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GN i ) MHASH “+n” RRNA : TARR ER at / E Boya Chinese Elementary Second Edition 38 hi TED TE + toteh Workbook [3pm Se $R ae HE TR T RARE A SPB — ABT RARARLS ATE ERE THRE DPE L— SER KFS EAS TD RE BRERAT WEARERS T PRL HIS A He KRES KAA BS EBS ILC SEWAic Rema WR Re SPONGES RERE BAD RSA: MARRL-A PE Ri AL Ruy 7 Llamantany T/Warttook @ 1 | 1984838) Make words or phrases with the given characters fr a ) (i ) [rt ) (rt ) H ( ) (KG ) [#¢ > [a ( ) Ua ( ) | 154.521 write antonyms to the given words ES a, 4k [1192422 Fill in the blanks with the following words 1 RAB ( )FET, WAR ( ) dada, 2. RGRRAR ( d, AH e BL ( )AGRAARK. 3. MRREMAR( -) THR, TE. 4 KEL, RARE, ( DY AGMA HL ( JT-FIL, Fw HMAT Fi, (| B38 ASAB Answer the following questions with the given words LAR ARP BOD OTR, ROD LARA AIR AB HH TEAR? 2. HS) PAAR, AAAI TH? 3. REMAP DOI, MA HAIL TB? Llamantany T/Werstover @ 1 4 BK CAAA, HRI EAH 5. AREA EAU? ANA? [OL toe Be” RF Look at the pictures and make sentences with —---- 2 @ MRRFRN / 4H re) ” 42 BS a) F SE BIS A) Rewrite the following sentences with £8------#49) LUM MPRA ARK FIN « 2PHSFAA TS 3 FFAG EBA T ON > 4, KEM ATFLAAT. 5AM INF HL MATT — PBIB, 6. RUE A BAe MAA GCM AILT 5 THRAEH-PALMBYT 0 B.A BAA IRIAIM T Elamantany T/Workbook @ 3 ibid Boya |] BSR ZERMATIA Complete the dialogues with the given expressions SAE IE] T 93? B: aT A: PRA A BR ty? B: 0 (Re) 2. Ar MIRA RIRAIR IE, AIL E 042 B: 3. Ar B: (eit BILE, 4. A: s RET! (Mee 7) B: SRMUERAST, Rak, ebAee,, 5. A: MMB E A-BAT? »PRAEMA, QP KAI? A B: » VAR —RERT (moe A B: BHB-+EMRAAR, 4 @ MRR / SIM [1 8#524838 Make words or phrases with the given characters fr ) (ri ) {ei ) fr ) (r ) aco) lec) ec) LE) BD | | HB AL B PRAIRIE Link the words of A, B Columns A B A B KA WL ce gz Bue HE Be Bas Ait & tt A eH Al AA oo [135184022 Fill in the blanks with the following words Lee Ato AMBRE, (RH, RC) ARR 2 AWM AG FAME, PARR HE ( )T. 3.4 (RA, CABARALART, HORT? 4 ERGCARM, Ait ( ) a5? 1 RAE PR A TEE, ETE BIR ( ), BBB, MEARE, AQ RAAF Ao BA ALLE, PVA AT HARE 2. RIL RB IRGE, ( DERREKEMME, KET, THR Elamantany 1/Warkioor @ 5 cae Boya Chinese do 3. RIBAK ( de [1558814125 4]F Rewrite the following sentences according to the example fil: 190K, R170 RK, — ER > MCN S To FR 32, WER 25 Hho 24K 280 FHA, KK 100 FHA, 3. EA EARA 200 BEE, ABNER AT 500 HEE, 4. LAA 200 MRE, ABABA 1000 AIRF, > 5. EAE AIR 100 RAR, ARE ZUR 600 FAR. [| FASSEASLSEAMRHZ Complete the dialogues with the given expressions LA: MEA MUIL? B: 0 (AB Bee ) 2A: HRA A ERRH FIBA? Bee o ( RERWR: 3. A: WFDEAMRARE RAT RMB, AA? B: o (Abr Apa AE ) 6 @ RRS / SIH 4At B: 5.A: B: A: B: FABIA lp (vat) FRRUMARAR KEG. HEAT AB? AA? Beil, Heit! VRE EA A CARS AA, RIL A, RA) Rh, RRR [1 BEF MHAF Translate the following sentences into Chinese L.A: B: Rv o> > o> Where do you live? I live outside school. But my apartment is not far from school What kind of music do you like? + Before [only like classic (3%, glididn ) music, now I began to like pop (i#47, lidxing ) music + This book has 240 Chinese characters, but that book only has 120 Chinese characters. : The Chinese characters in that book are so much fewer than those in this book. Three days ago, | moved to a new apartment. Why? I think your old apartment is good. But the rent of the old apartment is more expensive than that of the new one Llamantany H/Warktoo @ 7 11385488 Make words or phrases with the given characters {et ) \r ) fr a ) {et ) 2% ( > [er ¢ » [&¢ » (FC » [BC ) | restates Write the pronunciations of the characters and make words or phrases with them x | ( dM ) al! Xe ) * ¢ oT ) ( MC ) x ( d ) ( oT ) of x) ( x) TM ey BC {1341838 Fill in the blanks with the following words 1. FV Fe KF AE BIB A ( DT, RAR WHILE SG, K Rey, KER, ( ) AIR. ET AH ( ABE, & BL Al tet ILA A ar & ib fot ( do 2K, Hap ( DT, PIGHERRAR, A-PAE ( ) ANT, BATRM BS, RAMEE ( ) 485 3. te ( ) B—PKHAT ERAT » 8 @ MRBSRI/ SM She | D8G, Fi “Sbia+ A+ O” HAISA Describe the following pictures with &bBTial + + O | | | FA#SE48SC5EMAIE Complete the dialogues with the given expressions LA: ARORA AF? Boo HH HO) 2. A: ATE La AR A HE A DAR? B: o (V, ++ V2) B.A: BRARA TA SAE? B: o (Kar) 4A: AMET RMB EAS KR, 1S KIT? Br o(&ATH ) S.A: ARM ARARA? SY IL? Be IH) Ltomantany 1/Warkioos @ 9 | 13874818] Make words or phrases with the given characters { » fe ae a tee ) IR ( > (LC > UFC ) (UR ( ) [iE ( ) 11 i224 Nia BHS Fill in the blanks with appropriate words BAR ( ) HAA ( ) BGK ( ) EMA ( ) RAAT ( ) plead ( ) { (38144423 Fill in the blanks with the following words 1k RAK ( ), AM EE KER AS 2. AR, Ae ( ) TARR, AMENARST. 