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The gnn ie maaleof --ih"'';iii.!'fr
anil consists generally of two portions,
'.i.1.(r)- recoilins,. -ste-el,
whrch consiste of the
_barrel, recoil pratei, and. Ioek, is foried to the
wheS the.gun is fired, by the eiplosion of the "nr"g", th"-frd"
. !]:i
perng'.aoromafi.'arly retnmed to the firing position
by means ol the
barre-l and crank springe.
::'i _ The ron-rceoiling portion-consists of the
bl6ck, m ecbanis;" c"rr,'the
tn" f "tt* being
P:::l^::"f withJ.,.d,
trunnions for the attachment of guu to th-e
- The barrel is of etee], chambereclto suit tbe cartridge, and rifed. Beco.iling
''rjEn-.nfonq el.e prQT[ded, on both sides at the
breech"end. fo/the Po$roD.
,- dttichmenb of the reeoil plates, and_a,rec.ess -ihe is fotrred ou the upper
..-surfaefor tbe feeeptionbt or" e"il of *""t-r"*" "i'it- ?""a
: blook. A nut aurl washer for retaining the barrer spring is provid.ed.
.. ,:,, neat the front end. The outer aurfaal of the barrei ie-coaietl wiib
copper to protect ib from rnst.
" "
Ih" recoil platee are right'n and ,. left respectivelr. anil are
each provided with a holq aeai the front end for th'" """.piiuo of the
' '
F t"t trunnione. Bossesare provided on thd outside of the prates at
th.e re&T,.forming bearings foi the crank, the outer end of ih" bor.
preparod for the reception of the crank spring
' 91 :"" l:r: ryfte.boin-g
3?;::3,T|5pitr$ lo".T*9'TS. aud eentering the tock in the firin[
rs nyeted to the ., right,' plabeat t.Le front end. Longi_
tudrndl Fpoovegare forned on t[b insido of tho plates which serve as
guides for the.Iock.
: The ,loek'consitts
,' of a steel frame fittetl with a striker, coekilg
lever, trigger s'ear, safety catchr-,"a *l;" ,prt"g 1", pi"""r"i";
(2093) t 2
firiug. An e:tractor, fittd with a f,at spring, grb, trb spring'-pernt, T'he slide is provideil
-belt r
spiral sprins. and cover, is attachealto the frnontface of the lock frarle' ammunition throu
T'1" todt is'actuatetl by a crank and coonecting rotl fitbed to tle are providetl-in the feed
recoil plates. tho c*a,nfbeinq proYideil with s leier with hanrlle for ie mbvinq in the oPPoi
vithiliawing tho lock on dnd side, ancl with a. helical spring for uooer aid lower siilee
returnins tf,e lock to tbe firing position on the other, birilue in the:corleot for
Ifon.recoiling The b'arrel case is of gunm-etal, and' is fittetl with glantls at both lockl Cartridge anil sl
portion. ends nacked with ssbes6s pagking'to soit tfe.@rrel,1qfuigh p&ssgg cartriilges being Pushec
throuih the case. It is upviateal dth a filling'holo in"thb qpdr side
rt"a," dhe breech, ancl an-emptying hole iu the untler sido -near.t|9
mrzzle,both of which are fitteal with acrew plugs securd by chan
and evebolt. Another hole connecteats'ith the steam tubs in the csso
is prdvidett in the upper side nlaxthe muzlle, ttris hole ia stoppe{ by
a frrk plog. The Sarrol caseholds abort ll pints. The gun ie eighted
ifld ojictor tube with sprirg is-fittd to the uniler side of the Tbe for"esight oonsi
case. ottached to tbe cover c
meqhaqii-i""e" consiets :of t*o etoor aitle-pJa-fas The targent sight
,, risht " end. ., Ieft " resDectively, .gunmgtol bpffer'blocki oail'gtql 2 tlegrees deflection rig
. Ieaf gntl traversing sor
covEr nlate. The'side itatee ai; proviiled with truunions for ths
attachilent of the sun t; the carriaie,.end a,re sgcatetl to t'he brilrel range strip graduoteil
case bv means oT dovetail proiitions anil a toper fixing pin' I0O-yartls, ond is provi
Elevati"ng brackets for connecting: tho gun to the elovat'ing'gear of tho pinion in the righ
the carriire ore attached to the lower edge of tbe phtes at the rear' attabherl to the rear t
X'ixetl cade wibh pawlsi springs, and stop studs fol gtitling ancl con- ohoin"
trolling the eztractor of the lock u,nd barel stops to Prevent +nar'e
recoil 3f the barrel aro attached to the ineide of plate. A atud
for the attachmept of the 'the shoulder piece is rivetod to tte left plate AC,
immediatelv in front of elevatinq brocket, ibe ehoulder pieco ia
furiher secll.ed to the elevatini braclet by a fixing 6crpw' A roller Suppode the gun tr
'iight " plate, recoiling portion to n
and crank lever kitch are fitted-to the outiide of the
-also twb stuil.E for ammunition box. A rogulator and intlicacor plate l| inohes, thercby cet
