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Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
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in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
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Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
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IS 5405 (1980): Sanitary Napkins [MHD 14: Hospital


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Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
Invent a New India Using Knowledge

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Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen
IS : 5401 .1180

Indian Standard
( First Revision)
First Reprint MARCH 1993

UDC 615477-7

(CJ Copyright 1980


NEW DELHI 110002

Gr 2 May 1980
IS : 5405 - 19M

Indian Standard
( First Revision)
Surgical Dressings Sectional Committee, CPDC 19
l\i SH v-, ',lfL\
Upa r-I a-Bas Merna Gat. ,J"dhpur I Raj.ist han I

Members Reprflflltl'!?
DI: n D\YM Employet s State Insurance Corporation, ~('W
SHill ~I M DEn J L ;\lonson Son & Junes ( India ) Ltd, Bombav
SHHT K GOPALAS 'anram Products, Rojap.rlayarn l Tamil Xadu )
DR. S s GOfHlJ<:lK vn Direr t orate General of Health Services {Mrmstry
of Health and Farmlv Welfare), New Delhi
DR. P R P \UP-. \1 ( Altemcte \
SHr:I H P HIP" '\ P H Hlra & Co, Bomba)
Dn S N. !YEl-t John:::.on & johnson ' Inrha ) Ltd, Bomb.u
SHRI G V BH4."Xfl~H1' AltCl"fUe)
SHIt{ C S JAIN Medico Surgical Dressings, Meerut Cnv
Dn R S L4.KJI'rAKI\ Railway Board (:"lim<;tr> of Rallw.:l\s),
SHRI T. R RAO The Texn!c Co mrrussroners Office, Hornhav
SHRI S P GHOSAL (Alternate)
SHRI fRASANTA KUMAR S.\RDAR Balaharr Sardar and Bros, Calcutta
M,I,J UDAl SINGH Mmistrv of Defence lDGAF~S), New Delhi
LT-COL B. D. Bon a (Alternate)
SHRI R. SOUNf)IUfl'\.RUA:S DIrectorate General of Technical Development,
New Delhi
SBRI G C SrT \n:-TE Office of the Development Comnussroner, Small
Scale Indust rrcs (Mmlstn of lnduatrv },
;';ew Dr-lh r
SHRI D. R. YADAV Chief Inspectorate of Textiles & Clothing,
Mtmstry t)f Defence (DGI), Xcw Delhi
SHInK. R GARG ( Allunate )
SaRI Sou PRAKABHA, Dsrector Oenoral. lSI (Ex-offielO MemberI
Director (Conn Prods & Med Instrs )
Sum J. C GJ:RA
Deputy Director (Consr Prods & Med Instrs }, lSI
( Continued 011 pa,. 2 )
Coynghl 1980
This publication is protected under tbe IndIan Copyright Ad (XIV of 1957) and
reproduction 10 whole or m part by any means except WIth written permission of the
pu.blisher shall be deemed to be an mfringement of copyright under the said Act.
IS : 5405 1980
( Conhrluedfrom page I )

Sanitary Auxiliary Subcommittee, epne 1'1: 1

Convent,. Representlffg
D" S N lYER Johnson &Johnson {India ) LId, Bombav

Sum (3 V BRANDARl (Alternate to
Dr S, N. Iyer }
Du (SMT) SAVI'TRI AGARWAL Directorate General of Health Services (Ministry
of Health and FamJJy Welfare). New Delhi
DIl ( SMT ) Y. PINTO Do R08ARJO Lady Hardmge Medical College & Hospital,
New Delhi
DR P.N GlfAt DIrector General of Health Services (Mmlstry of
Health and FamIly We)fare), New Delhi
SHILl V. K. REKHI Horbertsons Ltd, Bombay
SHRI D. B. SETHI (Al'"nate)
SaRI V. K. LUTHlLA ( Allmralt )

(First Revision)
- -----
(Page S, cLause 5.1, line 5) - SUbstitute
'stain through/leak through' for' show up'.

(Page 7, clause A-1.2, last line) - SUbstitute

'staining through/leaking through' fOl' 'showing up'.

