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Пето Отделение
Отн: адм.д. № 3636/2007

на основание чл. 171 ал. 2 АПК

От: Майкъл Капустин

канадски гражданин
Лишен от свобода
Съдебен адрес
ЗО Казиченe
Казиченe България


That the Court ORDER production of evidence from the Justice Ministry inter alia
all the statistical public data on persons deprived of liberty as requested by this
Applicant and as was refused by the Commission [see Applicant’s Motion No.
09/07.10.2006 to the Commission Attention: Ms. Zora Georgieva Gencheva
Преписка: № 48/2006].
The Applicant reserves the procedural right to request additional evidence
necessary to prove persecution and anti-Semitism.
The Applicant repeats below his requests to the Commission for evidence and asks
the Court to replace the Word “COMMISSION” with the word “Court Appointed

I.That The Applicant Must Insist On The Commission’s Collection Of The Following
Evidence And FACTS From The Respondent Ministry For Justice;
The Applicant requests the Commission consider collecting from the Respondent Ministry for
Justice all or part the following data on male inmates;

Respondent Ministry for Justice to Provide a statement of defense to the Commission on why it failed to
mention contradictions of art. 14 of Ordinance No. 4/2001
The Minister for Justice does NOT discuss the legal contradictions between domestic law and the
complained of normative act art. 14 of Ordinance No. 4/2001 of the Ministry for Justice where it

“Чл. 14. Лицата, които не са български граждани и не са се установили на
постоянно местоживеене в страната, изтърпяват наказание в затвора в София,
където се настаняват изолирано от останалите по местоживеене и месторабота.”

Bulgaria’s law requiring from Bulgaria’s Minister for Justice something completely different at
the art. 12c of Law for the Execution of Punishments where it writes;

“Чл.12в. (нов,ДВ,бр.103 от 2004 г.) Чужденците, които нямат разрешение за

постоянно пребиваване в Република България, изтърпяват наказанието лишаване от
свобода в затвори, поправителни домове и общежития, определени със заповед на
министъра на правосъдието. ” [see first request for Rebuttal evidence at A.1.a below]

The Minister for Justice does NOT discuss the legal contradictions between art. 14 of Ordinance
No. 4/2001 of the Ministry for Justice and art. 12c of Law for the Execution of Punishments when
read with Bulgaria’s constitutional law art. 6(2) where it writes;

“Чл. 6. (1) Всички хора се раждат свободни и равни по достойнство и права.

(2) Всички граждани са равни пред закона. Не се допускат никакви ограничения на

правата или привилегии, основани на раса, народност, етническа принадлежност,
пол, произход, религия, образование, убеждения, политическа принадлежност,
лично и обществено положение или имуществено състояние.”

And when read with the domestic law of art. 12a of the Law for the Execution of Punishments,
where it writes;

“Чл.12а. (нов, ДВ,бр. 34 от 1974 г.; изм., бр.28 от 1982 г.)

(1) (изм.,ДВ,бр.21 от 1990 г., бр.62 от 2002 г.) Осъдените за първи път на лишаване
от свобода до пет години за умишлени престъпления и осъдените за непредпазливи
престъпления изтърпяват наказанието в затворнически общежития от открит тип.

(2) (отм.,ДВ,бр.62 от 2002 г.)

(3) (нова,ДВ,бр.73 от 1998 г.; изм.,бр.62 от 2002 г.) В затворническите общежития от

преходен тип могат да се настаняват осъдени с добро поведение, изтърпели най-
малко шест месеца от наложеното наказание в затвор или затворническо общежитие
от закрит тип и остатък от наказанието не по-голям от пет години.

(4) (нова,ДВ,бр.73 от 1998 г.; изм.,бр.62 от 2002 г.) Редът за настаняване в

затворнически общежития от преходен тип се определя в правилника за
прилагането на закона.”;

And when read with articles 15, 16, 17 and 18 of the same Ordinance No. 4/2001;

Чл. 15. Лишените от свобода от категориите по чл. 12а, ал. 1 от Закона за
изпълнение на наказанията изтърпяват наказанието в следните трудово-
поправителни общежития от открит тип:

7. трудово-поправително общежитие "София" към затвора в гр. София - от София-

град и Софийска и Пазарджишка област.