3.4, RIT MER, ( ) ARG HLA AE T . LARPL, RARRF ( ), RB ( Yo 27, RarH ( ) FRB. 3. BAA ( ) FEAR AAR, Bes, | [J2R91)FRRBEA Change the following sentences into negative ones 1. LM REKFURG ARF EC RIRAEC 10 @ MRM / 45H afr: S ® # in KARA 3. Ba roRia Se 4 SRIUMRIRG To ESD FR Ble RE" BE Bt HE” BS AIF Rewrite the following sentences with #-++-+-—## or e+ #E RAGA, PHUAKPFA, > 2. ABAD KAP AR IZ, HALEY AEF RS, 3. AWB RBA, AAG ABT, 4. Fy ADL ILA RAL, KR PAL 5. HOST RAE AF, ARR ALIA. DL SECM Complete the dialogues with the given expressions LAs RIE APR GE MER ME? B: o ( Hedeit ) 2A: HO PBR EAR B: 0 (Aap ee Api ) 3.A: RS PHABRKARF, than AAS? B (45) 4A: ART, HG 2K bt ILI? B: ( ayat ) 5. A: FARMAN LR ARE, AAT B: (Reeth) Ltamentany T/Wenkbook @ 11 1198818 Make words or phrases with the given characters ee {et {et fr {et ) tH ( » BRC > U8 ( ) Ub ¢ >» Ue ) [1 A838 A, B ABA IAEREI Link the words of A, B columns A B A B de R WK He ca # GE Kt # R eH dhe cia ARSE BR Al x WA AR it AB BATE & FRG [15483238 Write antonyms to the given words oy. i 4h ER VAT. A K fea Ear 2H | 15818 write the measure words —( ) RF —( ) ek —( ) fiat —( )% —( HH (DAB HAR HAF 12 @ RBS MI / AIM ABR T RA 5 [1 858422 Fill in the blanks with the following words em ( ) VAT, ( PAVE RAE ( ), ( ) AAA HD A BA ERA ( )T-* PMIEBRALA ( To He ( ) RA? DRAM ERA A. 1M, PUA TS ew N RBR-DOE, ( )MRBKRDT, —RAERK ( Yo PAEAEHRBRLT, SLR ( Yo ARAM RA ( d, ( )RRFKS, WAMT, LEA A YA A RAR ( AEM iu — HE, AR ( Jo ee N OR OR FEHEMA ( )AMEAEPLAFAS Ae ( d¢ ) she R, ( ) RC, 3. KAR ( ) MAKRILT 9? AAI ( ) MOLT? ARAM? Ue ArH A KAGE IL ( do IBERIA HR ( ) ae, F BMA tit ( ) Ere. 6. Fo Pp AEA HB, ( ) PARAL, wv o | [| AHEMRAS AF — Rewrite the sentences with the given expressions Lee, PRA EM, FLARE, > (v+ # +0) 2FESFSt=aY¥, KEATY, A HE Bad.) 3. RAIS, BAIT bE, > (eeregpee) 4 RAP EMA, RRBMAS Elamantany T/Workboor @ 13 Boya Chi , (henna) S MAO BSEME, ARRAN T . (fe) 6 CBATZRKBIET, BRRAAR, ERARY? = (Ape ) 7. LKFRAASH, LKARASH, , (Gorse Ht) 8 ARMS DEES , DRAABD, KRM A. > (Beh Aan) | | Fidszetestsem4F Complete the sentences with the given expressions 1. PURE, FKRER, o ( Hedeait, ) 2. BMRA AL ite, 2 (AVE) 3. HMC AR IY BE 4. 3k A+ FARE 5, HAMEL AE SP HAE, | | FHBZEARSLSEMRH Complete the dialogues with the given expressions LAr RRR MSA S KBR? KAT? B (i S/ RB) 2A FFL? B o (AiRA B +ik4 / ABA +adj.) 3. Az SHAT BAMA A? B ol Ae ) AA: RRMA? B (va) S.A: (ik, BA ARE, LARS], B: 2", 14 @ RBH / AIH SRETORT is EM St Composition WAAMEBSA, STH sae. Please write a conversation or a short paragraph and try to use the language points in this unit. Ltementany T/Worbiwor @ 15 |. 19854878] Make words or phrases with the given characters e ) (e 46 ( ) # ( ape [Re » leo) lA) | {34184822 Fill in the blanks with the following words Ha 3h TAY PAI ( eR Ss RAR ( ) KMART. WER AR Ae MAMI —AL HE ( ) I-A. ) Bohra, FARA ( ) PILE AY B48 1. LARS 2. SAVER ( 3. hm ee LE ( ( ) Bete A BPA AOR A EHH, ) PAA Ao — se BER ( ) ah, ) BRIE RA BH 3. LMRAFRLAEDPSE, MALL ( ) FBR, 5. ( DTHAB? APABE ( ) HMA BA? 6. FRE ( ) KBR, AQ A deed? | BST” Aisne ay Make sentences with the given words and 4 LED A 2. EAA He 16 @ WM / >A BRAOM RT eis { 6 ( ik ( Cae Lee— SEA a 3. ME AK Fito KRAIE 4 &RASE ENT 3h SRMAMPRE | FIORE 6 Rie eb ea LI PARE | A “ADB + V +27 + q. +n.” Bila al Make sentences with the given words and Abpirial +V + +g.tn. LRP a APACE, 2 KENe ah pa 3. PL a iio 4 DEAD a A 5. HE 5 KD BE LFA “V+ 58/4” $23 Fill in the Blanks with V+ 9/4 1 REE, ete ( de 2KE, RA, AR Eh, the ( ) Pe, 3. Spi RA, ATH A SPI, Be Jo 4.26, SPA ARAPIL, AMAR BRAME EIR, AN ( ) Eire, 5.37, He ( Dh, RAKES 6. AVE PRE, Upiear & ( ) *B, 7. SH, MRA ARTE ( 2 RFRA AAR 8. PRAT , RRL T VA ( ) £8 ( DT, KeXT! Clemontany 1/Warkioor @ 17 {1 985£48ia) Make words or phrases with the given characters [r > fi » e fe > fe ) Tm ( > URC ) GEC > URC > ac ) | 1 Satepr sie Bia Try your best to write down words that you have learned 1. ty: feat, —_________ 2. hab: TRY —__ 3. AWS RAG {U3 19442 Fill in the blanks with the following words 1. He ( ) BERTH AILE, ( ) alee, 2. te ( ), Mas -Fae ( ) MILT? ABE aT! 3. RMT AK ( dT,¢ ) SRG Bee, | LEMIRE REAN, HRA Change the adjectives into reduplication forms and then make sentences 8: Boma BATHAH, REREAD, MPA BBB, LARS HH. FATA) oA IADR] ORG EE HRA AGRE R ABA AT] TA 5 ME ARIA TA A) LH IL, 1. th > 2. 