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Assalamualaikum wr.


First of all, lets say the praise and gratitude to Allah Swt. Salawat and salam may always be
upon our adoration and esteemed model, namely Prophet Muhammad Saw, all of his families,
companions, and followers.

Dear Mr Headmaster of Muhammadiyah 35 Junior High School, To all the honorable teachers
and all the priding students of Muhammadiyah 35 Junior High School. We will definitely be very
proud if someday we hear the news that those among the graduates of this school have become
success people. I wish you could be one of them.

To all of the students of Muhammadiyah 35 Junior High School that I proud of,Being success
or failed is a choice. Its you the only one who can choose it. You can observe the choice from the
tendency of your heart, the tendency of your mind, and the tendency of your behaviors. The more you
dominate and take over the tendencies with positive things, the closer you will be to success.
Otherwise, the more you dominate and take over the tendencies with negative things, the more far
away you will be to success. All of you will be the proof of what I am saying today to you all.

For those reasons, I would like to request all of you to turn round soon in order to do positive
things for your own good. Look at our paragon, Rasulullah who had been an independent and success
person since he was still very young. At age 0 4, he had become a fatherless child who lived in the
dessert area with Bani Saad (descendants of Saad) and during that time he was breast-fed by
Halimah As Sadiyah. At age 6 8, he lived with his grandfather, Abdul Muthalib, who was an
authoritative personage. At age 8, he began to herd the goats when living with his uncle, Abu Thalib.
At age 12, he began an international business trip to Syria together with his uncle. At age 15, he
obtained warfare experience through Fijar War event between Quraisy people and other people for 4
5 years long.

At age 20, he acquired his first diplomatic experience as a pacifying agent between Quraisy
people and other kabilah (nomadic tribes) and strengthened his social credibility in society. After that,
he worked to Siti Khadijah and got back to take a business trip of exporting and importing to Yamane
and Syria.

At age 25, he married with Siti Khadijah and started out his experience as patriarch. At age 25
35, he had had the experiences of being a patriarch, trader, rich man, peoples leader, and in many
social activities. Thus, what can we see from the young figure of Prophet Muhammad Saw?
I wish all of you could take the wisdom from what I have said. I remind and invite all of you once
more, lets develop the alterations then the success will come close to you.

Thats all I could convey. Please, forgive me for all the mistakes I made on my words.
Wassalamualaikum wr.wb

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