Чл. 16. Лишените от свобода от категориите по чл. 12а, ал. 2 от Закона за

изпълнение на наказанията изтърпяват наказанието в следните трудово-
поправителни общежития от полуоткрит тип:

4. трудово-поправително общежитие "Казичене" към затвора в гр. София - от

София-град и от Софийска, Пернишка, Кюстендилска, Благоевградска,
Пловдивска, Врачанска, Видинска и Монтанска област;

Чл. 17. (1) Лишените от свобода извън категорията по чл. 12а, ал. 1 и 2 от Закона
за изпълнение на наказанията, които не са рецидивисти, изтърпяват наказанието в
следните затвори и трудово-поправителни общежития от закрит тип:

4. трудово-поправително общежитие "Кремиковци" към затвора в гр. София - от

София-град и Видинска, Монтанска, Пловдивска и Софийска област;

Чл. 18. (1) Лишените от свобода рецидивисти изтърпяват наказанието в следните

затвори и трудово-поправителни общежития от закрит тип:

8. затвора в гр. София - от София-град и Пернишка и Кюстендилска област.

(2) В заведенията от закрит тип за рецидивисти могат да бъдат настанявани за

нуждите на обслужващата дейност до 5 % нерецидивисти, устойчиви на
отрицателно влияние и годни да подпомагат възпитателния процес. В тези случаи
е необходимо писмено съгласие на осъдените.

Issue a Report to the Commission on EU and other non-citizens/offenders housed by the Respondents
according to “чл.12в. (нов,ДВ,бр.103 от 2004 г. ЗИН;

1.The numbers of EU and other foreign citizens since 2004 to the present day that have been re-
located by the Minister for Justice and housed in penitentiary facilities as is demanded by
Bulgaria’s legislators according to national law, art. 12a in conj. with 12c of the Law for the
Execution of Punishment [Чл.12в. (нов,ДВ,бр.103 от 2004 г. ЗИН];

2.If the Respondents failed or refused to comply with the legislators will, and no EU or other
male foreign citizens have been relocated since the promulgation of the 2004 amendments to the
Law for the Execution of Punishment, the Respondents should issue an explanation in writing
before the Commission;

II.Equity Analysis Requires Commission to Create a Comparative Model – Applicant’s
Observations and Requests for Creating a Model;
Respondents to Issue a Current Report to the Commission as to numbers of male inmates, citizens and
non-citizens of Bulgaria, located at all those penitentiary facilities attached to the city of Sofia [see again
abovecited Наредба № 4 От 29 Март 2001 ИЗДАДЕНА ОТ МИНИСТЕРСТВО НА
ПРАВОСЪДИЕТО чл. 15, 16 и 17] and provide separate figures on the following;.

1.A separate total at each of the four penitentiary facilities attached to the city of Sofia of all
offenders housed there [see above cited law and provisions of the ordinance];

2.From each separate total in item (1) the Respondents to then provide a separate figure on the
number of offenders housed there who are citizens of Bulgaria;

3.From the same separate totals in item (1) the Respondents to determine a separate figure on the
number of non-citizen offenders housed at each separate penitentiary facility and segregated from
the others [Respondents must identify the prison ward designated for segregation of “non-

4.From these separate totals provided for each prison in item (2) and item (3) above, the
Respondents to then extract as a number and separate totals those inmates who are repeat
offenders and those who are first time offenders [identify the prison wards separating first time
offenders from repeat offenders];

5.From the separate totals again provided for each prison in item (2) and item 3 above, the
Respondents to then extract as a number and separate totals those offenders having had an initial
term of imprisonment;

a)of sentences of 5 years or less;

b)then as a separate figures those having had sentences from 5years to no more than 10

c)then as a separate total those having had sentences from 10 to no more than 20 years
and then those of 20 years and more;

6.From these same separate totals as provided by the Respondents for each prison in item (2) and
item (3) above, the Respondents to then extract as a number separate totals for those who are;

a)Employed on prison grounds;

b)Employed off prison grounds under supervision [guard];

c)Employed off prison grounds without supervision;

d)Attending Education Programs on Prison grounds;

e)Attending Education Programs off prison grounds under supervision [guard];

f)Attending Education Programs off prison grounds without supervision;

7.From these same separate totals provided for each prison in item (2) and item (3) above, the
Respondents to then extract as a number separate totals on the number of offenders being
accredited under art. 41(3) of the Criminal Code or art. 103 (4) (new – SG 62/02) of the Law for
the Execution of Punishments;

8.Provide as an annual total, starting from 1991, [or over a period of years determined by the
Commission], the numbers of times the Respondents have applied to an EU or other non-citizen
[remembering the requirements of Civic registration Act] an unsupervised leave according to
the Law for the Execution of Punishments Art. 74. (1);

a)item (f) - home leave – for a term of five days Five (5) days unsupervised leaves;

b)item (g) (new – SG 28/82, amend. SG 62/02) home leave up to two days monthly
regardless of the leave of item (f);

c)item (i) leave up to 12 hours out of the place for deprivation from liberty;

d)item (h) (new – SG 28/82, amend. SG 62/02) permission to be used the annual rest of
art. 28 out of the prison hostel;

e)Provide a list of the offenses committed by those allowed leaves, by the Respondents -
example in 1991 – 50 offenders take unsupervised leaves, of these 10 are convicted for
murder, 22 for theft etc..;