(CPDC 19)

Pnnted at Dee Kay Pnntera, New Delhi. India

IS I St05 l!l8O

Indian Standard
( First Revision)
0.1 This Indian Standard (First Revision) was adopted by the Indian
Standards Institution on 15 February 1980, after the draft finalized by
the Surgical Dressings Sectional CommIttee had been approved by the
Consumer Products and Medical Instruments Division Council.
0.2 'fhis standard Was first published in 1969. Since then many
suggestions were received for improvement. This standard is being
revised to incorporate the suggestions received from time to time.
0.3 In preparing this standard, considerable assistance has been derrved
from the following documents:
DDD-P-0066a ( GSA-FSS) Interim Federal Specification for Pad,
Sanitary. Federal Supply Service. Washington.
Comparative test report on sanitary towels Which March 1964.
Consumer hssociation, London.
0.4 This standard contains clause 3.1 which calls for an agreement
between the purchaser and tbe supplier regarding dimensions. However,
recommended dimensIOns have been specified.
0.5 For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of
this standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated,
expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in
accordance with IS : 2-1960. The number of significant places retained
in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value
in this standard.

1.1 This standard covers the requirements for sanitary napkins for
external use.

-Rules for rounding off numerical values (,evis,d).

IS : 5405 1980

2.1 Absorbent Filler - The fillet mate, ial, such as cellulose pulp,
cellulose ".1ddm~, nssue, cotton, etc, shall be free from lumps, oil spots,
d rrt 01 fOlC"lg:n ru.ne r ral .
2.2 Covering - Thc cov errog of the absorbent filler shall be of a good
qualuv couon 01 i avon knitted sleevmg, gauze or non- woven fabric with
suffirienr 1'010\11) to permit the assembled pad to meet the absorbency
1f'q11l1t'Jl\cnt., It couon aauve IS used, It "han conform to IS 758-1075*,

3.1 '>IZc\ 01sanuary napkms shall be as agreed to between the plll chaser
dna the suppher . HOWf'Vf'T recommended sizes ale as follows

Sr l' Pad Lnlt:lh W,dth Thickness

mm mm mm

Regul~, 2001-20")
Large 240 20 ~ 60 to 75 15 2
Lxtl.l lm g-f' 280 ::l- 20 J

3.1.1 The thickness shall be measured by stacking 10 complete pads

and mea-unng the stack height. I'he J\e, age thickness fOI the 10 pad"
-,h all he used .1"1 the pad thickness.


4.1 The absru bent fillel shall he .n ranged and nearlv cut to the i equu ed
~U~~ nt {he e<ld dud 1011H a umfOlnl llHckne~s tluollghoul Hlthout any
w i mkle ... Ol distoi non l t "hall be pl.u-cd 111 the cOve1HH~ m suc-h a W<l.V
that It does not c.ut-,c lump for m.mon \\11h the effect of sudden ples<:'Ul(-'
l he cov crmg f.l.bllC shall covet i lie fillf'1 cornpletelv , and m case of
apkms w nh rub ... , extend beyond the lenat h of the filler to 101111 tabs 01
loops at each end 101 <:.erurmg the pad In U ...t' Tn Case or tab less napkm... ,
~11l ,HlhpM\p C;\~t('nl 01 other ... unable method lll<\\ he introduced for
holduu; the n.ipkm sccui elv In posmon Fbe sarut.n y napkins shall have
,1 non-absoi bent b.u rrei on one Side V:hLCh shall have an idenufying
ihi ead OJ m.u krng mdicaung cle.u lv the sicle of the h.11n('1 In case of
uapku, r hat sue 11(' It ster iuz a hle, the b<lIIlC1.., . . hall ,11.,0 1)(> heat i csistaru ,

4.2 \\'1Jf'11 lhf' "i,l11l1,11\ napk m-, .u e d<Jlntcd n-; drvposabte , that IS,
dlC;PO",t!Jl(' In iav atcn ic-. (11('"\ vh II! he rn.ruuf.n-uu cci [10m disposable,

-"prClUCdll"l1lIJl handloom cotton gnuvc , absci bent t second revlSlon)

IS I 5405 1980

material, If cotton hose or gauze is used as covering, the instructions

for the use of napkins shall clearly indicate that the non-absorbent
barrier should be removed before flushing.
~3 The sanitary napkins shall have a very soft feel and when worn shall
not chafe or give any uncomfortable feeling. They shall be free from all
sorts of foreign matter.