18 @ HMA ell / 3M GST ARB ia 34 4. iB 5. RB [1 FBHSEtKXCIEMIH Complete the dialogues with the given expressions LA: MRELABYT BH? BAMRT? Boo RD 2A: ds EArt eM AA AG EAT? (BR) HAA BARR, Hei A AMY? B o (Fit) ALA: PROS AUL RIL HD? B: 5 (Gee 7) S.A: TRAE AR EE IL KAR? B: a AKL) [1B “V; B V2” 48a) AR] Make sentences with the given words and “V: V2" 1 LH AT KBR 2 A RRA I EPRLR 3. BAL Bip 4 BRO EBA 5. FTR MB ROR 6. RADE BR Llementany 1/Worstoor @ 19 | 13852484 Make words or phrases with the given characters {re ) jr ) {re ) {et ) {nt ) Ah ( URC ) UAC > (ae ( ) BRC ) [1548218 Write antonyms to the given words Sy Som BEA Le, {1319442 Fill in the blanks with the following words 1 ARRAS MAIER ( ), MMM 2 ( ) 4, 2. MERAY RRR K ( DTI AMAR OF, HK ( ), BRA GET SSK. 3. ¢ ) AE, Ra — BIL, Bi) ( ) Re 4h ), BAC ) HAMAS T | 1 S424 4B Fil in the blanks with directional complements LAMA T°? MNCBA LEAD AT. UTS ( ) Bo 2. HSE ( ), RRRM AE, RAR. 3. RES A —BBH F ( dR do 4 ARIE Z REAR ( D2 EEA AMR ALES 5. FOF AAR, ARG ( ), ae aR! 6. MBI AL Sha 3h A, Be ) "Bo 7. ADA BAH ( ), TRA iH NR if 8. AR AMIL? KG ILFF ( ) ES Katia? 20 @ MRS MI / FIR vnanet ll 9, KAAS A ( ), HA FRA. 10. ALTA ( db ( ), FEAL 30 3 4P. | 1A “Sv ” #StSERR 3G) Complete the sentences with —V, -- 1 » RRAK BRAS 2. » FST. 3 » RAARAAMS 4. » SRHFRKET o LAER Complete the dialogues with the given expressions LA: RABAT 4? B: o (REY) QA: HRI RAM AOE RAH T? B: o (HEA) B.A: WAIN EMA T , RATA? B: o ( BLA) 4A: MEARE T? B: co CA a) 5. A: KA BOAR ARIE TS? B: co (BR ) 6A: AMS, MM ATERAAT« B: o (RAF) Elomentany T/Werktrook @ 21 1° 9848178) Make words or phrases with the given characters fe > fe » {r ae me ) Al ( > (BC > LEC > [AC ) Ue ( ) 11 S438 3248) Write near-synonyms to the given words al BS RR SEA eg {| [3848] Fill in the blanks with the following words L&C) FRI, ) RE, TAM mk, RMR VE WET. 21 EEF (CO), (BIT, SRABARIL( ), 3. — RB ( nido, bird ) ( dat, ( DETR BP RF wat, ( )FmT. MAT BBLAL RM, HA) BIE, HK ( DFE, HAPS, AK ( ) 5%, A AJIL ( Yo ALE G, —SAVR ( ), RRA | | FARTSE4MESER4)F Complete the sentences with potential complements LEIPRE RAT. 2RAST, 3A, REO FADT, 22 @ RAHM / 4H sunray 4 ARB ART 5. KART ° 6. KM, re, MRE, TPENRER, REBT, © 8. thas, PEA ARAMARK _ © 9, FH EAR ABERE, 10. & ZR, MRA, MRA ? [P1B “VV &" SRAF Complete the sentences with “V 3% V-&" 3 4. 5. AA BAIL , ° RREK GK, TR ° REALE GS, » RAEN ELAR » BRARPTORR URE Lb, PLS SEMA Complete the dialogues with the given expressions 1A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: 2. 3. 4. MADR TH? RRA FPF! o(-FF) FAVRE RR, RRM? o (RGR RKB) LE AE HAE BET —___ o (RR) AG, RASH, Elamantany H/Wanstoor @ 23 | 1 #854818] Make words or phrases with the given characters (et ) \r ) fat ¢ ) ) (E ( RC) lec) lt) > le ¢ 1 1 Su17 Write the measure words —( ) Ae —( RF =—( ) mH —( ) wl —( ) Be —( ) BE — CF — (oR — (+) tite | | AaB A, B PRAIRIE Link the words of A, B columns A B A B Aa SA, eh ca) ih 40 AR Ay] & FR RR RBA Bit RY RH HOR ci AR A, FR Rat ws St Bum Be a BIL [381814428 Fill in the blanks with the following words 1, SHR AAR ( ), RA Faith 2 BRE-PARAA AIL ( ), SLT Ae AAA 24 @ anmaEb R/U UE a ART 3. BE ARATE RAR ( ), WN -KBUE TORR, IRAE RI ( do 4A DRBER GA, MK ( ), RAAAEP HATA A 5 ARE LAA SAR, AER ( ds 6 ASL ( ), RBRER ( ) Luna, HT? TH ( Ya sa FOT, FRI ) Te WRERARAMER EAM, HBPAIL ( Yo FEKIRAOIRR , HE ( ) BA ( ), ARAIT TIARA, RAAEA ( de KAZ T, 814i ( ) Pe v aw Rw RK ( DT eas, BA ( Jo MAGLI ( ) FAP IRIR Zo RA KAH ( ) HOR! ROREEE ( ) Ate. RAAT, RA ( ) BAZRTT 6. HAAR ( DIL, BRAK ere ND { | HSE4tRS IF Rewrite the sentences with the given expressions 1 RAB —SHE, HM, AHBABAPS HRA, 5 (Avy ee ) 2A CD ARRTRER, PRAARMARS. > (VAV#) SWARM RAST, MATPET RAMA > (BRE) Clementany T/Werkioror @ 25 | Boya Chinese tay 4. LAV RFDEAS, BT LH $4, 5. MAKI RAR, WRB 1, RRAAMRKAT. Se 6. SEGAL, RMLUPMN EAH 2, 7. RARE HA, KDR, 7 8 KEM FAA—-KAMH, RABHIGMH, 4 ° eR A VHF [| FAIS SCIEMHE Complete the dialogues with the given expressions LA: RAT RAET, RR pre, wv Apes R NB Jot? KBAR HG? , o (ASFA te He 4 BV.) q.tn.) > (VAF/ KEE) gtn.) 4A: B: oe (AT) S.A: B: o (BAAR ) 6A: FAT, MEAG? B: o (Vi B V2) TA: MAM & AAR Ah? B: o ( Hit) B.A: AFAR A MIL, HE ARE HHH? B: 26 @ MRP / SH LER ir SE Composition BAASTBAR, SHE-TRHIERBE. Please