is also ftted to the.roar gnd'6f thel 'frightll', plilto'; the regulatof ear crank hantlle to pret
bri atljustettiby hanii of th'6:lever ond-ir4icator plat6 so that';- rotetioq the tra,nk (tb
crank f,andle^to fly !
'' (o) Tho gun cannot be fir,Ptl ; ;r , lerge portion of the
: (b) I'or single shots onlY. The travel of the reo
(o) For automatic frring. spring and also move
theriehbsd es to engt
A trigger bar counecting tbe trigger with the trigger " aeaxie fftte'l the lock moves backq
bv -Ea'og of two etnds tE the lowEi part of the ri"git plato. The from the barrel and
blr is retained in position by a spirol spring. 1 The ertrhntor is kePt
The eiale platei are coniedCe&at the-resr u$l,by the bufrer bloek' along the upper eurf'
to which they are attacheil by dovetail projec0ions antl o taper filing until the ca,rtridge is ,
a bufier c4ae' end of these cams, it
'glaud,The birffer block is prbtided in the ceul,rewith
tbe action of the g
and. piston; at the'lower entl with a frigger gnar{' trigger
iev"rr'coone'cting iink, anil trigger; flDalos tle Bgper rear foce, with cartridge drtwn from
: a tangent sight bracket. : - .
emptY -cover drawn fi
ThL block alsc
Tf,e.covei platq is hinged to the siale platee xt thp front el+ !y
a joint pin, ani is provid-ed ou the uqder siile:wit[ l.guide block' quite back, s,sitg ffon6
wLich sirvos to gui'de the ertraster aad retlin-s the fock Jr-qme.in ' 'When
wben clJar of the sroov.e in the rocoil plates. A braekeb tho force <
front' and crank eprings ct
"ig and cap is riietod to the upper righl eide at the
forward and revolvir
The plote retainei in the closed position by a securiug pin with
chain and eyebolt. spring, tlereby forci
portr0n . trevetg rorrva
The feed block is of sunmetal, aqal is 0tted -with a:elitle a'ctuatctl
by a crank lever in the block, one end of the lever engagilg lith I block alide to the le
siual on tho slitle, a,nctthe other end with a repessin-the barrel.' carti'idge into positi
,, grb, gtb-ePring'.Pe*t. aolqalir-g levers for travelling thd
The glide ie provideat with two-feeil
tho levers
blocli altl two recainins
r fadeof the loct trame' iJilliiirii'b"il-;h;;sh
ffi-;;h";t iiTl" r""a"[l;"k f* holling rhe beu while the sliale
bins rod fitteil to ths StJel guitlosare fittedto the
le?er with hanille for il;:;il; t" tno oppiil" Ji*"tio"'
"ri* "ia-T"*;; ,id;-;f [u" t""a block.to'onsuro the oartri-tlg-es
r a. helical sPring for witna-"a-l by the ertractor of the
#i|o; ioiffiffififfi;to"
-c"#ras" serve to prevent
at both i*ti
'Jliiirai* ;;d,;lii-ilps insialethe_feed bbck
[-,.*'e p*i"a t"" fairthro-ughthe feetlblock'
i"-"oatn siile i-oa,r the
nlugs securetlbY chain
iste-a,mtobe in tho oase . SIGE.TING
thig hole is stoPPetl bY
rints. Tho emn'iseishtedon tho rigbt sitlewith fore anrl tangnt:ig}tl'
ithe uncler siile of the The iorasishlconsigtgof e steolacornpoint in o bracketwbrcn rs
attachedto thi coverof the brnechmechauisrxr
-'T;;1"";;;t:*.i;il;l;;aa" case'
t*o steel aitle p.!t4s or eteel,hoving a crosshead-giYl"g
antl left, prnvidetl with o Dotched deflecDron
bnffer"blodh antl steel 2 ilee.rees de"flection-rigbt
t"" is flttetl with a removablo
witn t".tooions for the ;;i?;d t;;";t* t.i"*lin".ii[t
:s seciFealtb tho bapel ;;;-;ttt; n*Jo?t"a'*ith a vafi scaleto 3,000yards' reading.to
ril i -fuper fixing Pin. i6";*d;."";;; "-;d;i1" t[" ti"* face wiih' fu"\ goari*g with
c the eleiating fgear of ;i;;t"t; i" th" iieht socket. The sight is Eupporyq in a bracket
i tbe ploteg'atthe rea'r. ottaiheal to the reai enil of tbe gun, auil is securcd bJro Prr wrm
ohaia. -
ds for'-guiilingond con'
-plate. nndle
etops to Pieveni
of iach A stual
.iveted.toihe left Plate : ecTloN oF MEoHANISM-
t, iibe ehonlder Piece ie Action ou
fixing screw. A roller SupnoCethe gtm to have iust fireal :-The exploeion cautes-the recoiL
of t-he tr dlht'1 plate, recoiliiti oortiof to move babkwonile through o cliatance of e-bo-ut
ill""rt?tlilerebv caueins the cuwe on tf,e under surface of the
rtor antl indicator Pl*to
rlatti ; tho,regqlqtot car "il"plrriate to:prese aloinst antl m-ov9 along the roller, thus
nr platiiso thafii-.'
': rotating the trank'(tbereby drawing bock tlre loc\) and causing the
crank f,andle'to fly forword with an accelerdted movement; thus a
taiee po*ion of tLe energJr of recoil is transferred to the crank'
. . I i . . ,