5.1 Abllorbency and AblUty to Wlth.taDd Pr...are after
, Absorption - The sanitary napkins shall absorb 30 m\ of coloured
water or oxalated sheep or goat blood Or test fluid when flowed on to
the centre of the napkin (at the rate of 15 ml per minute) and it shall
not show up at the bottom or sides of the sanitary napkin, when tested
according to Appendix A.
5.1.1 The tabless napkins shall absorb 20 ml of coloured water or
-xalated sheep or goat blood or test fluid when tested by the method
-iven in 5.1.
.,.2 Dillpollability - A disposable sanitary napkin with the covering
removed, shall be immersed in 15 litres of water and stirred. The pad
hall disintegrate in the water in not more than 5 minutes.
J.3 pH Valae - The sanitary napkins shall be free from acids and
alkali and the pH of the absorbent material sball be 6 to 8'5 when
tested by the method given in IS : 1390-1961.
5.4 1n.tractionll - Following instructions shall be included in every
packet of sanitary napkins:
a) Method of use;
b) Indication as to which side is absorbent; and
c) Disposal instructions, such as that the napkins without covering
can be disposed off in water closets.

6.1 Absorbency and ability to withstand pressure after absorption shall
be tested as given in Appendix A.
6.1.1 Type Tesl- Use oxalated sheep or goat blood or test fluid.
6.1.2 Routine Test - Use coloured water.
Methods for det8t'mination of.68 value of aqueous -a.trac!ta of tutUe rnate~
IS I 5405 . 1980

7.1 Sanitary napkins shall be packed in polyethylene lined carton or
polyethylene bag. The carton shall contain an instruction leaflet or shall
have the instructions printed on the outside of the polyethylene bag or

8.1 Each carton shall be marked with the manufacturer's name or trade-
mark, the number of sanitary napkins contained m It, and size

8.1.1 The carton may also be marked with the lSI Certification Mark.
NOTE- The use of the lSI Certification Mark is governed by the provisions of
the Indian Standards Institution (Certification Marks) Act and the Rules and
Regulations made' thereunder The lSI Mark on products covered by an Indian
Standard conveys the assurance that they have been produced to comply With the
requirements of that standard under a well-defined system of mspecnon, testmg
and quahty control whl(;h I"; devised and supervised by lSI and operated by the
producer lSI marked products are aJso connneously checked by lSI for conformity
to that standard as a further safeguard, Details of condruons under which a
heence for the use of the lSI Certificauon Mark may by granted to manufacturers
or processors, may be obtained from the Indian Standards Inst nurion

(Clauses 5.1 and 6.1 )




A-I.I Test Fluid - To about 6 I of boiling water in a IO I stainless steel

or glass vessel add 4 g of methyl paraben and sur until dissolved. Add
740 g of the gum arabic or gum acacia and stir until all the gum is
dissolved. Add water to make 8'05 I and allow the solunon to stand for
at least 24 hours. Filter through a layer of glass wool. Add 9 g of
methylene blue, I 470 ml of glycerine, and 840 ml of water, and stir.
The total volume will be approximately 9'2 I. Mix thoroughly and allow
10 stand at least for 24 hours. Shake before use.

IS : 5405 1!l8O
A-l.2 Lay the sanitary napkm on a flat level n ansparent surface, so that
the underside of the sanitary napkm can be observed. Drip, at the rate
of 15 ml per minute, 30 ml ( 20 ml for tabless napkins) of the fluid
maintained at a temperature of 27 2C on to the centre of the sanitary
napkin Iiom a height of approximately I to 2 mm. After the napkin
has absorbed the full amount of fluid, keep a standard weight of I kgf
for one minute on the portion where the fluid was absorbed. Observe
the back and sides of the sanitary napkin for any fluid showing up.

Headquarters :
Manak Shavano 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg. NEW DELHI 110002
Telephones 331 01 31 Telegrams Manaksanst",e
331 13 75 (Common all Off,cas) '0
R~g(On81 Offices. r~/6phon6
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NEW DELHI 11000:1.
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t Western . Manakalaya. E9 MIDC. Marol. Andhen (East). 6329295
BOMBAY 400093
Branch OffIces .'
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8HOPAL 46:1.003
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Quality Marking Centre. N H. IV. NIT .. FARIDABAD 1:1.1001
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R14 Yudhrster Marg. C Scheme, JAIPUR 302005 63471
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Inspection Offices (With Sale POint)
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Shankar Nagar Square. NAGPUR 440010
tnsntuuon of Engineers (India) BUIldIng, 1332 Shrvau Nagar. 52435
PUNE 411005

"Sales Office Calcutta

IS at 5 Chownnghee Approach, 276600
P O. Pnncep Street, CALCUTTA
t Sales Office IS at Novelty Chambers. Grant Road, BOMBAY 896528
: Sales Office IS at Unity BUilding, Narasrmharaja Square 2239 71

Printed et 089 Kav Pnntera New Deihl. India

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