write a conversation or a short paragraph and try to use the language points in this unit Elamantany U/Werkiook @ 27 {198544818 Make words or phrases with the given characters {re +e me » {ei _ ) me Ue) dk) tO) LR) | | XS 4a9iaiB4AS Fill in the blanks with appropriate words ta ( dC ) Ae ( ) A&C ) &( ) = ( ) & > WAC ) 8 ( ) aE ( ) |) [415442 Fill in the blanks with the following words LAP REE SAEE (AR AAR ea, 2. Hest RE. ( ), RARE, R ( RK ( ds 3. RAY ( ) Ahbek, HAIR Raph EAP AL 4 IRATE OG ORE (+), ORNL, UA oh Rete, S. FCECLAOHE, ( ) DBT ODTE. aS ( ) # ( ) BAL ( ) fi B, ( ) HERE, ( ) ERAS 6 1 FPR sae “YR” SFA] Make 38 sentences with the given words 1. FBR BT 28 @ HRB MI / SIM Bate Re 2. FRG Suk : ROMA 4A APR 5 dae RIL 6. igo Ws fed 7. RR a SHH] Ae 1 “#8” 34) 41a) Answer the questions with #2 sentences LAG BART, MEAD? (BARA) 2. KLBRK MABE AMR, BRAATEMHE A? GIR) 3 MZIAT, ORGEAD? (RR 4 MASE BI a Rb, MEA ad? (CGR) S.A ED, RRA RAT, PRHRREAM, WTAE? CME vk) 6 REE-PEKEEOWG, MEEAZBRAFTBRAL? (HG Llamentany T/Werkorek @ 29 [LD TAO AMET , TMLARSB, HEAD? (A) Boya Chinese 8. RAAT, EA RARATAADL? (RRR AR 9. LIRA, AMPA MAR RF LAA, ETHER? GR) LO MR AGM APA, AIL KR", RAT RS MAT (RAR) o FARM is [1 FAI8St8Sk ERA Complete the dialogues with the given expressions LA: PARMAR A, B: 2%, o (VER) 2A: MMA F ORAL, RaLAiIAIA, B: o (VAR) 3A: “HSK” 24 AAR? : _e (HR) AA: UR RAE IB RACE EA HE? B: o (aR) 30 @ mm / SIM [1387-81 Make words or phrases with the given characters fr ) (e ) fe ) {ne ) [F ) A ( > Le ( > (eC > UEC > L&C ) [1B FAN BiASA LIS 4M94NA Write the complements of the verbs bl: FD kh FF ot ee a. 4k wo cs 1, SELMER ( ), DRE, RBM A-MRE, IML FIL. 2 FELLA AM, IK ( do 3. KBARIE DSH ( ) aR ( Jo 4. ), ABABA ( ) ABT AR EAB AR AAS (sO UR HA BH be ‘ 1. AE AER AS ( ) #5 AE ( ) RB, MALAI S DHA AS, BWR FUIEB-PK ( ), RRGRAB, EARL 5 ( DRERAEE I, EL RA 2. PBA ( ) ah ( ) PUAAR-H: PHAR AWG, B hGH; KRARZENG, BEG Clamentany 1/Werrtrerr @ 31 | GETS! Se Sam mae a Change the following # sentences into negative ones Papo RAR T RACE HILT wv Het EMARZET 3. 4. Ue dem Ea Bw 5. MOAR AC HEA Ho IK A, [OLA SBR MBB” AAT Make sentences with the given words and 9% GEAR MARIR PRATT 2k i] ( Féizhéu, Africa) aR iE ATR EAR OF EAR, ARERR BURA ARIE ARABI # RRS SY BAT HE REK RDA AE | [FASE Complete the dialogues with the given expressions LA: MMBREAZT? B: o (Fe FR) 32 @ mMRSBI/ BIB Pop PP o> D> 2: EAT? REA 2 AOA, AGIA T , Alby Llamantany H/Werbbook @ 33 [91924819 — Make words or phrases with the given characters {in () i. (om) () ( CY th ( > bt ( ) Ua » URC ) [1 ASB A, B PeYBiAERZIR Link the words of A, B columns A B RG sh A oe ARF aK HARE Hei) Rib KF BAT Patt Ti RERE HR “EP ER [133982 Fillin the blanks with the following words 1 BR ( ) FA, MERBILTR ( ), HEAR ( 2 ATH ( ), ROR Hat A 3. ( ) DT La Re, HZ A AR ( 4. a ( ), AAA RE BA, 1 HER EOS, Fede ( Yo 2. HO I RIES BIR ( ), TERRA ( ), MI —-FRAT 34 @ MRRP Ml / 4H ( do Ha 3. FT RGB, RAR — AO PB ( ) Ho. (2) BHSEITISSEMA Complete the dialogues with the given words L.A: MIRDEMKAGAHT , WRAL C? B: o (RGF ) 2A: 2(-w) B: ARAGET , FREPRTARR To 3A: KE, MPREAZRER A OE DA? B: o (HL) 4A: PIRSA, MERAKE LAR B: o CRA) S.A: EAR ARE AAP? B: o ( sbi) PR “AMET 5B th” BAA Make sentences with the given words and 704-+---- ff) BL / 8 / th---++- 1. 47 bak RR 2. PRR HAR 3. Mba SOK 4. fel ARAL TH 5. FORT CAPR 6.1K RSE Ltementany 1/Warktour @ 35 i Mie [9 Fh “aise” BS PIBAI AIF Rewrite the following sentences with #sei----- 1 ELEVA AIDE KEE 2. ARS RAMS RGA ATH OE PUA IR HG LATT HET RAW, BRRKT. = KAP AGEERADRT, HARRAEA PAT. $8) RIB AF EM AP Bat ST. s o a [1% FAM AF Translate the following sentences into Chinese 1. He has taken part in a basketball competition 2. Have you ever eaten Peking duck? 3. Have you ever rented an apartment? 4. Have you ever quitted smoking? 5. He has never watched Chinese TV programs, 6. My teacher has never been late for class 7. Thave never lost purses 36 @ MRAP / AIH 8, We have met ewice last month 9. Lhave helped him three times. 