"rgclr; : ,:.:,.,
Ch; d;;t;f the recoiline";ortion to the rear compre'se' the barrel
sprins and also moves t&6 ictnating levers in the feeil block slide to
tfil "i'*Ut - ", to "og"g" behind a diesh cartridge in the belt'
;he trisger sear is fittcal the lo"ck moves baek-wi'ril the ertractor withilraws the emp_ty case
" plata The
,he " ri-g:-ht from the barrel snil a fresh cartriilge froT the belt in feed,block.
. . : 1 ' : ' : : " t
The ortrirntor is kept in poeitiot! by m-eans'of-its. horns, which, nbve
erd by the bqfr,erblock' olons the uppor gir{ace of the solial cams insiale the breschlpaso
11,;s.Bs,bnila toFep firi+g urtiiitUeea,rfiidgeie cloanof. tbe belt; when it arrives at the-rear
enlre f,itlt P b-tff.er eese, ""a "f these caile, it falls, partly by its own wcight "*a. pa.*ty.Py
u triggel'gssrtl, iioigryt the action of the guitlo block on the cover, th-ue bruxg"rngtho
;[e uqfer.reer faee with cartridee drown ftoi tle feecl block oppgsite the chamber, antl the
the ejector tnbe'
emptv "eover drawn from the chatbdr opposite
ili at tL fron! entl by Th! block also keepe the lock in poeition when the latter is
eialqlyith e guide block' quitc baak; as its ffa,ngeeoro then clear of-the guiiles on the recoil
platds.' ::'t ' '':: : I'
;toiFethp look lqame in ' 'When 'force
the of recoil .is expenalecl,the action of the barrel Action of
ecbil plates. A bracket banel ancl
il rieht eideat the front. ond crank eprings comed into plaf, carrying tbo.recoiling portion crouk springs.
forward and^rev-olvinq the craik'by the unwintling of the crank
* bj'n secriringPin with
sorins. therebv forcinl the lock td the lront. As t1e recoiling
;te.d-witb a elialesotsateal "frU":" travel-s fornarE.it moves ihe.actuating levers oh the feed
irlock slide to the left, arid thus brings up, autgmatically, a f'esh
-in-the lith a
e leverengagigg
eartr,idge into position in the feed block. A" th" lgck movel
r s DegesB borrel.'
if- r l
forrtarcl into the firing position, the live cartridge and the eorlty &
case, aro placeil in the barrel chamber and ejeotor tube respbd-
tively, tbe ertractor is m_ove4upwards by rhe ac'tuating lever ac^r,ing
! i i
( o) See
( d)
that thc barrel ca
the meehaniem
: . t
on the extractor leeers,thereby:leeving tLe empty oa6e-in,theej*kic -ii., +. ,":.. .-. Ieve3,. retgesing th
tube, where it ie lreld by the ej,-.oCor tobe'rprinf rintil pushed oit ly Perts work smootbl,
tbe next case, also causing the live car[ridgb to slide orer the gib ij (e) Eiamine the ammnn
uutil opposite the firiog holi, and engag'rng a-fresl "a"ttiag" wnicb ; i iloscription, that'tI
has been automatically moved rip into position in the feed bftick.
The turning of the cra'nk lever t6 the frbnt not r.ft a**rii" fo"[
paoked carofullY in
nointi"g towarde t
&ini away from the barrel, but also gives a downwarcl uotioo to the ..i bv banttl insert tho
oE. connecting roil anil rear portion of the actuating level, which latter, aia pasi it thruugh
bearing on the tail end of tbe cocking lever, ro-totes it on i[s axis, the front or thick e
anil the heacl of the lever, being enfagecl in e recessin the striker, emrriunition bilb b
forces [he latber to thd rear, compressiDg the main sprins. Wheu , ''drewn to'the right
the benttqJ tbe cockins lever Las mbvecla[bve the belrt oI tEe tfrEser the liil, then, *ith
sear, the ptter ;s forced by tbe main spring under it, and is thus;lle '! ^ in the bor, toking
to hold the cocking lever in the cocked position.. Tbe continued both entls, then reg
motion_of-tbe cockii'g lever carries back the striker until the nafety with a coP' lee ths
catch (which is cboie anrl is acted upon by the safety catch spring,;
ie forced into the bent of the striker autl ritains it. Points to bb atteidd to du
ibus preventeil from flying-the forrerd. by two,aotionA, viz., lhat of.tU" (a) See that s eufficient
trigger sear a,'nd,that of safety citcb, so,thot the sbr,iker.cannot casor so thot the ba
move forward.unless both are disenfuaged. (b) Tq loacl. the. gqp, ir
ing action,
- Q.. t&u crank ,handle reburniug" t6 tne latch tbe loqk mgv,ss to block. tur"n the cr
the front, ancl the connecting rod and rear portion of actuatigg, . bel0 through the
levers haye an upward motion,io tbat the uppeisurface of ihe latter antl, relea.sothe cr
e!8tge8 the tailenrlof the safety catch antl lifts iC clearof tho ehiker front *gain, Pull t
when tho lock is in tle forwartl position, the slriker then moves the crauk lever th'
alightly to the front till it is stoiroctl by the bent of tbe oocking J (c) Tbot tbe right bln'
lever engaging tho bent of the trigger seai. If now fhe tiigger lever avoid ris-k of injur
in t,ho trigger bracket is pulletl, the trigger bar'is drawn brckwordq ,:l
(O That the regnlotor
f,t the same tinio a projection on the l*tter engagesand drarrs with ,l ercePt wbile the g
it the tail end of tlie l"igger sear, thereby r:eteasing the cocking 4
(e) That t-he bel0 is on
lever, the mainspring then-propels the etriker on to- tbe cap anil ,j . firirgf
explodes the carti.idg6.* If ih; gun has besn set for automaiia fire
and the presbur'eon the trigger is maintaineil as the loek movea Points to be ottendeil lo oJ
forward, the lower entl of the trigqer (o) That the regulator l
-ite Beorcomesin.contact with ttre
projection on the trigger ba,r, and bent is thue withdrnwn from unloaile4 and fha
