant number remains Turkey Jordan and Lebanon
. Over 80% of refugees are in emerging countries worldwide.
Where there exists a link between refugees and terrorism, it is usually that the
refugees are running away from terrorism and not going to host countries to per
petrate terrorism. The number of people fleeing their homes and countries is on
the rise and what are needed are not closed borders but innovative responses. Wi
th the increasing global temperature, in which we see the extent of which Bangla
desh and Florida are likely to be submerged; millions will leave their home as a
result of climate change in the next decades. Presently, the international syst
em is not well equipped to cope with this. New types of partnerships with host s
tates in the regions producing refugees to address matters such as aid dependenc
y and fatigue of the host state could begin. This will also steer international
refugee policy towards more mutually beneficial and sustainable initiatives. Thi
s will represent a change towards international refugee policies that offer oppo
rtunities for host communities and refugees while, at the same time, upholding h
uman dignity.

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