10. We have organized the foreign students to visita suburb of Beijing last year. LU St Composition SUR, SBM, RARMKS—HS. ERPS Ms. Please write a letter to your teacher, family or friend. Notice the from and structure. Elemantany 1/Worriook @ 37 1-1 385-4838 Make words or phrases with the given characters fr ) fr ) fer ) lee ) {re ) BH ( > [ke ) (a ( ) FC > LEC ) T-V38i888 Fill in the blanks with the following words ¢ ), MMR SiG AHAB FE ( ) RADRFRPA, MELBAINT. ( )BRERRAT, RGERMRT. AAP Beate, ALANA, ( ), RARTRS PAMA, Re Ne LAO MARR PRT, HMISEA ( ) He? 2, RIERA EMEA , ( ) AMAR BMAP ZARA GH BIL ( ) Tae? 4. UAT ( ) He Ab? 5. BEB ( ) Bea Ae » ARERR TMA EL, BAMA 8 S85 ( Jo EC ) STATE, OY RGB ARE, HK RGB OR PB ( )T-FR. MR, RoWMRKA ( SME, OR, LAFOMR, REHRPR AK ) We, RAT BM, ( DAMPER, BARR AE BA RA ( ), ZR, AMILHLAR ( ) RBRR. ( ), REEREA, RMR-RERA, 38 @ meters / 4m KN ES KATIE) I -” [§]2¢j5)$% Answer the questions with REE------3 LDA SRE at 1. hab ak Ay 9A? 2. RAL PARED? 3. RERARIE D3 BRIE PLT, IRE 4 MOLT A? PAT? [DAR TEM ARINE, HRAABKN eR AF Choose the appropriate verbs and result complements to complete the sentences RSGRE DA 2. __ MGA TAR AL. 3. __ RAD ROTH SBT _ 4? 5. th RTH? 6H FREZ-ADMT, TRABAA, __ 7. KR AR, TK 300 RAR 8. teAdeF bh WM RG 9. Heal ETM, AER LHe S HEMT 10. MAAR PK bt? 1 Aa BATA ARA 12, RAPRARBRT, 13. KE O REM ATE, 3 14. 4eR GE Elamantany T/Worsiovoe @ 3S [| 1 28442ia] Make words or phrases with the given characters fr ) {r ) tr ) [ri ) tae ) it ( > [eFC » [#C > [FC ) [fe ( ) [1] Sia write the measure words 1 ATE T — ( )¥. 2 RET — ( ) HR 3. RARIA, BH ) 4Lre, 4 PHRMA ( ) RG, RBAHFRLEB, 5. AB ( DEFER RHA? 6. RIEK DA ABM BARILT — ( Jo 1 13#19442 Fill in the blanks with the following words CK a A: KEMRBA! ( ) EAR MZ iA]? ( ) 9 G8 Het e iT, B: SAH, ( JEPHBT—-##, BHRS PEMA, ( 4 RGB A DT. ( A: ( AAR, WEAZREE? B: ( ) Ea eee ee VAM, PHA-AMRARR ( ) BAR, RRA A AR 40 @ HRB MI / KIM aS ie BYE )o RECBRRAH TS ARP, IE ( AE, BALM R, ZRBABTA, AAVMRERS ( ), BARC), ROR LAE, REBT, LHPLA ( ) Fo | | B#SEtRxt5ERMRE Complete the dialogues with the given expressions 1 > SP ePePperere RAMA AR FAA? AA oo (RUS AL / Bes) :MAPHOMR, HREK SPAR, RERKTS? 6 RRR) : PHASYACRRR? 0 (BRL) BRESREAH? 0 (Ree Rees) : PAREAH? o (VER) 2 AGL, RAPER? Pg CRE Bees ) | 1 S44M¥ Write the complements LHHS, RBLRS ( )T. 2HABRAAT, HEC) ve, 3. RARE MARKT, RR ( ) BRAKE, AREA (RAE TI 5. RT MBA Siw, MIR (HP 1 1A 32” SEES AAR Tell the story with #@ sentences The farmer successfully transported a wolf, rabbit and cabbage across the river. Remember that if left together the wolf will eat the rabbit and the rabbit will eat the cabbage. Elomantany H/Workinwh @ 41 Boya Chinese 42 @ MRRP BI / 4AM Fel SW RR0iho2kSR-Z RR Write the names of fruits that you know [1 54Ria write antonyms to the given words [93483428 Fill in the blanks with the following words aa KM FIL. 6 Be BE 1 HAMS, 2. RR fo RAT AD ( ) CAR AAD To 3, MEERA EB EAR, ABI (Niddin, Newton) £3] T ( da AMBRE, LE ( Yo 5. RAR DARLIN ( ), ORR ER 6. AGES ( ) A, weak HIRE, BRR HES RHR Aare LRRD, RAI ( ) BERL, 2FRMPEESIME, ( ) EFA. 3 APHEAA, PAO ( ) RAF MH, Adideak Papin} ak ae i} ( méiyt, intermittent drizzles) E77” 4 MAK ( ) ARIE, 47? LAPES, th ( )TPPAHHe, Elamantany 1/Werbiore @ 43, 2. 3 4 Boya Chinese KA ( ) FRR T ASAE EO, Kate ( ) ak (bing, ice). KASIT , ot tas ( )& TF ( ) Ew 41 KRMII-AA, HARTA A ( di: Bakthaig REL ANP RAR AEH ( dD, Rae ( do WA, Wat i, BPR TERA, AAT ( )RER-B, Rabb “A GM", AA ( ) FART HEAR A RAL ( bianhua, change ) 1A 1 eR a “2A” SEMRIF Complete the dialogues with 7 A: thebre, RHPET o B: &4? _? A: ARR, B: » HRE-B Le, A: , bre? B: ° “2” (B)21a]@® Answer the questions with + RLU PR SRE TU? (ML KR 300>RF) HRA AREA? (RF 129 ASMA) SRE RR RAR? (RI HK 200 3K) MRS? (RR A 20548 H) PTR T (BHR Me 9%) | LARHEURSCHHS Fill in the blanks according to the text AMA ( ) RBM — I, ( ) KBE T RAL Hg EP HR REACEREA ( -) ROA YEAR ( RENEE ( ) 38 BAS 44 @ MRRHMI/ SIH | 1 FASB A, B AUABIAERZIR Link the words of A, B columns A B ah AG % Rm a AF 16 a th PE | | S3224 49S] Write the appropriate prepositions or conjuctions 1. ) 4418 T kA 2. RAB ( MER, 47H? 3. RVG, WEA () MAILE? 4. ( ) BARE F OAR, MRE AK? 5. A ) eA Bee, 11318422 Fill in the blanks with the following words LEAMA ( D2 TARRY? 2. HEART ( ) BARAK FE. 3. Baka, Me ( ) iE MIt eB? 4. Ht ( Dh, RRB BRS 5. AMT, RE ( ) HERE — Bo Clementany 1/Warhiour @ 45 Boya Chinese ) AMADA, BARE 1. HC ) PSS IL, 1294 ( te 2. ow 3. HC Lit AH MABE (xiGngxin, to believe ) "4? A MBIEDA ( ) AAP, Sew AR I RAL 5. A ( JR-BKE een, KF FE, ( MEH, RAH, HR ( ) HATH 2) Fo i& H ( DEF, THRIPS, HR, LARA HA, MEV, SHAR, AHR KG KPLEB, ARS HRA ( EMBER ( Jo LAS 1 RARE A RHE Me 2 BFR (ko, to cry) AAS. Jo AA Y ” £5 TaN AF Rewrite the following sentences with —i#--- id. 3, HB Ape FIR 4, BALI HEE A BP RIL DAB SRT th / BB” ES PAF Rewrite the following sentences with FT. 1. MUTA EB, KBARBK. 