the-cocking-lever,beforethe ertractor hos quite rcaehed the firing tube. To unload
position ; the striker is therefore held oulyby the eafety catcb, anii tho front, anil rel
wbct;the latter is liftetl by tho roar end of' the aohiatin$ lever, tbe releaseit; this lea
striker is released and is tf,rown forward on to the c*p by"the ""tiot the lock le now d
of the meinspring. The releaseof the safgty cotch {mm.the striker are idughC bY thr
is s6 timed. that it canuot take place until the lock is in the firing the ejector tubo ct
position; . (b) f,bot ths interjor.o
firr"g', to Prevent '
rrte before Points to be attenileil,to beforefiring :- , (c) That the roter is
(u) Eramine tho ban"el and see that the borreis clear. quirkly dore by5
, (b) See that the hytlraulio bufrer contairis tho pnoper o+ount of (d) That tlro main sPrrn
liquirt (glycerine and water in. equal parfsf; this can be iui Tnat the lock ie tak
tested by removirg the filling plug at-the upper side of the + extractor, striker,
- :,i 'a,re
-cylinder,the liqnitl ebould be up to the edge of the filling t 1 noq d@qgeil.
: i
hole. . N.B.-/t tPill aot bc
(/) Tbe.gen should be
* Oulside tho trigger sear a guard.is fftteil which prevents ibe poslibilitv (!or
of l\8lDl
its being accidentollylulleil rrhei'the locL io being roniovetl or rfter-it hsr 6een
neuroYed tnom the gutr.
tridge antl t-he empty
eieqfo! tubo respoc-. (o) See that tho barrel csse is fille,l rvith water.
acgflptlnF lever acoing (d) IMorf th.e mecbaniem sereral times by means of the crauk
rp0f gasoin;the ejwtor lever, relearing the etrikor each time, and see thai all
g unfil pnfre<l out by -
Dsrts work smoothlv antl correctlY:
;e to slide oren the gib (e) Eiemino the ammunition ontl see that it is of t!e- propel
fresh esrtridqe whieh doscription, tbat the belts are correctly 6lled with it anal
on in the fee-<lblook. packeii carefully in ths ammunition belb boxes, t!9 ahgfle
of only drawe the lock pointing towards the muzzle. To ffll an ammunition ttelt To ffll on
rn*ari motion to tf,e by hand-,insert the cartridge in the loop from the thin edgo arrmunition
ng lever., which latter, ;id ;; $ thlu sh until ihe front cop;; ;;s is flush wfth
rotates it on its axis, the fiont or thick-etlge of tbe belt. To p"ck-e belt in f,fus To pect o
a recesain the striker, ammuniiion belt bx". place the bor so that the lid can 66 -beltin ou
'd**fi ;h";ab;,
e nain spring. Wheu
the bent of lhe trigger ' di.ffi"l;;kiil #;.r f;g g'1-.il ffi,-;H:"*
tho lid, then, with ehells tothe front, lay the belt in layers
der it, anil is thus able '* ' in fhe .boi, taking cere to fi0 them tightly' and.well up to
,ition. Tho continued both ends, tben repleco the licl. If the foreaight is fitteal
triker until tho eafety with a c&p, Berothat the latbor ie'removeal.
re safety catch spring,p
.nr it. The striker is Poittis to bb atteti.ilailto during fring:- Pointe ituring
tions, viz., that of the (a) See that s sufficient eupply of waler ie kepb in the barel
,hat the striker cannot
' ioia- the. gEn, insert !h9 ap'l'aaition beit iu the feeil Tolosilthe
ch tbe lock moves to block, turir-ile crank lever fulli to the front, pull the..-$rn
portion of actuating. belb through the leeil block to the left as far as it will go
rr surface of ihe latter sntl. releaso the crank lever, then turn crank lever to tbo
s it clearofthe etriker front again, pull l,he bolt a second time, and ou releasing
o striker then moves -is ie loadeil g,ncl reacly for firing.
the crank lever the gu.n
e bent of tbo oocking (c) Tbat tbe right hairtl kepf, cloar of the brank le'vor to
'now the trigger Iever ovoiil risk of iniury.
: is d.rawn backrards, (d) That, the regulator lLver is alweyr in the " E&fo" posi0ion,
rgage.sanddrarY*vith exccpt while the gun is actually being fired.
releaeing the cockiug (e) That tLe bolb is on-no aocount t-o Ue pulled while the gun is
rr on to the cap ard firbgi
r set for aUtomatio fire
:d, ae the .Iock.movee Points to be ottenQeil to after fiting :- Pointr rftrr
es in csntact with tbe (o) Tha0 tho regulator lever ie turned to t'Bafe,'? ttat the go+.r"
thus withdra$n from unloatled, ond fhet no cartridgen are left in the ejector
ite reachetl the firins tube. To unload. the g'Eq, turn .thc crank lever fully to To unload
' the safebycatcb, ani the front, and releaso it, again turo it to the frouf ard tho gua.
re eckiating' lever, tbe releaseib; this leaves thg bonel anil extractor empfy, and if
I the cap by the action the lock be now tlrawn hack till the borns pf th6 extractor
cotch'frqm the striker are dtighu by the cam pawlg then any eartridge leff in
loebis,,lh..the firing tJreeiecton tube can h withdrarn fur liand.
,(D) That the interiqr. of the barrcl jr. oiled. imtneiliately *t*t To guuil
: ; --
'; ;::,,.'- : " (c) Th;t t-"du*"to'i"-td;"d frorn the- barrel case,which ie *de.og'on-
rre ig clear.., qoickly done by removing the emptying plug.
,the proger apoant of (d) Thet tlre main spring is releaged.
I ,paete) i i-h,ig.can be (e) Tbat the lock ie teken out, cleaneil anil oilecl, anil ihat the
t tho upper eide of the e:tractor, striker, antl spriugs are exa'mitreil to see they
tb eitge sl the filliDg , a'fe no! ilPnageil.
i : : . : : l . . . . . :
N.IB.*L uill npt bc necessoryto strfut the l,oakfon thie.
' The gug ehoulil be'oovered, to p"otect it'fipm ealt water,
prevo'rtr the possibilifv of rain, &c.
'setl or ofter-it has teelr
j: : | .i


