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acmaatr “Wangs, Paimisty Triangles, Palmistry Forum On Society “Tangles in Paimistey te considered 3s importa sn foun onthe pln of an ind. Triangles ‘an be of arouses a found on te hand Discuss about the Indian culture, custom, ‘mores, ethnicity and tradition Free E-magazine Subscribe to Free E-Magazine on Society ES * ‘Tangles ours onthe pal ofan india are considered as imperative signin the scence of Palmistry aris analysed with sient importance. three separate ines come from three fees crectonandoinnche pm, arg formed, Thee range on be formed in dere paces of ‘the pa, whic ndeate diferent va ofthe inadua. Tangles whch ae formed by fae, ee aa dep nes are consiaered empathes The $2 f te nl recy elated with progres and excl fortune. ‘Tangle onthe mi ara of he pain ‘The angle when appects on hem area of the aly, then tims that th nid has immans ik, is considered religous and aogrssive His renal ans pris aeuities ae devout such 3 pron is cmposed and sole as rerpecte in the society. As Ber professor palm ne ‘arate nicates thatthe person generous and humble. f the tangle appears onthe mount of Venus, en th nda sound to be Fen, Simpl, emedona decent and poseses high moral values te wings errant or defective, then the indus implos and promiscuous People wth such tangle in the aims ae frequent invlved in We elatonsips. 1 there Isa wang onthe mount of Mars hen the person feds te have ghing and febllousrature and eens courage and partence in comma, ee Mos of the tes, found that such partons are awarded wth national honows. However te triangle onthe Mount of the Mars 39983" awed, then the person is ‘Supposed 0 be predominantly mean, malcous abd canard person nas &fawessrarleon Mount of Dragon's Head then he surely aches considerable success in his youth, He can also get sucess in pols. ut itis considered ure there are tw connected ranges onthe mount of Dragon's Head ‘Tangle on Mount of Piro Fetes nce tangle on the Mount of lato than that persons oleae spent Joyful but tere ae two joined trarles then he faces problem in Ns ol age. thers parle ange onthe Mount of pity, than i ineaes that such person send, diplomatic and sls, cna tof the Wang outy then the person i proud and ‘a dea are on the Mount of Sturn imples tat the person i an expert on the at of exrelsn the wanes Fawed, then the person tends tebe aud and most ‘nvlable Beg highly unceperdabe such persons ae not lana socal aeountabl ‘Tangle on Mount of Sun $ceyatines thre angle onthe mount of Sun than the person is very eos and suppars others. the wang i domaged he i cid by the scey, He das nt tetiee succes in ana there are obcles nie ther sa angen the region ofthe Mas there ae haneas that hat person mat receive sucess Inthe els of ‘Tangle on Haman Body Falmtry further nes that indus wth tangle on han achieve huge sucess in Burnes. tranae onthe He tne sf ong fe. Atangi on Hsaine shows ha he persons integer and wil outshin the el of edueaton fa person has aang on the Hea ine then it nates very decent hea ef ht perso. | tangle appears on the tne of Apollo or Sun then ineieates tat the perio il et internation! fae. The pezon wha hs ange on the Fate line i always considered Irauspeous Further there 2 ange onthe mariage ine then there are many hnsances in his marta e's person hes wange onthe line of Moon, then he ges amet opportuni to Wael avond and achieves utes. Fhe Ife tne forms 2 triangle with she Hes ine then fis considered frtanae. Ifthe Hesh Ine forms 2 rangle withthe Head ne the the person i ound tobe very Intsecua i angle formed bythe Heath ne ad fe net helps rang the pets oa geat Neg If theres 2 projecting langle Inthe pal ofa person ten the tes of» tangle are protruding and wide then te nda ack ate the welfare of others Wf the lines ofthe tangle are que wide then he sure tobe priviaged. ther ate fat ranglsin bath the hands ofa person hen hs ifs quite insignia the nso he tangle ae dees ara thin them he cera gets success ins Ite te ines of re tara ae faded and broken then te person appr abe very mater the assitingnes proceed upnards om the wrangle te he person get succes afer many hinrances. Ite site ofthe ranges wie, then the person found eo Belethare Falmists tobeove hat heath in is important an he Wan i og tent indeates that the nua wl have along. ther eos in mie ofthe rangle {nd 3 near the Heh ne then the peran might Become lore hs sgn fre hare ia ign of inde the Wang then the pean becomes infamous and earn Bad eputatonineetonships. fee a cre nie the wang then the person willbe heats ana eceved in fur. A prominent, song ane bi angles onseeavery favourable, according tothe pasts, forte ie of an dda rom al pit of iw ‘he triangle onthe pl denotes the nature ofthe india and aso termes the future af the incu. Hence, the pli conduc a afl study and research of ne angles hhipilwwu indianetzone.com/25tvianges_palmistryhim "

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