46 @ HRP RI / RIB 4B | Boo )RGT. ( ) METI ZAT To SEW AIL 2. AULA LEE, KH ERLE T 3, REM S| EMABALR, BARE F, KEK CANO PAR, AMAR BR SABPAEMAPE, HOSEL EMA PAL > | 142381230 Fill in the blanks according to the text LP Rske, AMABKA, RET ( ) BF mB EE ( ) Bis, MARAE A ILS, rh, AE )—¢ ), RATARAE BX BRA wy at a ( HABA, RAGA EST . BRE, FAI KE ( ) THA. ( )T%, ( ) Ba ), SHER-RAIGRRS. ALG, K )AAMBM, A, AB ( ), * ) THA. ARAM RIL, — WH ( ) Ltamantany H/Warstook @ 47 LR ( ) RIERGAEATIES , DKA HMI RRB RRM, 2.4 ( ) RE AA ORR? 3. A ( ) ROR —REMIA. 4. & ( ) RAR, TRIE? 5. ( )aRAA. KEE AAA (Qing Chéo, Qing Dynasty) 4] BE 4E, 24% (Anhui, Anhui Province ) #4 09 4S X Bi A] ( jiituan, theatrical company ) AL ALR BLAT T ARS ( ), EA Fo BY LA RK (xi, opera) BAYH, AHA (jidnjidn, gradually ) 267 T Away ( ), Adda Ey HES "AER, RBA ( ) a RG, RAK, 2X, MAARSHSHKRAT, Kalad ( ) KAARRGBIOSH, VRRIE, PU, RI-MREHE, 2, RRA TATE ( DMR AHRMA, Mela bee TA BARAT AA) FR a a ( do | 1B “X88” SERIE Complete the dialogues with Heit LA: RAL, RA ABLE RIB ILS B: tilt Awe? 2 2A: SR MBLERAT EMILE IL? B: EJIL? 2 3. Ar ARB A? _ 2 48 @ PRET MI / BM wows IPD B; Rb, RUA aA T | LA: PRARMA, 2 Br PR, AOR LEKIET | | ARAB EARARAS AR (—SARRRRES AT ) Answer the questions according to the example Bl: AEA? RH ALAR BY /R—RILA BURA, AAP AGAR, MiGRIR? > 2. ARB ak dh I mh ? 3. HAL AP bal? 4. LRM IER? ATHENS ARIE? | 1B “—AULt A” SERRE Complete the dialogues with —AILWA LA: HT PL Heh? B: ° 2A: EK MARG? B: » AAMRMARRER, 3B 3A: B: ° 4A: B: ° Llomentany T/Werktoor @ 49 [UV ARYBIR CHASE Fill in the blanks according to the text AML, ALAT— ( ) RAS ( 1» — ( FA. BRC do AAR HC DA CHRELA( TRA AA RELA ( DAP FAL KIER? ( MA £°H? 50 @ MRA Rll / IA TRAM, ) BA GE AFR | [34918222 Fill in the blanks with the following words d? REA ( JARABE, REAAAT? 3. ( ) THR, SRA BCA Laktdaker’, 4 BF ( ) VAS, BRIER APES 5. FHA RAE ( ), RHBREA ( DBA, Pr, RPG PP MIR ME THERESE RAD NES 6. MAE ( DT, RAAB FAR LEAF A th OH BPA ( ) FAHD, TLE AR AR a ( ) eet. 2. REAR ( ) RILWIR— AML, AOEAMARAKT, 3. RERER ( DRO ER, ME? 4. aa ( ) RARE AT, HORA 5. 4 ( ) BiH (LG Dongbin, one of the Eight Immortals), AIRAFAS 5 6. HARA HR ( d? LAA “VAT/IV ET” SRAF Complete the sentences with “VAT /VBT” LA, RAF, . ° 2. WRREALRMARS, Ah v9 3 RAM ET IET , ° 4 MADRE A BAA, 2 5. REAR AVA, ° Clementany T/Wenhiror @ 51 6. DAART, | [FA “V8” SEakxti® Complete the dialogues with “V 3” LA: MAS AM RAMA. SiG K Wok KA ER HF? B: 2Ar B: Ri, Ki, AMBAREAR. Hit, APHPR, 3. A: AM AMA “WR + G” ( shat tiidou, sofa potato ) ? B: 4. A: ARS HH? B: [| #IGTEIR True or false LEASE, ABEKFEEA, RAARMOMA, O 2. SJ LBL T, RU, RARE EET Bat, O 3. AKPRAZR, BRA °O 4. ARAMET, O BRE RH EE, O ai Baek, RMN AA AA ALT RAM, MEE 10, HABER, K 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 » MRA BB, O | JARSBWRSCHHS Fill in the blanks according to the text BALA AA Ak ( )T. 2. HEAT REARS HF ABBE ( ), FeRAM] RIL, THE ( d, TF RHR TAR ATR AIT ) 118 Ca RA BY WK, i th SLANG A, AAA STALE ( D3, A Af PCDI, TM eS Betis, Abel Ree, 52 @ Mme / MRA-R THAA AFH ( DT. 3. RAK, HAH Bh ( LT, RirKi2 ( ), ALERE Clomentany T/Wenhbook @ 53 | 138381503 Fil in the blanks with the following words 1, Bit F Baap aR, ane ) KATA BH vee, 2. RATER AHH ( dit -F Hh, BIL ( ) RA ASE AE RS 3. BAR, — Bomb ay ek ( ) it Re A. ewe ELI ( ) FEAF B04. 5. AFORE RES A? 6. RAF Shomer ( ) 1 SPE, At RAIL AD, BS ( ) MRT? 2. EK ( DT, RAMBBREA dr, 3.( )AT-HAR, RAP RAT. 4 ME BEIAR ER ( ) oF KBD PHAREK BE, LK, BEM ( 4%, BLA TERT; BR, Fe AIRE ( )AFZ, REXAEG ( ) RA, AN, PHSMOMARS RB, AML, ABAe ( ) #17849 FRI, PHADK- WR, —DMHAILRAR, MA, BEB ( ) ARI, AAA AER, HASH, MAH? | | FAIS SLIEMATIA Complete the dialogues with the given expressions LA: CRA 05 BYR Bak Ay AL? B: Hx, (Fide ihe) 54 @ MARS MI / SIH SPUN SALAS ARF BBY Wy 2A: MAH AZREGCHILT? B: o (AH) 3. Ar EH ERRAM, MAA A? B: TRH, o(VAT) 4A: Ue PERE? Be CILLA) 5. Ar HaihmpAe A? B: ° CER Tore vk dp, seeee ) | | BEMRBS IF Rewrite the following sentences with the given expressions LABORA T , Mek A AE + (adj.+ HT ) 2. HRB AT HEAT HY, HERBS > (v FE) 3. RRARMARUGR, EAA? > (= +mw.