..-, bome, takiug "nr" ,o ",
FATITURES TEAT l[Ay OCCU& AND gOW TO REMEDY i\ia ie e.asilydose, ant
' sbppelb'tecurs after f
, : i :
. t . . . ' . t ;.."'.;,','-:TI[D U '' the iegulaior lever to
; Acciilen0al in the aotomdtic'action of the guu ar of tLe"ciank spring.h.
.stoppages ' 1:: If tlis stoppogerei
generally tlue to either:-r
Position of I. Inabilif sf the lock to come baaik far enough to 'ollow ihs regulator lever. Elrotild
lock on ortraobor to tlrop. opened, autl the bea'tln
il. I"ilili;;""i i[" r"","t to come right forwarcl after reooil. ' If the-gun agajn f
of failures,' examination and lepla,
- III. Extractir being unable to riseTo its higbest posititiri alChough
. thp lock rg almpgt home. Should it be fdun
lever'barpof, be casil
fV. tr'ailure tot-ne"the cartridgq 61 f+ gebsnffrjqnt're.til f,mn ii
tuln the regulator lev,
.t I i,f ignited, d.though the lock has gone correctly iuto the
r forward positiou. lookat tho face of feer
eartridges have not b,
In each of the.above oaseeit is seen therefure that the lock and feed block to see wb
'extractor are arrested in'diftlergnt.positions, and as tbesa are.eractly can probably be odjns'
indicateil .by fhe crank hondla, tho poiition of the lottei shoulii bo ahould ib be tightly fir
carefolly' bbsefyt)alilildctly a'sfoppagd oocurs. the lock (taking care
- lo geeisf in tloing': thiiittiaerimuratic skstcires are given, whioh rniee it, aatl clear it oI
show approxiqateltthe ppeiiion of tbe erank hanille in eacli of '.ths followe:-Turn crank
above four caseg. the horns of the extra
-wili now'be fotintl fire
the recoiliiig',poition i
feed blogk ar.inoved 1
l,ho belt, 'd6 ihat by'
cartridgo can usually'
the covei, turn tbe c
then on.tn-i'niig the r
Probpblo llhe-conss o{ failgrg are probabl;r:- blt to the left, all is r
ceurooof A jem in Chefeed
failure. I. Too nuch weight on the cronk apring, vaut cif oil, or a light openiug the oover, as
charge. i . fiom g6ing right fo'rw
II. Ohetruction ia nhn.r.nheror ilefectivo' amn!'unitiol. ihe front.oJ t:he ' cran
fir. (.g),&9 tit.l0 piflWon.':..:
thpuauk spring. C&8O,r
I-.;.., ,
@(bi',WaatUftiil. If it is fo0nil tha
(c) "DOuiee0tl'lock.
Dduiegetl'lock. cannot be'sent
it'fetird,' :' '
(d) : Fault iu,feodi and if uecesiary.rtplor
fv. (a),'Micefirg. ' . ,,..
JrEEur I
'Umpty'cei*riilge:oi regula0or
- lever is prer
(b) one with a loose pmjectile. It may be ediled tl
The above mby be reqqediealas follows:- recoiling portion b-5r
. f. There is no need to open the cover, simply bring the afrorde a reatly metho
tr'ilst csss. crank its most' iuiPothiit' ptt:
bantlle fully forwarcl and release it, then all ii ieadv f6r firine. If gland (which.cen tre .
Ifewy crani the stoppage is repeateil the crank spr.ing ehoulal be lighten-ealar the mubzle eindin fro:
6pnng. preyogsly described; takiug,car to see that the regulator-lever ig at
tt tr t', ' ,
IY. T'iid;tho tlni
'Want to thd'i.eft;fimugl't
- If thie stoppagerccurs with the crank springatminimum weighf,.
of oil. actiAn'ttdAefective q
tle cover ehould. be opened and the bearinge and working parte well placed in.tbe ejector r
oiled,thgregulatorlever being previously tut=nedf6 f[s rrBo$r'rposition, intl placed in the oha
Secondoass. - II. Turn the regulator lever to..,s&fer"open tbe cover,prdsrrdowi Missfires may occu
the ertractor and turn the crank handlo oyer.to the front-. ierkine it
np by force if nEce'ssa-ry, 'eran 1 . By a week mair
raiee the lock'ona ine the cliarnb'ii to .r. By the firing p
seo if thero is any ob^stuctjqn in.it, and also tho 'c6rtrittlos in the
ertraetor to see if any ano damaged. the point.
Thir4 cato. IrI. ]'iret remove-fioger from trigger lever, then without openins 3. Irock mechanis:
fhe cavs4stri&ethee"anllgversU"rFFwith the ri*ht h;d atiroAl.' + By a defective


