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Powerful C o a c h i n g Questions List

This list includes questions that incorporate the International Coach Federation (ICF) core competencies.

Setting the Foundation

ICF Com petencies:
Establish the coaching agreement
Establish trust and a safe environment
Create coaching presence- be mentally present and engaged

Q uestions:
What would you like to focus on for our conversation?
What do you hope to achieve in our time together today?
What would you like to take away from our conversation?
What do you need to accomplish from our discussion?
Based on the priorities of your team, what would you like to focus on
Based on the amount of time we have together today, what would be your
ideal outcome from our conversation?
How can our session today help you with the current challenges you are
What is your desired outcome or goal?
How will you know if you have achieved your goal?
How will you measure success?

Hicks, R.F. (2014). Coaching as a leadership style: The art and science of coaching conversations
for healthcare. New York, NY: Routledge.

International Coach Federation. (N.D.). Core Competencies. Retrieved from

Creating Awareness
ICF Com petencies:
Listen actively
Ask powerful questions
Communicate directly
Create Awareness

Q uestions:
What's important to you about that outcome or result?
What have you tried so far?
Tell me more.
What will change if you achieve this goal?
What's worked for you in the past?
When have you been successful in a similar situation in the past?
What did you do to make it successful?
What strengths can you utilize in making this change?
What's the current situation?
What is in your control?
What can you learn from this situation?
If you could start over again, what would you do differently?
What's the cost of not taking action?
Whats the benefit of taking action?
What barriers stand in your way?
What's getting in the way of your progress?
What's your biggest obstacle to achieving this goal?
What else?
Imagine you had no barriers, what would that look like?
What changes are needed to move forward?
What specific events led you to that conclusion?
Think of someone you respect. How would she/he handle this

Action Plan and Accountability

ICF Com petencies:
Design actions
Plan and set goals
Manage progress and accountability

Q uestions:
Based on what we have been discussing, what are your next steps
towards achieving your goal?

What are the possible outcomes?

What are your options moving forward?

What haven't you considered that might have an impact?

If you had all the resources you needed, what action would you take?

What is your plan?

What actions will you take? By when?

What information do you need to move forward?

What is a first step you can take?

How will you know that you've succeeded?
What resources do you need?
How can I support you with your plan?
Who do you have to support you?
How will you hold yourself accountable?
What can you try?

Follow- Up Conversation Questions

How is your plan going? What's working?
What have you learned so far?
What are the obstacles in your way?

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