+ n+ © ) ADRRAAS, RABIES, > (HALA) 5. PRR TPE, AYT, Besa Aye, > (4) | | A RR AIFHESUIGFF Arrange the following sentences to form a paragraph __ FAR, DERRR: “AMARFEMFRALT!” eh, BBE KRG ALR ED EEA A, HAGA ABR AIH RFE REA A BA ADE RAR EA PL LAP LAL T Clamantany T/Worrboor @ 55 Boya Chinese | Baas _ RF LRAFRK worse 7 | UARHEWRSCHLZS Fill in the blanks according to the text 1, BAN ( ) FL — Bibs, 2. RAM AGL, ( ) 4oik oo 5 BT 3. BAS =H MHA ( DRF RR. 4 IRS HC ) MIP RD OBR 56 @ MRAM / FIM LIS “BR” “3” AVR write the words including & or K Ate48 BR, | 13838823 Fill in the blanks with the following words 1. BD RRA A ( ), 2 2. MBAR A OF ( ) RMA? 3. MARKBB, K ( ) WE $F, 4 eA MAIO A, RGLA ( do KEEN, 1 KR ( ) ENP, 2. EER ( ), BK. 3. RAD ( ) BRA! 4, HOF AMR ( ), BRA KAZ (mingxing, bright scar ). 5. AP HALA, AAT ( ) Ane) 4 KA Bo OTR ( DA, Bab Artes 1. MAAK ( DT, Ma Aare? 2 ( ) RE Aabed? 3.( ) eet, RRR (a 4B (ARK, BU aTe. Clomentany T/Werkirooh @ 57 Aid ( DATO KB, TARA-AA RAE RE HY BIR. VT, PERM, —S BRR A ( JR, ¢ ) AR AY AER, A fi ( DRE ER. BR, ( ) TRAM, —h EH TRALEE GBR. 21999, $B ( DARE NRE WR, BEBRP AM" fo OF", TARE-KREM, ANG AGKPRAT, RST, TAKS ( DT, EG eRARK BK ( dT. LOLA “RBA” SERRE Complete the dialogues with R@-----7--- LA: RTA PRM AIC? B: 2, ° 2A: REAM, HAR RIER? B.A: TREE ARGS? Bi RGR, 4A: SRA REE 7 Be Rs LAA, BAB” Answer the questions with —Hl---, BF 1 BEAR ESP OME A? 2. SRARATHLE AAT, ARE APAT RAE? 3. A A PRIA RAS? 4 MBA ARE thea Ae? 58 @ MARH MI / 4 REA: PARRA An LB “— mw.t — mw.t th +" RS BSA Rewrite the following sentences with — mw.+ — mw.+ if + V LAF RAPE T , Re, tT PLB, Se 2EFRMAR, BEHPIES, HtkARSH. 3. WREKERIL, KTRS FMR, 4 SAS, AVRIL, VAR PAY, APR BSLES TRS PU #R#EHRSCHAZ Fill in the blanks according to the text 1+ H ( ), MARR A RIT AH ( ) HF 2 RAP RVG, ( ) BAK ( ) Bal ( ) ARAN, Ae A BS pS aL ( do 3, PARE IARI, ( ) ATA HEE AK: 4 MATES, RMB, Bb ) BRS 5. awit RIAA AT, ( 5) Rie PA, BARA RAT ( ) Wo 6. a (+) PRS, (|) RAAT. EA Ste Composition ER. BA MIRE Topic: How to prepare for a travel BR A SAME Requirement: Use the following language points Elemantany U/Warbowr @ 59 eA Boya Chinese = mw.+ — mw.t 2h +V 60 @ MRAM / KIB [1 SH Reni bye We RIRAZHIZ ER Write the names of majors that you know [1 48383828 _ Fill in the blanks with the following words 1. MAES EMU ZRII, ARR (+)? 24 (bapa Ey? 3. ( ) RRA, RAIL AW 4 HORNA IRA ( D, ARO RAR ATF EH? 5. a ( LT, Ree Aw, 6 RABAAB, BI ( ) To TAMARA ( ) 2 EZLKRERFA-TRELMAM, RAHKTHARAY Cyingxiting, to affect) ARF a4 ( ) FRB A AK, APB, A- Mee (chudnténg, traditional) Ae: TRH, BRR, ESR, AUR Cyangé, srict) (), BRR, MME KARA) BH, SRF AEWA, WI- RE ( ) RH, KBP PAO RRA ART FI ( ) RARER, WINEFACRTHFA,( — ) BRSR UBFEA, Rh, MAAS 9-H ( ) FBR, Aa et BARK AY ( ), MAIER BF ( ) HARK. Clamantany T/Werboor @ 61 [EL A SE ----the [E}25iaZ1_ Answer the questions with L.A: PA TARGA RAT, 31H? B: 2. Az Hee IR] EE AE TA , PH? B: 3A: ARRIBA, RS RABAT, sth? B: 4 HSM, RABPELRRE, 4? (LFA iid” SERERHH Complete the dialogues with #ik------ih--+- LA: RARELY RG, RABB PAM, PEM, BAR BRN» Be PET, mB? : RAAB, 22, MARTE. RE KRIS Fo PYG? HABA Heit? 2 RMA IR REAR E, ° LR “Re / tk / AA” BSB Answer the questions with —Ktt—X% / —4Ftk—4F / —Abt—A LA: MMM A AEART? B: 2A: MARE RA TC? KARTS? B: 3. Ar PERAFE MY? Hee st SB? B: 62 @ MRAM! / BAK PBR A.A: HOS YAGER IL TB? B: PA RABIRSCHAS Fill in the blanks according to the text LAK, KEL ( ) BE, RAR —P wis, 2. AME AE RL: “GAME abet TF] FORTS.” HLILAE ( ) T wis. 3. LF #5 ( D—KRABRAT, RECA B LH ED AT RK A s KT, LF ( )ThP. RK ( ), BR RH T ee. 6. ( ) RS, RRA EMIS Ctemantany 1/Workiocr @ 63 |-1 5S write homophone characters Bi); %E—h 1 1S 4 tress 8 HZ Write the names of food that you know [| 58 FAY LEMRIA Fill in the blanks with metaphorical expressions 1. ARATE FARE AL, BAR ( ) hi, RAR, 2, BaD MRAP ALAR ( ) At, 3. HOP IRI, AR ( ) had. 4. ARASH AR IRIE, 1B ( ) 84. 5. RARREMRT, FREAD, SOREL AR, ROR ( ) AA. 6. HHI ARBAB, MB ( ) 499 6 {1814888 — Fill in the blanks with the following words 1, SPRATT, ( ) BE PEAE ES, HOUE ROBB T , ( ) PRIA BILE wv 3. HLA RAT RA, ( ) RRA, 4 AARAAT, ( ) REAR AH AD. 5. te LAR, ( ) RAT AT I 0 ILF IL, 1 MS Fat, ( ), ART AE T Ate 64 @ MRRP / SIH Nv MRM ARR ( ) #7 AYP ATR, KARA RIL, PAE CEA ( To Bl ( ) BELT, ibe $Bk—D ILS, TIER ( ) Bit oa w ( ) ARS RAB BE WELL ( +) T, MAR, ARG WME, ASR F PAE (MU, AT ASEM RAE (+) HB Pa ie & or ° kA ( ), Hosea, 18 REA B, ATA Ld te “BR a RAAT ), Hose BL, KA KARE DF RABA, (fa pigi, co lose one’s temper), # TVA kb, “EEE, (ldohii, tigress )” , SRERA ( ), Hosoi, —/AARAE, RAR TM te EF" BPA RA ( ), Hededib, RA REAR, WERELMATS, AMT SFR", Hees ARE Hp HB BMA ( ELA BE th LA: fi eA 4 4? ” (B12 ia]2% Answer the questions with BE:-~ 2 MEL, thar AmB aT? B.A: MMIRAT ARR? B: ALA: (Ai EAR GS RR A? B: Clementany T/Warkiwek @ 65 Boya Chinese wo > 2 BRR oka? 6. Ar RHAR EGR? PAF “RBBB” [SARA Answer the questions with 7-88 LA: REREAD? B ee 2A: DRAMA? B A : AH Dit TARY? 3. B: AA: BATAILLE IE? B: 5. Ar (SREAR, ARR A ALE th i a FF? B: 6A: SRBIRR, TARE LRG? B: [1 RISER AF Complete the sentences with the given expressions 1. te R— BIR TS, o (VAT) 2.