bome, takiug c&reto remove tho. hand from the bantlle i

BOW fO n,EMEDY this is easily done, and then on again pulling the trigger the same Light crant
etoppoge'recursafter firing'a few roonds, it will be advisable to turn rpring.

the regnlator lever to the " safe " position anrd to incrcase the weight
. : i " i

ction of the gun arr of tl,Jciank spring.

If this stoppage recure with the spring at maximum weight, the Ifant of oil.
onough to allow tho regulator)ever.ehould be turncd to the i'safe" position, the cover
opened,aud the bearinge and working parts well oiled.
!r.o.&I[gr reoolr, If tbe 6;unagajn fails similarly, the lock should be removecl for Domagod
'b6st position although eramination aud replaced by the spare one. lock.
SbouJd it bo fountl when this stoppage occurs that the crank
riBoieut-iecoil from it lever ba'iFot be easily eent home by-i blow fmm the hancl,then
turn the regulator lev6r to the t' safc"' position, open the cover, and
lae eor,re-ct$ into the
lookat the face of feed bloek, wben it will probably
-Now be seen that the
- . - . , r , : : i . ' ' l i
eartridgeq l'ave not beet properly fed.up. feel the bolt in the Fault in feeil.
dre. ttat:;tho lock and fed ,bloek to see whether ib is loose or iammed; if the former, it
d ae tbese are,erastly cao prolobly be adjueted by pulling the belt to tbe left front; but
I the lattir ihoulil be should ib be tightly fired with the cartridges fed crossways,withdraw
the lock (taking care ts press down the ertractor while doing so),
:hes ale giveu, wbioh r$ise it; anil cleor it of cartridges; next replace the loc.k and fir it as
hantlle io eael ot'ths followe:-Turn crank lever to the frout uneil the eam pawls engago Eow to move
tbe horne of tha extractor, then let go the crank lever.antl the lock iecoiling
will now be founil fixed so that on pullins the crank lever to the rear portion
the recoilirig portion is drewn bccli ana"the'octuating lovers in the orank hanclle.
feeil block aremoved to the right,.thereby releasing the pressure on
l,ho belt,'go that by pulling the-latter to tho lefb front the next
cartridgb can nsuslly 6e coriectli brought into position; then close
the coverr'turn'tlre crank lgver fully to the front, and let it go;
then ou tiiinifig the brsnk'lever again to the front5 and pulling the
belt to the left, all is ready for firing.
,T' A jam in the feetl block can usually be readily recogniseil without Eow to
vant df oil, or a light ti: opening the cover,'ee in thbt case tho recoiling portion is preveutcd rocogoiee a
jam in the
from goingrl$ht forwaril, oncl sb a dpacecan be clearlyseen between
fsoil blocl.
thefront.qf the crank bea,ring antl tlq er{ of the slot in breech
rg. : :" t$ :t C&8e. r
If it ie foqnrl that the feed is correct bub that the crank lever