9.Provide a comparative figure to Item 8 above the number of citizens of Bulgaria having taken
during the same period;

10.Provide as an annual total, starting from 1991, [or over a period of years determined by the
Commission], the numbers of times the Respondents have issued documents according to Art. 70.
(1) of the Law for the Execution of Punishments for finished education, as well as for acquired
specialty and qualification to;

a)EU or other non-citizens;

b)And to Bulgarian citizens;

Sofia Prison to Issue a Current Report to the Commission on EU and other non-citizens convicted
offenders presently segregated and isolated by the Respondents at the 10 th Prisons group on the

1.The current figure for the number of EU and other foreign citizens collective housed at the
Sofia Central prison 10th Prisoners group and who;

a)According to Bulgaria’s criminal code have the legal status of dangerous repeat

b)Have initial sentences of 5 years or less and are first time offenders;

c)Have terms of imprisonment remaining, after credits for days worked [art. 103 Law for
the Execution of Punishment], of 5 years or less;

d)Have life sentences;

e)Are convicted of murder;

f)Are convicted of violent crimes except murder;

g)Are to be kept under a very heavy security regime;

h)Are to be kept under a heavy security regime;

i)Are to be kept under general security;

j)Are to be kept under light security;

2.The Respondents to provide an explanation to the Commission of why the offenders are not
separated according to the requirements of Bulgaria’s domestic criminal and correctional laws;
Sofia Central Prison Issue a Current Report to the Commission on EU and other non-citizens/offenders
housed by the Respondents according to article 12(1) item 3 of Ministry for Justice Ordinance № 2 April
19 1999;

1.As of May 31st 2006 [or over a period of years determined by the Commission] or as of the
latest date such information is available to the Ministry for Justice RB and according to each
separate penitentiary facility in Bulgaria administered by the first Respondent, data at the Sofia
prison on;

a)The number of EU and other non-Bulgarian citizens accused or defendants physically

segregated by the Ministry for Justice RB according to the provision of article 12(1) item
3 of Ministry for Justice Ordinance № 2 April 19 1999;

b)A comparative figure on the number of Bulgarian citizens accused or defendants at the
Sofia prison during the same period;

c)From the separate totals again provided for each in item (a) and (b) above, the
Respondents to then extract as a number and separate totals the number of EU and other
non-Bulgarian citizens employed at the Sofia prison according to art. 26(1) of Ministry
for Justice Ordinance № 2 April 19 1999 and where it writes;

“Чл. 26. (1) Обвиняемите и подсъдимите в

местата за лишаване от свобода могат да работят
по възможност и при изрично писмено изявено
желание за това.

(2) Включването им в общообразователно и

професионално-техническо обучение се

d)A comparative figure on the number of Bulgarian citizens accused or defendants;

Sofia Prison Issue a Historic Report to the Commission on EU and other non-citizens/offenders housed
by the Respondents according to article 12(1) item 3 of Ministry for Justice Ordinance № 2 April 19

The Sofia prison to provide as an annual total, starting from 1991, [or over
a period of years determined by the Commission], the numbers of EU and
other non-Bulgarian citizens [and as a comparative figure the number of
Bulgarian citizens] enrolled in educational or technical training by the
Sofia prison administration in programs organized by the Ministry for
Justice according to art. 26(2) of Ordinance № 2 April 19 1999;


Sofia Prison Issue a Current Report to the Commission with the Names of Expert Interpreters the
Respondent Utilizes to Explain Legal Rights and Obligations, and has translated the Respondents
Officials Documents when Affecting the Legal or Property Rights of EU and other non-citizens/offenders
segregated and isolated by the Respondents at the Sofia Prison.

1.The Respondent Ministry for Justice identify to the Commission the names and EGN of those
expert interpreters and the languages used to provide oral or written explanations to convicted or
accused EU and other non-citizens when explaining their legal rights, obligations and
opportunities according to the domestic laws and ordinances or orders issued by the Respondents.