-ARRRA-AEF, o (adj. APR) 3. TRAE RAL AD? 2 (ik 4, CAV HIE), h-RA EH 5. th : o (AL ) 6. LA ARREA TF, o (AB RD) (0 U AREIR SCM Fill in the blanks according to the text 1.¢ APE PU, MIM G: “HAN HHH 66 @ MAH Ml / SIM Rik FAMMEPBACHR, AR ( dC ) th: “RARER Ree? ( DR, MMARRAARKARRT 2” ( ) a, —T+F BRB ERIS TARR BIL: Re” KR (|) BRET, bo KKA RK. 2. -PKA, BAER — Je SPF — “BRA”, ( DAK RE, ( ) BA, AIL AS, 3. FC ) BLADTE, RAR ATA ( Jo 4. Sek ( ) AAW RT tr, ( ) RT. Llamantany 1/Wensioor @ 67 [1887949 Fill in the blanks with the following words Naue en ROR | eRe nN Ee AR HEM A A ( FHT. He) Rawle TMB, KBR BH ( Jo ( ) AAT, HBT. ( ) ORB MRABIL, thérre, 383) ( ) ARE, AR ( ) BEE ( ) Fr ( ) THRE. HULK A ( DET RA, —Hatilet A, MAM Riva, BA ( yO. MeteiR HRB ( ) Fee, RI-A—#. HME AA, $57 Ah ( DART, RBBB, He Aa ( ) MEE FAD EAR? On i ( ) &, KRAAEA BB (pian, to cheat) Ai. BAKE & (Aolinpike, Olympic ) 3 ( ) RHA? REEL PRE ( ), FF Bit, APE, K( )TREE, HASH, ARASH, RAS A ( ) ERS? BART, Be 68 @ MRAS MI / 4M 1 2. BAH? ( ) TRA? BRC) T, ALB PRT. 4A (|) RABE, Heat T o 5. HSE RERE( -) AKAD. 6. LER IL, BR ( KHRT BAM — EP, EES ( Jo AAD ALAR, AREAL ( do to R Aik HAT ( ) RR, THRE ( ) -MRA AME. 1258, to R RAE ( )RRELMKAKR, AGW TIES ( Jo Pek, RAF RHEE ILAL— 2, FEE AL FoR ALAS ( DBR, RGR Ro 1B “ifi------” SEMA Complete the dialogue with iifi---+-+ A: MARE » BRAK A tea. B: 2°37? RPE __, ART VARNES Ar RRA AES B: LAPUA, KBs, » WHERE 6 A: HF, RWIS HT, ME ARN? B: EAHA AR, A B » BRAT BIE, BUI—APL MAS : 47, » PIRI AS [2M AF AA “i” FA] Rewrite the sentences into i sentences 1. Ave T th Ge, 2. MARAT RH TAS > 3. RFE KT PAL HDR Elamentany H/Warktook @ 69 tie 4 RR BHERF bo 5. RAC RM AAT FB 09 | | BASIS (A “Ww” FA) Describe the pictures with 4 sentences [U ARHEIR SIMS Fill in the blanks according to the text LAW, A-ERABM EER, HK ( ) TRV KRF. AR ( DAR, TRLIRA ( ) FERRARA AAT Sede LE HR Fo A HE Hh 5 HF Ab 5 SR AL BF TZ ( Jo RS, WATE ( ) MR. fede 8 CATH HARD ( ) KB. to RA ED ( AF, WERWALUER “FRR, GER WALGER “AGI. a wren 10 @ MMe Il / KA [SHES Fil in the blanks with the foll Bde, HK ( ) tS the ( ) RIRAEVGIM, HF? HHS ( )BPPAILM, TREPAR eo i H ( WARE, PLEA LAS IANA RIE ( ) Hh, BARS Kipk ( -) MARS. AAP AMR, RRR, GRVGIRTOEMA,( Jb, RA BI AP aH, SAGARA) HH, toil A 49h? eRe SRB A DM CAR, BSE ARR OA, ( ) Berea, KALE ( mA, AMRAA-DR ATH ( Jo 4219) — He 2 WA, BALA ( do ( ), KR LGARYERMARB. He AVY VA eH PO — HHS) ( ), wT Ae ( ) AAP RIL, 125%, AAR A IE ( ) AWA. (ees wARA #34823 Fill in the blanks with the given words RALIALR To Clemantany 1/Warhtouk @ 11 2. ( ) RAFMB, K ( ) FOR Hid, 3. He ( ) PAT SAL, ( ) eR ELA, SRA MEA, 4. 4 ( )RRMRA, ( ) RA A MAS 5.( RRC) Atak, Pea atid? 6.( ) MeOH AS, ( )RAAREPRRMA, MRR RT. 7.( )SBHREIT, (|) HBBARBA. 8. RAL TA, (|) km (|) RO RE LWAKBK CFT, ( ) Aarti ( ) ATaKte, 2 MRKEKORF, ( ) AR Hh BEAR ( ) ALBLA, 3. Ar eGR thy BAF, ( ) ARB, eC )-RER, 4 ETRPRRAMASH A, 42 ( DARE A, ( ) AT He ER, 5A: ERE RAW RBA A? B: BRK (yanpi, eye lid ). A: ANA? B: ( ) ARAAFFAL (bi, to close) LE, ASR ( ) RAPHE T 2 | | Ais 4st2e5 FF Rewrite the following sentences with the given expressions 1 REAR R, RARFA, TRAARKT S, > Cle ) 2. Het RIE BC RGR, RAAB FEILER T oo a 3. ARAMA A, RAMA; Re a ok a (HF ee, BHF Be) 4. KT KARI, NF RRR > (-Ki-K) 72 @ wate hell / BH 5. R-REKA BGR 6. HATER, MLSELAE > (adj. 484%) [| PUWTTEIR3¢BCHH Make corrections if needed 1 ORK, BRET 3. BRILL. Pe 5. RAP GET RAR, 6. RKBERF ES LU ARYBIR SCHL Fill in the blanks according to the text 1 RE ( ) AB RS Foot, 2. ERRADP PH ( BAF, ( ) RF, aps ab ( ) a BARS 3. FOE AB, BAK ( ) pbs A 3K JLB vioede 4.27 — ( ) RELL, Rah AeA Ae T ( Jo 5. HALTER, RAH E— ( de EA St€ Composition WAASTBEA, Str—Ttahieeee, Please write a conversation or a short paragragh and try to use the language points in this unit. BB. ASAZMEE Topic: Interpersonal Trust [| | Llamantany T/Werktooor @ 13 14 @ RHI / BIB

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