r pmjeetile.
cannot be sent'hoing, the loek shoulal be'r-ijinoved for examination
ancl if ueceesary.replocedby the spare one, care being taken that tho
reeulator lever
lever is previously
nreviouslv plaidd I' nosition, :
olaced in the " safe 1''poiition,
: si ltnny
It uolaaJq
may bdil6d
adiled tn*
that tf."
the nla,n "i
ita,n of n"!1q
firing lh"t""'f prd
the lock
lock aud moving
and mov rthe
iIf recoiling portigq by turning the crank lever as described a$ve,
iof qt lffi gf-9H.e_bcafioB -pEitq -6f tb d bahel -at
:'' :
4'&5 . , -
rply bring the erank ltfi6id8 F.I$fdfltrth"op
its mosG'irriportnirt'pointSTiiz. i;(a) Just in reax bf tbe breech pack-
ie ready for firing. If gland (whicb.can be got at by removing the feed block),'and (b) at
be lightoned as the muLzle end in fmnt of the packing qlantl.
re reguldtbi lever ig at -over
t : . . . .. li: ' :
IY. Tririi;tho'crank lover tnlt] to the front, pult tbe belt Fourth case.
to the {eft,through'the'feed block, and let go the lever. By this Miea6ro.
,, .:

rget mirimum weighl, acti@thd defectivo cartlidge wiII be drawg out of the chamber ancl
nd.workiagTarte well placed in tb6 ejector.tube, ind a new cartridge ilrawn from the belt
t*thd.'( 6*fu I' Dosition. antl plactitl fu the chamber. :
r tbecp-verrpr6s dowri Misefired rhay occuf ae follows:- , Causes of
fo-$ttefryng, jerkirg it 'I. niesfiro..
iQiriiBrith'e charnbbi. tt1 Bya weak'mainspring., .
tho'thfiitgos in tho 9. By the firing pirr in. the striker being br3kon 9r wonr flat on
.. ,.,;- !h9 poigt._ :. ,
then witbout openins 3. I-ioek Lechanism being coirottetl.
e right hanrl to ienrl iI 4 BI " ilefective cartridge.
j , i ,
is supplied with each amrnunition, the otl.er to carry two ammunition belt boxes. .At tle
n. ffhentrovelliog, front o_f-tlre box, immediately under tbe seat, two compartments are
formed for carrying-on ttro-nearside-a 8-16.greaseblx, two o."i".
the sun in action for tanks, and a can for spare
' bufrer liquid-on t['e ofr side-a box for
lor is-helal inPorition sparr parts and tools.
The storee carrietl on the limber are detailed at p. 48.

I. Aveucu Vfirrenrs.
(Wi0hont personal eguipment or ary Nos. of detachment.)
Mart f. Mart If.
ngle-iron frame, cuP'
re-interior is formed fgon
woterin jacket
T" n;''T;' T' T'\t'
bwo aomunition belt I .. O O t4 O 0 14
, pair of hingeil iloort lcornege-.. I L zz 9 o r?
T'eiohr j ammunition bolt box bractet .. O I O O I O
, and on each side ie a " --o--- ^a
(with rz empty belt bores) .. ll 2 4
limber box, bolted to | u-u"t {
" 10 I o
el fitting for holtling lr*-"**'.ir'*ootiii .. :: r i rs
n travelling. AhooE L { o o r r , , 5 2 1 o
I eYe.which is eocured Areregetotalwoightbehind.traces.. g
ZZ O ZO 28 16
lh5 limber has a foot' ---
oox; fi0tings ar also
rter tenks, antl other

I plate, filled in with

the swingletroes, and A}TMUNITION.
ho traco hooks in case
seal. (Plates IX anil X.)
i; the pole (No. l6)-is
by a bracket on the Clnrrrncr.

- The cartrid_g;o
case is_of solid drawn brass, slightly tapered toward.g
the mouth and recessedat tbe baseto take a perc-usribncao. The.
charge consistsof about I oz. 90 grs. of cordite. size 3*, placld loose.
;il at p. 43. in tbe case,with an igniter of nitia0ed canv&splaced und'erneath.

MAB,K II. The common ehell is mado of cast iron, and is scrwed in the heat{
. to receiYe a nose fuze.
. The steel shell has a pointed beail, ancl is scrpweclin the hpee to
.clclassarletle, limber receive a basefuze.*
n ammunition box, and Both shells havo a erpper tlriving band near the base uod " f,bpp.".
steadyingband on theshoulder. A groore is tumed below the drivinr,-
- - o
red. with steel steYsr a band, into which the neck of the caitriclge caseis pressed.
;h wood, is fitted at the
The fuze for both shells is percussion, and constructed on the
re. same pri_nciple. Each f_uze_isprovitleil with o split collar, and a
i. t2 feet t| inches long pellet, which contains the detonator. On tbe gh-ock of discbarse.
,uonortins bar (No. l). the_collar_expande-ond s,etsback over the pellet, ancl tben, on impa"ct,
"ti"f uv iteel b-ancls;it both are 0hrown violently forward, so thal the needle (which is hred,
rd has iwo lids, oPening
he lids'tlre hinged seat in .the ecrr-wed cap) picroee the detonator, thus igriting the powcler.
in the shell.
into eir comPartmentst
to carry dOO-rcunds of r A number of steelshellshrvo beerrirsued, but no more will bo provided.
(20e3) B

-'- '----l* '