2.The Applicant’s request for this evidence concerns the positive legal obligations of the
Respondents according to art. 6(1) of ECHR and the need for explaining rights and warnings
about obligations [see arts. 22a(2)1, 38(a)(c) and (d)2, Bulgaria’s Law for the Execution of
Punishments; art. 8(1) and art. 10 of the Regulations for Application of Bulgaria’s Law for the
Execution of Punishments where it writes “Чл. 8. (1) При постъпването им в затвора
лишените от свобода се….запознават се с правилата за вътрешния ред и с правата и
задълженията им” and “Чл. 10. В срок до пет дни новопостъпилите се приемат от
ръководството на затвора, което, след като ги изслуша и се запознае с всички документи
и със заключенията на психолога и лекаря, ги разпределя по отряди и определя вида и
мястото на работата, която ще изпълняват”]

Art. 22a. (new – SG 62/02) (1) At the places for deprivation from liberty shall be used technical
and other means for guarding and control for prevention of escape, other crimes and breaches.
(2) The deprived from liberty shall be warned about the possibility to be used guarding and technical means,
dangerous for their life and health.
Art. 38. The deprived from liberty shall be obliged:
a) to fulfil the work, assigned to them by the administration;
c) to observe the rules, established for them;
d) to fulfil precisely the rulings and the orders of the respective officials;

[NOTE to Commission see again jurisprudence of Bulgaria’s regional courts Exhibit No.
3A and Exhibit No. 3B].

Most significantly the requested information relies also on the written representation and
explanation as offered by the Respondent Ministry for Justice [see Exhibit 4 – Letter by
D.M. Mario Dimitrov dated 13.09.2004 and where he writes “…persons who are not
Bulgarian citizens are to serve terms of imprisonment at prison in the city of Sofia where
they are placed in residences and places of work isolated from the others [Bulgarian
citizens, and that] this is dictated by considerations for ease of facilitating their contact
[with]…organization…” and for the “…securing of interpreters…”.

[Commission referred to section where it writes “Съгласно…Министъра на

правосъдието лицата, които не са български граждани изтърпяват наказание в
затвора гр. София, където се настаняват изолирано от останалите по
местоживеене и месторабота. Това е продиктувано от съображение за
улесняване на контактите…организиране…осигуряване на преводачи….”]

3.Explain to the Commission how the Respondent Ministry for Justice Bulgaria and ЦСДВР at
the Sofia Prison explained normative acts, orders or decrees and prison rules or regulations as
well as the “program” for rehabilitation of “non-citizens”. This is particularly interesting when
the Commission considers such information is available to Sofia Prison inmates only in the
Bulgarian language [see art. 8(1) of the ППЗИН “Чл.8. (1) При постъпването им в затвора
лишените от свобода се настаняват в отделни помещения, където…През това време се…
запознават се с правилата за вътрешния ред и с правата и задълженията им.”];


The Commission to select [without interferences of Sofia prison officials] the prison case files and
histories, pre and post final sentence, of the Applicant and 3 EU or other foreign citizens.

1.Each subject must have no prior criminal record and no significant breaches of prison rules
during the terms of their imprisonment.

2.As control subjects the Commission is requested to select the case files of 4 citizens of
Bulgarian having committed virtually the same criminal offences and having the virtually the
same terms of imprisonment.

3.To preserve anonymity the identity of the offenders can be withheld by the Commission.
However, this is no privileged evidence – case files of convicted felons are a matter of public
record and there is no violation of a privacy law. The Commission having authority to demand
and to examine the prison histories of convicts – offenders - who by virtue of their convictions
lose certain rights of privacy and privilege.

4.The concerns of the Commission are to determine how and if the Respondents apply equally or
at all Bulgaria’s laws during their administration of criminal sentences. And if the Respondents
are observing imperative procedures of law when applying the same laws under the same
circumstances to citizens of Bulgaria and then to EU or other non-citizens.


Commission to make a determination if legal rights and opportunities of EU and other foreign citizens
under Bulgaria’s national laws are being determined according to the prejudices or preferences of
officials’ and not according to law.
The Applicant relies on the documental evidence of administrative, prosecution and
judicial RULINGS as well as witness testimony proving INACTION [or refusals to act]
as will be collected by the Commission during the course of its enquiry.

As a result, the Commission can only settle the questions of incitement, indirect
discrimination and arbitrariness from collecting witness testimonies and the
Commissions examining the reasons found in RULINGS, ORDERS and DECREES
issued by the Sofia prison administration, prosecutors and criminal courts.


1 Музафаер Йонел Турция
2 Сърбия и Черна
Никола Вачич Гора
3 Стънга Никушор Румъния
4 Лазло Сабо Унгария
5 Мартин Папай Албания
6 Зам. Началник СЦЗ Людмил Цанев
7 ИЗДВР Иван Иванов


Respondents to provide Commission with copies of the amended “Наредба № 11 от 1990 г. на
министъра на правосъдието (необнародвана) и Наредба № 4 от 1997 г. на министъра на
правосъдието и правната евроинтеграция (ДВ, бр. 6 от 1998 г.).

М. Капустин

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