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Karina Chavez

Edu 214/ Spring 2016

21 April 2016

Emerging Technology

There has been many emerging technologies in the education world, however the iPad

will have the greatest impact and benefit our Education.

The iPad is a touch screen tablet made by Apple. It is used for browsing the web, email,

photos/ videos, music, games, books, and so much more. The best feature on iPads is the app

store, where you can download thousands of apps with functions from entertainment to


I chose the iPad because it is already in use in many schools, with great results. A study

of kindergarteners in Auburn, Maine showed that students who use iPads scored better in every

literacy test than those who dont (Walsh). During several of my internships at Elementary

schools I have noticed that the students are excited to use the iPads, it is motivation for them. In

of the classrooms I observed the teacher rewarded the students with iPad time as long as long as

they finished their work. I like this technique because when they go to use the iPads they are

filled with more practice for them. All the apps on the iPads were for educational purposes. So

they are having fun but still practicing.

The Franklin Academy High School in North Carolina initiated a 1:1 iPad program at

the beginning of the 2010-2011 school year. In April, 2014, the Academy released results of a

study that shed light on the impact that the use of the iPad had on academic achievement and the

development of the vital non-cognitive skills that their program is founded upon (Walsh). Based

on their results iPads are huge motivation to students, and the students feel confident using the

technology. The iPad is also an opportunity for collaboration with other iPad users. For example

you could have all the students for one grade share ideas and work on an end of the year product

while still staying organized and in their classrooms.

Even though the iPad is already successful in the classrooms, I dont think it is being used

at its full capacity. During one of my internships I was placed in a special education class. There

was a student who could not speak at all. The teacher of that classroom explained to me that it

was really hard to communicate with him. He showed me a couple apps on the iPad that he had

begun using with this student. These apps had pictures and words along with it to help the

student create sentences or help him show the teacher what he needed. For example at one point

in the day the student really needed to use the restroom, so he raised his iPad in the air. When the

teacher came over he pointed to a picture of the restroom, and right away we knew what he


There are more and more apps being created for classrooms, and they could really benefit

the special Ed classes. I dont think it is all about the device but if used properly it can be f=very

beneficial in the classrooms in grades k-12 ad up to college.

I chose the iPad over other emerging technology, because it is so easy to use and so

portable. You can keep everything in just one device to help you stay organized. You can keep all

your classes in one device, including your notes and assignments. Also because you can work on

your assignments even if you are not at home. Say your mom decide to go shopping and takes

you with her but you still have homework that needs to get done, you can still work on it without

the need of being at home.

I cannot wait to see new developments with the iPad by the time I begin teaching.

Works Cited

Walsh, Kelly. "Awesome Free Ed Tech Resources EBook!" Emerging Education Technologies

RSS. EmergingEdTech, 3 Aug. 2015. Web. 21 Apr. 2016.


The State of the iPad in Education in 2015

by Kelly Walsh on August 3, 2015

With Competition Slowly Creeping in, How Goes it for the Behemoth of the Classroom Tablet


When Apple released the iPad in 2010, they took the world by storm, adding another jewel to

their crown as the worlds leading provider of technology. The iPad suddenly made the

until-then-overlooked tablet market something that mattered, and it kicked the mobile

revolution into high gear.

The introduction of the iPad also played no small role in Apple becoming the most valuable

company in history by August of 2012.

Much as education has consistently favored the Mac over the PC, the sector jumped with gusto

onto the iPad bandwagon. And despite the fact that technology manufacturers across the

world soon dove into the suddenly relevant tablet market, the iPad continues to own the

academic marketplace.

So, here we are 5 years down the road. How is the iPad faring in the world of education?

Weve already seen that the iPad is still the dominant tablet in education the undeniable king

of the ivory-tower topped hill. While the Google Chromebook appears to be on its way to

offering some real competition, only time will tell how that plays out. In any case, change

is inevitable and healthy, and things are sure to keep evolving.

Moreover, anyone with a decent understanding of tech realizes that its not really about the

device, its about what you do with it, and how well you do it. That being said, things are

still looking pretty rosy for the first successful entry into the tablet computer market.

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