Bursting ch&rge.
Yeigbt. luzeil.
- of {l
in. in. I gr8. lb, oz.
1.45 r.503 840 l 0 I
I .a5 r'ooaI ?n0 l o
Range. Elevation
lbs. oza. grains.
6 0
I 7 I40 (about) 100 o t l
: 4'36 cnbicinches. 200 o 1 8
300 o 2 5
1800 f.s. 400 o 3 3
P";;;;;;iLu* ;r s"" :: , "i"* ii* ronsq,tsq.inch. 500 o 4 2
perforation *ll"''
t"",{ltfrffih* = 3:33 600 o 5 2
I at 65ti ,, -_ 1.39 ,, 700 L 2
8fi) 1 1 3
900 L 2 4
r.000 1 3 6
u00 I ,lt8
1200 2 l
,5tff.fiJ 6o force home the cartriilges 1300
2 r 5
have been-partially inserted"inbo the pockets of the belt-by 2 3 0
1500 2 'L,5
ft congists of a metal block with a groove on top, anrl a iever 1600 3 1
- at the bottom rear end of the bloc-k. L70o 3 1 7
Tbe belt islaid on the top of the block with the carfriclse (which 1800 3 3 4
has been partially inserted into o pocket) lying in the sr;ovd. with r900 3 5 1
2000 & 9
the base towartls tbe lever. on- pressing t[e lever lowarcls the
block, the ca,rtridge is forcealhome-into t[e belt; th.e latter beinc zLo{) 4 2 7
prevented from m6ving by two projectionson each siae of the erolvl ?'20o 4 4tc
Care should be taken that tbe levei.completesits stroke each tYme,or 2300 6 6
the headsof the cartridge will not be in-line. ar$ 5 2 6
2600 5 4 7
The machine is carried in. a special packing chest, which also acts
a,sa etand for the machine when in use. 2600 6 8
W'eight of chest with machine aud occessories,5Z lbs. 2700 6 3 0
2800 6 6 2
2900 7 r 1
3000 7 s 7
.The tools for repairing belts consist of a die and punch, oncl the
method of use is aJfollows:-
Bcmore the damaged eyelet or strip.
Pnt the new eyele-tin lihe strip, and, placing the large end of the
9J9t9l on the clie,insert-tho punch in the small enclaucl erpancl it by
light blows on the puncb.
-In pu_tting stripi on the belt, care must be taken to keep the wide
.end of the str.ip the correct way, as, if not, the pockets will not be
* A number of steel sbelle hare
beeu issued, bnt no mors will bo prrvided.


"r dz.e0grs.co'rrite'
Mrzzle velocity, 1800 f.s.

time of Remaining
Range. :Elovation. Angl,eof Descent.
tr'light. Velocity.
lbs. oza. grains.
6 0
yards. aecs. ft.-cecs.
-I{D(about) 100 o 1 1 o [ 6 o'r.7 1686
= 200 o 1 8 o 2 3 o'35 1578
4'36 cubic inches. 300 o 2 5 o 3 2 o'54 L475
1800 f.s. 400 o 3 3 o 4 2 o'75 r378
ons per'sq. inch. 500 o 4 s , o 5 3 o.98 ,r290
= 2'25 inches. 'tatr
- 2.09 ,, 600 o 5 2 1 5 t.n2
= 7w t 2 1 1 9 t.17 trl1
1'39 ,, 800 1 1 3 1 3 4 | 174 1083
s00. L 2 1 r 5 0 2.03 1035
r.000 1 3 6 2 7 2'35 997
11oO 1 4 1 8 2 2 6 2.64 964
1200 z , I 2 4 6 2.98 933
e home 6he cartrielges 1300 2 t 5 a 7 4.29 904
14o0 2 3 0 3 2 9 3'63 877
lckets of the belt by 1500 2 1 5 4 5 2 t.gt 851
l on top, aucl a lever 1600 3 1 4 1 6 L-t'2 826
1700 3 L 7 4 4 2 4'68 80s
r.800 3 3 4 . 5 I 5.06 780
Lthb cartriilge (which r900 3 5 1 5 3 N 5'46 ?5s
g in tle groove, with 2000 4 9 6 6 5.86 ?38
re levdr towarels the
rclt; the latter beinq zLOO 4 2 7 6 3 5 6.24 ?rB
rch side of the groovel 2200 I ,16 f o 6'7r 6SC
2300 6 6 7 3 6 7,r1 680
xl stmke each ti-he, or ?AW 5 2 6 8 7 7.58 662
zffi 5 4 7 8 3 9 4.03 u4
cbegt, which aleo acts
2600 6 8 9 1 2 8.50
as,.5Zl-bs. 270a o' eo
'6. 62 9 4 6 898

2800*".. lo 2L 9'{t 56$

2900 7. l4 ro 57 s'99 utt
30oo 7 a ? rl 33 to,52 56I
e anal llunch, antl the

g.the:large euil of the

eri-daud expa+d it by.

aken to keop tle wide

e pockets will not be

moro will be prcvftled.

(20e3) a 2

. i
Pl,lrr IX.

cAII,TRtDGE, Q.F., l-PR., MAR,K I.

Couuotr Snnr,l.

["or", r]cnju8-
6ton, nose.


-tr I



t!7+- -"1
Pr,lrr X.


Srspl Sunr,r,.

r . i


I br

i rol
\ .

- i - - ' -at -1-


X'uze, percus-

I I sion, base.

\l I

l- ,""

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